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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: What Music are you listening to in 2012?
« on: February 12, 2012, 10:20:33 PM »
Sigh No More, can't really stop listening to the whole album.

Tournaments / ToR - Round 1, Pool D
« on: February 12, 2012, 05:38:32 AM »
Quick Vote Form

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest                     IIIII IIIII I/
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey               IIIII IIII/II
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity   IIIII/IIII
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy                  IIIII I/II
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate                  IIT/II

20. Joker (Mass Effect), Homer Simpson, Dr. Tuta (Suikoden 3), Lews Therin Telamon (Nutbar Form, WoT),    Iago (Othello), Tibarn (FE 9/10), Jabba the Hut, Stephen Colbert - Survivor

When it came down to final voting, everyone figured that between the dirty rat bastard who got there by politics and backstabbing, and the well respected war veteran who'd simply helped everyone, that it'd be a slam dunk. However, no one expected Iago's final argument of you should respect me because I did what I had to do, and even more unexpected was that it worked. Well, it got him close enough that Homer not realising that this time you vote for who you want to win and not who you want to lose to tip it.

Ia   6, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7 - 48/56   86%
Tu   2, 6, 8, 8, 8, 5, 5 - 42/56   75%
LTT 3, x, x, 5, 5, 6, 6 - 25/40   62.5%
Ti   7, 8, 5, 4, 6, 3, 2 - 35/56   62.5%
HS   5, 5, 2, 3, 2, 8, 8 - 33/56   59%

SC   8, 4, 6, 2, 4, 4, 4 - 32/56   57%
Jo   4, 3, 4, x, x, 2, x - 13/32   41%
JH   1, 2, 3, 6, 3, 1, 3 - 19/56   34%

Pool D

Match #21

Heckling is an art, after all, you have to balance the research to know the target's general failings, as well as having the wit and awareness in order to just take advantage of any general slip ups as they go along.  What they're heckling could be anything, from bad movies to the muppet show. For the sake of this, we'll assume it's one of those seventies sci-fi C flicks that are so bad they're mind scarring.

Dr Robotnik is coming into this at a general disadvantage, with baby eating villains like him not usually being strong in the witty wordplay department.  However, since that's really the only defining trait his nemesis has (aside from going really fast), maybe some of it has rubbed off on him. Meanwhile, Bob, Guardian of Mainframe, has this down pat. No matter how absurd the situation, he usually has something to say.  So really, this'll be his match to lose.

Match #22

It's a time honoured tradition. You need something really, really badly. So badly in fact that you're willing to pay pretty much any price. Or, you simply want something that's hard to get otherwise, and you think that you can avoid paying the price that people usually have to pay.  That's right, it's time to make that deal with the literal devil, and see who comes out of it with the best benefit/cost ratio.

Sadly, no flavour text on the contestants as I don't follow scrubs or naruto, but I'm sure the commentary will fill this lack in.

Match #23

Everybody knows the world is full of stupid people. Short sighted people, petty people, people who make the world worse just for existing. And really, isn't that everyone? That's why the world must be purged. Everyone must die.  And our two contestants are just the people to do it.

The Blue Mage exemlifies the saying "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" as his technique of learning skills through being hit by them hurts, but the things he learns are incredible. Which means he comes into this with an astoundingly large skillset that may just get larger.

Against this is a villain by trade. The Chameleon may not sound that threatening, and his main power is that of disguise, but just think of the places he can infiltrate that'll let him do some real large scale killing?  His only real flaw is that he already has a designated hero, and that hero has friends.

Match #24

Because there needs to be one catagory where Aquaman can humiliate someone by winning, we present that perennial Tournament of Randomness event, Talking With Fishes.  Or at least, that's what it usually is. This time, in honour of the two competitors that got drawn for this event, we're changing it to the one time only Sleeping with Fishes event.  And no, I'm not going to define it further, because each contestant has their own favoured definition.

Michael Corleone is the Godfather. And naturally, he excels at helping folks sleep with the fish. Against this is James Bond, the man who gets all the action.

Match #25

Crime may be rising, but when all seems darkest, one man can defy the odds and assemble a group of mighty heros to save the day.

