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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 11:59:13 PM »
"It just came to my attention that I hadn't been readin' the scriptures too dang closely.  ((Specifically, the rule where Snowfire said he'd make things up on request to discourage setting-based metagaming.))  Seems like the Christian thing to do is pray a spell longer on Moses' story afore I make any further strat'gy on that front."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 10:54:16 PM »
"Gotta second yer worries 'bout the kid, Nathan, though mainly cuz he admits Bike's story's not all there 'n' still votes on the one who said the same I'm gettin' pretty worried 'bout that lil' group o'Bike, Giovanni, Sam, and recently Chad here. At leas' one o'em's up to sumin', prob'ly more'n one. Bike's still toppa my list, though.

((Peyton, to answer your question, he should've dropped it, but)) "Peyton, I mentioned that Jack here was a lil' suspicious an' he got all defensive 'n' blew it way outta proportion. I never direc'ly accused him o'nothin' ((and still got an OMGUS reaction -- yay, I'm learning online-mafia terminology slowly!)). So if that part o'the discussion's yer worry, then ya should be worryin' more about his reaction than about what I said. Think about it, an' maybe read o'er what Nathan's been recordin' o'what we've all said.

"A l'il suspicious?  A l'il suspicious?  You no-good sausage suckin' democracy-hatin' kraut-lovin'..." he trails off, not-so-subtly looking at Peitro and shutting up immediately afterwards.  Another drink down the hatch, and he regains his courage. "Heck, if you go by yer numbers you placed me at the second or third most scummy sumbitch out o' the lot, after Moses and Pietro.  An' fer what?  A drunken outburst?  Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit."

"Way I sees it, there are two ways this can go.  The... the one I s'spect?  You's kickin' up dust, tryin' to earn the trust of the good folk o' Marbury by fakin' at bein' a good soldier, tryin' a find the killer.  Mebbeh yer wrong, mebbeh yer right, but the point is yer always lookin' fer the shit on the shoe.  Now placin' me so high?  If it'd'd worked you'd get folks accusin' me of the crime since I was so high up on yer list.  Whoever dun the crime's got to play the field, make the troops be where 'e wants 'em.  's as close as I done seen to that so far.

Naahh ((Now, not No)), maybe I'm wrong.  Maybe this just is yer first hand and yeh don't know the house rules. ((OOC Translation:  Seriously.  Go look at any other mafia game.  DL Mafia games almost always start out with a bunch of nonsense joke votes that get tossed out once people have something more to go on; frankly, never having played on another board before, I'm not sure what else you think we're SUPPOSED to do.  That instead of doing some very minor legwork and checking into this, you're beating a dead horse really doesn't help your case.)) If'n yer arguments against anyone else made a lick o sense to me, well I reckon I'd be more inclined to let you stay in the trenches."

"And, if y'will, I held my "real" vote til the moment I found someone who stank enough to warrant it."

He shakes his bottle of moonshine, and a bit of liquid sloshes around in the bottle.  "Almost empty. T'ain't a good thing atall.  I can't afford mor'n three bottles a day and this is the third one.  If you think I'm an asshole now, just watch me when I'm sober."  Daniels looks around at the people still millin' about.  "I dun forgot what I said about you, Nathan.  Read it back, if'n you please."

Then, a lightbulb.  "Ah, yeh, the third vote.  Just don't strike me as much of a tell.  Holdin' the line and keepin' to the trenches is all well and good but we t'wern't in such a danger that the Kaiser could sneak up on us just 'cuz-o-that.  Still, 'sides that I ain't got nothin' on yeh, least not mor'in on Tyrone, and..."

"Speakin' o' which, Chad.  Kid's got instincts.  Knows the field.  Little out of it at times but he knows what he's doing.  Question is, what is he doing?"

"An' Lyle... Kyle... shit, don't matter.  The salesman.  See, I don't like Moses' ramblin none the more than any o' you all.  Man can talk at a guy til his bottle's empty if you let him.  But shit, you all seen it.  Ain't no substance to it.  Ain't much good at makin' shit up so detailed, either.  No novelist, for damn sure.  If I'm gettin' at Tyrone for makin' a mountain out of a molehill, may's well get on you too."

