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Messages - AndrewRogue

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Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 12, 2008, 03:58:38 AM »
I'm going to say that you are BSing, Smodge, and challenge you to justify yourself. I'm familiar with both Eliwood and Brave, Brave Sir Robin, and there is not enough justifiable similarity to have any basis for believing well... anything, near as I can tell. You seem to really be confusing issues here, and you're not helping matters by throwing out "oh, I see something here" and then immediately retracting it with "I really can't say, it is important to catching scum!" This is not conducive to town at all, and seems designed specifically to get town jumping at shadows.

##Vote: Smodge

Forum Games / Re: General Mafia discussion topic
« on: January 12, 2008, 03:14:35 AM »
I have to agree with the "Yay, it is gone group." That thing was being used as a crutch. And an annoying one. Yes, it helped with lurkers, but people were coming down on anyone with a meh vote count, ignore quality and promoting post count inflation. As I've stated multiple times, I started splitting my posts up purely to raise my count and get the numbers off my back. Content didn't change, just presentation.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 12, 2008, 03:08:49 AM »
*cracks neck*

Okay, I want to establish this. There is very rarely a good reason for a self-hammer. Especially on day one, where you can potentially cast off suspicion with a timely role claim and get a panic lynch on another person or get a power role to reveal themselves. Yeah, you sign your own death warrant, but you also set the score at 2 townies, one scum, putting the ball firmly in your court.

Second, hammers are powerful tools. Scum bussing tends to be a clear on day one (trust me, I've done it a few times) and keep your nose clean. Hammering scum, especially when there is no need to, looks GOOD most of the time. Further, this is the kind of logic that encourages people not to hammer. Remember, SOMEONE has to be the hammer. If we start looking down on every hammer, well. It just doesn't go great places. It can be useful, yes, to check out who hammers, especially in conjunction with their voting records, but it isn't that often an OMG auto-suspicion thing. I've won games (and almost won games) because I LOVE to hammer my scum partners with zeal. Killing scum = town action! Simple logic for an unsuspicious look.

Third, I'm also going to say that post timing is very, very, very circumstantial as far as evidence goes. Trust me. Most other board games I've been scum in? We chat it up, inform each other we just posted and to go ahead, wait or whatever. More to the point, if hammering looks suspicious... then why would I have wanted Otter to self-hammer when we could have let town go for it?

Really, there is nothing to associate me with that whole mess beyond voting Otter (who was even with Zenny in suspicion, right up until he didn't try much to defend himself and Zenny did) and, even then, good strategy, play history and a little bit of meta all scream that I'd hammer Otter's rear end. I'm not seeing a good argument here at all.

However, I do have a question! Why did you drop a vote before you knew you were going to be gone anyway, especially in a phase that is prone to rapid changes and not having much to go on?

On Alex, I really think people need to get off the haiku thing. Quit speculating about, quit wondering about what sort of tell it is. It is utterly neutral.

And to amend, since three more posts dropped in: it took me a while to vote because I got distracted by WoW and GF while grabbing lunch, then the damnable boards failed to load for me, preventing me from voting. On the note of my reasoning for Otter... uh... looking worse is kind of a good reason when there are two decent suspects. Again, Zenny defended himself. Otter didn't. Townies have no reason to not defend themselves. This looks bad. :p

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: January 11, 2008, 09:36:34 PM »
Apparently forgot to mention it! I saw The Orphanage last week.

Solid movie all around that understood the basic elements of horror quite well. Might have been a little better as a thriller rather than horror, but it had some severely shocking moments. It was fairly minimalist as horror goes, relying more on atmosphere than SHOCK moments (not that they weren't there, but here was literally just a handful in the whole movie).

7/10-ish, I think.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 11:58:50 PM »
Okay. Sorry about the delay. Page wasn't loading for the longest time.

Anyhow, we have two notable lurkers (one who has roleclaimed an unprovable matter for the moment, the other who hasn't) and one suspicious party who can't be dealt with at the moment (EvilTom). Zenny was quick to jump up defensively (not surprising, given the time frame we had). Generally speaking, at this juncture though, the worst looking one is Otter from what I have... Bleh.

##Unvote: Meep
##Vote: Otter

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 09:13:53 PM »
I will agree I needed a better post. Just... bleh. Nothing telling this day one to really go off. Despite both being kinda lurky, neither Otter nor Zenny feels like a proper target. Lemme grab a bite and I'll swap votes after trying to figure out the proper victim.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:54:19 AM »
Okay then!

As Alex says, talking about potential roles unless it is absolutely necessary is a bad idea, as clever thinking can result in spilling townies to scum.

Anyhow, I do agree that we need to hear a little more from the lurkers (this includes me, of course). We also lack a lot of material to go on at this point, which means that it is hard to move on to the serious play at this point. I do find it interesting that, at this point, there has been little interplay of joke votes, which is odd to me, given the history of our games, but that might well just be a random factor that there were no outstanding joke votes.

So, in general, let us chat more!