Of course, we need that hero first.  Since we've got a pair of villains. Wile E Coyote seems more likely to side with the heros against evil, but since when has he ever been competant enough to succeed?  Against his is Seto Kaiba, who's more likely to be forming the villain's league.  Though, hey, he's at least fought against greater villains and teamed up with the hero on occasion.

Match #26

Seeing the future is a complicated process where you lift back the veil of time, seeing events before they actually happen. Or where you manage to figure out from what is happening what has to happen in the future.

Our first competitor, and second Iago, is actually pretty good at this. Arguably the smartest character in his homeworld (granted, Disney's Aladdin is not a high IQ locale) this bird brain manages to do fairly well for himself. Of course, his opponent, the strategist Shu, has this schtick as his bread and butter, with his ability to figure out what's going to happen next, and plan for it, being the main deciding factor in the fledgling Dunan Army's survival.

Match #27

Ballroom Dancing is an elegant activity, where two partners stately glide across the floor, with one partner leading, and the other being led. Done well, it is a thing of beauty. Done poorly, it's awkward for all involved, and possibly painful for the dancers.

Our first pair may well be in that second catagory, as scientists are rarely known for their social graces. And both Emmitt Brown and Otto Octavius are both the sort of driven expert who can push back the boundaries of knowledge, but probably can't cut a rug.  Fortunately, on the other team, mogul Ramus, from the Lunar world, is also unlikely to be a good dancer, and while the two doctor, though of different alignment, will likely have a certain camaradery, Ramus is unlikely to have such a bond with the most infamous son of Gotham, the Joker.  Of course, in an event where one person is expected to lead, perhaps mind numbing terror can replace teamwork.  And, of all the people here, ballroom dancing seems like it'd actually be a pretty fitting skill for the Joker to have.

Match #28

Go karting is a pretty simple activity. It gets less so when the laws of physics only loosely apply, and you're part of a two man team where one person drives, and the other one is lobbing around stuff like banana peels and heat seeking turtle shells.  That's right, we've got some double dash going on, with each team having a driver and a partner.

Our first team is actually fairly balanced. Ted "Theodore" Logan is probably going to be a competant driver, and Dryst will want to be item man, because it means he'll be able to turn his cart into a high speed disaster area. Of course, while his offence will be top notch, expect him to also be lacking in defense, or any real appreciation for non destructive items.

Our second team, well...  it's not clear which role Dracula will take, but he'll probably be better at it than anyone else in the match by a large margin. Ok, it's obvious he'll take the driving, because bad item use can be recovered from, bad driving cannot. The issue is, his partner will be Larry Butz, meaning that his kart will also be a high speed disaster area, just that Dracula will be pressed to ensure that his own kart isn't caught up in the chaos the Butz will undoubtedly cause.

Quick Vote Form:

21. Bob (Reboot) vs. Dr. Robotnik - Heckling
22. The Janitor (Scrubs) vs. Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) - Dealing With the Devil
23. Blue Mage vs. Chameleon (Spiderman) - Killing Everyone
24. Michael Corleone (The Godfather) vs. James Bond - Sleeping with Fish
25. Wile E. Coyote vs. Seto Kaiba (YuGiOh) - Forming a Superhero League
26. Iago (Aladdin) vs. Shu (Suikoden II) - Seeing the Future

27. Doc Brown/Doc Octavius vs. Ramus (Lunar)/The Joker (Batman) - Ballroom Dancing
28. Ted "Theodore" Logan/Dryst (Brig) vs. Dracula/Larry Butz - Kart Racing, Double Dash Style

Tournaments / Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« on: February 11, 2012, 07:08:00 PM »
Update will be tonight, vote now or not at all.

Tournaments / ToR3 - Round 1, Pool C
« on: February 07, 2012, 05:37:55 AM »

7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails  vs. Fire - Drag Contest                           IIIIT/IIII/II - Tiebreak
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords            IIIII II/I
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam                           IIIII II/III
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo                  IIIII I/II
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues                  IIIII IIII/
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball                           II/IIII

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking            IIIII IIII/
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course   /IIIII

Pool C

Match #15

This time we have an epic faceoff. From epic literature, to epic mythology, to one epic bar tab.  And the loser has to pay.

