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Messages - Corwin

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Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: July 16, 2008, 06:32:21 AM »
Play as a team! Anyway, in, guilt-tripping Rat, etc.

Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: July 14, 2008, 08:00:08 PM »
Rat doesn't love anything!

Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: July 14, 2008, 07:18:08 PM »
A Ciato is fine too (join, you know you want to~)

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 14, 2008, 09:11:17 AM »
I kinda meant that if Tom didn't help me my attempt to get someone lynched would've gotten a lot more raised eyebrows right from the start.

Also, Illinois Nazi. I laughed. This just had to be said.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 14, 2008, 08:54:29 AM »
Given that I don't think I would've survived LYLO had the case on Tom not been as 'obvious', Excal, it probably would've made a difference.  >_>

Anyway, town only really had three safe lynches and one of them got wasted on Tom for no repercussions to scum. I considered that pretty key and said as much, as always, ymmv.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 14, 2008, 06:57:39 AM »
Whoa, deja vu.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 14, 2008, 06:48:36 AM »
You do realize this was a major reason for the town's loss, right? Hardly the sole one, but yeah.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 10:25:00 PM »
Strangely enough, Ciato, that really wasn't the intent (to incite Tai into some kind of implosion). Glad you rooted for us, sorry RL didn't let you keep on playing. Maybe next time~

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 08:25:37 PM »
Huh, strange. I was really curious the entire game, and I considered Laggy since day 3, but not you.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 08:01:32 PM »
That's a total exaggeration considering the heated feelings after (and during), say, Vampire or Touhou, just to name a couple games.

Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: July 13, 2008, 07:15:13 PM »
Yes, at least he wasn't voteless. I'm in if Rat is, let's be masons together~

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 07:04:18 PM »
And I just realized, I was totally right about Tom. He lied day 1 as town again for no gain.  :/

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:59:29 PM »
Tai had his circumstances, Rat and I reacted (and Rat was already frustrated, while I myself was the target of the attack) badly, Snow was trying to goad me by his own admission, and delta is ...idk.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:47:59 PM »
Your power role is Illinois Nazi. You are not from Illinois. You are not a Nazi. And actually, you don't have any useful powers at all. But you do have a wacky title that'll make people go WTF on seeing the cardflip in the event of your death, so that's something. Hey, there are worse fates than being an unnecessary Blues Brothers reference. Trust me.

That is so awesome, I wish I had that role.  :/

Yes, Rat was pure voteless and nothing else. I expected some metagaming based off this. I didn't expect people to totally ignore Tai's confirmation that Rat was purely voteless. What the hell?

The speculation that Rat, while powerless, could've been a scum on a kill (and gotten blocked) doesn't seem so strange. It doesn't really interfere with Tai's confirmation, either.

BE WARNED: You've received intel suggesting that one other player in this game is out to kill you specifically. You don't know who it is or even their aligment, so be on the lookout for this individual. It's up to you whether or not you need to share this information with your scumbuddies.

I love the irony in the only kill that I made being the person trying to kill me. And I didn't share it with the other scum pretty much because it was a useless bit of info that could only do harm (i.e. have them know of it in advance and react accordingly).

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:35:34 PM »
You haven't said it yet

I'm never playing another mafia game.  :(

Will you play next game? I need a chance to get back at you.

Sure, I guess.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 06:06:04 PM »
After every game I say the next game is the last one.

I say this to Rat after every mafia game, too.

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad Mafia, Game Over: Number the Dead
« on: July 13, 2008, 05:51:34 PM »
Strago, congrats, you felt off and lurkery all game but I couldn't make an easy case on you so....

Re: Tai, I honestly didn't aim for him with that post he cited as the reason of his hate, but generally the people who moved from Snow to Meeple day 2.

And today was so busy I didn't get a chance to post from work, and then it took me time to get home due to a traffic accident. Which probably saved me, too.

