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Messages - alanna82

Pages: 1 ... 11 12 [13] 14 15 ... 18
Just going to say, how does Guile beat Sue? Her damage at the time she leaves wasnt bad at all. >_> Guile has nearly game worst attack power. Sue's attack isnt that bad, thanks to her using bows which raise her strength.

and yes, Peppita does have good Mp.

and am i the only one that likes Zidane here? (as a character I mean)?

Discussion / Re: Final Parties
« on: September 26, 2008, 06:13:34 PM »
Awesome Suikoden 4 parties Djinn. My second party also had the 3 ninjas, though I think Mitsuba was the fourth. :P

Tournaments / Re: PlotPower Tourney S4,Wk 4 Semis + Nomination
« on: September 24, 2008, 07:02:40 PM »
Gods & Godslayers:
Lenneth (VPs) vs. Kuja (FF9)
Zopher (Lunar2) vs. Lavos (CT)

Melfice (G2) vs. Emelious de Pamela (G3)- oh gosh, headache

Luke fon Fabre (TotA) vs. Miranda (LoD)- phonon power beats Dragoon power, I think.

Mieu (TotA) vs. Relm Arrowny (FF6)- I cant believe I was the only one to vote againt Relm who is a plot PUNy! oh wow she draws things, yeah and it got possesed, that wasnt her power >_>.
Scarlet (FF7) vs. Healie (DW4)- Healie has no plot power.

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest! Season 5 Week 4
« on: September 22, 2008, 06:42:09 PM »

Dart (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword) vs Kaeli (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)


Mel (Suikoden III) vs Sothe (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn)

Tournaments / Re: List topic reborn: Round 1, Week 2
« on: September 21, 2008, 08:08:32 PM »
Week 2:


1. Van
2. Ryu 3
3. Violetta
4. Cloud of Darkness
5. Seymour
6. Sora
7. Lamington
8. Zio
9. Yuna (I dont allow Aeons)
10. Kuja
11. Miguel
12. Felix (yeah, if you absorb/resist Ice, he cant do a thing)


1. Rayquaza
2. Fei
3. Decus
4. Maxim
5. Lenus
6. Poo
7. Alakazam
8. Rose
9. Edge
10. Stiener
11. Auron


1. Lexis
2. Barret
3. Natalia (wow this field fails if i have her 3rd.)
4. Jeane
5. Zidane
6. Arche
7. Cecile
8. Geomancer
9, Miakis (doesnt translate well to the DL)
10. Siefer


1. Asch (allow heavy form)
2. Luke (is a middle)
3. Cleo (also middle)
4. Lunn (really not that bad)
5. Ace (see Lunn)
6. Dominia
7. Miklotov (defense)
8. Zappa
9. Jayle
10. Reis
11. Genius
12. Malak (he really isnt a puny. He can use sticks which give him a decent physical)
13. Suzu (fails)
14. Rinoa
15. Nicolas (is a puny)

Tournaments / Re: Proving Grounds: Light Quarters 3
« on: September 17, 2008, 06:58:19 PM »
Camus (S2)   vs   Iga (ATL 2)- Iga is a heavy
Camus (S2)   vs   Sprigg (CC)
Camus (S2)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Camus (S2)    vs   Rina (S2)
Camus (S2)   vs   Lexis (Lufia 2)
Camus (S2)   vs   Blank (FF 9)
Camus (S2)   vs   Chaco (S2)
Camus (S2)   vs   Karyl (ToD)
Camus (S2)   vs   Lorenta (VP)
Camus (S2)   vs   Randi (SoM)
Camus (S2)   vs   Noel (SO 2)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Iga (ATL 2)
Yukari (P3)    vs   Sprigg (CC)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Rina (S2)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Lexis (Lufia 2)
Yukari (P3)    vs   Blank (FF 9)
Yukari (P3)    vs   Chaco (S2)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Karyl (ToD)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Lorenta (VP)
Yukari (P3)   vs   Randi (SoM)
Yukari (P3)    vs   Noel (SO 2)- Celine would win though :P
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Iga (ATL 2)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Sprigg (CC)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Rina (S2)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Lexis (Lufia 2)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Blank (FF 9)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Chaco (S2)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Karyl (ToD)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Lorenta (VP)
Hugh (PS 2)    vs   Randi (SoM)
Hugh (PS 2)   vs   Noel (SO 2)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Iga (ATL 2)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Sprigg (CC)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Mia (Lunar)    vs   Rina (S2)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Lexis (Lufia 2)
Mia (Lunar)    vs   Blank (FF 9)
Mia (Lunar)    vs   Chaco (S2)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Karyl (ToD)
Mia (Lunar)    vs   Lorenta (VP)
Mia (Lunar)    vs   Randi (SoM)
Mia (Lunar)   vs   Noel (SO 2)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Iga (ATL 2)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Sprigg (CC)
Bernadette (S5)    vs   Forde (FE 8)
Bernadette (S5)    vs   Rina (S2)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Lexis (Lufia 2)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Blank (FF 9)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Chaco (S2)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Karyl (ToD)
Bernadette (S5)    vs   Lorenta (VP)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Randi (SoM)
Bernadette (S5)   vs   Noel (SO 2)

wow, another pool I have no respect for people on the other half except Iga and Lexis. (and maybe Karyl)

