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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 07, 2008, 05:19:33 PM »
That's the defense, I suppose. Please go on the offensive, now, and respond to my (and others') request to talk about other people. Thoughts on Shale and his behavior during the deciding time the previous day, plus the related arguments today? On Kilga? Rat? Anyone I haven't mentioned that you'd like to talk about?

Forum Games / Re: Touhou Mafia Signups
« on: January 07, 2008, 04:57:41 PM »
Kaguya? Kaguya.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 07, 2008, 07:55:22 AM »
That's not what I'm saying and you know it. The group I'm intending to examine is much smaller than 'everyone who didn't vote Nitori'.

There were people who let their votes go to waste to avoid committing one way or the other, or while waiting for others to make the call for them. I'm specifically talking about people who were around and posting around the sudden deathmode (5 vs 5, an hour or so left to go) but didn't vote Nitori or VSM to tip the scale either way. Is that something one shouldn't review?

Then, we also have people who didn't buy into VSM's claim, or that Nitori would be a preferable lynching target than VSM. It's not something I'd lynch people for, but what's wrong with asking them why they did this? Let's take this a bit further. What exactly has changed from the previous day's closing hours to now? VSM hardly flipped, so we don't have any more solid confirmation of him than we did at that time. You believed VSM was scummy, correct? Does that mean you intend to go after him today as well? You say:

I *personally* still do not understand why VSM looked like a substantial townie, but I'm really going to have to concede to the majority here;  I've nothing to say about him that I haven't already.

That would seem to imply that yes, you still think he's scummy, but that you're deciding not to go after him by succumbing to groupthink? That isn't like you.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 07, 2008, 06:45:26 AM »
The arguments against Nitori were terribly unpersuasive, Otter, in fact. Aside from his puzzling vote for VSM and all surrounding it (the timing, the reasoning, etc) he didn't really ping as scum all that much. The arguments for voting VSM after his roleclaim and apparent proof of said roleclaim, over a lurker that seemed a touch shifty do seem to matter, the way I see it. I'm glad he ended up on the block as well. So those who still preferred VSM, defended Nitori or ended up wasting their vote despite being here warrant further inspection. I'm sure I'll find that it's already in progress once I get far enough down the thread.

On a similar note, I'm glad you're actually around this day. What happened the other day, though? Why did your vote end up going to waste, and the low participation?

Agreement on Excal quasi-fading into the background, but I don't get a particular scumly vibe from that alone. Of course, voting to get people to talk is something I subscribe to, so let's wait and see what Excal has to say. And I don't mean just in a single post made in his defense, but about the situation and other people as well.

Fnorder. He's still playing, right? It sounds like he had ample time to catch up as a sub, and he nevertheless ignored my request to give us any kind of read on him. Don't know what to make of him voting for a scum, then removing said vote once it got more momentum from Tai. Therefore, I'll request again that he talks, backed up with a vote. ##Vote: Fnorder. Delurk or hang, please.

Kilga's response is a bit troubling ( ). The way it reads to me, he's saying that buying into VSM's claim for meta reasons is a big no-no, and then he proceeds to explain why he didn't... using other meta reasons. Uh-huh. So we can't read into role distribution (including in past mafia games), but reading into role behavior (including in past mafia games) is right and proper? If by some chance I'm misunderstanding or misrepresenting your argument, please clarify this point for us. There's also the logical fallacy that a double vote means autotown. It doesn't. However, having a claim of a town-favoring role and a demonstration of it do carry some weight in the decision. Enough to dismiss the entire thing after consideration? Perhaps, but it's not all black and white (he's 100% town or he must be lying scum). I'm not sure I get why your coinflip came to CK and VSM, while keeping Nitori entirely out of it. Perhaps we disagree on Nitori's usefulness up to that point.

Worth noting Rat's reasoning for his voting is pretty similar to Kilga's.

Comment on Sopko's post above: it's not that scum have town roles, but that they can have town flavor. Unless you're saying framer is normally a town role?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 07, 2008, 06:04:54 AM »
Another day, and we finally get scum. Excellent! No concrete thoughts on mere skimming, on to reading in detail....

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 03:19:04 PM »
That's not how it sounded from Cid's post, though I'll admit on rereading it's ambiguous. Alex did say it was today as a co-mod, however. I suppose all I can do here is ask for Cid's clarification here and for people to vote. Since I buy into VSM's townness, the one I'd prefer to see strung out of the current options is Nitori.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 02:53:08 PM »
My vote is getting wasted as things are, as there seem to be only three possible targets now, none of whom I'm voting for. Can't in good conscience vote for VSM, and when the choice is between CK and Nitori, the latter looks the worst to me. Therefore, ##Unvote, ##Vote: Nitori.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:08:40 AM »
IE ate my post.  :(

Try #2 go!

