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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 07:27:45 PM »
From what I understand from OP and Kilga's latter posts, there's no 'No Lynch' in this game. A tie would probably involve Hatbot deciding, which none of us want, but I see no suggestion of town winding up without a lynch. Of course, if I'm wrong, would Kilga be so kind as to correct me? This seems to be a factor in some people here making what I see as bad decisions, and could be eliminated altogether with a mod clarification for them (and us all).

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 06:25:42 PM »
Because it seems to indicate inattention, Andrew, which is usually a scumtell. But no, it's hardly enough to vote for you, especially since there was an error with the count as well.

Hmm... I'm still not certain that the actual case being presented against Patchu is solid in any way. The entire thing reads like groupthink (both on the side of the prosecution and the defendant) to me. She voted with the majority with no compelling arguments behind it -- indeed against what she believed -- because it seemed like the expected thing to do of town. Not something I condone in any way, but players like this exist as well. I do approve of pressing her and other people who changed their mind not after Tom's cop claim but after Ran's post, so like I said before, I would keep on watching her defend herself. If there's something in here, the pressure would get Patchu talking and the chance of seeing further scumtells is high.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 03:46:35 PM »
Oh yeah. The linked posts/votes were going back from the present, since that's how I looked them up with the 'last posts by person X' feature. Apologies for any unintended confusion.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 03:43:31 PM »
Interesting, Tonfa. Since it wasn't lynch by hammer, from what I can see, but a majority lynch at deadline, even 9 votes would be enough to lynch Strago over Tom (who had 8). I chose to check Ciato's votes. I don't consider a mod's mistake to calculate the votes properly to be a scumtell for the apparent 'doublevoters', but this seems important enough, and I'm ashamed that I myself didn't notice it. Maybe I was trying to catch up too much on all the pages of posts. Certainly something to correct next time.

Ciato's last post for day 1 with a vote in it:

That's a vote for Strago. The other vote before is here: , and it's indeed for Tonfa. No unvote was made that I've seen.


Unvotes Patchcloud, Votes Strago:
Votes Patchcloud:
Unvotes QR, Votes Strago:

Huh. Andrew definitely seems to have voted twice. I suppose the lynch still stands if you say that Ciato forgot to unvote, but Andrew... man. Unless there's an explanation for this, I'll be voting for you.

Regardless, ##Unvote: Tonfa for providing exactly what I expected to gain with my vote, that being original content.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 19, 2008, 12:36:07 PM »
Tom was playing for Team Tom and lied, badly. Is anyone surprised? Probably those that jumped ship and moved off to lynch Strago. Well, why shouldn't we all have, some might ask, given Alex's insistence that cop claims trump everything. Aside from them being claims (and hey, just imagine Tom had survived the night to point fingers around randomly; that's a major hit to town, right there, and another day wasted), what about Strago? I don't know what Illusionist would be, here, but he certainly would have played better, and now we've lost that and his town-aligned role.

That said, I think it's a matter of playstyle/philosophy, and perhaps something to be debated in the general mafia thread, so I won't try to clutter the discussion with this here beyond this post.

Let's take a look at some people, then....

Agreement with QR on a lot of points in her page 15 post and follow ups (though we depart on a few minor things: she seemed to believe Tom was scum or useless as a cop, I leaned more towards town, as he always seems to be, but a lying one that doesn't care about town's chances much). QR also had the dubious privelege of sticking her neck out and tell the shifting mob that she would stay right where she is.

Reading on, I see smodge delurked to agree with QR and others keeping their votes on Tom. Given this is pre-flip, I'm getting a mild town vibe from that post of his (on page 16). He of all people would know Tom best, and he just doesn't give me a scummy vibe. I don't know, maybe I've debated myself into a standstill, but the things he says that seems like tells are too ridiculous to have come from scum (the changing of nicks, stating the obvious in the post I'm commenting about....) I dunno. Am I just looking past them because I'm used to smodge posting this way, and because I like it that he thought along the same lines as I did on Tom?

On Andrew. Eh. I guess I was too quick to call the things smodge mentioned self-evident. With a claim of Cop, did you really expect one to live through the night? Night kills, roleblocks, a variety of other annoying scum powers, a vig or SK that doesn't buy the claim.... I just don't see how we would have gained anything of use day 2, and that is taking as certain the claim in question, which we now know was false. Bad play, even stupid play? No, I'd consider eliminating a better player with a role as well to be that.

