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Messages - alanna82

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RPGDL Discussion / Re: Retirement thread, Season 49
« on: February 15, 2009, 02:50:19 AM »
Monkey finger, regarding my Keep Imoen vote

I believe that Baldurs gate deserves a forgotton warrior from the game. I (personally) dont think its drawing is bad enough to just boot the entire thing. (Arc the lad 4 has Kharg staying, Baldurs gate draws the simlarly, Brigandine is staying,) I only picked Imoen since she won three matches and even upgraded! If there is a different PC that would be a better forgotten warrior, then I will change my FW pick.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Rankings Round
« on: February 14, 2009, 06:06:58 PM »

Squall Leonhart
Suikoden 4 Sigurd
Xenogears Sigurd
Albert (would be hot if not for LOD art)
(too overly manly and not hot at all. Manly is not hot guys)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Polling the group 6
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:58:57 PM »
1. If you could rank just one person without question, who would it be? How realistic is this goal? For those that responded last time, was your selection last time ranked?
  Sora from Kingdom hearts, just rank him already. Who cares if all you see are bars, most games are converted to percentage for damage anyway. Should be realistic, but isnt here. I said RS Jack last time, and he wasnt ranked

2. If you could rank one game without question or complaints, what would it be? How realistic is this goal? For those who responded to the last poll, was this game ranked?  PHantasy Star 3! Not realistic, no, because this is what I said last time :P

3. What are you final thoughts on Not Ranked? (From the board tournament all the way to the final season/it's impact) I liked it. I liked actually voting on games I liked that were booted from the main site (Persona 2, Arc 4, PHANTASY STAR 3, and Suikoden scrubs) Some of my favorite in game characters are "scrubs and lesser used characters" I loved  not ranked for that. Hated the final season how you just seemed to give up in the middle of it, leading to many robs.

For the next three questions, use 5 if you're having trouble coming up with ideas.

4. Who are your favorite 10 godlikes?
Chris Lightfellow
any other suikoden godlike

5. Who are your favorite 10 heavies?
Kharg (yay to avoiding the boot this time Kharg)

6. Who are your favorite 10 middles?
cant think of any right now.

7. Who are your favorite 10 lights?
Vaida (what, shes a fun light)
*insert X amount of punies*

8. The more things change.. we're at 80-90 votes per week now. What would you do to improve this or make us more attractive to new voters? I dont really care about votes, its almost more fun now that there are less votes

9. What direction would you like to see the DL go in for ranks? We've gone from the high tide of 2007 to.. not a hell of a lot of late. What consoles should we target? Nintendo DS. Getting Dragon Quest 5, Suikoden Tierkiris and Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon. (who wouldnt want to see Marth ranked?)

10. What DL game is next on your to play list? What DL game will you never play? Well WA2 and 3 I started, but WA2 stopped working on my PS2 and WA3 froze at a certain part when I tried to exit a town. I have WA4. So any of the WA games. I will never play Xenosaga and Ogre Battle. Oh and Brigandine since I heard its like Ogre Battle which I tried and hated.

11. Since the last version of this topic (October 2007), a lot's happened. What's been your favorite moment? Your least favorite moment? Favorite moment- Middle champ Menardi!!!!!!!
Least favorite moment- Shining force robbery

12.  Do you miss the high point (150 votes a week) of the board 8 flood? no, they made low vote draw awesome games draw poorer

13. What was the last match that really captured your attention? Did the person you were voting for/rooting for win? Menardi for middle champ. She won.

14. Do you expect FFX to be the last Final Fantasy game the DL fully ranks? Why would it be? Whats wrong with FF12? Great game. I scale FF12 PC's based on Starting licences.