((OOC:  I don't think the backstory tells us much one way or the other, but I don't think it's completely made up.  Too many details that could be easily contradicted, etc.  At the same time it's not a direct quote since Moses isn't modkilled, and omission is still _very_ possible, not to mention easier and less likely to contradict someone else's role PM.  That said, I think too much has been made out of it; at the risk of meta, it's Xanth, dudes.  I watched Meme mafia.  That's how the guy talks.  Moreover, airing out as much information as possible only helps town.  

AT THE SAME (META) TIME, I don't really think Kyle/Sopko's reaction implies that he's scum, either.  Sopko likes RP.  Sopko dislikes when RP is broken unnecessarily.  I don't know which way to go on this, since Sopko knows these things as well and it all might be misdirection.  Frankly, I think Chad Alex has a greater possibility of being scum at this point, but none of these 3 strike me as scummier than Tyrone right now.  Perhaps a later lynch for information may be necessary, but I'm not willing to gamble that quite yet.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 06:13:01 AM »
((OOC again, though I haven't read Martin's input yet and probably won't until tomorrow because I'm exhausted.  Just trying to keep up with the "keep it civil" rule.  I'm not calling you retarded, EL, I'm saying your argument is full of holes and I don't like it one bit.  In case that weren't clear.)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:59:38 AM »
((OOC again:  Since I can't edit, it *WAS* the jokevote phase.  Nothing else needs to be corrected in my last statement.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:58:39 AM »
((OOC: Well, that's fucking retarded.  It's the joke vote phase.  If you seriously didn't understand that, then you're a moron.  And if you did, and I don't think so little of you to think that you don't know the meaning of a joke vote, then you're scum trying to build up a case against a townie where there is none.  That's all I have to say about that.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 05:31:02 AM »
As for feigning drunkenness... well, no shit sherlock.  It's flavor.
((You misunderstand. I was saying that the drunkenness was faked by your character to cover up the lack of evidence for your baseless accusation. As for the numbers, I just think in numbers so I wrote what I thought; wasn't trying to complicate or oversimplify things for anyone else. Sorry if I did either for you.

And yeah, Sopko basically sums up my issues with Bike that I mentioned in my first OoC post.))

*Hic* Now, sonny, I reckon this is the booze talkin', but that don't please me none all the same.  You may be the type to think in numbers, sure, I'll give yah that.  I think in number's all the time.  How much moonshine I can get for a week's pay, how many bottles it takes to have a party every night, all that.  Hell, I don't even give a shit that you've got to rank us all 7-9-8 for things to make sense.

What I don't like is how these numbers were thrown together durin' an out-o-body ess... espeereence, yet was takin' the real world into account. Or the other way around.  I kent make heads or tales of that right now.((OOC: Seriously, you placed me as the second or third most suspicious based on flavor, but it's based on suspicion of my character more than it is based on whether or not you think I'm scum?))

'nfact, this just placed you high up on my list o' ne'erdowells.  I's still not so sure-a who I trust atwix Chad an' Nathan, but I know this:  You ain't makin' much sense, and I reckon yer playin' on Maybury's hatred of the drunkard to make a case where there ain't none.

##Unvote: Kyle Handley
##Vote: Tyrone Callahan

We ain't so close to a decision that I feel bad about this, and you been kickin' up a lot of dust besides.  Pray onna them fools makes morofa ass o' themselves than yeh jus' did.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 01:29:01 AM »
OOC once again:

Re: Ty: That's so meaningless I don't know what to say.  I know the DL is filled with people with hardons for math, but do we really need to quantify suspicions in numbers in order to understand each other?

As for feigning drunkenness... well, no shit sherlock.  It's flavor.  In the one content-heavy post I've made I even did an OOC/tl;dr summary just in case my in-character analysis was too opaque for people to understand.  Hell, my last post wasn't even in character.  Unless you have anything else aside from character flavor to harp on, I'm not too sure I understand your suspicion of me. 

I got ninja'd by Xanth but I don't have much to comment on his post at this time, so.... uh. Yeah.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 19, 2010, 12:45:24 AM »
OOC because I'm trying to write a Japanese presentation at the same time and can't be arsed to flavour it up:  Egh, that just doesn't strike me as good scum play, though.  Keep in mind, scum are working together, and they KNOW we're going to be drooling over any chance to lynch with a reason.  If Alex/Chad IS scum, then this was a really terrible maneuver because it draws too much attention to him.  Keep in mind we're also NOWHERE NEAR HAMMER TIME. 

