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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 08:24:09 PM »
Referrin' to my note about Nikolai and Kyle being tied together--I was wrong on that.  I remembered that Nik said that he targetted Kyle, but forgot that Kyle had responded and said that he wasn't notified about anythin' like a night action.  I figgered that if Nikolai was scum he'd have t' be lyin' about who he targetted, and then have someone else corroborate the story.  There was no corroboration, so just toss that bit out.  That's what I get for tryin' to think at the wee hours o' the mornin'.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 03:40:38 PM »
Le's face it, my day 1 play was shit, and I'm kinda surprised more people didn't harp on me for it Day 2 to be honest. The moment somebody brought up the idea, "Well if Tyrone was scum why wouldn't his teammates just tell him about the jokevote phase," I knew I fucked up--I'd been lynchin ol' Ty for his attack on me and some poor play, not fer scumtells.  By that time I'd built up the train so much, so much steel and steam behind it and we were so close to hammer, it was too late to stop it.  I became the father of death and it's been the main factor in my bein' afraid to make a argument t'day.

But as I done said, now ain't the time for that.  Now's the time t' hunt scum.

Greaves I've said my peace on. ((Kind of dropping character from here on because I want to get this written up before class/work.))

Now, Hayles.  Comes in on the Ty lynch on day one to make it L-1, after keeping his vote on Dale for a bit.  Seems he and Dale railed back and forth at each other in Day 1/early Day 2, and he has since entirely dropped his case on Dale.  Don't like that at all.  He also focuses his attention on Peyton some Day 2, and it's before Peyton claims Bulletproof, and largely I agree with his analysis (though in fairness I brought up Peyton's list being useless first so I don't know how much I should read into it).  He's not coming off to well, no, but he's also no worse off than Greaves.  Both are mostly guilty of lurking and not sayin' much, though Hayles completely dropping his case on Dale makes him slightly more suspicious? It's interestin' to me that both o' em are going after Peyton.  How Peyton answers my question may well color my views on both these fellers.

Re: Chad: And, as fer Peyton being lead townie?  He's posted a lot of content, sure, but I ain't feelin' too good about him yet.

Re: Hargreaves: Considering neither o' ya'll not lookin' as suspicious as Greaves or Hayles right now, I'm not going to ask what your guarantee on Andrews is. Yet.  My main beef with Andrews is a LAL beef, and I suspect that if he don't cut that shit out soon I'm gonna focus more on 'im.  And if/when I do, I'm gonna press you harder on this subject.

Back t' reads... Kolmorogorobovorobog: He advocates not lynching Hellsnake because of his power, but the only tell I can get from that is WIFOM as shit.  Also (correctly) deducts that Pietro's actions are similar to a cop's on day 2.

Not many posts, but the posts are pretty good.  Has definitely linked himself to Kyle beyond the point of return with his latest claim of targetting Kyle--if Nikolai's scum, then Kyle's scum too (though if Nikolai is town Kyle isn't necessarily town).  But neither of those two are reading as scummy to me.  The most scummy thing about Nikolai at this point is that I've frequently seen him in IRC but he's still lurking as much as he does.  Granted, considering I make it a point to have real life take precedence over Mafia (and considering the walls of text I don't always WANT to be mafiaing even if I'm online >_>), it'd be hypocritical to make this too much of this.  Of the two lurkers, meta aside Nikolai comes off much better than Andrews, but neither of them are as suspicious as Hayles or Greaves.

I... think I'm going to vote Hayles, but since that'd put him at L-3, and if Hayles IS town scum can sneak in for a swift win, I'm not going to do that quiiiite yet.  I need to read up on Dale a bit, since he seems like a likely third candidate for lynchin', but more importantly I need to go to class/work.  I shouldn't have much more to say at this time anyhow (barring Peyton really dropping the ball in his next posts).

Given how things progress by the time I get back, I may put a vote down.  For right now, though, #FoS: Ethan Hayles. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:18:38 AM »
((Oh, one more thing I meant to address but forgot, and will since I have more time than I thought:

No, whoever it was that asked, I don't have any other powers that I'm refusing to claim.  I'm just a vanilla ex-miller.  Although, if you count getting the thread hijacked, I guess that's LIKE a power.