Fortunately, both of our contestants have a good argument as to why they'd win a drinking contest. Odysseus may just be a human, but he's one of those mythological Greek humans who's kinda a step above. As well, he's the one guy from the Illiad who gets to live, after surviving one hell of a trip back home. But how much will his endurance count for against a guy whose race consists entirely of smoking and drinking? Samwise Gamgee has a nice cultural and physiological edge coming into this, with his primary drawback really just being his tiny little hobbit stature leading to probably being able to hold less alcohol.

Match #16

Normally, I like to have fun with the Pokemon Journey one. But let's be frank, it's Galuf, who has access to the poke trainer like Monster Hunter class, vs. an Aggron.  My money is that he makes Aggron his starter before going on and kicking ass, never quite remembering why he's kicking ass in the first place.

Match #17

Welcome to the Tournament of Randomness, where scrub offs can lead to prime entertainment. Today's scrub off involves trying to stay calm in the face of adversity. Emphasis on trying, cause lord knows neither of these contestants can pull this trick off.

Our first scrub is Gaston, the swaggering macho man from Beauty and the Beast, who resorts to murder and mob forming/leading because a chick blows him off. His only redeeming feature is that, outside of his inability to score chicks with class, he's pretty damn perfect, if his home village does sing so itself. Which is good, because that's sure to infuriate Franzisca von Karma, who values perfection above everything else. Naturally, this vain whip snapping prosecutor will be furious at his effortless accomplishment of the single thing she is denied. Granted, she's also gonna cheese him off by not falling for him, so we've got our epic cycle of aggrivation, adversity, and the futile attempt to stay calm in the face of both.

Match #18

Stand up comedy is easy. All you have to do is stand in front of a possibly hostile crowd of strangers and make them laugh. Nothing to it.

Ditto's glad that you don't need to talk to do stand up, so long as you can pantomime and do slapstick well enough. Or hell, impersonations are always popular.  As for Dr. Psyche...  I am unsure what a robot with a doctorate (or a lie of a title) will bring to the table here.

Match #19

Welcome to the debate, where these two contestants will be forced to argue for one side of a topic, and be more convincing.  Sadly, this write up will be short as I know nothing about either Abed Nadir or Solitair (nor their homes, Community and Dark Souls) But, assuredly the commentary will have something to say.

Match #20

Outwit, outlast, outplay.

This is the motto of the survivor. And in the vein of the great grand-daddy of reality tv, we're going to strand eight competitors in a tropical paradise and force them to build their own shelter, hunt their own food, and play humiliating mini challenges for trinkets and immunity from being voted off. Contestants will then be voted off one by one until the last two are judged by their peers.  Four will go on to see Round 2, however, there's a couple of twists here.  First off, you're voting in list form, with placement on the final list based on where everyone votes.  And yes, it will be weighed so that less votes won't be a death knell.  Secondly, losing the final confrontation is worse than simply getting voted off.  This means that third and fourth will move on the the second round, second place will be eliminated, and first place will win immunity to the second round, and jump straight to round 3.

Joker may seem to be out of his element since his best skill, piloting futuristic space craft, is utterly useless, but he's likable, smart, and knows a lot of stuff, which means he may be able to make up for his Vrolik's Syndrome, which makes him unable to do any of the physical contests or work lest his legs go snap.

Is there anything Homer Simpson hasn't done?  He may be a bumbling idiot, but one with a lucky streak a mile wide, and he's got one of the better skillsets to survive this.

Tuta has survived two wars, but can he become the ultimate Survivor?  Understated in personality with the medical skills that will make him invaluable, he may prove a real challenger.

Lews Therin Telamon is known by many names. Dragon, Kinslayer, Batshit Insane. But there's really only a few things that matter here. His access to the Source gives him powers well beyond what anyone else here has, and he's pretty crafty at surviving stuff so long as he doesn't nuke himself. That, and would anyone test the theory that he won't glass the island if they do vote him off?

Iago is a guy from Othello, which means likely better in an urban setting. But then, most of the people here are.