Sopko did the 'stating' of things exactly once before, in his response to Yakumo. But going into this any further would only lead to pointless bickering too close to deadline (and a potential mislynch). I still don't buy his reasons. Maybe if I got him to talk more about other people I could either confirm my suspicions or discover them false.

I'm inclined to believe VSM's allegience, though the flavor sadly eludes me.

I'm not sure about CK's roleclaim; I can't get a read on him either way.

Nitori is a prime candidate for pruning, as far as I can see. He isn't being terribly useful, his vote for VSM and stated reasons for it (as well as the timing) are puzzling, and we have gone on less previously to prune.

After glancing at Strago's posts on a whim, I noticed he posted about technical stuff (players suiciding/not wanting to play, people not voting) but not much aside from his case on CK. There are mentions of Bobbin and Otter, but they don't seem to be of actual scumtells, only strangeness he found and shared with us. All valid, but I would like to ask Strago to comment more on other people. Unless I somehow missed it, he has avoided the VSM discussion so far, for example. Do you believe VSM? If so, any thoughts about the votes bringing VSM to 5 out of 8 necessary for lynch?

CPU's replacement, Fnorder, is someone I have a horribly convoluted meta reason to vote for (since out of two quitting players he was the only one replaced, which leads me to believe Cid wanted to avoid modkilling scum on a technicality the first day). Hardly a real reason, so I just want to see Fnorder be more active so I can replace this weird desire to vote him off the island with an actual read into him.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 07:30:51 AM »
Ahh, no, VSM.

Due to the considerable derailment caused by CPU's suicide rush, I am pushing the deadline back by twelve hours. Thus, it is now 33 hours until the deadline. I have also decided to implement the "No majority by deadline = no lynch" policy beginning on the next game-day, as this seems to force more active discussion (as opposed to having people let the deadline do the work for them).

This is pretty similar to what made me suspicious about Sopko, so I can't say you're looking too hot right now.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 07:14:09 AM »
I think there's been a misunderstanding earlier on, with regard to VSM. Several people seem to question him questioning Kilga's efforts... and while true, at the time I read that post as a response to the one Nitori made against him. If I'm right about this, then VSM would have reason to be offended of Nitori, who managed to slip under my radar for most of the game (I forget he's playing each time until I see him post) accuse him of lurking.

(I'm talikng about )

If he was talking about Kilga after all, ignore this, I suppose. Even if true that doesn't excuse the rest of VSM's behavior, but there are certainly people who participate less.

What else? Otter, like I mentioned in the previous post, is way too quiet and his excuse of not being here ran out when he checked in the first time. I don't much care about giving him a free pass for being a good player. In fact, that makes his behavior all the more suspicious. Sadly, that's all I have at the moment. I'd really like Otter to speak (a lot) more, the way he usually does, and would back it up with voting for him if nothing less than that gains his attention.

Sopko... responded to Yakumo, but not really to me. And while we all make mistakes, I agree with Yakumo that it's easier for scum to make them. Not what I'd call an airtight case, but it works to hold my vote for the time being.

Don't like the way Shale has acted on Day 1 (I think I disagreed with him back then, and considered it a matter of playing style), but I don't think it's scummy behavior. I'll wait for more tells, if any, from him.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 06, 2008, 06:34:49 AM »
Another day, another post before I've finished catching up for real. Is it just me, or is Tai posting more than Otter, in both quantity and quality?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 11:01:50 AM »
Excal: Why doesn't QR's flip put Sopko in at least a somewhat better light? He went after someone who turned out to be anti-town, and there's no way it was a scumbus.

Shale, here:

I know it's not addressed to me, but I felt like commenting here. QR was anti-town, yes, but scum wouldn't know that about her role. Therefore, Sopko could be town going after someone suspicious, or scum picking someone who isn't scum. Either of those options is equally likely, so I don't think it colors him in better or worse light at all.

Reading on I see Excal and Bobbin respond along similar lines.

And now CPU is voting for himself, and calling us all idiots. What the fuck? I only have one vote, and I want to kill scum with it. Look, I might be being hypocritical here, but suddenly what Corwin said about ignoring sucky players looks a whole lot better.

Anyhow. Corwin, Soppy and Shale are people who have actually been talking who I'd consider for a vote right now. Corwin because of his odd way of putting words in my mouth and a few arguments early on that didn't really make sense; Soppy for not even knowing *how* to make sense, and Shale for cleverly disguising a lack of opinion in a few paragraphs of posting.

Rat, at

Since Otter's vote for me was the most recent one by the time I looked at the page today, I read it before going back to where the thread was yesterday for me. I find it striking that Rat seems to be agreeing with my logic to a degree, or at least understanding it. Does it mean Otter gave him a free pass while voting for me, and not even mentioning Rat in that post? Or is it not as bad a move as Otter claims? Bobbin seems to agree with Otter, and Rat did play in the FFT game, so if this is really a bad tactic he'd actually know this.