Though, really, just to FIT IN I feel like I should be claiming to be a bulletproof doctor busser who can revive but only on nights where the people I target don't have any actions taken against them, also I can't be lynched unless there's two consecutive lynchings on me and my votes count for double.  Alas, it was not meant to be.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 01:53:11 AM »
((*Zenny puts his face in his hands and regrets saying ANYTHING EVER.*))

* Jack Daniels likewise takes a good, long drink.  Goddarn it if he ain't hallucinatin'...

Now, then... Chad, well, kin ye think of anyone else who'd claim the title?  Yer about the only sumbitch I'm pretty sure is town, deceased aside.  Maybe lead town role was one-a them... mis... mis-gnomes, but my point is the same.  Just got to remember that just 'cuz I think yer town don't mean y'are.

I been mullin' it over some and I'm startin' t' realize that part o' the reason I can't get a read on folks is mah confidence's shot.  Been wrong, damn wrong, twice nah, thrice if yer countin' Pietro, an... well, makes a feller unsure o' hisself.  But now ain't the time fer it.  So, s'cuse me while I drink up to steel mah nerves a bit.

Now, as I were sayin... ain't really got a read on Greaves.  But what others have been sayin' do make a bit o' sense t'me. Lookin' back at it, Greaves ain't really done much t'il t'day, an' when he done took his vote out to prolong discussion it were at a point where Andrews ain't contributed yet, and assumin' town Greaves, he couldda reckoned that Andrews' vote couldda gone either way, so I guess that ain't too bad o' a play.  At the same time, he ain't really done much except... speculate on roles and make arguments from flavor (to a degree anyway).  I'm not too sure he's scummy, but I don't like how most of his arguments don't seem to stem from anyone's actual play.

An' Greaves, as per yer argument that Peyton's a liar about his bulletproof status... well, he done put forth that challenge about who else could have been the target night 1, ain't he?  An' nobody's done put forth a claim to it.  I suppose that the night one target COULD have been Hellsnake, but then I imagine Hellsnake would have said somethin' about it.  Bad as he was playin', and don't get me wrong, he was, what he said largely seemed t' be the truth in hind.  He would'a mentioned somethin' about it.   I suspect his role's more o' a trap than he's aware, but I'm inclined to believe the bulletproof claim given how bloody role madness this game's been.  An' since nobody's done claimed to be N1's target, I don't think he's scum.  Don't rule out third party, though.

((Say... he protected Bike N1, didn't he. Say, Peyton, who DID you protect last night?  I have some suspicions... though they're not quite about alignment as of yet.))

((Annnnd... real life is pulling me away once again.  I know I said I'd post more last night and didn't but I promise I will this time?  I actually want to get a good look at Ethan Hayles and Dale, since both have been consistently slipping under my radar this game.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:21:49 AM »
((Well, I still don't really WANT to think about Mafia right now but I've been putting it off long enough.))
* Jack Daniels takes a fairly deep swig of the moonshine, though not nearly as much as he'd been needin before.  For once it's almost as if he doesn't need the stuff, at least not as much as before.

"We all may-a been wrong these last few days, I reckon it's like this: less of us here, the higher chance we'll get us some scum, eh? Gots to look on the brighter side o' things every once in a while.  Not that that mean we don't got no business t' attend t'.

Goin' by the votes... day two, the first to hop on the Hellsnake's train were Pietro (conf. town), Kyle Handley, and Chad.  Hellsnake was lookin' might suspicious as Day 2 went on and I'm not sure early votes tell us much.  The only thing that makes me suspicious of Handley is his ragin' at Moses' droppin' o character, but as I've said before that's a huge WIFOM situation that doesn't really tell much.  His recent post don't tell me much, neither. 

Chad's kind o' suspicious, I think, in part because he may be pullin' the ol' To-Ho hijack ((usurp lead town role, lead scum to victory)), since I done been takin' his bein' town fer granted this whole time.  On the other hand, there's a reason fer that--much of his play has been pretty good, ((thankfully not WOTy, but that's an aside)), and though he's been wrong, he's been wrong for pretty good reasons as far as I kin tell.  ((From here on regarding Chad it's all flavor.))  Now, Chad... about yer pa... jus... jus how much do you know?  I recall him sayin' once he wanted t' be cremated up on some stones up in themthar hills... an fer what it's worth, I reckon yer right.  His wishes in death may be best left... disregarded. 

