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Messages - Mr. Miyagi

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Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 08:49:06 AM »
I will actually go ahead and admit that I wasn't fully considering the case of the easy lynch vs the more difficult lynch and more focusing in on the quality of your argumentation, which has actually gotten me to step back and reexamine things.

Of course, in return, the problem is that that this entire line of reasoning descends into logical back and forth. As scum, you could have indeed gone for easy lynches. Of course, if the easy lynches went your way, then the same sort of suspicion could indeed apply, Worf. As you do so pointedly illustrate, young Klingon, scum aren't capable of predicting exactly what would happen. It is possible that in avoiding the easy lynches, you could have been attempting to reinforce a good townie vibe: you were a good player who didn't go after guys just tripping over themselves and honestly thought I looked scummy! Whoops. In fact, the nature of the suspicions you reference (you'd look bad for going after me and me flipping town) cast the issue even further into doubt! Why would intelligent scum avoid easy lynches and press hard like that? And this isn't even getting into the fact that there are two scum, which leaves plenty of room for some sort of gambit to reinforce the position of an allied scum buddy.

So. In the end, the problem is we can't get anywhere with that sort of thinking. Scum can't predict what will happen, and town can't predict how scum will play.

As is, I really want to hear Holmes pitch in so we have everyone's voice out there at least once.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 09:31:15 AM »
1.  The case against Yoda is rooted in him contributing nothing but a fixation on joq'vohts, summarily jumping on Captain Sparrow, who is now PROVEN to be a townie making himself an easy target, and an odd self defense campaign that took his vote to me instead of Sparrow.

Do I even need to begin to show how Worf here is subverting the truth and outright lying about what actually occurred?

1. I did not fixate completely on joke votes. Seriously. On day one: I noted Holmes broke a pattern, voted Sparrow to encourage him to converse, voted Megatron for jumping in without giving any acknowledgement to the discussion at hand, prodded Gollum on his response to a missed bold vote, responded to reactions to me and joined in the pressure to get Karma to clarify her stance. Then, yeah, I disappeared for a bit and the day ended all of the sudden. And yes, day two I made a point to say not to dismiss a joke votes, because they can still have some weight. Wasn't fixating, though!

To put it succintly, you are exaggerating to the point of outright fabrication right here.

2. Right. I jumped on a scummy looking individual who happened to turn up town. You do remember that YOU voted him first, right? Oh yeah, and let us not forget everyone ELSE who voted him too. Again. You are exaggerating the issue with the clear intent of making me appear guilty when I really haven't done anything wrong.

3. I've already dismissed this one repeatedly. It was not a defense, it was an attack. It was not more focused on Sparrow. I had specific problems with Sparrow, yes. I ALSO had serious problems with your logic (which, like I said, felt pretty distinctly anti-scum hunting), that was only further supplemented by what I feel were incredible shoddy arguments against me (like these!) that came out over the progression of our discussions.

I'm getting sleepy, but as it is, and with the flip, I'm inclined to say that scum is split between the two trains, which means that my most likely scum candiates are Worf and Sherlock/Mr. T. However, that obviously deserves its own discussion, and up for that right now, I am not.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:04:28 AM »
##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Megatron

I hate bolding things so much.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:02:21 AM »
Because, even accounting for the weight of the bloody tangled web this is weaving, I still feel worse about Sherlock than I do about Megatron. Given the other votes pretty much split between Megatron and Sherlock, I went with the one bothering me less. Given Cid's post however, I obviously don't have much option here.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Megatron

I will say that, in plain and simple terms, the arguments on me are absolute bull. Day one ended pretty abruptly, meaning that if I wasn't around, I couldn't do anything. I've been pretty specific about my bloody points. I certianly have not been vague about the problems I have with people. And I haven't overemphasized joke votes at all. I'm not seeing how I haven't addressed any of the issues except in the event that people are incapable of reading my repeated restatements of my issues and argumentation, or are being willingly negligent of what I've typed.

Seriously. I can't make things any more clear for the lot of then I already have. I've had Sherlock as a lingering suspicion all day. There are all sorts of tangled webs, and it is actually pretty hard to vote for someone who ISN'T attached to someone I'm not suspicious of. So I have to weigh my suspicions and take the shots I've got. I wasn't feeling that bad about Megatron today. Why wouldn't I vote for someone I feel suspicious about, especially when they might go further to confirm my thoughts about another?

I'm vanilla town, by the by.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:44:07 AM »
Fuck me.

##Unvote: Worf
##Vote: Holmes

Fucking hell, seriously bold.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:43:19 AM »
##Unvote: Worf
##Vote: Holmes

Do it correctly, I shall.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:42:43 AM »
Worf or Holmes, willingly lynch I will. Bad feeling about Cid, do I have, but nothing concrete can I put together beyond the gut. Not trust Sparrow, I would either, but not willing to put it away at this point, I am.

##Unvote: Worf
##Vote: Holmes

Press the issue to survive, I shall.

