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Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:14:51 AM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:10:51 AM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 10, 2010, 12:04:36 AM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:59:44 PM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 11:00:56 PM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:59:40 PM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:58:02 PM »

Forum Games / Re: I meme it this time!(Meme Mafia: Day 3)
« on: March 09, 2010, 10:55:01 PM »

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 08, 2010, 02:38:20 PM »
The problem with hypocrisy is that going after someone whose posting similarly to yourself only makes sense for scum. I of all people know town can make stupid mistakes, but if you're claiming to be a townie who's make a poor post you shouldn't have, what makes you believe that Soviet isn't the same? What reason do the rest of us have to vote him over you?

People have given a lot of credit to the whole "active lurker" thing, and I think that he fits it more than to a T. He defines it. He brings it to new levels. His Astley case came out of thin air. It started as a lurker case with absolutely no reasoning other than being a lurker case. It's not how it started though that makes it bad, it's that he's stuck to it regardless of everything that has happened during the day despite his only real justification for it coming in this post, much further in the day. He's trying to play it off as new content... without adding any new content. I'll admit that Astley hasn't given him much to work from, but even pointing that out would help! He seems determined to ride it out, just because. Leaves him open to hammer, maybe?

Dog: Don't know what to say about X-Box's switch... Hard to say if it's consistant, as they just jumped into the role today. Vote-wise, he put it on Soviet and kept it there until now. But it just doesn't look good. I'm honestly confused at the reasoning, as it seems more like a case-starter than a vote-to-remind-later type deal, but the timing is baffling.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 08, 2010, 12:55:30 PM »
Well. A fine mess I've g-g-g-gotten myself into. I'm honestly embarassed by the post I left before I left yesterday. I got dragged away and instead of scrapping it I insisted on posting it, to the detriment of my character and town's time. It was one of those hand-to-forehead moments that just made me crawl into bed and try to refresh myself. I won't make excuses for it, but I will say two things in my defense.

Most of the heat that came down because of it is valid, but my case on him was a lurker case and I made the mistake of putting a pressure vote on someone I thought was less scummy than my #1 suspect without declaring it. I stand by the reasoning, at least at the time. The switch came from giving the new X-Box poster the benefit of the doubt being a substitute up until that point. The Milhouse lurking point he first brings up reads like something someone whose only really followed Day 2 would bring up. I wouldn't call Milhouse a lurker in Day 1 really. There was the case on Soviet, which I didn't have a problem with. The only thing that really struck me as iffy at that point was the case on 2G1C and the whole "you claimed roleblockedness" thing. But I mentioned this, and people claimed that I didn't seem to find enough wrong with X-Box even though I said he was still a suspect to me.

I felt kind of trapped in between someone I thought was scummy yesterday and still think scummy today (Soviet), and someone who I brought a case on today. Whether I switched to Soviet or stuck to X-Box, I think Dog's convinced I'm scum and I would have called me on it either way. So I had a choice to switch back to the person I thought worse or go with the new hotness. Despite how it made me look, I chose the former. It was unfortunate how it played out and if I did it again I'dve waited until I'd gotten back to lay it out, but there's no changing it now.

Second is more minor, but it's about the whole serious post in-between the jokevote and first real vote thing. Maybe in conjuction with everything else it seems to stack up, but honestly? It's not all that great reasoning, especially when confirmed townie Dawg did the same thing. (I'm aware that this also counters the argument I made against X-Box about chaining the joke-vote into a serious vote, but Dawg was more active and at least put together his own argument on the whole thing).

So Soviet... the dichotimous behavior I think is honestly a detriment to town. Yesterday there wasn't much to defend about him. Today, there is just as little, I think. Unlike the good representative from Shiki's pants, I don't see whats so good about Soviet's last post. It's basically doing what people accuse me of: reiterating other's points. 2G1C? Check. X-Box? Check. Me? Check. Responding to Zerg Rush about points made against him is the only original content there, and he presses Astley for... little to no reasoning. I don't see how anyone considers this better input than yesterday. This may be a lot of what I'm guilty of too, but I'm fine with being a hypocrite and calling him out on it. I'd rather be a hypocrite than let someone whose so obvious scum behavior goes unpursued for so long. Yes, I know he's a suspect and I have only myself to blame for letting him get away with it.

