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Messages - Excal

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General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 09, 2012, 08:42:35 AM »
Been playing a lot of Hotel Dusk, reached the last chapter, and it's been pretty fulfilling. The issues I've been having with the game have been dropping since interrogation/conversations have become more central, and I've gotten used to how the game drops hints so there's less hitting every option to see what will move the plot on.

Only one character left whose deal has not been learned, and it should be fun to see how that works out.

However, while I'm at home, something else has overtaken it. Namely, a cheap copy of Arkham Asylum crossed my path. I do not know if my estimation of this game will drop with time. But I do not think it can get any higher.  It's just so damned fun, and the life bar is...  well, it looks a lot bigger than it is, which just means that you have to stay on the ball in combats. The best part is, usually you start fights with initiative, and how you start the fight matters so much. There's just something fun about lurking around a bunch of thugs figuring out how best to get the drop on them. As well, the Inverted Takedown is easily one of my favourite moves in anything like this, because there's something satisfying about dropping onto a goon from above, and then dropping him down to dangle helplessly while his buddies start panicking.

Currently on the hunt for Harley Quinn, though I've been leaving the Riddler stuff alone for the most part right now. That said, now that I have the fourth major tool, I might just start paying more attention to those challenges.

Yes, I suspect the big thing to remember here is that it's an English domain name, which means that it'll be based off of one of their accents and rhyming schemes.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: January 04, 2012, 02:25:41 AM »
I seem to be falling into a habit of skipping around a bit. With a few exceptions.

Professor Layton Trilogy

These have been my portable games of choice recently, and I got to close out 2011 by finishing Unwound Future. I thought heading in that the puzzles would be the primary selling point. And for the most part, they are delightful, though by the end of the third game, you start getting an eye for what'll work on even new stuff.

However, the characters are also generally excellent. Each of them can be boiled down to one or two character traits, but this is fine that they're not meant to be deep, or even overly compelling. They're simply meant to take their respective part in a fairly simple mystery plot.

The mysteries themselves are another issue. The second and third games both have their instances of having plot twists which are certainly forshadowed, but are more along the lines of "would be an asspull if they didn't put clues in before hand".  That said, fun games, and I'm definately going to be giving Last Specter a shot once I'm not so burnt out on puzzles.

Hotel Dusk: Room 215
Figured I'd give this one a shot. The graphics are gorgeous.  The sketch based character work is just a treat for the eyes, and each of the characters has a lot of personality, both in expressions, mannerisms, and in their dialogue.  The setup is also good so far. Ex-cop searching for his former buddy, now working as a guy who 'finds things that don't want to be found' under cover as a travelling salesman. Winds up at this hole in the middle of nowhere just as a bunch of interesting things, some related to him, are happening.

Really, with all of this praise, there's really only one issue I have with this game. And that's the unintuitiveness of some of the triggers. It's about as bad, if not slightly worse than the investigation phase of the Phoenix Wright games. Only there's no courtroom antics, and while there's less pixel hunting, there's more places to search, and more permutations of what to check.  So, yeah. Great game, just one major flaw.

Romance of the Three Kingdoms 7
This one is just personal indulgence since I like strategy games. Also, this one has less minutae and fine detail handling than the other ones I've played since, for the most part, you are forced to automate a lot of stuff (or you simply don't have a lot of authority) and usually only control yourself in combat. Honestly, I like this, because it means reading the AI, and figuring out how best to manipulate it to win battles with just one unit (badassedness of unit not guaranteed, though in this game it is)

In my current game, I suspect my side is going to lose despite not losing a single real battle I've been in. Man...  just realised I'm playing a Stark.

RPG Reviews / Re: Civilization: The Board Game
« on: December 22, 2011, 09:39:45 AM »
Yeah, knew about the old Avalon Hill one, not about the 2k2 Cid Meier one, when I made this. May, or may not, update this with expanded knowledge of the base set, as well as the new Fame and Fortune expansion.

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 3: Sopko)
« on: December 18, 2011, 08:33:23 AM »
Well, if all the cool kids are doing it, who am I to resist peer pressure?


Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 3: Sopko)
« on: December 14, 2011, 04:53:19 AM »
They can all go to 52.

Also, Edit: Ow.