Tournaments / Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part IV
« on: September 17, 2008, 06:51:03 PM »
Frog vs. Kermit- Does Kermit have any fighting abilities?
Riki vs. Beast Boy- Can Beast boy turn into a Black Dragon? Didnt think so. :P Riki can also turn into stuff like Mariche.

Bill Gates vs. Luther Lansfeld- Luthers programing developed AI. Microsoft crashes.
Benedict Arnold vs. Judas Iscariot- Judas is responsible for any "died for our sins" references in video games. Chu-Chu on the cross was awesome. Vote to Judas.

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest! Season 5 Week 3
« on: September 15, 2008, 06:14:47 PM »

Ho-oh (Pokémon) vs Auron (Final Fantasy X)


Ken Amada (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3) vs Dart (Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword)- Ha ha ha to killer axe. since everyone can use killer weapons, it just goes into the averages, so alls it does is raise the damage average to me. Raised damage average doesnt do anything. :P
Frog (Chrono Trigger) vs Kaeli (Final Fantasy Mystic Quest)- Frog fails


Mel (Suikoden III) vs Magikarp (Pokémon)- not Magikarp
Sothe (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Reis Dular (Final Fantasy Tactics)- again, Reis breaths are evadeable, Sothe has pretty good evasion.

Tournaments / Re: Proving Grounds: Heavy Quarters 3
« on: September 15, 2008, 06:10:04 PM »
Mathias (S5)   vs   Jenova (FF 7)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Saki (SH 2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Feena (Grandia)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Doel (LoD)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Neclord (Suikos)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Venusaur (Poke)
Mathias (S5)    vs   Anatasia (SH 2)
Mathias (S5)    vs   Joachim (SH 2)
Mathias (S5)   vs   Crowley (S1)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Jenova (FF 7)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Saki (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Feena (Grandia)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Doel (LoD)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Neclord (Suikos)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Venusaur (Poke)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Anatasia (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Joachim (SH 2)
Sharon (S3)   vs   Crowley (S1)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Jenova (FF 7)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Saki (SH 2)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Feena (Grandia)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Doel (LoD)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Neclord (Suikos)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Venusaur (Poke)
Zidane (FF 9)    vs   Anatasia (SH 2)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Joachim (SH 2)
Zidane (FF 9)   vs   Crowley (S1)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Jenova (FF 7)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Saki (SH 2)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Feena (Grandia)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Doel (LoD)
Poco (ATL 2)    vs   Neclord (Suikos)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Venusaur (Poke)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Anatasia (SH 2)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Joachim (SH 2)
Poco (ATL 2)   vs   Crowley (S1)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Jenova (FF 7)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Saki (SH 2)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Feena (Grandia)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Doel (LoD)
Ulf (G3)    vs   Neclord (Suikos)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Forde (FE 8)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Venusaur (Poke)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Anatasia (SH 2)
Ulf (G3)    vs   Joachim (SH 2)
Ulf (G3)   vs   Crowley (S1)

Shocked at all the Mathias and Sharon votes. They are good, but not THAT good.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: DL Notes
« on: September 15, 2008, 05:58:32 PM »
DQ8 says no runner ups, yet I thought Leopold was a runner up to Arc when he champed?

Tournaments / Re: Plot Power Tournament Season 4, Week 3
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:02:45 PM »
Gods & Godslayers:

Kuja (FF9) vs. Lazlo (S4)- why is Lazlo here?
Lavos (CT) vs. Jecht (FFX)

Chris Lightfellow (S3) vs. Melfice (G2)
Emelious de Pamela (G3) vs. Magus (CT)
Etna (Dis) vs. Mithos Yggdrasil (ToS)- Etna is NOT godlike. Laharl YES, Etna, no

Darc (AtL4) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA)
Gallows Carradine (WA3) vs. Miranda (LoD)

Lucia (Lunar2) vs. Tseng (FF7)- Lucia in plot middle?
Arche Klein (ToP) vs. Rico Banderas (XG)

Guido (G1) vs. Mieu (TotA)
Relm Arrowny (FF6) vs. Chisato Madison (SO2)- Ha ha Relm Won? LOL. she has no power at all.
Banon (FF6) vs. Scarlet (FF7)- Leader of returners vs slap queen? Yeah Banon has more power
Edward Damcyan (FF4) vs. Healie (DW4)- Prince vs should have lost to Serra

Tournaments / Re: List topic reborn! Round 1, Week 1.
« on: September 12, 2008, 06:21:41 PM »

1. Myria
2. Brahms
3. Dark Force
4. Rika
5. Tir
6. Gades
7. Berle
8. Ness
9. Celes
10. Cecilia

abstain: Time Mage- apparently the random damage from Meteor is good. Not sure how I see Reset, for all it being 100% useless in game.