Other than Soviet and X-Box, if I should be eliminated, I would look at those who have jumped onto me without putting that much into it. Bel Air especially- All Your Base, Zerg and Touhou too.

I'm not going to be a self-defeatist about this, but if my lynch would help benefit town tomorrow to narrow in on worse targets, then I'm fine with that. Otherwise, I'm sticking to Soviet and thats all there is to it.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 07, 2010, 09:05:27 PM »
##Unvote: X-Box

Now that they're around... the case on 2G1C is... odd logic. I don't think that it's an auto-pass on the day, but at least it's coming out swinging from lurkertude instead of a soft return like yesterday. I would say he's still worth looking at, especially should we get 2G1C's alignment.

Russia: I don't think that the hammer auto-clears Rick. But it's enough to at least reconsider pursuing him over other lurker cases. At this point though, seems like scum scrambling for a position after barely surviving yesterday, especially considering his flip-flopping and odd stance on Astley/2G1C.

##Vote: Soviet Russia

Unexpected interruption. More later.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 06, 2010, 11:46:04 PM »
I asked because I still didn't see any of what you were talking about in their posts. Both times you brought up the herding you didn't really say exactly what about it was herding. Whats wrong with asking someone to back up their argument? There's nothing to be gained by letting details slide.

I still don't see how that qualifies as herding. It's strongly worded argumentation. I don't sense any sort of maliciousness behind it.

And I'll admit my mistake on Demotivational. I only checked his Day 1 stuff for it since you mentioned "early role speculation". I assumed it meant Day 1.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme? (Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 06, 2010, 09:23:47 PM »

I should be somewhere, and right now it's somewhere between C-C-C-C, CATS and an extreme lurker (or Commie, but I'm still really stuck there). Of them, I feel that my vote is still not best served on a lurker when we're still waiting on four people to post today, including the main culprits there and it's close to a dartboard decision there (okay, the big black box is worst of them regardless), and I'm at least willing to wait on this 'proper post' that CATS has in the wings. C-C-C-C, however, has the baggage from yesterday chaining into being surprisingly light on the Commie today despite being doggedly on his tail yesterday and at least one large ball of gas here in discussing !Cake on New Hotness. Kept a joke vote down for longer than necessary (by which I mean through another, serious, post). Easily distracted by the shiniest of immediate stuff as well. Closest to the model of 'oddly supportive of o9k' that I was looking for.

The big black box being bad for super low content lurking is sure, a case I can see following, but his vote on o9k coming during the joke phase is irrelevant. Disappear after joke vote phase, return and find the vote to be made is already in the right place. Sure, the disappearance and low content on reappearing is bad, but the happenstance of the vote is not, and not something to base a case around.

I never like the line of thinking that not voting immediately on someone you were suspicious of yesterday is automatically scummy, especially since I questioned Soviet on most of his arguments today. I believed that the thing about X-Box was noticable enough to bring up and worth a vote, even if I change it down the line. How else do you want me to show I am serious about the case? If I was less suspicious of Soviet I would have explicitly said so, but I did not and I am not. Also, if I was distracted by the shiniest immediate stuff, why would I even put the case and vote on X-Box to begin with? No one had even mentioned it (and it is worth mentioning). Especially since you yourself posted "Make Joke Serious, Get Lynched". Yes, there is a time gap, but he supremely skated through the day and it just looks like classic scum lurker material.

As for the joke vote thing you claim is so bad, I didn't really have anyone serious to vote on at the time when I put up the post poking at O9K's reasoning, so I just forgot to unvote. Simple as that. I don't see how you're attributing a one post gap to immense scumminess.

I'm not pulling off until X-Box posts something substantive. Soviet is still high, high on the list (BTW, still waiting on the answers to those questions, Soviet... again... like I waited yesterday without any sort of answers to the questions I asked you).