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 2: EXCAL)
« on: December 03, 2011, 10:23:20 AM »
Alright, then I'll put the guy who failed on 37, and shuffle one guy from 33 to 52

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 2: EXCAL)
« on: December 01, 2011, 08:12:17 PM »
Alright, I redeploy my Great Old One to 43, and then pull up all extras, as well as vacate 50, 51, and 54, leaving me with eight tokens to place.

35 (2)
33 (4)
37 (1)
42 (1+roll, need 1 or more)

Redeployment will happen when I see which artifact/location I get, and see if my attack succeeded.

General Chat / Re: Guess that video game!
« on: November 20, 2011, 06:37:35 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Who in the DL is King of the Underground? (Turn 1: EXCAL)
« on: November 18, 2011, 07:27:45 AM »
Will pay 1 to get the Adventurous Cultists.

10 Tokens to place, with a -1 cost around my first territory.

51 (3)
43 (3) Place/Item Token GET
52 (2)
54 (1)
50 (1 + roll)

As 51 is immune to attack, I will spread its two extra tokens to 54 and 50 if the attack on 50 is successful.
If the attack on 50 fails, then I will place the token from that assault on 43, and then place the tokens from 51 on 54 and 52 respectively.

Playing Chrono Trigger again. Reminding myself just how ruddy fun the whole thing is. Just reached Mount Woe.

Ultimate Marvel v Capcom 3. Decided to pick this up. Helps that a) I'm currently enjoying the Avenger setup movies, and it has Phoenix Wright. Right now I'm finding Phoenix to be a real trick to learn how to use, since he's so very odd. But the fact that he has his "Going to win the trial" music override the background whenever he manages to get into Turnaround Mode, and his hyper moves are all awesome is making him satisfying to use even if it does require a lot of learning.

General Chat / Re: Guess that video game!
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:40:35 PM »
Dangit, Second. ;_;

General Chat / Re: Guess that video game!
« on: November 08, 2011, 08:40:11 PM »
Pokemon Blue

I know of Small Worlds. I can take the last spot.

Forum Games / Re: Roleplay Mafia [Sign-Ups]
« on: November 06, 2011, 09:03:37 PM »
Not sure how much time I'll have, but I can also step in.

General Chat / Re: Desmond & Dragons - A DnD Chronicle
« on: July 14, 2011, 03:36:29 PM »

General Chat / Re: Desmond & Dragons - A DnD Chronicle
« on: July 13, 2011, 09:05:13 AM »
It may, or may not, have been Liquid Mummy Rot.  Honestly, a far better fate than Kainitis.

Discussion / Re: Issues Poll 1 - Abortion
« on: May 20, 2011, 06:31:42 AM »
Motive is actually huge in terms of law.  I mean, hell, just the fact that there's three different gradiations of Murder which really only differ in intent (1st Degree, in a rational and calm state of mind you intended to kill someone.  2nd Degree, in the grip of sudden emotion or other clutch decision you intended to kill someone.  3rd Degree/Manslaughter, you did not intend to kill someone, but it was a reasonable and foreseeable result of your actions despite not wanting it to happen)

So yes, courts of law will happily look at intent when interpreting law.

Discussion / Re: Best in Show
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:22:30 AM »
Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)
1. Legend of Zelda 2 : AoL
2. Romance of the Three Kingdoms
3. Blades of Steel

DOS/Windows 3.x PC
1. X-Com
2. Myst
3. Sim City

Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES)
1. Chrono Trigger
2. Final Fantasy 6
3. Front Mission 1

Sega Genesis (Gen)
1. Phantasy Star 4
2. Gemfire
3. Phantasy Star 2

Windows 95/98/2000 PC
1. Civ 2
2. Fallout
3. StarCon 2

Sony Playstation (PS1)
1. FFT
2. Suikoden 2
3. Valkyrie Profile

Nintendo 64 (N64)
1. Super Smash Brothers
2. Majora's Mask
3. Goldeneye

Write In - Game Boy
1. Super Mario Land
2. Tetris
3. Final Fantasy Legend 2

Gameboy Advance (GBA)
1. Super Robot Wars J
2. Super Robot Wars OG 2
3. Pokemon (Leaf Green in particular, though I feel they hit their peak here)

