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Messages - Lady Ashe

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RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: October 07, 2008, 05:44:16 AM »
Persona 3, Cloud of Darkness.

P3 is obvious, and people seeing it in the DL might help with P4 getting ranked more quickly as well. CoD is also pretty obvious.

Want to wait a bit on WA5/XS3/MMXCM(Saw this today and was tempted to pick it up because of the ranking hype. Maybe next time). Also not opposed to Sora but not foolish enough to actually suggest him.

Other than the obvious stuff, people should play MK and Sonic RPG.

Not Ranked Discussion / Re: Season 11 Weeks 1-4: Back to writing, slackers.
« on: September 21, 2008, 12:58:08 PM »
Healie, Goofy, Leblanc, and Koromaru.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 Noms
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:54:05 AM »
Godlike: Tibarn(FE9), Zenon(Disgaea2), Empyrea(DQ8), Rosa Harvey(FF4), Sephiroth(FF7), Asgard(WA3)
Heavy: Laharl(Disgaea), Joshua(FE8), Squall Leonheart(FF8), Wakka(FFX), Saturos(GS), Keith Valentine(SH1)
Middle: Axel(Disgaea2), Mara(DW4), Eliwood(FE7), Cagnazzo(FF4), Kimahri Ronso(FFX), Shion Uzuki(XS)
Light: Rozalin(Disgaea2), Tellah(FF4), Jogurt(SF1), Arietta(TotA), Melody Vilente(WA3), Rufus Shinra(FF7)


Tibarn - Friend fangirls over him.
Laharl - DS version coming out soon!
Saturos - With Menardi just being in, it's only fair.
Mara - DS version.
Kimahri - For Ciato<3.
Shion - For everyone<3.
Jogurt - For awesome.

And you can fuse a persona that nulls everything but Almighty in the maingame, IIRC.

Doesn't that require skill inheritance?

For that matter, technicallly speaking Minato recieves no 'upgrade' ever.  While Orpheus Telos does exist (in FES), it's meant to be incredibly hard to get, not something handed to you.  So saying "only Orpheus" turns a Bluelike into a Puny (Orpheus is really, really bad by endgame.  Tier one moves are suck and multiple weaknesses to boot).  Uh yeah, no thanks.

I think common sense would make it all Orpheus-based persona. So uh, Orpheus, Thanatos(Obvious reasons + Artbook), and Messiah(Fusion of his two plot persona + Artbook)

Though it's still silly to limit him like that. The only limitation which really makes sense to me is not giving him personas above endgame levels(Which in my case at least meant no Armageddon, but this would obviously vary for others) As far as I know, the only persona that nulls everything is NG+(Or at least so damn hard to get on the first run that it might as well be), so while he is certainly tough to beat, it's not impossible as long as your skillset is varied enough.

Nyx Avatar... I don't see any problem with him. He doesn't spam Moonless Gown infinitely in the fight, so I don't see him doing it here either. He's still Godlike, but certainly not unbeatable.

Forum Games / Re: General Mafia discussion topic
« on: August 18, 2008, 12:00:40 AM »
Edit - Nevermind. The level of play degraded a ridiculous amount with my several month hiatus from AIM/IRC Mafia, so uh, you guys wouldn't want any part of this thing now. I just gave up on them myself. <<

General Chat / Re: Hey, guess who else is selling games.
« on: August 09, 2008, 01:07:30 PM »
How much were you thinking of for each of ACF, FFVII, LoD, and VP?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 45 Noms
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:05:03 AM »
Godlike: Rosa Harvey(FF4), Sephiroth(FF7), Beatrix(FF9), Asgard(WA3)
Heavy: Joshua(FE8), Lazlo(S4), Keith Valentine(SH1), Todd Dukakis(WA3)
Middle: Eliwood(FE7), Kimahri Ronso(FFX), Feraligatr(PKMN), Scythe Riebauer(WA4)
Light: Tellah(FF4), Arietta(TotA), Jogurt(SF1), Sneff(CC)

Tournaments / Re: Best. Minigame. EVER. (Week 2: the Cid gets lazy)
« on: July 23, 2008, 09:28:58 PM »
Blitzball. Easy.
Judgment Ring. Not quite as easy.

Can't vote on any others! Hooray.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: July 19, 2008, 02:41:38 AM »
I was under the impression the DL didn't like those sorts of monstrous final bosses. Nothing to do with the gameplay of the thing. Though I wasn't certain, hence the abstain.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: July 19, 2008, 02:25:04 AM »
Disgaea 2

Yes, Yes, rank Adell, Rozalin, Tink, Hanako, Taro, Yukimaru, Axel, Fubuki, Shura, Serion, abstain on Zenon. Not seeing the reasoning for skipping the bosses other than possibly Zenon.