This plays well into Tibarn's strengths. His ability to turn in to a hawk, and the fact that his home is an island, matched with his generally likable personality and top notch hunting skills means he'll be a real competitor. Hell, he's even pretty good at politics.

Whereas politics is all Jabba the Hutt will have going for him. However, as a fringe world mob boss, that's something he's very good at. There's also the fact that he may get saddled with position #2 simply by virtue of the people jockying for the last confrontation betting he'll never be able to win the last vote.

Finally, Jabba isn't the only politician here. And Stephen Colbert is no stranger to wrestling wildlife into submission. But will this larger than life icon manage to Survive?

Quick Vote Form

15. Odysseus vs. Samwise Gamgee - Drinking Contest
16. Galuf (FF5) vs. Aggron (Pokemon) - Completing a Pokemon Journey
17. Gaston (Beauty and the Beast) vs. Franziska von Karma - Staying Calm in the Face of Adversity
18. Ditto (Pokemon) vs. Dr. Psyche (MM:CM) - Stand Up Comedy
19. Abed Nadir (Community) vs. Solitair (Dark Souls) - Debate

20. Survivor - List Format.

Joker (Mass Effect)
Homer Simpson
Iago (Othello)
Tuta (Suikoden 3)
Lews Therin Telamon (WoT)
Jabba the Hutt
Stephen Colbert
Tibarn (FE 9/10)

Tournaments / Re: ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:40:08 PM »
Update will be tonight or tomorrow. Any late voters be warned.

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 4: Excal)
« on: February 05, 2012, 08:00:36 PM »
... They don't suck blood?

Ah what the hey. Yeah, I'll hang on to the adorable bastards for the time being. Let's get this game moving forward again.

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 4: Excal)
« on: February 04, 2012, 01:39:45 AM »
Three months of my life is a small price to pay in order to command a swarm of rampaging, blood sucking mimes.

Tournaments / ToR3 - Round 1, Pool B
« on: February 02, 2012, 08:54:54 PM »
1. Santa Clause v. Worker 8 - Duel               IIIII/II IIIII
2. Sir Lancelot the Brave v. Robot Chicken - Writing a Novel      IIIII IIII/II
3. Captain America vs. Captain Gordon - Metal Gear Challenge      IIIII IIIII II/
4. Iris (MMX4) vs. Sherlock Holmes - Kareoke            I/IIIII IIIII
5. Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Fawful (M&L:SSS) - Directing a Movie   IIIII IIII/I
                           IIII/IIII IIIII
6. Sterling Archer, Terran Marine (Starcraft), Mog, Simon Belmont vs.
    Reptar (Rugrats), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FiM), Sho Minamoto (TWEWY), Snow Villiers (FF13) - Team Battle

Pool B

Match #7

A staple of second rate comedies since Shakespear's day, we bring you that timeless classic, having people dress up in women's clothing. Well, ok, technically it's dressing in the other gender's clothing, but they're both male so we get a better soundbite.  As for how disturbing this is going to be...  well, we've got Chef from South Park, and Tails from the Sonic Games.  Hell, with contests like these, who needs Craft (Disturbing Mental Image)?

Match #8

Let's face it, the only thing more inevitable than the eventual subjugation of humanity by their robotic slaves is that, sooner or later, a lone figure will lead the overthrow of those same tyrants of steel and circuitry.  Of course, it'd be nice if we'd actually have a hero in the house.

Our first contestant definately knows how to make life suck. Mostly because it routinely takes little animated toys fight to the death for its own amusement. Right up until only one remains and it successfully fights back. And it always does. So...  yeah, Master Hand ladies and gentlemen.

Against this we've got an accomplished military leader who apparently also has the ability to pull meteors out of the sky to smash his foes. Sturm from Advanced Wars seems very well suited for this contest, until you realize that most of the forces Advanced War people use are actually robotic weapons sent to fight and die in human wars...

Match #9

Words and wit are the fuel, that lie beneath this writer's duel.
Valourous soul on written page, spoken as battle upon the stage.

Advisor of an ancient land, where carpets fly o'er scorching sand.
Jaffar's brains will take the win, with his smooth poetic spin.