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 10, 2008, 07:32:51 AM »
Ack. Forgot about this. Catching up right now!

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia - Be Afraid...Very Afraid
« on: January 09, 2008, 12:19:32 AM »
##Vote: Meep

Blah, blah, it is Meep, blah, blah. Also, good to play Mafia again!

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia Signups
« on: January 07, 2008, 08:39:10 AM »
Lack of Chen is heartbreaking. In the absence, I choose the only character I know.


General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: January 06, 2008, 11:10:04 PM »
I'm actually kinda curious about the superiority of swords for levelling. I haven't tried them much lately (blame being specced out for Daggers) but I;m finding solo with them to be fairly quick and painless as well. Stealth + Distract + Ambush, Gouge, Backstab, Sinister Strike, Gouge, Backstab kills most anything at my level, and any crits tends to speed the process up, especially if I'm doing things below my level. Hell, middling greens tend to go down to Ambush, Gouge, Backstab and some white damage, if not just Gouge, Backstab, Sinister Strike.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: January 06, 2008, 09:19:08 AM »
Juno- Probably one of the most likable entries in this particular genre... it also seemed to focus oddly on the adult characters over the highschoolers. It was weird. Best when it wasn't pretending to be Napoleon Dynamite/Superbad though. Enjoyable overall, definitely places above both of those in my book.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: January 06, 2008, 08:16:48 AM »
I have joined the legion of fanatics.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: January 06, 2008, 08:12:47 AM »
Loooooong update, here.

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All- Most of the way through the final case. It has had some frustratingly obscure moments (I even resorted to a FAQ twice, out of annoyance), but has been great fun. Waiting to see how the whole mess plays out in the end.

Portal- Beat in about two sittings. It was hideously awesome, as expected. Best game I've played in a while. GLaDOS is an amazing character, the dialogue is killer and the play is stupidly fun.

Assassin's Creed- PRETTY. OH GOD, SO PRETTY. Also, NOTHING like the commercials made it look. It is really bizarre. Only got up through the first "stage" though, so we'll see how it goes. Quite fun so far.

Rock Band- Stupidly fun, no matter what you are playing. Guitar is generally easy compared to Guitar Hero, but not really easy per se. Bass is... well... really repetitive, but challenging in its own rights. Drums are insane and difficult. Singing is... well. Singing. Only problem with the game so far is that the world tour mode makes you replay songs a LOT to get through it, which can get irritating protracted sittings (we played Should I Stay or Should I Go about 7 times in one night). Guitar Hero still remains champ for solo play, though.

Bioshock- Got through Steinman. Remains quite sexy, even with my aiming issues. Annoyingly easy in a lot of ways, but the atmospheric stuff makes up for it.

Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles- Like House of the Dead, but more enjoyable. Quite fun! I'd recommend it to anyone who likes the series, but don't expect a lot of plothole resolution. Hell, it is creating far more problems and forcing some weird retcons.

WoW- Level 31. Combat Daggers as a rogue is fun.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Regarding the transfer of stat topics
« on: December 27, 2007, 01:01:22 AM »
Er, not to nag, but isn't severe outlier damage the specific exception to the first turn average thing, to the point where people either fully disclude it OR do three turn because taking it into averages would ruin everyone (or severely weird cases, like VP)?

In my experience, it's first turn unless there is some weird factor that makes first turn impractical.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Regarding the transfer of stat topics
« on: December 26, 2007, 11:46:02 PM »
Sorry for my lack of stuff lately. Been busy and am home for the holidays. Will try to get to it soon, promise. ^_~

General Chat / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2007, 09:08:05 PM »
*rubs foot on ground embarassedly* Adding to the spoiled here. *coughs*

Our Dumb Century (The Onion), Hardcover
The Dark Crystal
He-Man, Season 2, Volume 1
Pan's Labyrinth
Kamelot's Dark Winter Night DVD
Code of the Samurai (bookie, book)
Uncorrected Proof of Soul Music (spiffy as hell)
Tokyo Art (bookie, book)
Tiny Remote Control Helicopter (I may be 21, but fun toys are fun)
Two shirts
Pajama Pants
12 Toothbrushes
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
$250 (which will likely turn into Portal and who knows what else)


80GB PS3 (with Rockband software, but sadly, that must be traded in as silly periphs are not available without software)

So yeah. I did stupidly well and feel bad like I do every holiday ;_; Still, grateful as all hell.

General Chat / Re: Magic
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:56:13 PM »
When I'm bored, I think I'll flex my muscle a bit and try to clean up some decks posted here to get back what little talent I originally had. In the meanwhile though, let's post some of my own Apprentice based stupidity!