I gain much amusement from Rat complaining of me putting words in his mouth. So should you all! : This is only one of the many examples of him doing this very same thing, and far more blatantly than anything I did. (That last posts feature QR mentioned for looking things up really does come in handy.) Well, hypocrisy is not something I'd like to base my vote on, but if it were, Rat would get my vote for what he said in the first post of his I'm quoting here. : Rat's comment on my response to Otter. Rat says it's obvious (I assume he's talking about Otter saying that what I did was a bad move). If it's so obvious, why do I have you quoted above, where you indicate readiness to agree with me on leaving the bad players and ignoring them while going after scum? I can't reconcile what you're saying here and what you said earlier, and I'd be curious as to whether Otter or Bobbin could, as those who pointed out the badness in my approach.

Would still like to see Sopko explain his logic before I decide whether to keep my vote on him. I've seen him post, but my request seemed to have been ignored.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 05, 2008, 10:16:44 AM »
Another day, another reading through pages of posts to follow. At least it's only a couple this time.

Remember that time when we didn't kill Sopko in FFT because of this reasoning

Well, no, since I wasn't in FFT. I'll have to take your word for this reasoning being bad, I suppose.

And now, on to reading.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 04, 2008, 12:51:01 PM »
Some quoting from posts that caught my interest as I started catching up today.

If we don't have any leads on Sunday, feel free to prune me, since I probably won't be contributing anything that'll be useful.

From CPU, at

Well, who am I to stand in the way of another suicide? He's not the only one of us who doesn't have all the time in the world to read the thread and participate, but others at least try and contribute meaningfully, not post once or twice a day with no content whatsoever. CPU's getting my vote once I'm done reading the thread, barring any scumtells I spot or that have already been pointed out.

Shale's move to unvote Tom before hammer... well, turns out Tom was playing a bad town game, as I expected, but with a couple hours left and no other candidates (seems like going after lurkers didn't take off after all, sadly) lynching was the preferred option to the alternative. A bit strange. His later responses don't convince me that it was a particularly good action, but that's likely a disagreement with style (ie not artificially keeping day 1 going once the outcome's been all but decided) rather than any scumminess. Yes, we can certainly use the time to talk, but lacking any kind of effective weapon to pressure people we want to hear from the most into responding kind of makes it largely moot. They know they aren't going to get voted in that situation, after all.

That said, I still don't like Corwin's response to my query, which he basically said it was for one of the reasons I didn't like in the first place.  So that doesn't put him in hammer range.  So what?  Is the only suspicious vote the one right before Hammer now?

That's Yakumo, at

He's missing the point, perhaps on purpose, that the're no particulat significance in the order of votes except how they appear to us. There's no reason vote three would be more suspicious than vote four, or vote two. Those votes before hammer do get examined more, yes, but that's only due to the possibility of scum hammering in a patsy. Still, someone had to have been vote #1,2,3... all the way to the last.

Secondly: Either way we have two confirmed townies, even in death. Perhaps looking at what they focused on aside from EvilTom will help? I'll look into it and post the results if no one else does in about five hours, I need food and sleep. Primarily the latter, class was hell today.

From Tai, at

By all means, if you think something of value would come out of it. Metagaming or not, I'd tend to doubt it. The only one I've seen with any decent (if incredibly warped) intuition was smodge, and he's going for the #1 lurker that's asked for assisted suicide the previous day.

So. Haven't seen anything particularly scummy so far. Otter finally checked in, and the response is reasonable enough to give him more time for content. Thus, it is time to add to the discussion on pruning CPU (or getting him to post actual content at last) with a FoS on CPU.

Unoriginal... if CPU does his part and you've remained lurking, this will switch over to you. Or FoS, in other words.

On Rat's post here: and bad town play and consequences. I suppose I should have been clearer. When I think someone is town, not scum, but also happens to be playing a bad town game... it's not an easy call for me to make. There's justification for pruning, yes, and I accepted that Rat (and some others) might've been going on that. However, can you deny that by accepting that it's bad town play, by your pruning, you're giving scum a pass that day? Lurking scum would get a free pass they wouldn't otherwise have, if they had sufficient votes on them. I chose this latter option, while understanding how the former is also viable. That's not akin to excusing bad town play, which means you give Tom a pass for no valid reason. As for my reason for thinking he's town? I did say it: first, from his other games; second, from not believing fellow scum wouldn't stop him in time if he were scum.

Another thing Rat's post makes me consider is VSM, and how much he actually said. Something to look at later.