And I reckon, fer yer sake, that you don't go persuin' his... memoirs... much deeper now.
* Jack Daniels gets kind of quiet for a minute, and takes a drink before moving on.

Anywho, the Pietro train started with Seamus, Greaves, and Peyton. 

Finally done gettin' my bearins on Seamus.  And... nothin' really seems that suspicious to me, outside the miller claim, which I am no longer taking into consideration.  In fact, reading all of his posts, the most noteworthy thing I saw was his commentary on Andrews.  As fer Andrews, I'm none too sure WHAT that statement implies, and reckon I'll wait to weigh in on th' lurker.

Peyton talks too much.  The upswing t' this is that if he were gonna give a strong scumtell by now he prolly woulda done it.  I ain't got much on him, and unless there's a convincin' taker to his challenge, I'm inclined to say he's town.  The wordiness might all be smokescreenin' but I reckon not.

Greaves, I got nothin' on.  He kept draggin' day 2 out with his unvotes, but also hammered at the last minute.  Otherwise he's got so few posts I don't know what to make of it.

((Ugh.  Too much mafia at once.  I've still got to read up on Dale, Hargreaves, Nikolai... Hayles... ;_;  I'll get to that later tonight I promise, but right now I need to think about something else.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 28, 2010, 04:25:20 PM »
It's too dang early fer flavor or forming arguments, just addressin Hargreaves.

((Egh, fine, I don't see the harm in this (other than it makes me more suspicious) unless whoever did it roleclaims (hint: DON'T DO IT christ why do I have to tell people that).  That, and this information (if you choose to believe it) helps town sort out the Miller nonsense.

Specifically, I am no longer a miller, just a vanilla townie.  Somebody's night action targetted me, and took away my miller status.  Flavor-wise, this action gave me very much the opposite of what happened to Bike -- I'm feeling very euphoric and all that nonsense.  Speakin' of flavor...))

Since we're talkin' an' all that, Hargreaves... you seem t' know some things that shock me.  Some things yeh do, some o' the songs yeh sing when liquored up... you serve in the war, son?

((Actually, speaking of my night PM I need to address chad some flavor wise but I just woke up. Deal with mafia this afternoon instead.  so many walls of text. so many))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 28, 2010, 05:27:48 AM »
((H'okay, before I go through re-reading stuff and making a coherent argument (which hopefully won't be wrong because cripes haven't I been so wrong so far), I'm going to say this.

The miller claims aren't necessarily a good scumtell after last (game) night.  I have very good reason to believe that many of the townies were actually cast as Millers.  I'm... hesitant to say more, at the risk of tipping too much off at scum.  In fact, had I read my PM more closely last (real) night I probably wouldn't have said anything at all, though on the other hand it helps town to know not to be focusing too much on the miller claims.  I'm not sure any of the claimed-millers are any less suspicious as of yet, but if they are it isn't because of their miller claim.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 27, 2010, 03:27:01 AM »
Ugh.  I don't want to think about this right now but I have an important question that must be posed:

So, Nikolai and Seamus.  How's that Miller status goin' for you?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:48:18 PM »
Well, Nikolai, considerin' we're approachin' the deadline an' he wants to make himself useful I say let him.  C'mon, folks, like, 10 minutes.  Seriously.  I don't like this at all.  Where the hell's that Nathan feller?  Nothin' more ken really be said in these next ten minutes so let's just nut up and HAMMER, okay? Okay.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 11:24:58 PM »
Just someone do it and get it over with. 30 minutes til sundown after all.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:54:45 PM »
Not to press the issue or anything, but the sun's mighty low.  If you'd be so kind as to make up your mind quickly...

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 25, 2010, 10:03:04 PM »
Sigh.  Okay, so now we got ourselves a fourth miller claim?