Edit: I'm stupid. Change the Zenon abstain to a rank.

Fire Emblem 9

No, Yes. I can't say who should be ranked from it, but please try to be reasonable in terms of how many do. <<

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Preliminary stage
« on: July 17, 2008, 06:03:32 AM »
Mm, only really the three options in my eyes right now. (An FW maybe, but I think it's better to look at whole games right now to increase interest/awareness)

Disgaea 2 is fairly obvious, so it's down to FE9 vs. P3. FE is better in terms of numbers, but P3 characters are a lot more interesting. I would probably say to just stick to D2, but I think that P3 has outside drawing potential. Board 8 has a fairly large number of vocal P3 fans, so it's possible that seeing Aigis, Mitsuru or Akihiko in the title of the RPGDL topic there might help grab a few voters who would otherwise just pass the topic by. Maybe not, but it's something to consider so I'll give Persona 3 the nod at least for this stage.

Other stuff... MK would be nice, but huge playership issues. Same applies to the other Gust games. I don't really like the idea of FE6 at all, because it isn't really interesting enough to justify the ranking of a game never released in NA. On a somewhat related note, how bad is Mother 1 playership? I assume the characters are unique enough for it to be a decent idea, and with the Mother 3 translation project being so huge, getting Mother 1 and then eventually 3 might draw some interest from a few people over at Starmen. Or I could be silly and have no clue what I'm talking about, but it doesn't hurt to get thoughts out there. <<

General Chat / Re: Driving!
« on: July 13, 2008, 03:52:05 AM »
No, because I'm a coward and there is no way in hell I'm going to let myself get in a crash due to the incompetence of someone else.

...Yet I'm somehow fine with buses. Whatever, my mind works in mysterious ways.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: June 30, 2008, 06:02:08 AM »

At the final boss, who follows the fine tradition of having way too much crap going on at once for me to keep track of. Fought it about ten times before giving up and deciding to get a better folder first. I head off to fight some SP forms of bosses to get high power cards, but end up failing horribly and never actually winning any battle cards from them. Argh.

Fun game, still have to get into the post-game but I can already tell it's going to be difficulty. Only real complaint is the stupidity of traveling to and from certain areas later on in the game. But yeah, didn't actually play it at all today thanks to...


A boss who fights with the power of cosplay. I love it.

About to hit up Nidhogg/Yggdrasil, so I figure I'm about to end Chapter 2. It's fun so far, but apparently I'm only halfway through the game? I'm worried the filler is going to get a bit overkill soon. Though I guess if it does I can go do WA4 post-game now that I have it back from my friend. Another thing - Holy recurring boss fights. I've fought Janus something like ten times now? Anyway, when do I get to this Gunner's Heaven place I read about back in Virginia's hometown? (She still needs to die, though not quite as badly)


About four hours in? Haven't really done much due to the previous two games, but I'm enjoying what I have played. Oh, and my copy of FFT finally arrived. Hooray.

Writeup Graveyard / Adell (vs. Akihiko)
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:55:36 AM »
It's the perfect scenario. Two men who both understand that the only true form of combat is hand to hand combat in the arena. No women or weapons to get in the way; it's a fair, clean fight between two equally qualified men. Regardless of which of them comes out of the match with the Middle title, they'll both come out of it as winners in the grand scheme of things. This is good news for Akihiko, because he's not going to be able to keep up with Adell's blazing fists. Said fists may not have all sorts of status, buffs, and other such tricks, but Adell has never needed them to win before, and he certainly won't start needing them now. If Akihiko refuses to put the gun away and fight, it will just mean that he'll have a harder time when explaining his defeat to Mitsuru. It's not a fate Adell would ever wish for a fellow warrior, but with Rozalin's gun at his back it's a pretty clear case of "Better him than me."

Writeup Graveyard / Re: Season 10, Week 7: Finals!
« on: June 30, 2008, 03:06:40 AM »
Was about to do Akihiko until I was ninja'd by Tide, so let's go for Adell instead.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: June 27, 2008, 02:32:30 AM »
My computer is dead, so I spent quite a bit of time gaming today.

Bought Phantom Brave yesterday. Did some tutorial stuff to see what it's like, and it seems good enough. It will probably come after I finish...

Wild ARMs 3.

Only did a couple of dungeons, and I was really early on in the game anyway. I'm going to some tower place now. If Virginia does not die in the ending (or even better, some time before it) there will be hell to pay.