15. Should we rank DQ5 slime y/n? DQ5 slime or just any DQ Slime? Fun Puny. YES rank it!

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 Rankings - Making the final cut
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:43:40 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FW Naesala)
should have been ranked in the first place

Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
All PC's, no to bosses

Mega Man X: Command Mission
a very small ranking, just to test? if it turns out good, rank more later
have no idea who is in it, so just say the PC's then.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Retirement thread, Season 49
« on: February 14, 2009, 05:26:12 PM »
AtL4 Bebedora- boot, sorry Bebe
Baldur's Gate cast (Imoen, Edwin, Viconia, Minsc, Jaheira)- Keep Imoen and Minsc as forgotton warriors, boot the rest.
Shining Force 1 (Entire cast besides Max and Jogurt)- Keep Kane and Darksol, boot the rest
Shining Force 2 (Entire cast besides Peter, Odd Eye, Bowie)- Keep Sarah and Slade, boot the rest
Tales of Eternia secondary characters- Boot all
VPs Freya- Eh, I see that form as legal, might as well throw in a keep vote.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: February 11, 2009, 06:00:00 PM »
Leon Geeste?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: S49 Retirement Topic
« on: February 10, 2009, 05:45:52 PM »
Super, I voted Rozalin too! Granted I have more respect for her than most and I vote on Taos remake form since that is all I played.

I do like the idea of redoing the roster and leaving a bunch of forgotton warriors. It still leaves fan favorites in.

One of the reasons I came here was BECAUSE Arc the lad 4 was ranked. I got the link from Elfboy on the Suikoden 3 board and stayed because I was like "Hey, someone else becides me knows about this game. cool!" I even attempted to get more people to play it., both online and in real life. Part of the reason I love this place is because of the large variety of games ranked. Of course I cannot vote on all of them, but I even loved not ranked and I am sad to see it die, since it was the only chance some of my obscure favorites like Phantasy Star 3 would ever have.

Again, part of the bad votes this season is old game vs new games. Take Shining Force 2. Look at Odd Eyes votes compared to Kazin and Taya. Odd Eye drew much better vote wise. He was facing Wren, from another Genesis game. Kazin and Taya were facing newer games, and in the case of Taya, a game only about a year old. Darc also was facing the same game as Taya.

Maybe we should have the DL go "on hiatus" again and redo the roster and have a bunch of forgotton warriors. I like that Idea alot, especially since I like many of the games that have or are going to be booted. And really, Lufia 1 is that bad? the last time it was in Lufia faced Hachel, one of the lesser used Legend of Dragoon characters.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: February 09, 2009, 05:23:48 PM »
Shiro from Suikoden 2

Wolf= Unique ^_^

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest Season 7 Week 3
« on: February 09, 2009, 05:22:38 PM »


Tony (Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis) vs Gau (Final Fantasy VI)- I only allow Gau starting rages.


Colette Brunel (Tales of Symphonia) vs Ilyana (Fire Emblem Series)
Keele Ziebel (Tales of Eternia) vs Lulu (Suikoden III)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49/50 Rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: February 09, 2009, 05:16:50 PM »
Mana Khemia
Naesala forgotten warrior