Rat! We should play as a team again, we really do think alike~

Laggy: Just because I'm not hopping around and praising people as 'pro-town' means I can't look back at someone's last post in the game and consider it an honest attempt on their part to be helpful? The two are not related. If I had to be brutally honest, I'd say that I don't consider Meeple the best mafia player, but that doesn't quite equate to throwing away all his posts as useless or made in bad faith.

I'm sorry if you think me saying I believe someone was trying to help us is OOC. I think Tom's trying to help us, too, but I don't see much of use in his posts. I can acknowledge the sentiment without accepting the arguments presented.

On the subject of my role: I don't really intend to claim that I'm playing the way I am due to a role. I've always played aggressively; what I was trying to say was that it might have affected that a bit. I didn't hold myself back where I otherwise might have. To have it presented as the sole reason for an aggressive playstyle is to pretty much twist what I was saying. I believe I was clear enough and your attempts to paint it the way you do, repeatedly, smack of the disingenuous.

The case on Rat? Well, I believe I was the first who mentioned the possibility of Rat being blocked from making the kill. But it really is the only thing (outside him thinking much like I do, which none of you care about) that I find truly suspicious of him in our current situation.

If anything, you are coming off as more suspicious. The beginning of this day was pretty much occupied with you starting and fanning discussion about Bardiche/Rat, then the number of scum, then you move it to thinking in terms of scum teams. Let's dispense with the caveats and get down to why I find it suspicious. It bogs us down in meta stuff and we don't spend as much as we need staying focused on who is scummy. When 'he is scummy but association seems to rule it out' comes into play, it leads to badness. Scum can and will make connections, and I wouldn't put it past them to think ahead. You make your nice, comfy 'scum' team, bus one of your friends, and seal the game the next day. And I don't see anyone more active than you, while I've been largely discredited due to my mistake wrt JR and can't oppose you properly. Yeah, I'm thinking it feels off to me.

Math and scenarios look very impressive, I'm sure, but your actual cases rely in large part on metagaming (as you admit for part of your case on me) and what essentially comes down to gutfeels (with Rat).

Edit for Bardiche:
Interesting thought: If he is a Bulletproof, chance could be either Andrew or scum hit Corwin on Day 2 and Rat's a townie.

Yeah except I already said I wasn't hit and you don't seem to be following my words closely enough despite apparently finding issue with me. That's pretty lax and, yes, scummy coasting. See above for BP/playstyle, I'm not repeating it.

I did not want the situation where the scummiest person on the block well on the way to be lynched when I go to bed turns out to have avoided the lynch due to tugging at our sympathy by the time I wake up, without a chance to even counter the move to a new target. To push the lynch I believed in very much at the time through I clearly had to present the case further and remind people that JR escaped a lynch by the exact same methods he was pulling once more, when he drew attention again.

I know some people feel it was off, but to actually go 'Corwin got JR lynched, who was town despite looking the scummiest, Corwin is thus scummy' boggles me. Are we revisiting my mindpowers? Just because I'm leading the Squad, flavor-wise, doesn't mean I get people to vote as I wish. Enough people have gone 'he is scummy/I find him a viable target/I will hammer him' when JR's time was up, so the actual amount of people ostensibly agreeing with the lynch was even higher than the voting record might suggest.

QR's theory of me 'taking advantage of a bad situation' with JR makes sense because...? Yeah, I'm not seeing it. How is sticking in your neck all the way because you believe your case is right and want to show it somehow a scumtell? Are you suggesting I was running some infamous Xanathos gambit?

Laggy: I found DHE suspicious even before, and as the rest of my suspects drop like flies he remains the scummiest-looking of all those who still live. The waiting on the hammer, making sure we know just how much he's with town and willing to do it but not just yet, the endless discussions of essentially metagaming issues which contribute to a sense of presence but not so much to viable content... even his attitude puts me off, laughable as it is to hear me say that. Incidentally, Meeple's analysis of the scum team does not play a particularly important role for me, here.

Me showing leniency to Meeple? Only in the sense that, as Shale said, scum wouldn't know Meeple wasn't one of them, and thus analysis of the push on Meeple would be useful in locating scum.

