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Messages - WanderingMind

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6
Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations Round 2~
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:09:19 PM »
Last minute votes.

Sigurd (XG) vs. Zack Fair (FF7) vs. Ramirez (SoA)
Sephiroth (FF7) vs. Ike (FE9) vs. Seth (FE8)
Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) vs. Yuri Hyuga (SH) vs. Reno (FF7)
Gilliam Yeager (SRT) vs. Greg (WA5) vs. Camus (Sui2)
Lucius (FE7) vs. Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs. Squall Leonhart (FF8)
Van Grants (TotA) vs. Arnaud G. Vasquez (WA4) vs. Kyle (Sui5)
Ferid (Sui5) vs. Belcoot (S5) vs. Innes (FE8)
Seed (Sui2) vs. Percival Fraulein (Sui3) vs. Jet Enduro (WA3)
Schneizel (Geass DS) vs. Jecht (FF10) vs. Albert Serdio (LoD)
Skald Egan (Sui5) vs. Raidou Kuzunoha (RKvtSA) vs. Cliff Fittir (SO3)
Zelgius (FE9/10) vs. Dojima (P4) vs. Ghaleon (Lunar)
Raven (FE7) vs. Ephraim (FE8) vs. Sigurd (Sui4)
Rufus (VP2) vs. Elzam V. Branstein (SRT) vs. Kurando Inugami (SH2)
Glenn (CC) vs. Luke fon Fabre (TotA) vs. Lloyd (LoD)
Shu Shirakawa (SRT) vs. Felix (GS) vs. Cress Albane (ToP)
Zelos Wilder (ToS) vs. Sanger Zonvolt (SRT) vs. Gaignun Kukai Sr. (XS)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: February 06, 2009, 05:44:31 AM »
Sonic Rush is disappointing so far.  It feels like a tech demo for the DS and the bosses are pushovers.

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: February 05, 2009, 10:07:19 PM »
Finished Yoshi's Island DS.  The later levels, especially in World 5, were really frustrating and I felt it was unfair at times.  I wasn't trying to get all the red coins, flowers, and stars.  All I wanted to do was to get to the end of the level.  Defeating the bosses was a lot easier than surviving the castles so you can get to the red door.  Once I got past the credits, I went back to my cleared game file and tried one of the bonus levels.  I died once and had enough on that game.   Now...I'm playing Cave Story and Sonic Rush.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations 1-B
« on: February 04, 2009, 11:49:59 PM »
Belcoot (S5) vs Bart Fatima (XG)
Yuri Hyuga (SH) vs Lavitz Slambert (LoD) - No contest.
Ashton Anchors (SO2) vs Ike (FE9)
Elzam V. Branstein (SRT) vs Spar (BoF2)
Lloyd (LoD) vs Mekiboz (SRW)
Squall Leonhart (FF8) vs Reyson (FE9)
Nikaidou Tadashi (Devil Survivor) vs Skald Egan (Sui5)
Dario (CC) vs Albert Serdio (LoD)
Ghaleon (Lunar) vs Dryst (Brig)
Raven (FE7) vs Malik Benedict (WA3)
Krious (GL5) vs Seth (FE8)
Percival Fraulein (Sui3) vs Wein Cruz (GL2)
Lezard Valeth (VPs) vs Reno (FF7)
Camus (Sui2) vs Luc (Sui)
Rune Walsh (PS4) vs Gaignun Kukai Sr. (XS)
Arnaud G. Vasquez (WA4) vs Teddie (P4)
Naoto Shirogane (P4) vs Kurando Inugami (SH2) - My vote's on Naoto.
Raidou Kuzunoha (RKvtSA) vs Kresnik Ahtreide (WA4)
Innes (FE8) vs Guillaume (Sui3)
Jet Enduro (WA3) vs Moulder (FE8)
Ephraim (FE8) vs Rude (FF7) - Ephraim is a sex machine.
Sigurd (Sui4) vs Kyosuke Nanbu (SRW)
Cliff Fittir (SO3) vs Nash Latkje (Sui3)
Kyle (Sui5) vs Guy Cecil (TotA)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: February 03, 2009, 09:46:40 PM »
Almost done with Yoshi's Island DS...

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: February 03, 2009, 03:50:03 AM »
Now playing Yoshi's Island DS.  I haven't been this angry at a game in a while.

Geeeeet used to it. Or ditch it and play another game.

I like it enough to finish it.  Besides...I'm almost done with it.

Tournaments / Re: Hotmale 2 - Eliminations Round 1-A
« on: February 02, 2009, 05:32:12 AM »
Sephiroth (FF7) vs Leon Magnus (ToD)
Irvine (FF8) vs Zelgius (FE9/10)
Glenn (CC) vs Ryu (BoF1)
Jenna Angel (DDS) vs Sigurd (XG)
Ramza Beoulve (FFT) vs Zack Fair (FF7)
Gilliam Yeager (SRT) vs Jowy Atreides (S2)
Lawfer (VP1) vs Dojima (P4)
Fayt Leingod (SO3) vs Ferid (Sui5)
Angelo (DQ8) vs Schneizel (Geass DS)
Jecht (FF10) vs Vigoro (SoA)
Kratos Aurion (ToS) vs Lucius (FE7)
Gatrie (FE 9/10) vs Felix (GS)
Seed (Sui2) vs Dekar (Lufia2)
Ramirez (SoA) vs Brenner (AW:DoR)
Rufus (VP2) vs Kuja (FE9)
Edgar Roni Figaro (FF6) vs Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
Seifer Almasy (FF8) vs Albel Nox (SO3)
Dist the Runny (TotA) vs Luke fon Fabre (TotA)
Marth (FE1) vs Greg (WA5)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: February 02, 2009, 04:50:56 AM »
Now playing Yoshi's Island DS.  I haven't been this angry at a game in a while.