Flying high into the sky, who dares challenge this Highwind guy.
Through deed and word he will show grace, natural to this airborn ace.

Match #10

It takes a specific set of skills to corral a bunch of animals, keep them alive, and let them interact with the public without incident.

I'm also not gonna be unbiased here, but this is largely because we have Al Bundy, who so far as I can recall is a lot like Homer Simpson, except more realistic. And Ace, who one could argue has this job in game.

Match #11

Sometimes, you want to get the Heros to do something, but you don't want it to be obvious that you want them to do it. After all, then they might figure things out too fast, or just do the opposite. Heros are annoying like that, after all. So, you leave them clues, cryptic clues. Things they should take some effort to figure out so they think you're trying to hide it, and trying to keep them from doing whatever it is you want them to do. Well...  either that or you want to get caught.

And we get to the second of what I expect to be curbstomp battles. I mean, on the one hand, we have Tohru Adachi whose game is pretty much a mystery, and where he, in fact, does a few light examples of this challenge in game.  And he's up against a mariachi pokemon.

Match #12

Calvinball, it's the only game that's never the same twice. It's an absurd game where the only way to win is quick thinking and managing to change strategies on the fly as both sides will have to resort to the absurd at some point.

Fittingly, both contestants are warriors used to working for others. Whether it's Megaman and his working for Dr. Light and world peace, or Archer, who from what I understand is a servant in some kind of magical contest. Knowing nothing about Archer, I can say nothing, and Megaman needs no introduction.

Match #13

And so we start the pairs matches, with two contestants forced to work together.  To start them off, we have the more interesting match of Mantracking, trying to get through some rough, but passable terrain, without being able to fight back, and without being caught. Their challenge, to cross 40 km over a day and a half with nothing but what they can find, and what they can carry. and walking the whole way. They have a map, and a compass.  Chasing them, one cowboy and a guide who knows the local area real well, both on horse (or appropriate local riding beast) back.  It is a challenge that requires teamwork, navigation skills, athletics, and stealth.

Our first team will be short on stealth, despite what the robots in disguise tagline might make you think. However, they probably have the other qualities in spades. In fact, I could see Optimus Prime and Morte making a great team. They're both fairly bright, will be able to navigate well, and this is one of the few cases where the contestants will actually want to find flat, open land, as horses are unlikely to keep up with a semi.

Our second team will also be short on bickering. After all, while George Jetson may not be the happiest guy, his team mate is the aptly named Silent Bob. Silent Bob is also surprisingly skilled, in his understated way. However, George comes from the future, and may not be the best suited for this running around on the ground stuff. But, his future knowledge will be the x-factor in this match that may allow for a surprise win,

Match #14

Keeping up with the pairs battles, we now have the tandem obstacle course. Namely, a course where there's a bunch of locked off sections and two individual sections, and there's a lot of tricky obsticles that the contestants need to get through. Adding to the fun is that each section has a button/switch that opens up the doors to the next section for their partner. Meaning each team will be only as fast as their slowest member.

Our first team will know a lot about tricky design, with Mr. Teatime, a professional assassin, likely having to navigate it from time to time. And his parter, a Mr. Bowser Koopa, professional evil overlord/kidnapper, being an expert in designing it.  Of course, they'll have their work cut out for them as they're up against the magical beam spamming Marisa Kirisame and the secret agent who's used to even more absurd twists than a Discworld assassin, Maxwell Smart.

Quick Vote Form:
7. Chef (South Park) vs. Tails - Drag Contest
8. Sturm (Advance Wars) vs. Master Hand - Freeing Humanity From Their Robotic Overlords
9. Jaffar (Aladdin) vs. Kain Highwind - Poetry Slam
10. Ace (Suikoden 3) vs. Al Bundy (Married with Children) - Running a Petting Zoo
11. Tohru Adachi (Persona 4) vs. Ludicolo - Leaving the Heros Cryptic Clues
12. Megaman vs. Archer (Fate/Stay Night) - Calvinball

13. Optimus Prime/Morte (Planescape Torment) vs. Silent Bob/George Jetson - Mantracking
14. Bowser Koopa/Johnathan Teatime (Discworld) vs. Marisa Kirisame (Touhou)/Maxwell Smart - Twin Obsticle Course

Tournaments / ToR3 - Round 1, Pool A
« on: January 30, 2012, 09:06:06 AM »
Round 1 - Pool A

Match #1.

