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Messages - Lady Ashe

Pages: 1 2 3 [4]
Pretty sure there aren't any rules against using characters from the same game, so... solely because I can:

Raquel - 3
Guv - 2.5
Arnaud - 2
Yulie - 2
Ricardo - 1.5

Dead on the first floor? I wouldn't be shocked.

Discussion / Re: Two-Minute Game Reviews: Revived!
« on: April 05, 2008, 04:41:32 PM »
Game: Persona 3

Rating: 9

Best feature/element: Social Links.  I enjoy seeing each character's little arc, and it gives you an idea of who you're fighting for, which is something missing in a lot of RPGs.
Worst feature/element: Main character being vulnerable to charm. This would be fine if Yukari could actually use her charm healing spell, but she can't, so it's pretty much mandatory to grind a person for the charm blocking accessory.

Best character: Shinjiro.
Worst character: Do the Velvet room characters count? No? Jin, I guess.

Best PC in-game: Main. Easily.
Worst PC in-game: Junpei, yeah. Pretty much just an inferior version of Koromaru.

Favorite moment: Final Battle. Woo music.
Least favorite moment: Anything involving Junpei's obsession with Chidori.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 42 Nomination pools
« on: March 29, 2008, 02:17:09 PM »
Godlike: Raquel Applegate(WA4), Lady(SH3), Jessica Albert(DQ8), Sephiroth(FF7), Seymour(FFX), Masaji Kato(SH2)
Heavy: Arnaud G. Vasquez(WA4), Ultros(FF6), Suicune(PKMN), Ryu(BoF1), Ayla(CT), Angelo(DQ8)
Middle: Yangus(DQ8), Rikku(FFX), Alice Elliot(SH1), Scythe Riebauer(WA4), Rasputin(SH2), Vincent Valentine(FF7)
Light: Erk(FE7), Gobi(BoF1), Rinoa Heartilly(FF8), Aeris Gainsborough(FF7), Garcia(FE8), Zhuzhen Liu(SH1)

Group 1 Winners:

1. Final Fantasy X - Amazing.
2. Shadow Hearts 2 - Equally amazing.
3. Ogre Battle 64 - Pretty fun game that I haven't played in forever and am probably overrating due to nostalgia. I wouldn't have it any other way.
4. Fire Emblem 7
5. Disgaea 2
6. Chrono Trigger
7. Odin Sphere - Painful.
8. Saga Frontier - More painful.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: March 19, 2008, 02:40:54 PM »
I can't recall how many times I wanted to smack Yukari upside the head when instead of casting something like Mediarama, she casts Diaharan instead. Or when you're CHARMED and she refuses to heal you.

Yukari's Charmdi is bugged - she never uses it.  Not sure if they fixed that in FES or not.

I am filled with so much rage right now. Argh.

Discussion / Re: Two-Minute Game Reviews: Revived!
« on: March 05, 2008, 04:47:27 AM »
Game: Disgaea 2

Rating: 7 (This feels a bit low, but unless I play it again I probably won't change it. Why did I get rid of my copy in the first place? Argh.)

Best feature/element: Lots and lots of post-game.
Worst feature/element: Geo-panels, and they're not even that bad.

Best character: The Dark Hero, obviously. Etna comes close.
Worst character: TINK DIE IN A FIRE

Best PC in-game: Skull Mage. Adell/Rozy come close.
Worst PC in-game: Tink. Counting Item World? Hanako. Never really saw the need for buffs, since my Skull Mage could kill pretty much anything with ease.

Favorite moment: The Colosseum fight against Axel. White Tiger really made that fight awesome. I was also a bit underleveled, which helped.
Least favorite moment: The Geo-Panel tower. Annoying without any actual difficulty.

Suggestions: Kingdom Hearts 2?

Discussion / Re: RPG Ratings
« on: March 04, 2008, 12:28:02 AM »
Shadow Hearts: From the New World down from 10 to 9.
Shadow Hearts: Covenant added at 10.
Shadow Hearts added at 9.
Fire Emblem 8 added at 7.

...Yeah, I really enjoyed the SH series. <<

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Current-gen consoles in the DL.
« on: March 01, 2008, 03:47:38 AM »
Three unmentioned DS RPGs.

SomaBringer - Action RPG from the guys behind Xenosaga. Just came out two days ago in Japan, so it will be a long time before anything happens with it. (If it even comes out in NA)
Etrian Odyssey 2 - Same thing as Etrian Odyssey, but more classes/balance.
The World Ends With You - I don't know much about this at all so this may not work, but it exists, is Squenix, and is coming to North America.