« on: February 02, 2009, 02:52:33 AM »
Science is Power (Scientists, inventors, and nutty creations)

R.O.B. - Accessory for the NES and playable character in Brawl.
Catapult - Because catapults are awesome.

Apocalypse WOW (Destructive forces in one way or another)

Marvin Heemeyer - Killdozer.
Segata Sanshiro - Once made a guy explode just by throwing him.

Historical Pretense (Historical figures portrayed throughout media, real life, etc.)

Andrew Jackson - No explanation needed.
Jane Austen - Her books are known to make people die of boredom.


Fork - Used to eat cake.
Knife - Used to cut cake.

Music Tournament / Re: AGMT: Finals
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:41:29 PM »
Silver Win....I mean Silver Will.

Felix (Golden Sun: The Lost Age)
Ike (Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance)
Jade Curtiss (Tales of the Abyss)
Wein Cruz (Growlanser II)
Innes (Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones)
Minato Arisato (Persona 3)

Music Tournament / Re: AGMT: Semifinals
« on: January 23, 2009, 10:51:39 PM »
Touhou Violin 2 - Symphony "Remilia" Op. 22 (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) vs Dragon Slayer 4 Arrange Album - Ending (Dragon Slayer 4) - Tough choice, but I think Remilia is overrated.
AmIEviL - Final Fantasy 3 Death on the Snowfield OC ReMix (Final Fantasy 6) vs Falcom jdk Band 2008 Spring - Silver Will (The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki 1st) - Silver Will beats Death on the Snowfield.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: January 23, 2009, 05:31:58 AM »

General Chat / Re: MMOs
« on: January 23, 2009, 05:29:10 AM »
I stay away from MMOs because I'm afraid of the timesink and I don't feel like paying monthly fees for any of the games that have it.

General Chat / Re: Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows: G'morning, 2009!
« on: January 20, 2009, 12:09:44 AM »
Like Djinn, I've always lived in Florida and did most of my traveling during the summer.  The weather in Florida gets really bad during the summer with the heat and humidity.  At least it's nice during the winter.  I lived there all my life until I left to go to college in Pennsylvania.  Even though I'm still on winter break, I went back to campus early to take an interim session class.  I sometimes ask myself what I'm doing here in middle of the winter.

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2009 - The Re-Vengeance
« on: January 17, 2009, 08:46:34 PM »
Really?  I would have expected it to get that one.  Huh.

I must have stumped it when it asked "Is she the leader of a group?" and I answered "Yes."

General Chat / Re: Miscellaneous Links 2009 - The Re-Vengeance
« on: January 17, 2009, 08:38:05 PM »
It got Solid Snake and Kiba, but I stumped it on Misato Katsuragi.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:34:32 PM »
It really is only maximised with Gun Buster 2.  The Time Dilation stuff being played with was far better.

I still need to finish it.

Music Tournament / Re: AGMT: Quarterfinals
« on: January 16, 2009, 07:53:12 AM »
Vurez - Basilisk Run (Ninja Gaiden) vs Touhou Violin 2 - Symphony "Remilia" Op. 22 (Embodiment of Scarlet Devil) - I'm with Lance on this one.
Xenogears: Creid - Melkaba (Xenogears) vs Dragon Slayer 4 Arrange Album - Ending (Dragon Slayer 4) - Melkaba is good for background music, nothing more.
AmIEviL - Final Fantasy 3 Death on the Snowfield OC ReMix (Final Fantasy 6) vs Azupiano - End of the World (Chrono Trigger) - Has more oomph than Death on the Snowfield
housethegrate - Seized With Fury (Final Fantasy 6) vs Falcom jdk Band 2008 Spring - Silver Will (The Legend of Heroes Sora no Kiseki 1st) - Falcom jkd is awesome.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 nom pools
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:35:13 AM »
Godlike: Lavos (CT), Guv (DQ8), KOS-MOS (XS), Eirika (FE8)

Heavy: Ephraim (FE8), Articuno (PKMN), Quina Quen (FF9), Hector (FE7)

Middle: Paine (FFX-2), Akihiko Sanada (Pers3), Charizard (PKMN), Robo (CT)

Light: Yukari Takeba (Pers3), Black Wizard (FF1), Zell Dincht (FF8), Luke fon Fabre (TotA)

General Chat / Re: Games you're playing: The 2009 edition.
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:22:49 AM »
Started Riviera: The Promised Land for the PSP and I'm loving the music.

General Chat / Re: Sigs, factions and avatars: 2009.
« on: January 16, 2009, 02:08:48 AM »
Haven't started P4, so I'm going with a Fire Emblem theme.

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:44:47 AM »
I can't believe I'm making myself watch Trinity Blood.  The first episode was okay, but it's only downhill from there.  It feels so...generic.  The last episode I saw was 14, which was two weeks ago.  I feel like I should finish it because I'm more than halfway through the show.

Stop.  Now.  also, when you eat a meal and you're full and there's food on your plate, don't eat it.

Good thinking.  I'm going to watch Ghost in the Shell: SAC instead.

General Chat / Re: Guess the RPG character
« on: January 16, 2009, 01:08:34 AM »

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: January 15, 2009, 11:59:49 PM »
I can't believe I'm making myself watch Trinity Blood.  The first episode was okay, but it's only downhill from there.  It feels so...generic.  The last episode I saw was 14, which was two weeks ago.  I feel like I should finish it because I'm more than halfway through the show.

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