On the subject of my roleclaim. The role of throwing pies, does it do anything? If you believe QR, then she's effectively vanilla. 'Miller Survivor'? Make that Self-Aligned Miller Survivor, and wording aside, a self-aligned survivor doesn't feel like a strangely, unique role to me. You are twisting flavor with actual role mechanics in an attempt to isolate mine, which... doesn't look right to me.

On my correction: that's what I get for editing and posting while gaming, as I've said I have no excuse.

It would come as little surprise that the part of the previous post dealing with my suspects was written in advance, post-day 3 flip. I adjusted it for Andrew to use past tense as I posted, but didn't do it for Excal for some reason. I have no excuse.

We're in LYLO, are we?

Due to that and my mistake in going after the scummy-seeming JR, I'll claim as well.

I am Amanda Waller, affectionately known as The Wall. I'm apparently ruling over you guys with an iron fist, the whole nine yards. All I know is what my PM and wiki tell me, but I apparently hate the lot of you guys and it is mutual, and I don't tolerate disagreements from all you criminals under my command. I suppose it might seem that my playing style has been slightly affected by my role as well, but there was actually another, much better reason for it.

I'm effectively bullet-proof. That is my role, and I hoped to draw a NK as a result of being so in-your-face that the scum would panic. Sadly, there were no takers (I asked the mods if I'd be told of a failed NK attempt on me, and none happened) so clearly either our vig decided not to kill one night or his/the scum's hit was blocked in some way.

My theories for who would have been scum had JR flipped scum? Well, they're pretty much useless, now, but to give an example: I believed it would implicate Rat due to the way they seemed to have played off each other, and then the way Rat jumped on the train. Had JR been scum, it seemed like a move designed to gain town cred. Plus I'm naturally suspicious of people who appear to talk too much like me, it has always been the case.

My suspects for now, at the start of the day? DHE, pretty much. He feels off with his defensiveness whenever I would ask him something, and the wait pre-hammer was just strange. I'll do it! I will! I really will! Just seemed weird.

Andrew was to be my other suspect due to mainly going about game logic, lurking and the jump on Laggy I didn't truly agree with. He also had lots of votes/unvotes for reasons I didn't truly buy but, erm, he's now gone and stuff.

Who else? I don't subscribe to the Excal push, content really does matter and he's not the worst offender at this lurking thing. Don't think there's anything too scummy about Bardiche, aside from his confrontational attitude, and I don't really care about that (if he were all giving up, that'd be a different thing).

Shale and Laggy's posted with claims, and their powers do feel strange enough to have that note of the genuine. I would like to have everyone claim. Scum hide behind lies, and getting things out into the open leaves them with little space to do so. There is absolutely no reason to abstain; even if some would think I had a way of drawing a scum hit tonight if we mislynched today, relying on that sort of luck is pretty stupid, and if scum can manage to drive a train on me, I can't well get NK'd afterwards and we lose right there.

So yeah, there'll be more from me. More detailed thoughts on others once I compare their claims with their previous posts/behavior are a given. And Laggy, if there is anything is particular you would like to know, ask away. I've accepted that in the very unlikely chance I was wrong, I would get in trouble, and I still took the chance since I was very sure. It's not something I intend to run away from or brush away.

Alright. I will admit, grudgingly, that my 99% certainty from the beginning of day 3 has dropped slightly BUT I am still very much confident that JR is scum and he is certainly the scummiest person around. The whole giving up thing again today is yet more proof. Attack, feign giving up, recover, attack again. I don't trust it as a pattern, because it feels extremely fake.

Why have I lost a bit of the certainty? Well, because we had Tai confirm JR's role, and had Tai flip to confirm his role and alignment. I now know that JR hasn't lied about everything, for one. But I hate being played and I had the certainty he would hang day 2 like he should have. Meeple did, instead, and while he was ITP and it's not a total loss for us and all the caveats, I would have preferred the one I consider scummiest to die straight away to deny them the chance of using any power roles they might have. I feel that if I let up on him even a little JR would find a way to wring enough sympathy to coast by another day, and that is just unacceptable to me.