12x Swamp
7x Plains

4x Alter of Dementia
4x Coldsteel Heart
4x Chromatic Sphere
1x Lotus Petal

4x Priest of Gix

4x Dark Ritual
4x Enduring Renewal
4x Diabolic Tutor
3x Damnation
3x Enlightened Tutor
3x Raise Dead
1x Necroportence
1x Demonic Tutor
1x Vampiric Tutor

Stupid deck designed to blitz out an infinite combo (I really need some better control in it >_>). Anyhow, it plays off the old Enduring Renewal engine and, since Ornithopter can't be used here because of the Alter requiring power to mill with, it instead uses the essentially free Priest of Gix. Everything else in the deck is designed to accelerate the engine either by getting the mana or getting the cards. Normally, I can death mill at turn 4. Whee.


8x Mountain
8x Plain
4x Sacred Foundry

4x Isochron Scepter

4x Enlightened Tutor
4x Browbeat
4x Angel's Grace
4x Final Fortune
4x Rally the Righteous

4x Sunhome Enforcer
4x Skyknight Legionnaire
4x Boros Recruit
4x Boros Guildmage

More cute stupidity. R/W beatdown with a twist! While slowly wearing my opponent down, I also set up two scepters keyed to Final Fortune and Angel's Grace, allowing me infinite  turns. Beautiful, but still suffers from trouble drawing the requisite cards.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: About VPII - I have a question
« on: December 26, 2007, 08:08:13 PM »
Depends. Most people apply status as they function from the game they come from (ala if Freeze in another game does not cause a game over, it would not beat a VP2 character, while VP2 Freeze would beat the other character). Of course, this is the sort of matter that's more up to personal interpretation, but traditionally, that's the way it is handled. Status uses the mechanic of the game it is coming from, not that it is targetting.

Forum Games / Re: Random Mafia Sign-ups
« on: December 24, 2007, 08:50:49 AM »
Sure, I'll join

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 22, 2007, 10:08:34 AM »
Sweeny Todd: Just about what you'd expect, given all the parties involved. Nothing amazingly groundbreaking, but has some great moments. Solid movie overall.

Writeup Graveyard / Mouse vs Vexacion (both sides)
« on: December 22, 2007, 09:09:06 AM »
A musician? A MUSICIAN? That is Vexacion’s next opponent? Ridiculous! Absolutely ridiculous! One of the regents! A legendary swordsman! A dragonslayer! And he is being forced to fight some guitar strumming moron who fancies himself a thief? There is no doubt that Vexacion won’t take this insult laying down, entering into the fight with the intent to kill… something he won’t have trouble doing thanks to the devastating power of his trademark Quint Wake attack! Even if Mouse somehow manages to survives it, the young bard will have trouble besting the swordsman through his Absolute Defense…

People always seem to focus on the idea that Mouse is a bard. Not a world-renowned thief. Not a powerful warrior who can adapt the techniques of his allies to his own means. Nope, the focus on the fact that he’s a bard with a talking guitar. As part of the Golden Three, however, he’s not going to let this stand, and as such, he’s entered into the DL against Vexacion. While the swordsman may be powerful in his own variety, Mouse has the advantage in versatility, being capable of everything to massive damage, to incredible speed, to stat buffing, to status, to parasitic healing… there’s really nothing he can’t do.

Writeup Graveyard / Korgan (vs Dylan)
« on: December 22, 2007, 08:27:29 AM »
Dylan thinks that Korgan is a traitor? Sure, he may be evil as all hell. Sure, he might use puppies to test his axe swings. Sure, he smacks whiners about and uses his muscle to make sure things go just the way he wants. Sure, he’d probably kill you just as soon as he’d look at you. But he’s no traitor. It’s just that his loyalties lie in his coin pouch and the gold inside it. And anyone who is paying him to do something. And his axe. Definitely his axe. Which means, of course, he’s going to show Dylan what happens to those who doubt his loyalty, by planting his axe straight in the swordsman’s face. That’s it. No fancy moves. Just using his durability and his muscle to walk up and remind Dyland that NOTHING beats an axe to the face.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: December 20, 2007, 08:15:04 PM »
Bioshock: It occurred to me that, since WoW problems were memory related, and killing Trend fixed that that maybe, just maybe, Bioshock would work. It looks like I was right! Made it up to the Medical Pavilion. Need to fix my settings so that there is less jerkiness making it hard to aim. Even just wrenching can be a bit hard sometimes.

WoW: Rogues do not like adds. More seriously though, hit level 21. Still Dagger specced which has its advantages and disadvantages. My white damage is a bit weak (although fast as all bloody hell), but Ambush regularly hits upwards of 100 damage (200 on crits) when I open with it, and Backstab (which has a... 50%-ish crit rate at this point?) hits for 70 or so (140 on crits). Supplemented by Slice and Dice white damage, and I'm hitting REALLY hard. I'm just not durable enough to take much in the way of hits, and, of course, getting my Gouges (followed by Sinister Strikes) blocked/parried/evaded ruins me fast.

Still, fun being able to open a fight on a mob and take off a 1/4-1/2 its life.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: Regarding the transfer of stat topics
« on: December 19, 2007, 07:16:00 AM »
True Shale, but I believe one of the primary reasons for this is for ease of RPGmon statting as well. Although... I suppose I could list character rankings under a separate header on the same page? How would that sound?

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