I'm suspicious of Chad because of the lack of content in his posts, and perhaps it really just is poor scum play.  At the same time I'm growing more suspicious of you, Nathan, since harping on a third vote like that smells of scum trying to act like town.  Now if Chad had added his vote bringing Hellsnake close to the hammer, then I wouldn't think this way.

Before I change my vote I'm going to wait for Chadalex to post something content-heavy, since at this point it is the crux of whether or not I find him more suspicious than you.  Either moves could be scummy right now, but we've got plenty of time to wait as it is.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 18, 2010, 11:41:42 PM »
* Jack Daniels stands up, a little more steady, a little more sober. 

"Right now the lot of us ain't doin' much but pissin' on krauts.  *Hic.*  I ain't one to trust nobody from outside Marbury, but I reckon that this ain't got nothin' to do with it.  We got a buncha loudmouths bickerin' and blowin things out of proportion, a few of us that ain't contributed much a tall, self included, and a few folks who done sat back and kept quiet."
* Jack Daniels takes a swig of the hooch and wipes it from his beard.

"Now, which group's the most suspicious?  On the one hand, whoever done the crime knows damn well to keep quiet and let others draw attention to themselves, avoidin' the axe tonight and maybe tomorrah since us good natured folk won't have much to put again'em 'cept their silence.  With that in mind I think Martin and Nick-o-lai best start contributin' somethin'.  We got a lot o' daylight left but the bottle's only gonna get emptier."

He moves over to Chad and places his hand on the boy's shoulder.  "This goes for you too, sonny.  Yer pa was a good man and I know it's hard on ya, losin' him so soon after yer ma, but the best way to take care of this is to start helpin' with the investigation.  Mopin' about never did no good for nobody," he says, not without a twinge of self aware irony.

"Pietro, you ain't said much since tellin' me to back off on Kyle.  F'give me if this means I start associatin' the two of you as compadres until you speak up some."

"The only one I'm inclined to believe at this point is ol' Moses.  His story's detailed and, I don't think enough of his imagination to make somethin' like that up.  The contradiction's a small thing, and hell, I know enough that the memory confuses things.  Now maybe that contradiction'll play a bigger role once we got more to go on, but right now I'll let it slide."

Another drink.  "Don't think this means I trust yeh.  I just ain't got enough to jump on yeh yet, and I ain't so drunk as to start another fight jes yet."

He belches, and stumbles, using Chad to hold himself upright.  "Nah, on the other hand?  Maybe the criminals know the game.  Maybe they been through this so many times they dun picked up some tricks, tryin' to obfuscate folk's suspicions.  Seems to me the Hellsnake just got caught up in it all, and the boys kickin' up dust the most ah slightly more suspicious.  Three votes on a man ain't so close to a majoritah that we need to be makin' a mountain out of a molehill jus' yet."

"I ain't movin' my vote jus' yet, made in drunken instinct though it may be.  Plenty of booze left afore last call, and I'm so suspicious of all y'all that my (joke)vote ain't no worse a choice than anythin' else."


tl;dr: Lurkers, speak up.  We've got plenty of time and just started, so maybe Imm and Shale just haven't had time to check in yet.  Another day or two and I'll get more LAL on people, though.  For the people posting content, I'm frankly more suspicious of the people jumping on multiple people voting for the same person than the people who did the voting.  We're nowhere near hammer time yet.  Not even half way there on votes.  Sheesh.

Right now, Alex seems the most suspicious to me, though, since he posts without saying much and may likely be using his character's flavor to lay low.

As an aside, I would REALLY REALLY appreciate it if those who haven't made a separate account for this do so soon.  It's rather hard to keep things organized for me when people are referring to Seamus while the username is Excal, etc.  I know Snowfire said it was optional but given the flavor-heavy nature of this game, it will help a lot if I can just look at the SN and see whose post I'm reading instead of having to flip back to page 1 to see WTF Excal's character is.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 11:54:05 PM »
::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Maybe it's the hooch, or maybe I'm just breaking role, but what in god's name does that mean?

I'd appreciate it if this nonsense were made more clear.

::The Cult of the Bloody Tongue is an African cult dedicated to Nyarlathotep in Call of Cthulhu.  In the beginning of the famous adventure Masks of Nyarlathotep, members of the cult sneak into an NPC's apartment and murder him - like ninjas.