Edited to change to Naesala. Wish I could just say FE10 in general and get him there, but this works for now.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations Round 2~
« on: February 08, 2009, 09:29:24 PM »
Sigurd (XG) vs. Zack Fair (FF7) vs. Ramirez (SoA)- Zack isnt hot, dont know Rammy. Sigurd is hot. Easy
Sephiroth (FF7) vs. Ike (FE9) vs. Seth (FE8)- Ike and Seth arnt hot, Sephy is. easy
Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH) vs. Reno (FF7)- LOL amano art, LOL FF7 not Sephy
Gilliam Yeager (SRT) vs. Greg (WA5) vs. Camus (Sui2)
Lucius (FE7) vs. Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs. Squall Leonhart (FF8)- How did Seifer make it this far again? Squall is the hottest male left now that Luc, Albel and Kuja are elminated
Van Grants (TotA) vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez (WA4) vs. Kyle (Sui5)- Van in the second round of a hot contest, LOL. Kyle it is
Ferid (Sui5) vs. Belcoot (S5) vs. Innes (FE8)- First two are not hot, cool characters, but not hot. Innes is hot.
Seed (Sui2) vs. Percival Fraulein (Sui3) vs. Jet Enduro (WA3)- Percy is the least hot suikoden 3 character that isnt fat. Seed isnt hot either. I barely played WA3, but Jet was cute.
Schneizel (Geass DS) vs. Jecht (FF10) vs. Albert Serdio (LoD)- dont know, hate the two I do know, abstain
Skald Egan (Sui5) vs. Raidou Kuzunoha (RKvtSA) vs. Cliff Fittir (SO3)- see above. Cliff is good in battle but not hot. I cant believe Nash lost to him
Zelgius (FE9/10) vs. Dojima (P4) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar)- I hate him as a character but that doesnt mean he isnt hot
Raven (FE7) vs. Ephraim (FE8) vs. Sigurd (Sui4)- Only hot one here. Really you could have much hotter FE7 (Guy) and FE8 (see Innes above)
Rufus (VP2) vs. Elzam V. Branstein (SRT) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)- Easy
Glenn (CC) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA) vs. Lloyd (LoD)- Also Easy
Shu Shirakawa (SRT) vs. Felix (GS) vs. Cress Albane (ToP)- also easy
Zelos Wilder (ToS) vs. Sanger Zonvolt (SRT) vs. Gaignun Kukai Sr. (XS)- dont know the last two, and Zelos is the least hottest guy ever. Guys just arnt hot with red hair.

Wow most of these guys are either not hot or I dont know them. o_O

RPGDL Discussion / Re: S49 Retirement Topic
« on: February 08, 2009, 06:32:03 PM »
Tao has formsplit though. Remake form loses to Rozalyn. (at least I voted for Rozalyn. Tao's remake form is awful. I also have more Rozy respect than most do here.) I dont see a robbing going on there. I voted to boot her more because of massive formsplit from the remake, not because of vote draw.

SF2 is definitly being Robbed though.

Arc 4 and Baldurs gate as far as I know are not being robbed that much. (I think Chisato deserved to beat Imoen, and I saw debate in Darc vs Akihiko in the stat topic. Kharg was not robbed. Neither was Bebedora. )

For me its not vote draw nesscessarily. (low vote draw shows people are following the rules that they only vote if they know both) its more robbing than anything that I boot.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:28:49 PM »
um, anyone going next?

or else I'll start hyping Arc 4 and Phantasy star 3 in here, and I know you all wouldnt want that :P

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest Season 7 Week 2
« on: February 07, 2009, 08:25:55 PM »

Leonardo (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Robo (Chrono Trigger)


Ilyana (Fire Emblem Series) vs Nina Wyndia (Breath of Fire III)
Aladdin (Kingdom Hearts Series) vs Lulu (Suikoden III)- High Lulu respect.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: S49 Retirement Topic
« on: February 07, 2009, 05:32:51 PM »
ATL 4 (Bebedora got a specific mention)- Boot Bebedora (as much as I pain to say that)

Keep Kharg and Darc

Baldur's Gate- Keep Imoen, boot the rest

Phantasy Star 1- Keep Alis, boot the rest

Phantasy Star 2- Keep Rolf, Nei, Rudo and Amy, boot the rest since they arent used as much, Keep Neifirst too, forgot about her.

Shining Force 1- Keep Max and Jogurt, boot the rest

Also add in a boot for Brigandine (except keep a Forgotton warrior (not sure who is the best bet here though). Using the vote draw Season 40- current it was drawing worse than BG and Arc 4, yet never gets mentioned in these topics)

Shining Force 2- Keep Odd Eye and Bowie and boot the rest. (abstain on Peter though, might be talked into keeping him. )

Barbarossa (Suikoden)- Keep, pointless to boot him.

Keep all others mentioned in the topic (CC, Suikoden scrubs, VP scrubs, FE7 scrubs)

 Edit: Tales of Eternia: Boot Ras, Chat and Max (Ras is a temp, the other two are optional), Keep the others.