And so we start, not with a random event, but the foundation of all things DL, namely, a duel. Heck, even one of the contenders is a familiar face.  After all, we all know and love Worker 8, the magic immune construct who works his foes to death.  The randomness comes in his opponent. And what an opponent this is...

Fresh from the North Pole, it's Jolly Saint Nick himself. Yes, Worker 8 is up against the Man from the North Pole. Sadly, since this is a duel, most of his advantages, time shenanigans, extreme high speed transport, and manufacturing capabilities second to none, will have little to no effect against this combat machine. His only real hope is that, somehow, he can justify having a taser, or some other form of device that can carry a spark. Since physical lightning attacks are Worker 8's bane.

Of course...  if you follow that Santa can only exist on Faith...  then, well, this may not be the right opponent for him.

Match #2

Putting words on a page sounds easy, but when it comes down to it, who can not only manage to get 50k words strung together in a story, but to also make them something you'd want to read?

That said, both of our competitors are likely to actually finish. I mean, first up we've got Sir Lancelot the Brave, who's a certified questor for the Holy Grail. And, while, sure, he's likely going to write something epic, with some adulterous romance going on...  and possibly some other goings on...  I mean, the knights were kinda off kilter even before meeting up with Monty Python, and the killer rabbits, and the French...  Ok, so maybe he won't finish... But it'll be surreal if he does.

Then again, he's up against a product of mad science. Specifically, a bionic chicken that has been forced to watch the worst and most horrific of pop culture.  Assuming it's been programmed to write, and it can produce anything that isn't mad chickenscratch, this'll likely be a horror/comedy for the ages.

Match #3

Another Tourney, another Metal Gear Challenge, where both competitors will be given a task that can only be achieved with a combination of stealth, smarts, and skill. How fortunate then that both of our competitors this time are not just military men, not just superhuman military men, but they are the ideal to which all who hold the title Captain strive to reach.  Truly, the only difference is what they represent, for one is the defender of Freedom and Liberty, while the other is the Defender of Earth itself.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give to you, Captain Gordon vs. Captain America.

Match #4

London's finest gather in a seedy bar, smoke creating a haze in the air, as the songstress finishes her song and steps aside. After all, she's just the opening act for a show that'll keep society talking for months. Apparently, the Great Detective himself is taking to the stage, and singing an arrangement of popular songs. And it's all as part of a contest against a thinking machine from the future of exotic Nippon.

Match #5

Much like writing a novel, directing a movie is a task that requires creativity. However, it also requires a much finer eye for detail, as you not only have to balance the story and characters, but you also have to manage the actors, and have a keen eye for detail on the set. And in the end, the goal is less to finish, but to see who can produce the finest film.

Stocke, the finest member of Alistel's Special Task Force, is actually rather well suited for this. He has a good eye for detail, and is capable of dealing well with even the worst of actors. The only question is, what kind of movie would he make?

A question that Fawful does not have. After all, hailing from near the Mushroom Kingdom, it's hard to imagine how he'd get the actors or script for anything the isn't surreal. The only question is, how well can he direct a movie?

Match #6

And so we have our first exception from the old format. Before, every match was two people, facing off in some inane task. Now, we have several people facing off, though the task this time isn't really inane. Instead, we have a team battle, where two teams of four will have to learn to work together in order to win and move on.

The first team is looking to actually be rather well balanced, with each member having something useful to bring to the team, and no one member being explicitely stronger than all the rest.  Sterling Archer works well with intelligence and counter-espionage, as well as handling special ops. The Terran Marine is the front line grunt, providing cover fire and damage absorbtion for the main fight. Mog is the artillery with his slam dancing likely to provide the bulk of their muscle. And finally, Simon Belmont, experienced adventurer will likely anchor their team as leader, providing support wherever it's necessary.