Now I ain't too sure o' Seamus or Nickolai's claims, and I reckon Hellsnake's is bullshit.  Seamus sounds a little scummy, claimin' something like Miller at a time where doin' so would push Hellsnake over the edge.  On the other hand, if Hellsnake turns out to be town, or third party, then this kinda claim would be damn stupid for scum to do since it'd set everyone on him next.  Nickolai's seems fishier to me, like scum hoppin' on an opportunity to smoke screen and get everyone all flustered and more confused 'n normal.

But back to the matter o' today.  If we go an' lynch Peitro, may's we lose a cop that might not be useful a'tall, but if we lynch Hellsnake well then we lose a possible reviver who may not even be that useful since he mayn't do a full revive anyway.  Refusin' to lynch 'im 'cuz of this possibility strikes me as a bad move, and I don't like Nickolai none the more for suggestin' it--sure, we kin verify that after tomorrow's lynchin, but if he's lyin' we're givin' him a whole TWO nights to use his real scum power, whatever that may be.  Not that the point is entirely invalid, though, since if we're goin' by the usefulness of their roleclaims, Hellsnake's is far more useful, since if Pietro IS town he's a dang shitty cop.

Not that I have respect for that line o' thought, mind.

Moreover, we get more information from lynchin Hellsnake.  Doin' so helps us start workin' out this miller business.  So I still think we should lynch him over Pietro.  I'm fine with a Pietro lynch but think Hellsnake's the better idea.

We've got t' act, soon, too.  So for the love of hell will a couple of us be decisive?  We kin wait for Andrews to speak up I suppose but dang if today ends in a no-lynch I'll be right furious.

(Speaking of which, can we get a votecount so we know how long until deadline?)

Ninja'd by Peyton and Chad.  Nothin' t' add, though.

Ninja'd by Chad again.  Huh, I missed that.  Moses, what DO you mean by that?  That we're comin' up on the deadline?  That we're hammerin' soon?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 08:10:00 PM »
((Peyton: I dislike this because right now I'm pretty convinced we're not going to bring ANYTHING MORE TO LIGHT until somebody flips.  We're just talking in circles and with some pressure on us from the deadline at least we'd be moving forward instead of bickering at each other endlessly.

We need to move to Day 3 already before anything else can get done, and delaying day 3 is just annoying and means I have to read more pointless Walls of Text.

This has nothing to do with me wanting to go to a concert tonight instead of sitting around bickering Mafia.  Nothing at all.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 07:52:39 PM »
Nah what in the good lord's name is this?  A third Miller claim?

Goddarn it this whole mess is makin' my head hurt.  I may-a been wrong with my instinct 'bout not believin' there're two millers, but three?  Now that's just stupid.  And wha's worse is my bottle's done dried up.

An', I hate t' admit it, but Hellsnake does have a point.  If'n this miller claim was designed to save him it done backfired somethin' fierce.  An I don't like Seamus' claim none the more.  In fact I reckon a extra day to sort out this whole miller business.  If'n we lynch Hellsnake an' he turns up town, though, Seamus' is next on the choppin' block far's I'm convinced.

On the other hand, Pietro's cop claim, specifically after I said not to claim anymore, pisses me off t' all get out and don't seem like good town behavior atall.  Then again with him on the choppin' block I suppose it makes sense--not that anythin' else about the claim does t' me.  

Right nah, I'll leave my vote on Hellsnake, but if people decide Pietro's the one to go today I'm right fine with that too.  Hellsnake'd give us more infermation on both Seamus AND Pietro, but Pietro's flip 'd give us enough infermation on Hellsnake all the same.

I'm fine lynchin' either, le's just hurry up and git'r'done.  Both stink like shit.  I don't like bein' so close to the deadline like this.  Don't like it at all.



((...srsly?  Christ, really?  See what Alex said: get back to me when we're ready to play Mafia.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:52:39 AM »
Nah goddarn it, I roleclaimed for a dang reason.  Nobody else roleclaim unless you have to.  ((I really don't want to see a repeat of Meme mafia where town Role claimed all their roles and gave scum quite the helping hand.  Holy crap why do I even have to EXPLAIN that.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:16:27 AM »
Well, y'd be wrong on that Hellsnake. 