Jedi Edit: Refer to the time frame, indeed I do. Put us in very poor position, it does.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 06:54:29 AM »
A reason, do you have?

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 06:35:35 AM »
Uncomfortable, I am with this. Unsure of what to do, I am. Seriously unhappy that you took this long to claim doctor, I really am. With equal candidates, more inclined to push the lynch Worf lines, I am. Believe doctor claim, I am not sure I do. Want to push it when I have another candidate, I do not.

Who is around still, I need to ask!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 10:57:02 PM »
Agree on at least one point, we do. Encourage to vote on the most suspicious, we both do. Heed that advice, I recommend to all others.

Indeed play a part in my deliberations, Sparrow does. See nothing that says Borg he must be though. His alignment matters, it does not. Two gambits could be played, by scum. Save an ally, scum could attempt by relieving Sparrow. Gain townie cred, scum could by defending hapless townie. Rest on the fact that your behavior does not make sense to me, it does. Manner in which you have given pass to Sparrow bothers me, it does. Continued argumentation does little to alleviate my concerns, it does.

Continue to feel Worf or Sparrow are the best lynches for today, I do. While raise my hackles most, Worf has, continue to do nothing, Sparrow does. Need to hear more thoughts from others, I do.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 09:23:43 PM »
One vote alone, have I. Forced to pitch it between two equal candidates, I am. With most of my continued argumentation facing Worf, feel it best to keep my vote situated there.

Overstate my stance on joke votes, I feel you do. Suggest that joke votes are important I do not, merely suggest that they have relevance. Dwell not on joke votes day one, I did. Focus on patterns and timing I did. Question why Sherlock broke patterns, I did. Ask why Megatron came in late with decidedly late joke vote and did not acknowledge the arguments of the time. Merely suggest that such things can be used as indicators, I do.

Furthermore, overemphasize my lurking, I feel you do. Examine the first few posts of the day, you should. Fall off at the end of day one, admittedly I did. Start off day two on the same par as everyone else, I did however. Just not seeing this deficit that you site, I am.

Accept your statement about your hunting method, I shall.

Importance of the flip-flop revolves around it being a backpedal, it does! Go from "Worf is bad because he is trying to get people to post more regularly" to "I cannot follow this game because people are speaking in these odd ways!" Really been any explication on this point, there hasn't been.

Final point which concerns me. Split desires, many people have. Falling back to "suspicious" vs "what we will learn from the lynch," many people are. Think suspicions should take precedent, I do. If think one target more suspicious, vote them you should. Let lurking scum slip by does lynching based on information.

Jedi Edit

Dislike self pity, I do Mr. Sparrow. Lead to the dark side, it does. Ask you to clarify a statement you made, I must.

Yoda I have already made my statements on about OMGUS. I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it's not a good thing either way. My personal view on the situation is that he's trying to get rid of a target who is on his case and who is a stronger player than I am in the game.

Also ask additional question, I must. In your earlier post, made comment that Worf was earning your trust you did. Why wait so long to change your vote, did you?

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 08:35:47 AM »
Make more sense now, Worf's logic does. Still has problems though, I feel it does. Have allies in the game, the scum do. Not always around for advising, they are. Operate independently at times, they do. Hinge completely on one particular post being checked by other scum, it does. Interesting position you hold now, though. Admit certain validity to my argument, you do, by acknowledging the dangers of your assertion.

Ask about your methods of detection, I must. What is good scum hunting method? Call my reasons technicalities, you do. Sensible to me (based off a disjunction in your behavior and an odd pass given to Sparrow), they are. Clarify your reasons for the vote on me, further?

Ignore you I have, Megatron, because developed stronger have other cases. Based on day one lack of information, my initial attacks were. Stepped up somewhat, I feel you have. Top suspect, you are not.

Interesting position, Holmes has. Agree somewhat, I do, that his presence has been lacking. Thoughtful commentary, he does provide. Forgettable presence, he does possess.

Wish to hear from Sparrow more, I still do.

Also to hear about other's reactions to his flip-flopping and lack of questions or arguments, I desire (especially from Worf).

Currently caught between Sparrow and Worf I am, for lynch. Fit in third position, Holmes does.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 02:47:17 AM »
Too much of a headache to be bothered to try and back-ass-wards-ify this, so let me speak in more plain terms for this post.

The fact is that there are no really unique, outstanding individualities to this particular case. Worf's entire case for switching, as near as I can tell, is indeed based around the premise that scum would not make a stupid mistake like Sparrow did. I don't see anything particularly hard referenced, just a general feeling of towniness because of... well. To be frank, I'm not sure why! It really does seem to be a trumped up case of gut feeling.

The problem I have with this is the classical statement "Oh, it is just Tom being Tom." The fact is that scum aren't going to be inherently better players than town. Scum can have bad days. Scum can be bad players. Worf's stance requires a basic acceptance that you believe that scum would not be that stupid, but town, on the other hand, would.