I couldn't think of a more appropriate Mythos-specific term for being ninja'd, but suspect one exists.

Dimensional Shambler'd, perhaps?::

(Ah.  Thought it was some role-related thing.  That makes sense, thanks for clearing it up.  A more in-character post to come when I'm less in dire need of a nap.)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 10:45:14 PM »
::Peyton is NINJA'd (Bloody Tongue'd?) by Tyrone Callahan::

Maybe it's the hooch, or maybe I'm just breaking role, but what in god's name does that mean?

I'd appreciate it if this nonsense were made more clear.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:43:41 PM »
* Jack Daniels props himself up against the wall, setting the hooch down on a nearby table.  He looks Peitro up and down and decides that discretion is the better part of not fucking with the wrong people.

Jon was a good man, is all.  We served in the war together.
* Jack Daniels sits down at the table. 

Hearin' Jon's dead just riles me up.  But yer right, this ain't the time.  Don't think this don't mean I ain't got my eye on you, salesman.  I don't like the way you keep splittin' in two.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 1
« on: April 17, 2010, 04:41:47 PM »
"*Hic.*  A good man is dead.  I don't know about you folks, but there ain't a man in this town who wouldda done him in."
* Jack Daniels waves his bottle in the general direction of the outsiders.

"Yeah, I'm talkin' about you fucks.  Time was shit like this... shit like this just didn't happen.

Now which onna you god damn kraut-sympathizin' red slave ownin' PROHIBITIONIST COMMIE SONS OF BITCHES murdered him?
* Jack Daniels walks up to Kyle, prodding him forcefully with one hand while propping himself up on Kyle's shoulder with the other.

Never trust a salesman.  I gotta hunch.  

##Vote: Kyle Handley.

(We don't need no stinkin' Monorail thingamajigger.)

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia sign-ups
« on: April 16, 2010, 07:26:49 AM »
* Jack Daniels takes a swig of moonshine, and pinches the bridge of his nose. 

"Yeah, I got your subpoena all right.  Now what's this all about?"

EDIT:  Can anybody see my avatar?  I tried changing it, and it shows up in the profile information thingamajigger, but won't display for me in my posts.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« on: March 14, 2010, 06:36:49 PM »
On briefly, some thoughts:

First off, my vote here on Xbox seems to have been missed.  Though I noticed I missed the pound keys so let me redo it:


I'm not sure why we apparently went from aiming for scum to aiming for the busdriver/whatever, if we hit scum it doesn't matter what role since the last one would be forced into killing for the most part.

I still think that Xbox has been the worse today, his entire set of actions today rub off on me as cheerleading.

Shiki/Shana might not have the best case ever, but I'm entirely surprised out how seemingly everyone today is forgoing past behavior and voting mostly on today's behavior.

I said it before, I still think there's a chance that Touhou is scum, however at the same time I believe their claim is something that allows us to put off a direct pursuit for currently since there is room for Touhou to either confirm themselves for real or to make a mistake that would give them away.  Not sure why we're so enthusiastic about lynching someone who made a case(albeit the rolename part of it is admittedly blech) about someone who isn't actually confirmed.

Still aiming towards XBox, I personally think the Shiki case is being blown out of proportion, going to take a look at AYB before I'm able to post again sometime tonight, apologize with the lack of presence, should be finished with my busy stuff in around 8 hours.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme, Vern?(Meme Mafia, Day 4)
« on: March 13, 2010, 09:47:27 AM »
The prince is here,I was away for the day on some unexpected business, kind of tired now, but I'll at least get a brief post of my summarized thoughts out for now.

While I'm hesitant to entirely believe Toujou's claim, I DO believe that the nature of it means we can at least put it on the back burner for at least one more day.  The way I see it, the longer we wait, the more chances for Toujou to either be confirmed, or caught in a lie through night actions, so why take a chance now when we could aim for people whom we can't glean information from through night actions.

I'm still feeling that Xbox is the worse violator for today, his posts today are pretty much pure WIFOM, and he honestly doesn't strike me as actively trying to make an actual case/scumhunting.  The dismissal of my theory with "wouldn't scum save the jacket" is just more WIFOM, but in response to this I feel like I need to clarify my thoughts on the matter somewhat.