On Cid's page 16 post. You and Ciato think that it's okay to just go along with 'that's just Tom', and before the flip, I might have been convinced. But would you still give him the same leeway in a future game you're with him, when he claims cop or another useful role? Would you lynch the people he fingers there, if allowed to live and 'investigate'? Maybe I started out as more jaded than you, but there's surely a time when merely letting bad play go and ignoring it becomes suicidal. Yes, I see that you've come to roughly the same conclusions in the second half of your post, Cid, but for some reason you find it within you to give Tom just one more chance. In a long line of one more chances.

Page 17, I'm catching up! OK's post misses the point slightly. I do not advocate hitting people I know have played badly in the past. No. Even when he first began to act scummy, he didn't really get that many votes right away. If you look back, you'll see that I, Yakumo and a few others tried to offer Tom advice instead. We only ended up voting for him when he seemed to ignore it all and lash out at people. Ulterior motive? Err, right. I suppose I could admit to being slightly annoyed at my good will being wasted, but I firmly believe it hadn't affected my ultimate decision. Strago voting Tom after Tom voted Strago, and both of them being the lynch candidate? I don't think there's anything inherently scummy about that, especially if Strago felt his (to him) confirmed role was more important to town than Tom's claimed one. I would say more, here, but it's clearly too late to affect the outcome.

OH GOD PATCHCLOUD MY EYES MY EYES. You and smodge, I swear, you and smodge....

The crying image... ##Love: Reisen. Closest thing to a hug, even though it would be a bit improper with a pet.

At least the reactions to Tom's flip keep my spirits up. Ah, same old Tom, and people fall for it still.

Andrew's page 18 post, and Kilga's response. Eh, doesn't read to me like he was also a cop one bit. Especially since Kilga adds that the illusionist is his own creation as opposed to the wiki, but doesn't comment on the doublevoter. By context, it strongly suggests the second role is from the wiki.

Yakumo's follow up post to this really resonates with me in the part where he says those that jumped ship later on in the day are quite suspicious in their own right. Yes, that's right, Tom claimed cop. But let's not forget it took Ran barging in and loudly castigating Tom voters. So, uhh, "It's wrong to vote cop! But we can't tell this apparently basic fact on our own without Ran's help!" -- that's how it all seems to me. Not sure following a confident player is scummy in itself, but I'm not sure I trust the insight of such players as much.

Rat's post. The Tom part has been rehashed enough already, so let's look at his logic re: Strago train. Considering most of the late comers there departed from the Tom train, it was indeed possible to get some lurker lynched instead. Town only needed a majority for day 1 (and possibly for remaining days, I don't see anything about no lynch in the OP or Kilga's other posts). They alone might have been enough in changing the tide. Ran also doesn't look particularly good for choosing Strago, but in his case it was probably because he wasn't sure he could move people away from Tom, whom he seemed to believe, and thus didn't want Tom to perish in a majority vote. Still, couldn't you have picked a different target once you saw people were listening to you, Ran? This might be a bit of meta, but I can't help but think Strago could be more useful to town than some people who tend to stick to the shadows.

Finally, page 19! I think Alex is missing a (minor?) point with his analysis. Yes, if you're vanilla and someone claims cop... I could find myself in agreement. But if you have a strong pro-town role, while the other guy might be lying to save his neck... is it really that clear that you must submit yourself and deprive the town of your abilities based solely on that? I don't find it an obvious choice, and apparently neither did Strago. And that is even without considering who can help more with actual discussion, which surely is another factor.

Nitori fingers Tonfa, and I find myself agreeing that while I remember him posting, I don't remember actual original content. Worth a pressure vote, perhaps? If nothing better comes up when I'm done catching up, that's where it goes. Yes, Alex's case against Cloud seems decent for day 2, but I'm leery of following someone whose previous arguments I find myself disagreeing with. I'll just wait on a response from Cloud, first. Ditto on Chisa, since similar logic seems to be in use, there.

Find myself agreeing with Ciato that the outcome was hardly a hit to morale, unless QR meant annoyance at townies lying for no reason and making the others less willing to play. However the case, I think we'll get over it.


Read over all the pages, god i get called into discussion even when im not here.

Corwin - seems to be keeping quiet

Pot, kettle. I'm allowed to sleep, right? Especially on the weekend?