Playstation 2 (PS2)
1. Persona 3/4
2. Final Fantasy X
3. Wild ARMs 4

XBox (XBox)
1. Knights of the Old Republic
2. Morrowind
3. Jet Set Radio

Gamecube (GCN)
1. Super Smash Bros Melee
2. Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance
3. Mario Kart: Double Dash

Nintendo DS (DS)
1. Phoenix Wright 1-3
2. Advance Wars: Days of Ruin
3. Dragon Quest 9

Playstation Portable (PSP)
1. Wild ARMs XF
2. Dissidia Duodecim
3. Crisis Core

Windows XP+ PC
1. Civ 4
2. Starcraft
3. What, I barely play PC Games

XBox 360 (360)
1. Mass Effect 2
2. Fallout: New Vegas
3. NHL 11

Nintendo Wii (Wii)
1. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
2. Mega Man 9
3. Super Mario Galaxy

Playstation 3 (PS3)
1. Don't Own


If you like insane amounts of micromanagement, you will crush it beneath your iron heeled boot.
If you do not micro manage or otherwise make the system weep, then it will laugh over your broken corpse.

So far as I can tell, not much middle ground here.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: May 10, 2011, 04:04:24 PM »
Recently got back into watching anime.  Started off by remembering that I had gotten DaiGuard way back when and watching that, which was pretty enjoyable.  The larger plot wasn't very good, but given that the story was pretty much about the characters and the corporation anyways, that's forgivable.  And it's always fun to watch a Real Robot show that looks like it should be a Super Robot show.

Then I watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann.

Normally, Super Robot Wars does not stretch the limits of my disbelief.  But I have a very hard time imagining a universe that contains the Spiral Warriors, where anything works so long as it's awesome enough, and the Dai-Guard verse, where everything runs on duct tape and a prayer, and hot-bloodedness generally leads to paperwork and lawsuits.

Currently working on classic Macross. 

Discussion / Re: Politics '11: Keeping up with the Xornses
« on: May 03, 2011, 03:55:14 PM »
The Doomsaying is more because the Anyone But Harper (also works as Anyone But Tories) crowd is making noises about how the other parties should pool so the not-Tory majority coukd rule inder the hand of Comrad Jack.

Discussion / Re: Politics '11: Keeping up with the Xornses
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:35:30 AM »
Hmm, my thoughts on all this are actually pretty similar to the Elf's, with the exception that I'm less worried about Harper and the Tories.  Though that's less because I'm worried about how they operate, and more because Canada has a habit of there being a deal of support that washes from the Liberals to the Tories like a Tide, and the successive minorities had broken that tide.  Hopefully this'll get our government out of stasis.  Especially since this time, when people look at Harper it'll only be on what he's done, and not on speculations on how much of his policy was determined by being in a Minority  (a concern that oddly, both helped and hurt him since those supporting and opposing him entrenched further from this belief).

And, yeah.  My only real worry about this election should go away if the Liberals manage a comeback, as opposed to fading away.  Though given how long the PCs held on after they got an even worse crushing, and how they were caught inbetween a tougher rock and a hard place, the Liberals will definately get their shot.

They do not.  That 16 GB is all you're ever gonna see.

Dissidia, managed to beat the 13th Cycle.  Was generally impressed with the 12th cycle and all of the new characters introduced in it.  And the 13th cycle is pretty much the same as before, except the new Party mechanic actually lets you have multiple people at the same time, which is awesome.

After this I went to try out the Laberynth, which...  is apparently a great way to get some items, but the Exp gains are crap, and the Calender bonuses don't apply.  Really?  Does this game honestly need more grind?  Man, with the Duel Colloseum I could, with the bonus, level a couple of characters thirty levels in an afternoon if I wanted to just push them, and get a wide variety of opponents at the same time without having to set anything, or sit through story.  Oh, and get some items too, just cause.  Here it feels like in that same amount of time I'd get one character about ten levels, if that.  So...  I'm probably just going to use Squall and the starting section of 000 Story Mode in order to get everyone up to where they actually have move options because having to fight dozens of battles to get to Level 4 is idiotic when I can just have four characters sit around and do squat and get there in three battles.

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