A shame about the lack of R4 ownership here. =/

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Rate this game in the DL: DQ8 and DDS.
« on: February 27, 2008, 02:30:24 PM »
Dragon Quest 8:

Favorite dueller: Guv. Call Team is fun and there are some interesting team combinations out there.
Least favorite dueller: Leopold. The plot bosses are all pretty similar, so he's basically a less powerful version of the others.

Strongest dueller: Mm. Rhapthorne.
Weakest dueller: Yangus.

Favorite moment in the DL with this game: Guv getting smashed by Yuna this week. He may be my favourite dueler from this game but he's not Yuna. ^_^
Least favorite moment in the DL with this game: Guv getting unlucky and drawing Yuna. Oops.

A character you'd like to see added to the game: CHARMLES
A character you wouldn't have ranked from this game: It's fine.

Any other notes/thoughts about the game? Awesome game. Can't put my finger on exactly why, but I love it.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: What games can you vote on?
« on: February 23, 2008, 01:12:06 PM »
*Chrono Trigger - Stopped shortly after boarding the Black Omen. Think I'm near the end of the game.
Disgaea 2
Dragon Quest VIII
Fire Emblem: The Blazing Sword
Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones
*Final Fantasy IV - Some of the temps, DS version only.
*Final Fantasy VI - Kefka's Tower. Never finished it.
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Golden Sun
Mana Khemia
Persona 3: The Journey
Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts 2
Shadow Hearts 3
Suikoden 4
Tales of the Abyss
Wild Arms 3
Wild ARMs 4
Xenosaga 2

Discussion / Re: Final Parties
« on: February 19, 2008, 03:50:28 PM »
Haha like I can remember any.

FFVII - Cloud/Yuffie/Vincent. My three favourite PCs. Easy enough.
FFX - Yuna/Auron/Tidus (Could've just be Yuna though, with her 99999 damage per attack. <<) Uhhh. I like them? Rikku too, but not enough space for four. =/
FFX-2 - Dark Knight/Alchemist/Dark Knight. Cheeeeese.

Fire Emblem 8 - Eirika, Ephraim, Myrrh, Lute, Artur, Ross, Gilliam, Franz, Vanessa, Cormag, Neimi, Tethys. Lute/Artur/Ross tanked. Neimi/Vanessa/Cormag/Ephraim killed the occasional enemy. Tethys did her thing. Myrrh used the item that blocked crit, and laughed at the boss while Artur used Physic to heal. The others... took up space and made the chapter harder to beat without dying. <<

Shadow Hearts - Yuri/Alice/Keith. Duh. The two mandatory ones and the only other tolerable PC.
Shadow Hearts: Covenant - Anastasia/Kurando/Yuri/Karin. In that order. Couples go together, and they're positioned for maximum combo efficiency when Yuri fuses. Anyway, awesome character who is win, fusion guy who Ana has a thing for, and the mandatory plot characters.
Shadow Hearts: From the New World - Johnny/Shania/Ricardo/Slim Hilda. Two mandatory plot characters. Badass guitar. Awesome battle quotes. Good stuff.

Suikoden - Tir, Viktor, Flik, Cleo, Tengaar, Luc. Viktor had a Water Rune he never used, Flik had a Thunder Rune he used twice, Cleo had a Fire Rune, Tengaar had whatever the second tier wind rune is, and Luc had a Flowing Rune for 23 shots of MT full healing.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 41 nomination pools!
« on: February 11, 2008, 08:56:13 PM »
Oh. Thought they could be nommed again if they champed. Huh. Does that apply to only Godlike, then?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 41 nomination pools!
« on: February 11, 2008, 05:21:56 PM »
Er, can Ricardo be nominated again? The list checker thingy says no. <<

...Not that I actually want to. Just wondering. >_>

Godlike: Yuna(FFX), Yuri Volte Hyuga(SHs), Magus (Janus Zeal)(CT), Lady(SH3)
Heavy: Angelo(DQ8), Athos(FE7), Ultros(FF6), Hojo(FF7)
Middle: Jaffar(FE7), Vincent Valentine(FF7), Alice Elliot(SH1), Rikku(FFX)
Light: Rufus Shinra(FF7), Frank Goldfinger(SH3), Erk(FE7), Nanami(S2)

Lotta variety right there!

