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Messages - Yoshiken

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..Haha. Would people even see that working? I seem to remember someone (SnowFire, I think?) saying a while back that they assumed moves worked as intended in some cases, such as FF6 Blind.
And Neph, it only counters moves aimed at Shadow, although I'm not entirely certain if it works on MT attacks. But otherwise, yeah, for F2, at least, Shadow can solo the entire floor if I take the physical one, haha.

Yeah, Interceptor early is hilariously colossal overkill. As for Tidus, well, it was mostly a choice between healers without counters or support that eventually gets counters. I felt like more gimmicky was more fun, although another healer with counters would be ideal. :P

Edit: Also, Slowga completely shreds some fights and is relatively early, IIRC? ;o

Alright, scratch my last gimmick. Cute but ineffective isn't as fun as hilarious potential.

By which I mean, I'm stealing the idea that Piggy had after his Vantage team was already in: Vantage + Shadow.

Vantage Sealstone:
Shadow (2.5)
Ramza (3.0)
Tidus (2.5)
Elincia (2.5)
Moulder (0.5)

General idea is that Shadow can smash things about with Interceptor if they're, y'know, any kind of physical. (As far as I know, at least. Might be wrong about that, but it's still hilariously awesome.) Elincia and Moulder are both capable healers and.. Elincia's a capable damage dealer too! Plus, evasion hype to go with counter hype! Ramza acts as yet another healer, while also getting reaction commands for more Vantage abuse. Tidus throws around some ridiculous speed shenanigans as well as eventually getting Caladbolg for absolutely ridiculous Vantage abuse.

General Chat / Re: What Music are you listening to in 2012?
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:23:09 PM »
Pure Reason Revolution - Bullitts Dominae

Ciato/Snow/Gref, not sure you ever checked this band out when I last mentioned them. Seriously recommend things like this, Nimos & Tambos and Goshen's Remains (in fact, especially Goshen's Remains).

General Chat / Re: What Music are you listening to in 2012?
« on: December 03, 2012, 04:13:07 AM »
Kanto Symphony - Beyond Rock Tunnel

So going on from the orchestral gaming concert conversation before, this is pretty fantastic. I should listen to more orchestral gaming stuff, I think.

General Chat / Re: What Music are you listening to in 2012?
« on: November 29, 2012, 11:56:14 AM »
Zelda symphony stuff
As someone who went to last year's 25th Anniversary Zelda Concert and has been to both Distant Worlds in London, I feel like I need to comment on this.
First things first, I know that I - and, judging by reactions at the start of the month at Distant Worlds, most people - definitely prefer medleys. This might be more because it's a lot of nostalgia instead of just one song but, with the FF example, there aren't many people who want to listen to 5 minutes of Aerith's Theme when they could be listening to a minute of that followed by several other cool tracks that aren't just a dull loop.
At the 25th Anni Concert, Wind Waker definitely got the best medley. There was also a boss medley that was surprisingly awesome - I didn't even remember the miniboss battle from OoT, but they did it damn well. Twilight Princess kinda sucks on the whole for me (got bored of the game in an hour) so the music just meant nothing to me and was very LOOK WE'RE TRYING TO BE OMINOUS GUYS without actually doing anything. OoT medley was too much nostalgia and not enough awesome, although Gerudo Valley -is- a good track. We didn't get Ballad of the Wind Fish (:() but did get Great Fairy Fountain, which was pretty nice.

Distant Worlds 2011 > Zelda 25th Anni > Distant Worlds 2012 (FF 25th Anni), as a thing. They opened DW12 by saying "We're gonna do a lot of medleys so we can cover the whole series!" then proceeded to do at least one song from each game and then two medleys - a Chocobo one and a battle theme one, with the Battle Medley being the best thing they did over the whole night. >.>;

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:06:49 PM »
The launch line-up for the WiiU is horrible, for all that the console is amazing. Played it at a convention about a month ago and it was damn fun, the controller is awesome, and NintendoLand is great. Support actually looks solid for it, but still not enough (especially on launch) for me to even consider a standard price-tag, let alone the ridiculous launch one.

Final Fantasy XII: Finally did the final dungeon for completionist's sake. Blitzed through it because I'd been doing sidequests so was around Lv 95. >.>;

Pokemon Black 2: Starting this (finally!) because I have a Scramble Challenge team. Snivy is going to be so hideously overlevelled before it evolves, but that's cool because it'll still be MVP if the challenges are anything to go by.

General Chat / Re: Sigs & Avatars 2012 - Mayan Calendar Edition
« on: November 25, 2012, 11:03:38 PM »

I am incredibly happy to have actually finished NaNo for the first time (after three failed attempts) so, avatar~

Can't comment at all on RH, and I don't really vote on the Dungeon much now, but I've always allowed Defend commands. As far as I see, it's just a basic skill, much like a normal attack.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: November 23, 2012, 02:57:38 PM »
Been wanting to do a challenge before playing Black 2, and still missing a few Pokemon for it. Asked around on Facebook with no result, so... could a few people fill in the last gaps in this team?

Current team is:

Grimer - Achoo!
 - No Poison moves other than Sludge
 - No Poison moves if evolved
 - Max of one TM

Sandile - (Not sure on nickname yet)
 - Only allowed to use Dark moves
 - Can evolve once when all 4 moves are Dark
 - Can evolve once after soloing a Gym

Snivy - Sir Collar
 - Must switch in against every Fire-type
 - Can evolve after defeating a Gym Leader Pokemon that Snivy is weak to (Must complete twice)

Looking to have stuff with evolution conditions, ideally, and a couple of different types. Also avoiding trading for stuff.