Against them is a far less balanced team, though possibly a more powerful one. If nothing else, they'll have the cheap Godzilla knock-off in Reptar, as well as a villain's power in Sho Minamoto and a l'Cie with Snow Villiers. And that's without going into whatever powers Pinkie Pie brings into the mix. Of course, while they're powerful, there's also a leadership vacuum, with Sho and Snow unlikely to accept each other's lead, and Reptar quite possibly rampaging on his own team as well as his enemies.

And so, the main question may be, whether teamwork or power will win the day.

Quick Vote Form:

1. Santa Clause v. Worker 8 - Duel
2. Sir Lancelot the Brave v. Robot Chicken - Writing a Novel
3. Captain America vs. Captain Gordon - Metal Gear Challenge
4. Iris (MMX4) vs. Sherlock Holmes - Kareoke
5. Stocke (Radiant Historia) vs. Fawful (M&L:SSS) - Directing a Movie

6. Sterling Archer, Terran Marine (Starcraft), Mog, Simon Belmont vs.
    Reptar (Rugrats), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FiM), Sho Minamoto (TWEWY), Snow Villiers (FF13) - Team Battle

Tournaments / Re: Tournament of Random Events - Signup
« on: January 29, 2012, 04:36:01 AM »
Three spots remain.

Alright, I'll take the Shadow Mimes, and use their power to swap Immortal with Vampiric, so they will become Vampiric Shadow Mimes.

I will then spill out into
45 (2)
44 (2)
35 (3)
38 (2)
43 (Blood sucking, ie. Your Token dies, I get a new one in its place) Also, claiming Keep on the Borderlands.
32 (1+Roll)

When all is said and done, I will setup like follows.
Strip from 45, 44, 38, place half of excess on 43, other half on 35.

Edit: Didn't realize 52 was occupied. So a change is in order.

Tournaments / Re: Tournament of Random Events - Signup
« on: January 28, 2012, 07:42:38 AM »
Currently at 84/128

44 slots remaining.

Tournaments / Re: Tournament of Random Events - Signup
« on: January 23, 2012, 05:16:53 AM »
I considered it. Felt better to try and get momentum rolling with a new one, instead of trying to continue with the previous one with all the stuff gone.  That said, if there's interest, I could try and finish it after this one is done.

Tournaments / Re: Tournament of Random Events - Signup
« on: January 23, 2012, 04:06:56 AM »
If Adam West doesn't count (since he's...uh...kind of real >_>), then use River Tam (from Firefly)

Next thing you'll be telling me William Shatner is real. And we all know he's just a cover for time travelling Kirk.

Tournaments / Tournament of Random Events - Signup
« on: January 22, 2012, 10:46:01 AM »
Right...  I said it'd be a little while until I continued. Turns out my files for the last ToR got nuked.  However, it's time to get this topic rolling once again, with a bit more variety in the challenges.

Because I hate myself, I'll be going with another full roster of one hundred and twenty eight fictional characters.  I am willing to accept list of twelve (12!) nominations from each person, though you can go for less if you like. With preference going to folks higher on your list, and tending to avoid obscura.

In about a week, if there's enough vict... I mean nominations, then the tourney will begin with its shiny new format.

Discussion / Re: Elfboy's 2011 Game Retrospectives
« on: January 21, 2012, 11:16:07 PM »
From the sounds of it, this emphasizes favouring short term decisions over long term considerations. ie. Don't worry about endgame, worry about right now.  It's certainly showing in how conversation as to how good/bad this system is seems to align with short/long term priorities.

I haven't played the game, so I'm curious. Is it possible this was a conscious decision, or simply how things landed thanks to the other design decisions.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 21, 2012, 04:00:50 PM »
Ok...  Actually read that link now. (Or, at least, properly skimmed it) That is, impressive.