Anyway, I'd like to think I've stuck my neck out just as much as anyone else so far. My arguments are largely my own and don't parrot anyone else's. Even if I agree with someone, I try to explain the ways I came to that conclusion or where I depart from that of the person I'm seconding. If there's more I can do to help you with getting a better read on me, by all means, I'm open to suggestions. (this isn't sacrasm or anything of the sort, do tell me what I should do here short of being lucky to hit scum so early into the game). The other reason I'm commenting on this is because I generally find myself nodding to your views on the people you covered this time around (aside from myself, clearly).

Okay, done with the thread. ##Vote: Tonfa, as promised. Like I said, pressure vote. I notice your post near the end of the recent posts, yes, but I see it as an explanation of your own actions rather than insight into other people. And after saying that... you relurk for a nap. Fine, I've been known to slumber myself. Once you wake up, this vote will be here to remind you that you promised to post more original content. Please do.

smodge, thoughts on Tonfa?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 07:19:18 PM »
It didn't look that way to me, since it seemed to be a way to open the stage for more debate on cops. Anyway, I should follow my own advice and not go there. Always possible I misunderstood the original intent, but I can see it developing into what I mentioned just the same.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 06:57:23 PM »
OK's post here: and resulting ones seem to ponder on roles, specifically cops, which is bad, just bad. Shale responds to him in the next post, and for the life of me I cannot see the benefit of town discussing openly what kind of cops they might have, how many and any other details. What next, debate on who is the likeliest candidate? Yeah, definitely something to return  to in the future, if more suspicion mounts. Hard to say as of yet, but it did draw interest... I see Gate's commenting on it briefly as well. That whole line of inquiry/analysis just rubs me the wrong way.

Buuut the reason that it dominates discussion in all these games is because we allow it to.

I tried following that same train of thought before, but really, I find the other argument more compelling. When someone always gives off scumtells, the moment you excuse it is the one you'll get burnt. And taken farther... since some people just lurk more, should they be excused? Then Nitori wouldn't have been found out in Discworld, barring a cop investigation. Once we get into the mindset of 'oh, it's just the way X plays, let's excuse their tells and bad play' we'll start losing games.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 05:37:55 PM »
I'm getting more suspicious of "LYNCH FOR BAD PLAY" voting as I play more games, though, because it's so rarely caught scum.

Shale, that just might be because it's not the immediate intent of this. Sure, sometimes scum really do play badly and we catch them that way. Great. But more often than not, it eliminates bad play from the equation, and we're back to seeking out scum without distractions, smokescreens and diversions. Also, as long as bad players remain in the game, I keep on thinking, "What if they're actual scumtells this time? What if he's really scummy?" and it diverts my attention. Am I really the only one that happens to?

There has been much talk over day 1, but how useful is any of it with the way conversation had centered around Tom? If that persists into day 2 and on, how is that not a disadvantage to town?

And on the other hand, the Strago train looks odd because, while it's certainly valid from LAL, Strago's not the only person who should be getting votes for that; he was lurking, sure, but blocks of people voting for the same person with no compelling reason to focus like that always strikes me as off, and there were other people to pressure if you just want to pressure a lurker - me, for one.

I think this rather supports my point, actually. Yes, there have been lurkers. I was getting that feeling myself. But I couldn't really focus on any past Otter and Andrew early on, once the Tom/Otter fight took front stage. You, and a few others, including your target, ended up slipping below my radar in that time.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 04:01:07 PM »
Like Ciato says, what is there really to talk about? I also agree entirely with Rat's post on the previous page, that the conversation Tom boasts of generating is centered entirely on Tom himself.

Is he scum? I suppose it wouldn't be impossible that he's trying for what Super did in NR in an effort to get the real cop to claim. It does seem unlikely given Tom's just being his usual Tom self, as I've noted previously... but we haven't really seen him play scum, so he could be acting the same way while playing for the other team, too. I feel it foolish to dismiss the possibility entirely.

Is he town? Even Tom agrees in his later posts that he had been playing badly. His defense of himself is also rather lukewarm. If Tom is town, the feeling I get is that Tom is playing for Team Tom, not Team Town. Does that justify pruning? In Discworld, it was a difficult call for me between going after bad play and lurking, when no scumtells of note existed. But I don't see us acting effectively if Tom is there to generate yet more of this conversation, actually drawing attention from lurkers and even, to a degree, people who aren't engaged in a discussion (argument?) with him. I don't want to see a repeat of day 1 the next day.

My vote stands.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 12:21:03 AM »
An agreement with Andrew, by the by. Otter does seem much better this time from the way he's acting, though it would take more than the first day for me to see it as any kind of confirmation of his town vibes.

