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Messages - n-factorial

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Forum Games / Re: Nomic - Turn Twenty Two
« on: January 19, 2009, 08:04:06 AM »
Nothing pointless about it. I'm declaring a formal invitation of alliance with the individuals mentioned in my post.

I did consider throwing up some huge diplomacy proposal, where people could declare war, neutrality or peace with others. Something like "If you vote the same was as someone you're at peace with, +5 points, if you vote opposite, -5 points", and vice-versa for when at war. I'd be amenable to that, though it would probably take a lot of words.

322. All players shall now possess the option of entering into a state of peace, neutrality or war with another player. All players shall also be considered as starting in a state of neutrality at the time this law is passed. Advancing from war to either neutrality or peace, or from neutrality to peace, requires one player to propose the offer in the format ##Advance to (Peace/Neutrality) With:: [player name], and for the other player to confirm with Accepting (Peace/Neutrality) with:: [player name]. All movement from peace to either neutrality or war, or from neutrality to war, requires only one member to state in post ##Declaring (Neutrality/War) With:: to lower the relationship to the stated level. All changes in relationship statuses may occur during both proposal discussion and voting stages.

a) Peace. This relationship grants a +5 point bonus to two people in the relationship if their votes on a proposal are the same, and a -5 point penalty if their votes conflict. These point bonuses stack with other peace bonuses (so three people voting together under Peace will get +10 points). This does not count the number of votes, simply the affirmative/negative value of the votes.

b) Neutrality. This relationship has no point modifiers.

a) War. This relationship grants a +5 point bonus to two people in the relationship if their votes on a proposal are different, and a -5 point penalty if their votes are the same. These point bonuses stack with other war bonuses (so one person voting against three others he is at War with will get +15 points). This does not count the number of votes, simply the affirmative/negative value of the votes.

i offer this as an alternative to your current proposal, carthrat.

Forum Games / Re: Nomic - Turn Twenty Two
« on: January 19, 2009, 07:32:07 AM »
...that seems incredibly and pointlessly random as a proposal.

Forum Games / Re: Nomic - Turn Thirteen
« on: December 11, 2008, 11:24:04 AM »
three things

one, if we're really going for random annyoance, i volunteer this formula:

(negative if on the wrong side of a bill, positive if on the right side)(((5!/no. of voters)*(total word count of voter's posts/total word count of all posts))+pi or e or some cute mod)

encourages activity and takling, gives a reason to discourage voters (granted if the mob disappears suddenly the first part's too big), encourages people to try to vote with how it'll go, which means the mob can cause surprise upests.

two, since i actually don't agree with random annoyance unless it's amusing which formule aren't, i'd really suggest something like excal's rule or something creatively amusing to all involved

because while i like the concept of this game it still has the issue of being about as interesting as frozen pepper

de-lurking to say

I, too, will be contributing to the cha- err to the fun. yes.

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