I personally view the jacket as a not inherently townie power, since it has the potential to cause confusion.  I'm of the opinion, that if I were scum, I would want to get it out in the ranks of the townies as quickly as possible, since trying to use the jacket only after finding a good role to steal would mean the scum wouldn't actually have access to a power until day 3, assuming they found a power they considered worth stealing.  I don't think waiting until a mafia game is potential half over would be a good use of a power that could cause potential confusion in the town ranks.  Anyways, moving away from speculation.

I'm pretty much thinking Xbox is still the worse, there has been alot of bad play and other things that have already been explained so:


I'm honestly getting fairly neutral reads from everyone else so far, though out of the rest of the people who are up for suspicion I'm leaning ever so slightly towards AYB being the worse, though it could honestly slide either way.

Getting this out then going to sleep, will maybe have one post out in 10 hours or so, and then after that probably won't be able to post for another 10ish or so.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 08:34:38 AM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 11, 2010, 05:27:34 AM »
Thanks for the clarification Russia.

The reason I asked was I felt depending on the answer, I could probably strengthen my case, but at the same time I didn't want to present my case and then ask for an answer that could then be skewed to fit it.

Right now, I am highly considering Xbox to be a scum, if we look at his day 2 actions, we see him starting the day off with a vote on Russia with a seeming lackluster reason, with what basically strikes me as trying to ride on his train.  When we consider that he swapped powers with Russia, this just kind of doesn't sit right with me.  He finally takes his vote off Russia after the train begins to die somewhat, and places it somewhere not useful at the time.  And then Russia is Roleblocked that very night.

The reason I asked Russia about the ambiguity of his power is if he had said town, I would have been certain the box was up to something when he considered Russia bad after stealing his power.

So anyways, instead of being certain, I get to mostly just put this into the gut feeling category instead, but I'm thinking that after Xbox took Russia's power, he first attempted to join in a Russia lynch as a way to prevent a buddy from having a power stolen, when that seemed to go downhill, Russia was instead knowingly roleblocked to prevent him from getting combo's power.  I also don't think I've seen him comment about whatever happened about his initial suspicions on Russia, I may be missing a post somewhere, but if I'm not, this also does not sit well with me.  I know this is a little far into conjecture, but I just cannot for the life of me think of any other reason why scum would roleblock Russia and pseudo confirm him.

That's pretty much what I had to say, willing to go ahead and end, though I'll wait for a few others to give the go ahead as well.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 09:43:29 PM »
I'm here, not much new to say, haven't really said anything on the Demo/Toujou role madness since everytime I think I figure something out about it I pretty much just think of something else that just kind of makes me go  ??? at my previous thoughts.  Though if I had to guess I would probably lean towards Touhou being the scum myself, though I've been trying not to think about it so much since I'm bad with that kidn of WIFOMy madness.

I do have one question for Russia, what alignment would you consider your previous role giving off if someone were to learn of it, would someone who learned of it, think "well that's pretty towny" or is it of an ambiguous nature without the alignment in that it would leave a neutral tell?

I'm thinking I may have a good case, and the answer I get from Russia will have me either considering it really damn solid or just another case to think about depending on the answer, seconding the notion of someone removing the vote from combo for now, we still have plenty of time left in the day and I rather avoid a hammer too soon if possible, even if Combo is flooding the thread.  Also, there was no announcement for Astley's replacement since it was during the night period.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 01:40:12 AM »
Okay wow, so In response to Russia, I was about to say that I don't think anyone would confirm it, since it almost makes too much sense for scum to have roleblocked him, after getting his power, and figuring that they would target Combo due to his confirmed role, but then the Box comes out and claims.  Planning to relook at everything of Xbox's, but for now I'll be going out with some of my homies, will be back in a bit.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:58:04 PM »
I know I'm the only one since Gate pretty much told me outright that I was the only one that can be recruited once I was, I assume in Astleys Role PM that it probably says something similar along those lines.

One thing I did forget to clarify though, is that I had no knowledge of being a paparazzi/mason until after I was recruited, I was pretty much under the impression that I was stuck with essentially Vanilla Town when the game started, and I made a rather lame attempt to breadcrumb that here where I talked about useless roles in light of Russia's no lynch plan.

I did mention Astley Day 2, so not sure what Cake is saying there, if I didn't mention him day 1, it's because I didn't know.  And yes, Writer/Paparazzi are referring to the roles.