I'm still a bit suspicious of Corwin. I'd come up with scenarios in my mind to explain their back and forth together if they'd both been scum or if Corwin had been innocent and Tom the scum, but the other way around never occured to me. He is my prime suspect at the moment, as he tended to stoke Tom's fire early on and really get him started to my recollection.

Sopko, here:

Okay, that's pretty much a lie. Using 'recollection' to sneak it in doesn't work. I haven't made a single post attacking Tom, and in fact have defended him to a degree back when it wasn't already a done deal, and might've done some good if people went for my suggestion to go after lurkers instead and ignored Tom and his bad play.

Also, Sopko's words sound to me like he's decided either I or Tom must be guilty, and is now trying to find reasons why. That's a classic scum tactic -- town looks at who seems guilty from their actions and words, not decides guilt and then looks for proof.

##Vote: Sopko

How ironic that I find something scummy-looking right at the very end of the thread I've been reading. Made me change my vote from CPU while typing this up. I do see Sopko's follow up post where he catches his mistake. Super made a lot of mistakes in NR, too, when he couldn't focus on the game enough. I'm told it's also something scum do more often than town, since their arguments have to be made up -- scum know the person they're going after is town, after all. Even though Sopko's follow up acknowledges there's no reasonable attempt by me to goad or otherwise bury an unfortunate townie, he nevertheless continues trying to tie myself to the affair from yet another angle. No, I'm not convinced.

Still, plenty of time in the day to change my mind. This vote should be incentive enough, and start the discussion.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 01:31:39 PM »
Tom, for all his faults, is talking. Lurkers aren't. To rectify that, I think we should put pressure on them and get them to respond. You think Tom is scum, Rat? That happened entirely because he opened his mouth, so seeing why I want to hear from everyone should be obvious to you.

Why do I think it's bad town play? Because I've seen him play that way as town a couple times before, and because I certainly hope fellow scum would help him avoid at least some of the things he's doing, which leads me to suspect he's going about it all solo.

Should that be excused? Well, no, that's not what I'm saying. Read my previous post, where I'm allowing for the possibility that's why you're going after Tom, and that I consider it a fairly valid call. However, by this reasoning, we'll lynch someone we think is town but playing badly instead of searching for scum. Scum comes out ahead when lurking is excused, and when town lynches town, so lurkers appear the better target for me. Finally, if you believe Tom is irredeemable this game and this feeling is shared by the others, he can be ignored with relative safety. His single vote won't matter for a while.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 11:42:28 AM »
Okay, finally done.

QR's Tom case is the most detailed, I find, and yet I'm not convinced. QR makes several points, especially in her latest post, and yet most of them go along the lines of "bad town play or bad scum play". Well, yes. QR is entirely right -- I just happen to think it's the former. Does it mean town should let him live? In the absence of any target whatsoever, maybe. But we have other options open for us, so far.

CPU has very limited access, but a justifiable reason for not being around much doesn't give him a free pass on things. Either he can make up for it by doing what we crazy non-US guys do and try to make a post or two of content per day, or I'd be perfectly fine with pruning him.

Otter. I intend to vote for him out of principle, namely the lynch all lurkers principle. Is he scum? I personally doubt it. But if past record starts factoring into non-jokephase votes we might as well vote in Rat, the one who is always scum. (On that note, ##Unvote: Rat, ##Vote: Otter) For LAL to be even remotely effective actual lurkers should get voted for to get them to talk, or I'm missing the entire point of it.

Rat... well, he's more than happy to have Tom lynched, and as he knows him well I think he also must think that Tom's playing a bad town game. Whether Rat wants him dead to help town or because it's easy is anyone's guess.

Unoriginal. Assisted suicide aside, has he contributed anything? And no, I don't feel any irony saying that. I've got my excuses and opinions, I want to hear his in return.

Sopko gets a special mention for his generally weird behavior. At a glance, he seems to be just agreeing with people (with Yakumo on me, with QR on Tom, etc). I particularly don't get
It actually makes both Tom and Corwin look pretty bad.
here:  So... if Tom is scum I must somehow be one as well? And vice versa? How does Tom failing at counting to three implicate me in any way? And yes, this was before my post here which could be seen as a defense of Tom, so what's the deal?

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 03, 2008, 06:59:51 AM »
You people all live on the wrong continent, I swear.

Justification for a third vote, Excal? "With nineteen alive, it takes ten to lynch." So yeah, calling it a bandwagon is pointless. Now I'll just need some time to read rather than skim the new posts and I'll respond with actual content.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:23:08 AM »
Yes, people might have lives! Lynch them for it, give no quarter.

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia is go!
« on: January 02, 2008, 09:11:39 AM »
##Vote: Carthrat for being scum, feeble denials won't save you this time!

Forum Games / Re: Discworld Mafia signups
« on: December 19, 2007, 06:12:18 AM »
Fear my lack of Christmas?

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