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: January 21, 2008, 03:00:42 PM »
Persona 3.

I love this game. The gameplay is pretty damn good. Being unable to directly control characters can be a pain, but the A.I. does its job quite well. Some of the boss fights haven't been all that difficult so far, but a few of them could be really nasty with status effects. I'm up against one right now that has an attack that casts charm on the entire party. Ouchie. The regular enemies are starting to get pretty tough too. If you can't knock down all of the enemies at once, you're in pretty bad shape. It's really unforgiving, so if you get unlucky and miss or make a single mistake, you're probably dead or near-death unless you happen to have an immunity to the enemies attacks.

Then there is the dating sim aspect which kicks all sorts of ass. Most of the social links have the person going through some sort of trouble in their life, and it's up to the main character, as their friend, to help them out. They're awesome and rewarding both in terms of gameplay and the feeling that you get from a job well done. Maya is really well done, and could probably pass off for a real person if I didn't know this is a single player game. Chihiro is just adorable, and all of the other ones I'm working on look like they have a lot of potential as well.

Only in September(I think) right now, so there is still a ton of game to go, but it's already really awesome and shooting up my list of favourite video games.

General Chat / Re: Merry Christmas!
« on: December 26, 2007, 05:24:03 AM »
Kay, here is what I got, with some commentary.

Miscellaneous Stuff

- Mars. A Gackt Album. I love Gackt. <3.
- Vin Diesel's Riddick Trilogy.
- Binoculars. <_<
- Lots of chocolate and your other typical stocking goodies.


- The Dark Tower series. Woo Stephen King.
- The Dark Tower: The Complete Concordance. Some reference book for the series.
- The Dark Tower: The Gunslinger Born. A Marvel comic thingy based on The Dark Tower.
- Stephen Colbert's I AM AMERICA (AND SO CAN YOU!). <3.
- The Complete Idiot's Guide to Money for Teens. Uhhh okay doubt I'll ever touch this.
- The Onion - Our Dumb World: Atlas of the Planet Earth Seventy-Third Edition. Supposed to be funny. Maybe, I don't really know.
-  The Art of Computer Programming Volume 1 - Fundamental Algorithms Third Edition. I actually appreciate this more than you might think. <_<

Gaming Stuff.

- Kingdom Hearts 2. I borrowed the game from a friend last year but I never owned it. This is the first time I've ever gotten something I put on my Christmas wishlist, so I'm really happy.
- Final Fantasy X. I already own it and it's my favourite game ever, but I don't mind because it's so awesome that having a second, unopened copy appeals to me.
- Final Fantasy XI: Vana'diel Collection. The PS2 version. I probably won't play it because of monthly fees, but I enjoy collecting games so I appreciate this all the same.

Stuff that will inevitably go towards gaming but isn't gaming stuff yet.

- $150 of Best Buy monies.


- God of War 2. First game was pretty enjoyable, so...
- Rogue Galaxy. Level 5 for the win.
- Atelier Iris 3: Grand Phantasm. Don't know anything about it other than that it is NIS. That's good enough for me!

Gaming stuff I'll be buying from someone online.

- Metal Gear Solid. Yessssss.
- Shadow Hearts. **** yessss.
- Shadow Hearts: Covenant. **** yes!

...Yeah, the comment with that last item pretty much sums up my thoughts on my haul this year.

Another Edit - Drop MGS, add Onimusha 2, Onimusha 3, and Resident Evil 4(PS2). <<

Discussion / Re: RPG Ratings
« on: December 22, 2007, 03:54:15 PM »

Final Fantasy X
Shadow Hearts: Covenant
Wild ARMs 4
The World Ends With You


Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King
Shadow Hearts: From the New World
Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3
Tales of the Abyss


Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Kingdom Hearts 2
Shadow Hearts
Final Fantasy VIII
Fire Emblem 7


Luminous Arc
Atelier Iris 2: The Azoth of Destiny
Disgaea 2: Cursed Memories
Etrian Odyssey
Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
Final Fantasy X-2
Wild ARMs 3
Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow
Mega Man Star Force: Dragon
Kingdom Hearts


Kingdom of Loathing
Fire Emblem 8
Final Fantasy VII
Pokemon Silver
Mega Man Battle Network


Dark Cloud
Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht
Suikoden IV


Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
Summon Night: Swordcraft Story


Pokemon Blue
Dragon Warrior


Golden Sun


Final Fantasy XII

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