EDIT: Also I dont care about vote draw as long as characters are not getting robbed. Kharg/Imoen isnt getting Robbed, shining force is. Thus the reasoning for my votes. As always, I like having a forgotten warrior since it gives the DL more variety. and Plus, I like many of the low drawing games >_>

Edit yet again: Forgot about Neifirst and added in a keep for her. Also added an abstain on Peter.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations 1-B
« on: February 04, 2009, 11:41:29 PM »
Belcoot (S5) vs Bart Fatima (XG)
Yuri Hyuga (SH) vs Lavitz Slambert (LoD)- no one from  LOD is hot
Ashton Anchors (SO2) vs Ike (FE9)- Ike is a better character though. Ashton has cute dragons on him
Elzam V. Branstein (SRT) vs Spar (BoF2)
Lloyd (LoD) vs Mekiboz (SRW)- okay, LOD has ONE hot person. All the PC's arnt hot though
Squall Leonhart (FF8) vs Reyson (FE9)- As pretty as Reyson is, Squall is one of the 5 sexiest video game characters EVER.
Nikaidou Tadashi (Devil Survivor) vs Skald Egan (Sui5)- no vote, Skald isnt hot and dont know the other guy
Dario (CC) vs Albert Serdio (LoD)- again, LOD PC's are not atractive
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs Dryst (Brig)-
Raven (FE7) vs Malik Benedict (WA3)- I dont get the Raven love
Krious (GL5) vs Seth (FE8)- Seth isnt hot, dont know Krious so abstain
Percival Fraulein (Sui3) vs Wein Cruz (GL2)
Lezard Valeth (VPs) vs Reno (FF7)
Camus (Sui2) vs Luc (Sui)- Luc is also one of the 5 most sexy video game characters. Camus aint bad looking though
Rune Walsh (PS4) vs Gaignun Kukai Sr. (XS)
Arnaud G. Vasquez (WA4) vs Teddie (P4)- dont know either
Naoto Shirogane (P4) vs Kurando Inugami (SH2)
Raidou Kuzunoha (RKvtSA) vs Kresnik Ahtreide (WA4)- see other WA4 match
Innes (FE8) vs Guillaume (Sui3)
Jet Enduro (WA3) vs Moulder (FE8)
Ephraim (FE8) vs Rude (FF7)- Sephy is the only hot FF7 man
Sigurd (Sui4) vs Kyosuke Nanbu (SRW)
Cliff Fittir (SO3) vs Nash Latkje (Sui3)- Suikoden guys are generally hot.
Kyle (Sui5) vs Guy Cecil (TotA)- No one from TOTA is hot. (if it was FE guy I would totally vote for him though)

Tournaments / Re: Techniques Tournament: Noms and ideas
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:30:27 AM »
actually I am pretty sure at least in FE10 experience by allied units DOES go into the exp pool. (how else do you get a value ending in not 0 when you havent used any up?) Maybe in FE9 it doesnt though.

Also I nominate Claudes Ripper Blast from Star Ocean 2 (If only for the Pear into peaches joke)
Also the move where Jessica from Mana Khemia drops the random things on the enemies and sometimes its a fish :P
Also DSC from SaGa frontier. Awesome move.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49, Week 2
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:20:32 AM »
ah okay, misunderstood Dyers post then. Thought he was refering to Angela with the confusion comment. Yeah EB doesnt have freeze and stone (well I guess it has Stone (diamond), but nothing even blocks it)

My mistake ^_^

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49, Week 2
« on: February 04, 2009, 05:06:09 AM »
I dont know Angela, so I might be wrong, but I am pretty sure Poo starts with an item in his inventory that immunes or at least resists Brainshock. I see some people saying Angela wins due to confusion and Brainshock is the Earthbound equivalent of confusion.