Oh, I know full-well that I don't build good teams, I build interesting ones (or, well, try to.) That said, it's not interesting to see a team scrape its way to F4 and then get blown up in predictable fashion.

@Teddie price: Even with BC, he seems overcosted. BC Teddie is still below average speed, if I'm not mistaken, and still has below average durability, even if it's not horrendously bad any more. Yeah, the damage suddenly becomes pretty sweet and he can possibly last long enough to throw around buffs, but that'll be rare and the fights he can last that long in.. are probably decided before he even gets that far.

General Chat / Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
« on: November 21, 2012, 04:48:21 PM »
You've finished NaNo already? Now what will you spend the next 9 days doing?! D:

(By which I mean congrats, that's awesome, and all the usual stuff you hear~)

Edit: Okay, so apparently I have finished NaNo today too! By which I mean I've hit 50k and will have finished once I add a couple of titles in. 9 days to add 2 titles? Seems legit.

Yosuke's never a very good damage dealer and his utility has issues (Tentarafoo is inaccurate, ST evade buffing until floor 7 is a waste of time). Yukari has a lot of MT damage, but her offense nears game-worst with getting zero in the way of boosts and amps, and she's frail and average speed. Teddie is even frailer than Yukari and is actually -slow-, not to mention his buffs don't come up until floor 5 at the earliest.
Guys, are these widespread interps? Yukari's one of the best damage dealers for the majority of the game (pretty much until Amps start showing up, since her stats make up for the lack of Boost), Yosuke has solid damage of both types, and Teddie joins in F3, when his damage is absolutely fantastic, and Matarukaja is Lv 42, with the end of F4 being Lv 45. (Maraku-, on the other hand, is probably F6.)

I can't really comment on Demi, since I've barely played PS4, but if these interps are pretty common, then I'll have to change my team and.. probably all of these three need lower prices, because shit, this makes them practically useless.

My team has apparently gone missing somewhere, but it was something like NeoSpeed Yuna, Yukari, Yosuke, Demi and.. Teddie, I think?

Just do you know, you have half a point to work with there since I moved Yuna down to 3.0.

I noticed that, and I think I spent a while looking at options, but given the idea is NulShock and smash here, I don't think there's anyone in particular that really helps for those extra points? Once the Electric weakness is out of the way, the team is hilariously good for the cost.

My team has apparently gone missing somewhere, but it was something like NeoSpeed Yuna, Yukari, Yosuke, Demi and.. Teddie, I think?

Since there's no NaNo topic: - My NaNo page~ - Fundraising page! Only started this today, so there is a fantastic $0 on there atm.

General Chat / Re: G'Morning 2012 - Buddy Bear Kopocalypse Edition
« on: October 30, 2012, 01:46:31 AM »
Back from the latest London Expo! One of the better conventions I've been to, and am seriously suffering from the Post-Con Depression now (mixed in with a bout of paranoia to help).

Also met Stelas while there, who is much less talkative IRL than he is in chat (which is to say that he is the opposite of me who doesn't really stop talking IRL).

Now I have to try booking time off work so I can go to Distant Worlds on Friday. Hm.

Tournaments / Re: Diversionary Twink League Week 3:
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:19:00 AM »
re: Cloud/Brahman: I think the issue with Eternal Zero is that Cloud can't wall it, nothing else. Every time Brahman gets a turn that can include Eternal Zero, Cloud is losing a Final Attack use, and I don't think the durability on those last forms is quite so bad to allow Cloud to OHKO them.
*checks* Yeaaaah, no. The forms are still above PCHP to me and there is no way Cloud is doing that much unless he hits Limits, and the whole Final Attack thing kills -that- too.

General Chat / Re: Fox Who Stole Hong Kong Reactions
« on: October 19, 2012, 10:20:05 AM »
Don't read ebooks?

Almost entirely this~

Just throwing in support for either "Character cannot move while Firefly is active" or "Draws in all attacks that would potentially target them" (by which I mean, draws in enemy attacks and ally healing/buffs)

Tournaments / Re: Diversionary Twink League Week 3:
« on: October 15, 2012, 04:27:15 PM »
Pretty sure Brahman doesn't run on MP, although there's no real way of telling. Also, Eternal Zero hits damage/defences/accuracy/evasion, so the Mystile evasion boost probably won't mean too much after Form 3 gets a turn.

Tournaments / Re: Diversionary Twink League Week 3:
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:23:06 PM »
Cloud (FFVII) vs Brahman (DDS2) - I don't think Cloud has a good way around Eternal Zero? He can probably throw out Limits quite easily by healing up every turn, but that only works for the first two forms, since they're the ones that can't kill him in one rush. After that, he's relying on... uh.. I think physicals. Yeaaah, he's fucked.


Haven't read the details on this, but the general premise is a pretty well-known one. Having some kind of actual evidence for it, though? I just.. wow.

Haha, I got linked that yesterday, via an article that pointed out that it is apparently perfectly fine to electrocute people in PETA's eyes. Also, one of my friends on Facebook pointed out that the game seems more like a parody of PETA's dumb shit than anything else.

General Chat / Re: What Games ya Playin' 2012 - Suplex a Train Edition
« on: October 09, 2012, 12:55:58 AM »
See, my only experience with Grandia is the PS2 version of Grandia II.
I don't think I need to say anything else. :(

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