Dont remember Saki enough to rank her

1. Pamela Ibis
2. Claude
3. Artea
4. Billy
5. Nina 1
6. Geno
7. Angelo
8. Mazus
9. Kika
10. Richard
11. Liete
12. Lezard (VP1 Lezard is not heavy! it says VP's though so I assume its okay to use his weaker form)


1. Beowulf
2. FF3 Red Wizard
3. Eileen
4. Peppita
5. Akihiko
6. Magdalen
7. Bart
8. Karin
9. Kraken
10. Lyon
11. Anastacia
12. Vivi


1. Camus
2. Estella
3. Spar (yes I have High spar respect)
4. Tia (same with Tia)
5. Chansey
6. Logg
7. Oulan
8. Katarina (even a 2 in lightining affinity HURTS)
9. Mel (devil doll also hurts)
10. Solider (isnt it called Warrior? at least in my version it is)
11. Aguro
12. Gogo
13. Cid (Cid is just that bad)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF3 ranking talk.
« on: September 10, 2008, 09:03:11 PM »
Are Black Belts really that bad on damage? they did the same damage as the monk for me. (DS version here)

and Sages ARE the slowest class in the game.  (again, DS version)

Tournaments / Re: Plot Power Tourney, Week 2
« on: September 10, 2008, 08:58:54 PM »
Indalecio (SO2) vs. Etna (Dis)
Siegfried (WA1,3) vs. Mithos Yggdrasil (ToS)


Randi (SoM) vs. Lenna (FF5)- sure, Crystals work
Maria Traydor (SO3) vs. Emeralda (XG)- Isnt Maria good with technology? she could probably figure out a way to destroy nano tech


Arche Klein (ToP) vs. Zahaak (S5)- Arche, flys
Rico Banderas (XG) vs. Raine Sage (ToS)- Rico was pretty strong in plot. Champion of the battle Arena could probably just throw Raine into some water.

Banon (FF6) vs. Charmles (DQ8)- not charmles, Plus Banon was a leader of the rebels
Mogu (BoF) vs. Scarlet (FF7)- Mogu had like no plot where he wasnt asleep
Roger S. Huxley (SO3) vs. Edward (FF4)- was going to vote Roger, but then remembered Edward saved you from Dark Elf. That and Roger loses to cages. Roger sees the harp, which kind of looks like a cage and then flees
Serra (FE7) vs. Healie (DW4)- lol Healie with plot power

Tournaments / Re: List topic: Nominations
« on: September 05, 2008, 07:29:01 PM »
Godlike: Jack (Radiata Stories)
Heavy: Pamela Ibis (Mana Khemia)
Middle: Mitsuru (Persona 3)
Light: Lena (Phantasy Star 3) (if that is too obscure, then Delma <Arc the lad 4> I think Arc 4 has okay enough Internal at least)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 Noms
« on: September 05, 2008, 07:16:48 PM »
Tibarn- New
Violetta- one match vs Sephiroth
Kyogre- one match, Vs Ghaleon
Fou- lu- because he is sexy
X-Death- Due
Tir- just cause

Poo- LOL
Saturos- How come Menardi gets all the love?
Maya Amano- Well, Nate is doing well, want to see how she does now
Sarah (S3)- Due
Riou- Upgrade please
Ershin- Because Ershin is awesome

Adell- Get to heavy and never get in again
Sharmista- Sialeeds +
Diego- Due
Peppita- Smash Middle
Shion- Just because I am evil and in a bad mood today
Marcy- Little evil girl, Plus boss form IS a middle

Guile- CC scrub
Soren- SEXY
Mist- Awesome
Oulan- competant light
Nanami (VP)- have to have a VP mage
Sue- Come on Puffy!

Tournaments / Re: The Ultimate Tournament of Ultimate Doom Part III
« on: September 04, 2008, 06:31:14 PM »
Happy Feet vs. Mao- His name is Mumble actually, NOT happy feet.