If Worf can give me something more, or perhaps explicate on what exactly about Sparrow's dodgy attitude is reassuring, I'll be more inclined to move on. As is though, I'm not really seeing where my generalization is inaccurate.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 09:56:50 PM »
 Turn my eye away from Sparrow, I have not.  Only move my vote to who seems most suspicious though, I have.

Worf, almost your entire case for moving off Sparrow rest on the theory that scum cannot make mistakes, it seems. Based on limited evidence, game is. Take what we can, we must. Foolish, your stance is. Give scum tools to escape suspicion, you do. Worse, give free pass to crap argumentation, you do. Understand I would if someone else struck particular chord, or provide some sort of explanation, Sparrow did.

Thoughts on his flip-flop, do you have, or is this merely more case where you excuse it for being bad play?

Sparrow, thoughts on me, do you have? Further, why trust Worf now, you do?

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 09:59:42 AM »
If problem with method of speaking you have, address questions directly to speaker you should. Sticking to character, help enforce anonomity does. Obscure gameplay, it should not. Some suspicions remain with you will, until noteworthy content you post.

Easy to read my posts, it should be. Return to regular grammar if needed, I will.

Imply that joke votes are indicative one or the other, I did not intend to. Ignore them completely, one should not. Make decision on who to target, scum still must do. Clues, they can possibly provide.

Question Worf's statements, I must. Define cases as empty, how? Important is post frequency and content. Getting too involved I may be, however. One more problem, I have though. Where does problem with my attack on Sparrow come from? Did not his vote on faulty argument rest? Odd, your stance is. Assume scum would not attempt to sensationalize a questionable stance, you do? Ignore his complete flip flop (question your stance regarding getting people to talk, he did, then assume a near identical stance, he does) you will? Much difficulty with your reasons, do I have.

Seems very anti-scum hunting, your position does. Assuming flawed attacks belong to town, understand I cannot. Elaborate, you can?

##Unvote: Sparrow
##Vote: Worf

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 07:03:42 PM »
Unanticipated the end of the day was.

Unfortunate this is, but much information does it bring. Gollum and Franziska town were, and on both of them two people voted: Cid and Worf. Matter not does reason for voting, for even joke votes may serve the Dark Side. Bear watching, both do. Lacking though are other markers of the dark side. Not enough to warrant votes, have they done. Vote record, worth observing it is, though.

Very suspicious, Sparrow is. Misconstrue Worf's statement, he does. Vote with little reason, he does. Ignore other arguments and lack content, he does. Post more, he must. Encourage him, I shall.

##Vote: Captain Jack Sparrow

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 09:43:13 AM »
Flailing against my argument Megatron is. Point you have missed. Ignore discussion without reason you did. By my own action had joke voting begun to fade. Little reason to joke vote when you did there was.

The answer for Holmes (and others) I possess. Call attention to yourself your actions did. Some lingerings of the Dark Side did I feel. Not enough to be sure it was. Guarantee had I not. Against Sparrow there was logic. Encourage him to talk we should (and we did). Mark of the dark side silence is. Even if scum you were calling out a fellow for not talking this early unreasonable was not. Early enough the game still was and feel like bad vote it did not.

The answer for the attorney I present. Act like my logic against Sherlock was strong Sparrow, Gollum and Cid did (better than non-speaker they seem to imply), yet pursue it at all they did not. A bit strange it seems to me.

Only one on the Dark Side fear putting down heavier votes and explanation would. React to Mr. T in that way, why did you? Sense much disturbance in you, do I. Wish to put you at -1 to hammer so early do I not. Explain could you?

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 01:09:24 AM »
Hate the votes against me I will not. Leads to the dark side it does. Correct the record though I will. Good it is to hear from the pirate.

##Unvote: Jack Sparrow

Not accuse one person alone did I. Two mentioned I in one post.

Strange the behavior of Sherlock Holmes was, unforgivable it was not. For breaking a pattern of joke voting much is to be said. Many reasons there could be. Odd it is. Definitive it is not, though reasons should be heard. Better case this is I never claimed.

If so good my claims were, why follow them do you not?

Time had passed yet. Post people must. End joke votes should. Voting the pirate both would do. Logical the course of action was. Not invalidate my post it does. Draw attention to one oddity and encourage discussion and attention I did.

Strange the one with the ring is. Point out the obvious he does.  Necessary to illustrate is it after correction by mod?

Persist in joke vote does the robot. Comment not on short discussion he does! In hurry he is?

##Vote: Megatron

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 07:42:41 PM »
Behind this the sith must be. To uncover the imposters use the force we must.

A marker of the dark side it is to disrupt the natural order of things. Ruined the pattern Sherlock Holmes has. Strange accusations he has made. Much turmoil I sense within him.

Strange as well is the pirate. Not yet spoken has he. A mark of wisdom his silence? Not, I think.

##Vote: Jack Sparrow

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