I am also saddened that, apparently, province reshuffling has apparently moved the area labled Ottawa further west, effectively overwriting Nippising. Nippising needs more love, dagnabbit. ;_;

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 21, 2012, 08:59:42 AM »
I cannot speak for anything in versions after EU1, as I'm playing the first one.  All I can say is that all of my attempts to take the Iroquois have involved effort. Whereas my attempt to take the Incas involved walking over and saying I owned the place, and meeting pretty much no resistance.  That said, I think I can buy the Incas having a better setup over the other two when you're playing as them. If only because they have more land, and are hidden a lot further away from ground zero for when the europeans do arrive.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 20, 2012, 03:55:10 PM »
Europa Universalis - So I tried playing this as Spain. And while I suspect a lot of what I have to say next comes from the fact that Spain really is ascendant when the game starts (1493), and you probably start hitting some kind of crunch about seventy years in unless you used that starting advantage really well. Including the fact that I know some of my best provinces are going to get rebellious soon. But, Spain feels a lot like easy mode.

I mean, starting with a good Explorer (Columbus), three settlers a year, decent armies and the military tech to back them up, and the best economic base to start with, including the lucrative Dutch provinces. And with the new world territories you're geared to best exploit having the Aztecs and the Mayas there. I mean, the Iroquois, while they can't really win, they also have fortifications and the ability to fight back. The Aztecs and the Mayans lose to armies one tenth their size, and have no fortifications so taking their stuff is as easy as walking in with your pathetically small army, no sieging required, and only one joke of a battle in the way. And the Aztecs, for their part, are small but loaded.

Radiant Historia - So, I'm now at the final boss of the Alternate History. Have to admit, I like the villainous rant here. Sure, it confirms all of the plot 'twists' I suspected were about to happen. But, it also explains them in a way which is true to all the characters and setting they've set up so far. Including why the villain would want to end the world. Now I just need to beat the sucker, which looks like it'll be tricky. He already game overed me once.  Fortunately, Stocke's Mana Burst seems to be ludicrously good at dealing damage, especially with the Historica equipped, so hopefully it'll turn out well in take two once I have a better idea of how to fight this guy.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 19, 2012, 08:37:08 PM »
I see Operation: Play Something New took an axe to the face.

Radiant Historia: Decided to give this another go. Rushed through Ch 4 Alternate, followed by 4/5/6 True, all of which were shockingly short. Currently working on Ch5 Alt and expecting end of Ch6 True plot to be relevant fairly soon.

Oh, also. Arkham Asylum, nothing much besides hunting down Riddler Trophies and doing the Challenges.


Figure this time I'll skip the middleman.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 15, 2012, 08:01:22 PM »
Arkham Asylum, finished. Will post thoughts on the game as a whole later, but for now, I'm impressed.

Also impressed with Civ 4, mostly because it feels like they put a lot of work into making naval affairs matter a lot more with the easy bonuses to naval trade, the extra naval units (the Privateer especially, allowing the ability to harrass folks without entering a proper state of war is liberating) and the blockade option to punish people who want those lucrative trade options without getting enough of a navy to fend off privateers (or more serious naval units if a war's broken out).

Discussion / Re: Elfboy's 2011 Game Retrospectives
« on: January 15, 2012, 07:57:54 PM »
I dunno, this could just be hard mode talking here, but I'm finding that Black Mage does have a notable weakness. Namely, it's squishy as hell. You really do need the tankier folks in order to keep the back rank standing and blasting.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 14, 2012, 06:48:39 PM »
Do you have any other copies of that rifle? The Bethesda Fallout games need you to have other copies of that same gun in order to do any repairs, because you only fix things by turning two crappy guns into one less crappy gun. Either that, or find someone who does repairs and get gouged.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 14, 2012, 09:06:03 AM »
Arkham Asylum - Still going through this. However, the later part of the game is less interesting, as the random encouters with roving bands of thugs seem to have been replaced with plant turrets, and before that with crazy berserkers, which sounds great if they had a strategy besides really obvious charge leading to easy counter/KO combo.

That said, the extra tools are fun. Especially now that the zip line is in play. Also, the plot battles with goons are still great. Currently detoured by the Joker's plot while En Route to visiting Ivy.

Civ 4 - But, distracted for a moment. Randomly came across a cheap copy of Beyond the Sword, and am enjoying the great deal of extra content that multiple expansion packs in one shot seem to add. I mean, the Holy Roman Empire? Byzantines? It may be old, but I'm quite satisfied.

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