Chad, I done had a fallin' out with yer pa, back in April.  's why I stopped attendin' order meetin's and rituals.  I jus' couldn't go through with 'em anymore.  We done... we done seem some things, back in the war, an... an I didn't want nothin' to do with them anymore.  The day he died, he called me to the Order lodge t' convince me to he'p him perform some big ceremony comin' up on All Hallow's Eve.  We argued, and in the end I refused.  The reasonin' behind my Miller status is the argument we had right afore his death makes me look mighty suspicious.

Nah, maybe yer right and there are two millers, but frankly I think the Hellsnake's full of shit.  Too convenient to maybe have been investigated, found out on his scum status, and then claimin' Miller (o' course, with some extra incentive not t' lynch him by claimin' reviver, too) once his back's against the wall.

I dun by it fer a second.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 05:02:28 AM »
The reason is that I'm a bloody miller.  I highly doubt there are two miller roles in this game.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:40:17 AM »
Well, mayhaps not one hundred percent, but I ain't got a reason to trust the miller claim, and I got a dang good one to think he's full of it.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 04:10:56 AM »
Now I knows yer full of shit, one hundred per-cent.  My vote stays.  Hang 'im from the ropes, boys, we got ourselves a scum.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 24, 2010, 02:54:10 AM »
Just so I have this information later... Moses, would you say your investigation was cop-like? Y'know, acted like a cop investigation?

* Jack Daniels takes a good, long drink out of his bottle.


##Unvote,##Vote: Bill Hellsnake

This is the scummiest damn thing I've seen all game.  You have one shot to try and justify that dumbass shit, but frankly I don't think you can.

Eyes on Pietro ("Hurry up and lynch him already!) and Lyle, still, since I detect a hint of scum shipping out one of their own to be honest.  Peyton's pontificatin' don't seem that scummy t' me right now, but I don' like it none the same.

Still need to get a read on Seamus but frankly unless Hellsnerk comes out with the best dang reason ever for this role fishin' I reckon I got 'til the next day anywho.

On last un before I git for a bit.  Right now, Chad, you know mor'n I had 'bout the members o' the order.  Alls I knew from what were Andrews and yer pa.  Didn't know Hayles were a member 'til you told me.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 2
« on: April 23, 2010, 05:12:21 AM »
* Jack Daniels starts chugging from his bottle of moonshine.  He's looking haggard, and if there was a visual representation of pain it'd be spilling out of his ears.

"Dang I got a hangover.  ((OOC: Incidentally, this is true.  Yes, it's 10PM the next day.  I'm painfully aware of that.))  Jus' need a little hair o' the dog.  But I reckon we need to get down to business."

"Moses, when I said I reckon yer full-a shit, here's what I meant: It sounds too convenient.  You was a major focus of yesterday for whatever reason, and this slowly-dyin' mumbo jumbo sounds mighty nice for takin' the heat off.  An if you ain't dead soon?  Well, yer jus essssstrapoliatin from flavor, ain'tcha?  I don't think yer scummy, least not as scummy as some other folks.  This is just somethin' I'm filin' away for now."

"As fer the order... I was in it wit Ethan, Martin, and Jon, sure.  Mays you don't remember much since you was a youngin, but after the war Jon hadn't come back with me.  Went around the world, came back... shoot, seven years ago? Anywho, when he came back from his li'l globetrottin' esperience after the warhe got me t' join up with 'im.  I ain't allowed to say too much, outta obligati'ns to the order and such ((re: Role PM wasn't too specific except that I took some sort of masonic-type oath at some point)).  I may be a washed up ol' drunk but I'm a man of my word. What I can tell ya is Hayles speaks the truth.  Been a social club in Maybury longer 'n I know of, and we get together and have these meetin's every now an' again.  I ain't been goin' recently.  Got tired o' all the rituals 'n shit.  Rather jus... rather jus get some drink in me all on my lonesome."

"Actually, this brings to mind... 'ey, Andrews.  You got some talkin' to do. You join't jus' before I quit goin'--may's you ain't got the same obligations as I?  Frankly, I reckon you need to be yappin' a lot more afore long anywho.  Quieter you keep, more creepy you look."

"As fer why I'm votin' the ruskie right now?  His input's been better 'n Andrews', sure, but it still ain't much." ((Metagamingly speaking, while I haven't seen Shale at all on IRC which kind of corroborates his story, I've seen Alice in IRC off and on and she still only has one post up here.  Suspicious!))