Ninja, so Touhou made an action on the cake last night? This will be interesting.

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:19:41 PM »
I'm just going to go ahead and claim to make explaining my actions a bit easier, I'm an unconfirmed mason with Astley, this is why I defended him yesterday among other things.  I'm willing to consider him town for now due to the nature of how we became masons, since he is a writer and I was the only paparazzi he could recruit, and he managed to get me on N1.

Lazy play yesterday was basically me finding out "Oh look, I'm actually a mason, cool," Since I wasn't able to actually read or write anything until the day was half over, I pretty much just resigned myself to being lazy for the day after having to read through all the text the catch up on everything.

I'll be honest, I did think Combo was worse then Russia at first, but then discussing things in mason chat had me second guessing myself, to the point where I came up with my not so astounding flip logic.  Astley thought that Russia was worse, and I decided I would go along with it for the time being since I figured whichever one didn't get lynched on that day would most likely end up on the block for day 3.

Overly annoyed at Milhouse claim to end the day, but what are we going to do about that.

Altey will be able to confirm once he gets back from whatever he's doing, mostly just posting this to get that out there, will actually have something about new opinions later.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 08, 2010, 07:31:01 PM »
Yo homies whats up?

Just finished glossing over the Russian, and honestly I'm back to thinking he looks bad,  I'm starting to think my brain was so melted yesterday that I was simply happy to not see him pulling the no lynch IT'S A TRAP type stunt again today.  So yeah, Russia is accusing Astley of voting for the cup girls based on their claim when it seems pretty obvious he was not, have pretty much stuck with that vote for who knows why, I'm pretty sure others have already gone over that, not seeing a reason to continually stick on Astley with the continual faulty logic.

So now I'm stuck at this point where the Russians are tied for C-C-Combo for who I think might be scum, but I don't think they're both scum off hand.  So then I thought, "well hell, which one should I stick on" and it got me to look at where their votes are a bit and so here's what I'm thinking right now:

If Russia flips town, it makes Combo look horrendously bad due to the whole X-box switch of thing, x-box looks slightly bad by extension though he's not on the train himself right now, though he was earlier on.  If Russia flips scum, Combo looks better, x box would look slightly worse to me since he got of the Russian once combo started looking worse to people, and then proceeds to place his vote somewhere that I don't really see picking up steam today.

In retrospect if Combo flips town, it doesn't really tell us much about the Russian, and fails to give info on the box also, whereas if he flips scum then X-box could probably be seen to be worse off.

Considering how torn I've gotten myself between Russia and Combo, I'm going to go ahead and switch to the one I think will give me more to work with, so:

##U-U-U-Unvote: C-C-C-Combo Breaker
##Vote: In Soviet Russia

Any thoughts on my logic?  I'm interested to hear if anyone thinks it's no good, Startin making trouble in my neighborhood I got in one little fight and my mom got scared And said 'You're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air'

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 08, 2010, 05:51:41 AM »
Wowowowowow...Endless WOT'S, my brain really feels like it is about to melt after reading all that anyways on to the post.

So anyways, there seems to be alot of speculation on the nature of the roleblock claim, which is just needless stupid indulgence in WIFOM for now.

There seems to be a bit of a case on Astley which I'm honestly not seeing at all myself, though I don't really agree with him on his case on the Cup Girls.

Anyways, both the breaker of combos and the xbox look terrible to me right now, both cases have been covered rather extensively and I both too lazy and not feeling a need to further bog this game down with more WoT's reiterating the same thing that I've already been beaten to.

I'm no longer sure what I think on the Russian, don't agree with their case on Astley at all, but they generally seem to be trying harder to contribute today.  I starting to think that the bad day one play is being used as an excuse for an easy train however, and since both the large box and breaker of combos are on that train, makes me think a little better of them for now.

So right now both of those two look incredibly bad, but to me the combo breaker looks worse.

##V-V-V-Vote: C-C-C-Combo Breaker!

Not going to bring up the points since Advice Dog pretty much summed them up and once again I don't feel like rehashing the same arguments.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 07, 2010, 08:38:06 PM »
Apologies for the lack of presence, went to visit my father only to find out his computer exploded, just got back and am pretty tired, going to take a nap and hopefully have something after I wake up.

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