Miss Cleo vs. Yugi
Sabrina vs. Harry

WALL-E vs. Bender

Ryu Hayabusa vs. Sharon
Phoenix Wright vs. Johnny Cochran

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: September 04, 2008, 03:06:11 AM »
Vayne from Mana Khemia

Tournaments / Re: Tourney of Interest! Season 5 Week 1
« on: September 03, 2008, 06:23:59 PM »
Dheginsea (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Xorn (Grandia III)- dont remember either well enough


Elincia (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Zera Valmar (Grandia II)


Koromaru (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3) vs Blanca (Shadow Hearts: Covenant)Katina Tarask (Super
Thief (Final Fantasy X-2) vs Gallows Caradine (Wild ARMs 3), Yes, I just started WA3. Gallows is pretty bad.


Chidori (Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3) vs Mel (Suikoden III)
Sothe (Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn) vs Rennac (Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones)
Corselia (Suikoden Tactics) vs Reis Dular (Final Fantasy Tactics)- Reis's breaths are evadable. Coreselia has massive evasion.

Discussion / Re: Rate Characters based on in game use: The Continuation!
« on: August 28, 2008, 07:12:52 PM »
Rahal: 7/10 Dont kill me for this, Rahal gets 3 rune slots and can attack up to 4 times. He also has a good magic score too.
Raven: 9/10 Raven Rune
Richard: 10/10 doesnt die ever
Roog: 3/10 Rahal --
Roy: 5/10 I used him alot and he didnt do badly, but he doesnt stand out
Sagiri: 9/10 Long range attack that can hit more than once. awesome
Sharmista: 6/10 Sialeeds +
Shigure: 8/10
Shoon: 7/10
Sialeeds: 5/10 Sharmista -
Sorensen: 1/10
Subala: 5/10 she was okay
Urda: 3/10
Viki: 9/10 Chain magic
Wabon: 3/10 Tank
Yahr: 5/10
Zegai: 7/10

Tournaments / Re: FIT S45: Winners round 2.
« on: August 28, 2008, 07:02:48 PM »

Ghaleon (Lunars) vs Profound Darkness (PS4)


Garland (FF9) vs Claude (SO2)


Cleo (S1) vs Camus (S2)

General Chat / Re: Hey, guess who else is selling games.
« on: August 25, 2008, 11:03:02 PM »
I actually just found a really cheap copy of Wild Arms 4, so if someone else wants it they can have it.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF3 ranking talk.
« on: August 25, 2008, 09:21:15 PM »
I actually dont really have a problem with ranking Generics, I totally supported FF1 and Pokemon.

and whoever mentioned Zylo, he is awesome! He is totally not generic at all. >_>

Yeah, generics are fine with me, as long as the game translates well to the format, which it does. Art exists, so thats another point. I would test it in Not ranked first though.

Tournaments / Re: FIT- winners round. (No one wins with light.)
« on: August 24, 2008, 07:21:23 PM »
How is Tana's evade relavent to her being hit by Status? Status Staves in FE have their hit rate based on the users magic vs the targets RES. NOT targets Evasion. Tana's Res is only average.

TimeLord (Saga) vs Ghaleon (Lunars)- Ghaleon
Tir (Suikos) vs Orlandu (FFT)- Tir
Profound Darkness (PS4) vs Violetta (G3)- Profound Darkness

Garland (FF9) vs Tana (FE8)- Garland, see top of post for reasoning
Momo (BoF3) vs Maxim (Lufia 2)- Maxim, hes lucky I allow storebought spells.
Claude (SO2) vs Saturos (GS)- Saturos

Nergal (FE7) vs Eileen (S1)- Eileen (how did Nergal make the finals anyway)
Sania (AtLC) vs Feraligatr (PKMN)- Sania

Peco (BoF3) vs Tellah (FF4)- Tellah
Mint (ToP) vs Cleo (S1)- Mint, Silence Cleo and she eventually wins due to Mint healing. Take like 2 hours though
Camus (S2) vs Roger (SO3) - Roger, MP busts Camus. Camus only gets one level 4 charge, so his good damage is gone.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate these games in the DL: Pokemon and Legaia 2
« on: August 22, 2008, 09:55:45 PM »
Pokemon Series:

Strongest Dueler: Kyogre
Weakest Dueler: Pikachu

Favorite Dueler: Pikachu, actually. He is a fun light
Least Favorite Dueler: Starters that are not Gen 1.

Favorite DL moment with this game: Suicune's run, also Pikachu getting wins
Least favorite DL moment with this game: meh, dont have one

Other thoughts?: Rank Jigglypuff!

Legend of Legaia: Duel Saga

strongest Dueler:
weakest Dueler:

favorite Dueler:
least Favorite Dueler:

favorite DL moment with this game:
least favorite DL moment with this game:

Other thoughts?: Never played, but I could get this for 5 bucks. Worth it?

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