"Now outta y'all who's talkin, Hellspade's "I DONE THIS BEFORE!" stinks like my breath, and I ain't too sure my first hunch 'bout the salesman was wrong anymore.  He done changed targets after refusin' to drop his case on Moses til the very end yesterday?  And Pietro's talkin' more but I don't think he's still sayin' that much.  Just kinda goin' along with the flow.  I got my eye on these folks."

"I still ain't got a good read O'malley, but I ain't seein' what's so dang suspicious o' Seamus just yet.  May's I'll post more when I get done readin' up on O'Malley."

((Ugh ninja'd by Sopko but I'm done thinking about Mafia right now.  I need some fucking asprin.  God damn.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 20, 2010, 04:53:57 PM »
Sun's gettin' mighty low in the sky.  Nuthin' more useful's gettin' said today, I reckon.  I'd not like to make th' day a total waste, so shit, may'swell hammer and be done with it.

((OOC:  Honestly, I don't have a problem readin'---gah---reading anybody other than Hargreaves, myself.  This may be because I don't have to decipher my own Marbury Codetalk.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 20, 2010, 08:20:10 AM »
((OOC:  More clarification:  There's also a difference between a healthy suspicion of joke votes and blowing one so out of proportion that we may have wasted an entire day because of the bickering generated by one.))
* Jack Daniels collapses onto a stool, grabbin' for a table to keep hisself upright.  In the process, he knocks over his almost-empty whiskey jug, but it's so empty that fortunately none of it pours out.

He picks up the jug and waves it at Pietro. "Hooo-ey.  Damn, what the hell ya'll put in this shit? 'Sallmost enough to make me forget you ain't said shit either.  An' the last vote you made was well after the fire was to Callahan's feet.  If I thought I might get enough out of you before sundown to do some reckonin'... all's I'll say is, start diggin' a trench."

"As I was pontificatin', I ain't so assured o' yer guilt now, to be honest.  I think yer guilty, shit, but this all being chalked up to a series o' misunderstandins could make a lotta sense t'me, an' may be pretty possible.  But I reckon that's a bit too convenient. So I ain't a hunner percent no more, is the point.  If'n this had got dealt with sooner I reckon I'da gotten a closer look at HellSpade an' Moses, since they seem to be the other... w'as the French fer it?  Soup doo-jew?"

"So Moses seems to be the one comin' under fire from the most people, Tyrone aside.  An' aside from the two votin' for him fer bein' too willin' to provide onna 'em ah-li-byes, we got Hellsnek and Seamus.  As fer what he's been sayin'... t's not a lot.  Calls on people to vote, and arguin' with Callahan and Hellsnake.  Ain't scoutin' as well as I had thought--buncha quiet people slippin' under the radar.  T'ain't tellin', I just reckon I need to give the ol' feller less credit than I tend t'.  Most worryin' thing I see here is accusin' Helsinki of not havin' a vote when he did, an' frankly I don't know what t'make o' it.

"Hellspade, nah. Frankly I find not having a vote down at all more sespicius n' havin' a vote of passion, but that don't tell me much.  Specially since Moses callin' him out on not havin' one after he had made like a good American chafes me all the more.  But the defense of 'I admit yer right but there t'wern't a way to do it in character' don't hold much neither.  Mostly stirrin' up shit wit' Moses and Seamu--"

"HEY, SEAMUS.  Buy me a drink?"  The drunkard's pontificating kinda trails off since it won't matter too much til the morrow.

((OOC: Ugh where did the last 3 hours go?  I need sleep, and while ShameyExcal's the next player's posts I have to go through to get a read on the day I can't help but think that can be put off for right now.  Might help me shed some light on my opinion of David Hellspade, though.

I'll be at work when the deadline hits, but I'll check back tomorrow to see if there's anything incriminating/revealing enough to get me to hop on one of the Hellsnake/Moses bandwagons before I do.))