And now QR has posted. Yes, I am indeed amused over the irony of you voting for the same person Otter is, but essentially only after dismissing his main reason for doing so. All in all, the two cases are compelling, even if they clash slightly in the area QR had outlined. And yes, I understand that people can't be excused for not playing well with the rest of us.

While I don't know if he's town or scum, I can't always just excuse 'Well, he always acts like this'.  The one time I do that, he will be scum and we'll all regret it.

This is what I ultimately find the most compelling reason to vote for him. So, ##Vote: EvilTom. Barring a scummier-seeming candidate, Tom is it.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 18, 2008, 12:03:27 AM »
I give up. I still think Tom is town based on, well, previous games and his behavior there and here. But I also don't think the way he's playing is going to change over this game, judging by his latest post. And no, it is not a complaint over formatting or something equally trivial. In any case, I doubt any advice or suggestions I might offer here are actually taken to heart, rather than just sadly serving to inflame.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 11:45:54 PM »
It never hurts to be polite while barging in!

I'm... actually going to see how Tom's explanations to Otter go. While I think everyone poking Tom over his somewhat minor nitpicking would be counter-productive, I'm not in any particular hurry to dismiss Otter's hunch out of hand. If it seems to go nowhere, well... at least it gets discussion going, and might even go so far as to clear the suspicion around Tom for the immediate future.

And seeing that the pest has posted, I don't see how an affront to my eyes and a desire to rectify the situation to my satisfaction is in any way frustrating. Unless you're always frustrated. I can understand if you are. Here, have some ##Love: Mokou while you're at it.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 11:23:00 PM »
Is this a private argument, or can anyone join? I don't see 'scumtells' the way Tom does, which seems to be precompiled entries in some dictionary we all consult before we go "AH-HAH!" and vote. And the idea of going on gut (I don't see how logic fits in, since logic is all about spotting something out of the ordinary, which is... yes, a scumtell) makes it all come down to randomness. It may be fine for your jokevote, but as the game progresses, there should be a shift away from the random.

Now, if I believe in this as firmly as I claim, why am I not voting for Tom here? In an attempt to make him see reason, pretty much. Like before, I do get the sense that he's a misguided townie playing a bad game (yes, playing badly) and a hope that something could be done about it while we're still during the first day.

I think I would also like to second the request to remain civil. There is a difference between being aggressive and contributing to the conversation and analysis, and merely being antagonistic and unhelpful.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:40:36 PM »
Objective achieved, ##Unvote: Andrew. As a side note, the quickness votes piled on here is a bit unnerving, but possibly just day 1 stuff, given there are no targets in sight so far aside from the usual slow posters/lurkers.

Now, time to eye Yakumo for even daring to suspect Eirin.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 02:54:42 PM »
It is quite the same for me as well, Ciato. However, it is not as if I could drop another vote on Andrew to mysteriously summon him faster. Maybe the shortening of the day would serve to augment the sense of urgency in the lurkers, day 1 or not.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 10:16:40 AM »
Urge to slay the lack of proper capitalization and punctuation at its source, rising.

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 17, 2008, 06:41:40 AM »
Hmph. Merely unvoting and waiting the day out is the wrong strategy. If the joke phase is over, then it's time to use the votes to pressure people to talk. Normally, my vote would go to the buzzing nuisance that keeps on biting at my ankles, but there are actual lurkers around.

##Vote: Andrew

I've missed everything from opening till now due to requiring my beauty sleep. What's your excuse, Sakuya?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia - Main Topic
« on: January 16, 2008, 09:50:27 PM »
Beginnings, beginnings. Would Eirin happen to be around?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:34:45 PM »
Then I succeeded in my vanilla role.  >_>

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:27:34 PM »
Yeah, duck man = godfather just seemed to fit, but Excal was beyond suspicion most of the game, so like others said, props. And what's up with me being vanilla all the time? Man.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:25:07 PM »
Am I the only one amused that Rat was town and Tai was scum?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:14:40 PM »
Just commenting that believing you was what saved you from being lynched, really, when it comes down to it, VSM.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:05:40 PM »
Luckily for me, Rat played like I would have, if for somewhat different reasons. I couldn't wait for Tai to flip.  :)

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 01:04:11 PM »
True, though you would've fried if it was just for the head.  >_>

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 16, 2008, 10:22:50 AM »
Go town~!

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