You have been presenting him, Strago, yes. It was more the way you phrased things that rubbed me the wrong way. You sound both resigned to a JR lynch today (and is this actually a bad thing? I don't see anyone scummier) and unwilling to move on. You say 'Excal looks more like Snow', and I realize you said it was meant to be scum, but it's quite telling. Doesn't it mean you think both are very scummy? In that case, wouldn't it do more than 'invigorate the game' for us to lynch JR?

Quote from: Strago
Corwin: It's an attitude thing. There's a fine line between aggressive and hostile, and especially with Taishyr -- and somewhat Snow -- thing I really thought you were landing on the hostile side in a way that was unproductive. That said...

Yeah, okay. I'm trying to lynch people who act the scummiest of the lot, and I lead town on scum-approved kills.

Could you perhaps reword this? I'm... not at all sure what you meant by it, and I'm trying to get out of the habit of twisting people's slips/weird phrasing over in my mind until they become scumtells. Scum-approved kills?

DHE: (emphasis mine)
Corwin certainly doesn't have that problem. He's posted a lot (after a slow start). He does however feel very aggressive, and has been unsettling me the entire game because of it. Honest playstyle difference? Good chance! But it could also be masking a scum taking control of townie discussion and making sure the targets we lynch are scum-approved.

Strago, could you really miss this? Scum-approved being the same expression, and the post is question is only five above yours (two of which are mod posts). Need I also point out my tone in said post, which was a direct reaction to the linked post by DHE, first and foremost?

Then, there's also you going 'I could hammer but I think we should debate more. Except I'm not providing new targets or arguments.' Please explain that attitude.

Yeah, okay. I'm trying to lynch people who act the scummiest of the lot, and I lead town on scum-approved kills. When we inevitably hit scum with my methods, which have been proven time and time again, I will doubtlessly be accused of bussing.

Fine, I get that I can't win. Even though my track record has been one successful lynch train (which resulted in a mislynch, but day 1, people!) and one unsuccessful attempt to get a person I think is scummiest lynched day 2. For all my awesome mind control powers over everyone, I don't seem to be all that effective with my master puppeteer act.

And if I sound a bit upset here, it's possibly because I am. I try to post more to make up for not being there when most of you are awake, and it's aggressive and verbose and walls of texty. I decide to cut down on it a bit due to lots of recent work and these complaints, and I already see the murmurs of a slow start, no doubt laying the ground for when people say that me not posting as much now is scummy.

Onto my thoughts. I doubt Tai would request a modkill and not be truthful in that post about his role/investigations, because yeah, we'll find out soon enough so why bother? [EDIT: Mmm, Cid's post just confirms Tai's role and alignment] Hearing that JR hasn't lied about his role, at least, takes me somewhat aback. He still looks the scummiest to me, in large part due to trying to go all apathetic and bouncing back once the danger has passed. If we unvote him now, he is quite likely to do this again, and I see it as a ploy to survive on the part of scum. And the most convincing evidence is his claimed choice of night targets, which is inconsistent and follows a logic I don't find viable (or JR could be lying about that, I feel it is a distinct possibility, for all we know scripted events gave Rat his vote).

Since Excal seems to be getting the most focus, I'll take a look at him here.

I think that laying a vote on JR the way he did day 3 is better than just skirting on account of RL issues. How many people here just went 'I have a busy life, mafia is not my top priority, no one is so scummy-looking I'll actually vote'? Voting happens to leave a trail, and it's important to show what you believe in.

That said, I would certainly want to see more (a lot more) now that RL seems to have been dealt with.

And, uh, I don't actually have anything to add to what's been said, really, without combing his posts from the beginning of day 1. And that would give me... day 1 posts. I hope I'll form a better opinion as Excal participates more. Rat's concerns over convenient cases could easily be dispelled or strengthened as we look at what Excal does next day (if he is town and he isn't NK'd, or the rest of us don't decide to lynch-switch to him today; I don't think we should since JR must be lynched).

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