Okay we're at hammertime people.  We still got... 10? some hours though and I'd like to see if Tyrone has any shocking revelation that will get the zeitgeist to shift before the end of the day.  But, y'know.  Up to you folks.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:15:31 AM »
((And, by speed this up, I meant writing the post, so it got in before your next one.  Not "Speed up getting you to roleclaim."  In case that weren't clear.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 20, 2010, 07:14:14 AM »
((Yeah, far as I can tell from looking back, the initial phase of random accusations does seem to last a while here. Way I used to play, one or at most two usually proved more than enough to get discussions going. Beyond that the rest start to look like mafia trying to slip in "discussion-starters" that're actually bandwagon-starters on innocents. That was my worry about you.))

So you done took the third outburst as suspicious fer that reckonin'.  And o'course cuz I didn't move my vote just the way you liked it.

((Okay, maybe I can see an argument for my trying to get Peyton's trust, based on the flavor statement that I made after refuting his original accusation. Got nothing but my word to say that I don't actually care about his trust. Other than him, who you haven't mentioned anyway, there is no possible way you can make an argument that I've tried to get anyone to trust me; I've done anything but that. I don't give a shit about defense on day one, because any suspicions of me are completely unfounded anyway so there's nothing against which I need to argue. Except this very claim that you just made, that is, which is as utterly ridiculous as the rest, as I've just illustrated.))

I reckon a murder thinks in the long term.  Now I ain't said you were doin' anything to win anyone over in the specifics, jus' that you's tryin to make yerself look good, build up credibility of that list a yers.  Same thing ol' Peyton may well be doin'--I like that y'like me, son, but I don't like people makin' themselves look useful, makin' lists when there t'ain't enough of a reason fer it in the beginnin'. Don't get much of a sense of you from it, and your scoutin' of the battlefield matches my sense o' it.

Nah, back to you, Tyrone.  At the risk o' gettin' a bit spiritual (meta) on ya, I may well be willin' to forgive yer misunderstandin', lest about my sorry ol' ass. I ferget yeh live out on the outskirts and may not know some of Maybury's traditions. 'n maybe I was a bit quick to jump on the first thing that raised my heckles.  I still don't like the sense I get from ya too much, and here's why.

One, the theatrics.  You done a good job of lookin' all fed up 'n shit,  but a bottle that's empty o' whiskey does nothin' but get my hopes up and dash 'em when I find out.  Gettin' all worked up about being in the crosshair's can come from frustration or from falsehood, an' as far's I'm concerned it don't help you none either way.  

Second, I just don't get the way you think, specially's bout Moses.  Don't think I's much for Handley's take on it either.  The ol' man goes into too much detail, which gets'im in yer sights, and then ye just don't let go.  And now we're all fallin' for Moses' trap?  Based off a what?  If'n you'll recall, Moses done addressed your concerns while checkin' around the fiel--Oh christ Alex just called for a roleclaim from you so I'm gonna drop character and speed this up, k? K.

OOC:  My take on the Moses v Tyrone rail:  Moses was a bit too free with information for your liking, so you (and Seamus) put the heat on him.  Moses addressed your accusations, while examining other people.  Etc, etc, etc, it comes out that somehow you thought Moses was quoting his PM to put a serious vote on you, and that's what sparked all this?  

Quote from: Tyrone
It's fairly obvious that your usage of what you claim was a true PM was intended to get me lynched (since you know I'm not scum), while mine was merely to survive, so whether we're both lying or both telling the truth, our motives still show our sides clearly.))

Jokevote phase.  We talked about this.  Hell, near as I can tell the first serious vote of the game came out of you.  In any case, from a quick skimming (trying to go fast) this is the only reasoning you have for thinking we're falling for Mose's trap at this point.  

At the risk of entangling myself with someone I haven't read up on too deeply yet (lolxanth also going for speed now) If you're willing to concede that your suspicion of ME was based off of being ignorant of how long the "joke vote" phase tends to last in DL games, then it strikes me as pretty clear that your suspicion of Moses falls into the same trap.

So, I don't really get what you're saying about all of us falling for Moses' trap or the like.  Furthermore, when you get an idea like that in your head, you just won't let go of it--assuming you ARE town, it took quite a bit of convincing to even get you to do 5 minutes of browsing other mafia games to get this notion out of your head.  This stubbornness may not be scummy but it's pretty bad town play.

Anyway, if you're going to make a claim, then go ahead.  I think I've said all I can right now as it regards you.

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