If she has other status or I am wrong about the what the item does, ignore my ramblings. The item is the "Brain Stone"

Edit: none of the faqs at game faqs agree what the Brain Stone does. Some say it resists all status PSI and some say it only resists certain status. I'm pretty sure the in game description says it prevents brainshock.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations Round 1-A
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:58:59 AM »
wow, didnt expect people think Albel was a joke nom. o_O

He was a serious nomination from myself. I find him very attractive. Of course, I also find KUJA attractive so I think that says something about my taste in men.  *I'm straight! seriously, I just happen to like girly men*

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations Round 1-A
« on: February 04, 2009, 04:50:53 AM »
Sephiroth (FF7) vs Leon Magnus (ToD) "Hes got a sexy ass its so flat super flat"
Irvine (FF8) vs Zelgius (FE9/10)
Glenn (CC) vs Ryu (BoF1)
Shu Shirakawa (SRT) vs Jade Curtiss (TotA)- neither
Jenna Angel (DDS) vs Sigurd (XG)
Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs Zack Fair (FF7)- noseless>>>>black haired cloud
Gilliam Yeager (SRT) vs Jowy Atreides (S2)
Lawfer (VP1) vs Dojima (P4)- abstain
Zelos Wilder (ToS) vs Indalecio (SO2)-
Fayt Leingod (SO3) vs Ferid (Sui5)
Angelo (DQ8) vs Schneizel (Geass DS)
Cloud Strife (FF7) vs Sanger Zonvolt (SRT)- cloud aint hot. and dont know Sanger
Jecht (FF10) vs Vigoro (SoA)- abstain
Kratos Aurion (ToS) vs Lucius (FE7)- why did Lucius have to be vs Kratos!
Gatrie (FE 9/10) vs Felix (GS)
Seed (Sui2) vs Dekar (Lufia2)
Ramirez (SoA) vs Brenner (AW:DoR) -dont know either
Cress Albane (ToP) vs Morte (PS:T)- not a skull
Rufus (VP2) vs Kuja (FE9)- Kuja is HOT <3
Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) vs Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
Vitali (Soul Nomad) vs Van Grants (TotA)- Van aint hot, and dont know vitali
Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs Albel Nox (SO3)- Albel is the sexiest man alive. Well you know what I mean
Dist the Runny (TotA) vs Luke fon Fabre (TotA)- No one from Tota is attractive
Marth (FE1) vs Greg (WA5)- No pants are hot

Kuja (he is sexy! Not a joke >_>)
Albel Nox (sexy)
Sasarai (cant have  one without the other :P)

Now for the trolling ones:
Borgan (Lunar 2) LOL
Koromaru (Persona 3) (for the furries)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 nom pools
« on: January 10, 2009, 06:40:42 PM »
Godlike: (all before season 40)

Lucia (Suikos)

Alena (because of the DQ4 remake)
Poo (Season 20!)
Saturos (due)
Erim (Due)
Fayt (Due)
Hugo (Suikoden 3 is awesome)

Darc (you know I love Arc 4)
Janice (bunny)
Adell (Disgaea 2 needs in more)
Koromaru (so does persona 3)
Odessa Silverburg (gets to the finals and doesnt get in again? this needs fixed)
Mizuki (needs wins)


Kid (decent for CC)
Hanako (See Adell above)
Isadora (since FE scrubs are fun)
Hugh (because PS2 needs love and he is my decent light this season)
Kosanji (needs more dogs)
Anri (needs more SF remake mages)

General Chat / Re: The loot pile!
« on: December 25, 2008, 07:27:17 PM »
100 dollar bill from my grandpa ^_^
Gift card to Walmart from Bunko
25 dollars from Bunko
An Oil change in my car from my mom
and we havent opened gifts here yet, though I am expecting socks and underwear because I need new ones.

Whats funny is my grandfather got like 6 flannel shirts. By the time it got the the final package my aunt was laughing so hard she gave it away that she got him another shirt. LOL.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Making the writing boards public
« on: December 19, 2008, 08:22:12 PM »
Aww, Not ranked is closing. See why I fought to keep the characters I liked in the DL. They said "you can nominate them for not ranked." Well at least I got Paulette and Lena in NR once! (though I never got Mieu and Delma)

But yeah, I think the writing board should be made public. Less stress on the staff for write ups and stuff. And who knows, maybe on days I dont work 10 hours like today I could do a write up. (I either work all day or not at all)

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