Mega Man Star Force 2 - Ninja.

This is where most of my time went today. Did the first two dungeons, as well as a bunch of grinding for Battle Cards since I'll need them all for the post-game funtime. Bosses seem easier than MMSF1 so far, but I'm early on in the game and these are just their base forms. I just fought the second form of the Star Force version of Gutsman and he was quite a bit faster, so I'm confident that they'll all be fairly competent in their final forms.

Writeup Graveyard / Tink (vs. Onix)
« on: June 24, 2008, 01:43:10 AM »
He has countered with the best of them. He has knocked down the king of knocking down. He's getting closer, but this pervy toad still has two matches to go before he gains the adoration of women everywhere. It's going to be tough, because he's up against his toughest opponent yet. I mean, a pile of rocks? Deadly. Tink will have to pull out all of his stops for this one. He'll open with a Nail Bat, and then he'll probably follow it with another Nail Bat, and... Well, come on. Who needs variety to beat a bunch of stones? Tink has his attack, his speed, and his ability to counter. What more could he possibly need to ensure himself a chance at the Light Championship?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 nom pools
« on: June 22, 2008, 02:56:04 AM »
Godlike: Jessica Albert(DQ8), Celes Chere(FF6), Tidus(FFX), Killer(SH3), Lambda Zellweger(WA4)
Heavy: Ryu(BoF1), Angelo(DQ8), Reno(FF7), Wakka(FFX), Eirika(FE8)
Middle: Yangus(DQ8), Mog(FF6), Feraligatr(PKMN), Meganium(PKMN), Scythe Riebauer(WA4)
Light: Rufus Shinra(FF7), Jogurt(SF1), Augst Henriksen(WA4), Asch(TotA), Sneff(CC)

Writeup Graveyard / Tink (vs. Glass)
« on: May 26, 2008, 05:17:46 AM »
Ohoho, Tink is back for another chance to prove himself in front of the ladies. This time he's not up against some bird, so he should have no problem. His foe is a Fire Emblem boss, and they're typically lacking in terms of skillset. Admittedly, Tink isn't exactly known for his overwhelming variety of attacks, but his basic attack skills should be more than enough to get past Glass and his pesky vulneraries. If worst comes to worst, Tink can always beat the Fire Emblem character at his own game - countering. Disgaea 2 characters have their own countering abilities, taking away the edge Glass would normally have over Tink. Add on Tink's high speed and the advantage is further reduced, with Glass being unable to double Tink. Things are looking good for the frog, as while Glass is on his way to the losers lounge, Tink is well on his way to a light championship and winning the hearts of women everywhere.

Writeup Graveyard / Re: NR Season 10 ~ Weeks 1-4 Writeups
« on: May 13, 2008, 12:30:16 AM »


I need to play more RPGs. <<

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« on: May 02, 2008, 02:25:26 PM »
Godlike: Killer(SH3), Raquel Applegate(WA4), Tidus(FFX), Sephiroth(FF7), Ness(EB), Masaji Kato(SH2)
Heavy: Arnaud G. Vasquez(WA4), Wakka(FFX), Moltres(PKMN), Marcello(DQ8), Reno(FF7), Ultros(FF6)
Middle: Kimahri Ronso(FFX), Yulie Ahtreide(WA4), Anastasia Romanov(SH2), Feraligatr(PKMN), Mog(FF6), Etna(Disgaea)
Light: Erk(FE7), Karn(BoF1), Jogurt(SF1), Rufus Shinra(FF7), Cinna(FF9), Cius(S5)

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: April 28, 2008, 04:11:36 PM »
The problem is that my kid wants to play the game also, and I'm not shelling out another $40 for a second copy.

The game has an awesome NG+ so you don't lose any of your progress. The only problem is that Neku will still be as stupidly good as he was at endgame, so you'll need to lower the level and play on Ultimate or at least Hard for it to be even the least bit difficult.

Er, correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the aeon's stats loosely based off of Yuna's? I seem to recall their stats going up a bit when Yuna's did. Wouldn't that make it comparable to how Yuri's stats change with his fusions then? (You can level the stats of Yuri's fusions too, so saying that aeons are different because they can level their stats individually doesn't work)

I don't really care about this argument - I allow aeons and if you don't want to, you don't have to - but after seeing the stats argument I just thought I would bring this up. <<

Edit: Boo Sage.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, Factions and Avatars: The Revolution
« on: April 13, 2008, 05:02:01 PM »
Getting ready for Rondo of Swords, shipping on Tuesday. (Play it)

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