Cake... the cake is not a liar, hopefully. Nothing I can say that hasn't already been said though.

Forum Games / Re: You know what I meme?(Meme Mafia: Day 2)
« on: March 06, 2010, 08:49:49 AM »
Well... I can see both my #2 (Over 9K) and #3 (Dawg) suspects from yesterday are C-C-C-COMBO CLEARED! by today's flip. lolcat... there were too many lurkers yesterday to be surprised one of them was scum. Their vote on Russia was early, one of many in a chain of early Soviet voters, but interestingly the first to mention the No Lynch as part of it. After that though, they really don't converse with anyone enough to incriminate.

Soviet, how would you say that Milhouse was herding? On a re-read, they're definitely pretty strongly worded arguments, but it's hard to call it attempting to herd town. Milhouse came off as one of the more townie people to me yesterday. I also don't see any of the "quick role speculation" you're accusing Demotivational Poster of. Care to provide some examples? It honestly seems like you're grasping at straws.

Cake's argument on Shana is... interesting. I saw Shana yesterday as low-post count, but at least some good observation from them. However, the voting behavior casts a much different view upon that, especially when she jumps from here, where they jump down All Your Base's throat, to here,which is still kind of edgy with them, tohere, where she totally agrees with them and jumps on O9K. Cake demonizes it a bit more than necessary, but it doesn't change the facts about the voting history and looks suspicious enough to call out.

Looking worst for me though currently, is X-Box. I was confused on why I couldn't find X-Box's vote on Over 9K... until I checked the first page... IT WAS THEIR JOKE VOTE. They rode out their joke vote the entire day. For this alone I say...


The order the mod listed the votes as at the end of day is wrong, or at least makes it look less conspicuous than it actually is. X-Box was actually the SECOND JOKE VOTE on Over 9K and they never changed their vote. This combined with the lurking screams out to me more than anything else.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 04, 2010, 02:39:10 AM »
No time for big post. Be back later hopefully, but for now gotta make this clear:

My original post:
The only person looking good right now is Advice Dog. Yo dawg.

Soviet Russia hasn't done itself any favors. I don't buy into the "generating discussion" thing that late into day 1. Could be a jester though ~_~
I also don't like lolcat's WIFOM support of Russia, but aside from that lolcat hasn't been terrible.
Boxy Air looks to be trying to get by on minimal content. Unhappy about this.
2girls achieves the same thing whilst looking like they post a lot. Which is more dangerous. It's hard to pick out the points in the conversations.
Zerg is weird, not sure if the vote on Dawg is as bad as others make it though.

As for Over 9000... the early no vote looked suspicious and all, but the descent into LAL looked worse to me.

Uh, Millhouse, you're afraid of a ninja hammer? On this guy?
Y'know, if scum ninja-hammered the guy we suspect to be scum, then that would be pretty awesome. Why are you afraid of this :\
Going to take a closer look at Millhouse.

Dawg... usually speculating on roles, especially in rolemadness, on Day 1 is bad juju. You're skating by on reporter style at the moment, but there's something more important to press on at the moment. Keeping my eye on you.
The role speculation thing is a complete misrepresentation about a 5 word throwaway line. He makes it sound like extensive role speculation about who the doc is.
The reporter style is equally a misrep.

Again, I don't particularly see where it's such a HUGE MISREPRESENTATION, unless you're into voodoo, and juju is a term for HOLY SHIT BAD THINGS to you. It's a fairly neutral statement on the inanity of Day 1 role speculation. If I'd kept my vote on you and pressed my case I could see where you would draw that conclusion, but... yeah.

Still on Soviet Russia. Over 9K is at least attempting to defend themselves and not grasping at straws at least (though am I really being rude? Honest question...) Most comfortable with lynching Soviet. I really want to see him try to explain why he's so convinced the No Lynch vote generated discussion and what observations, if any, he took out of it. The answer to this plus him actually starting to participate in the game in any real fashion would totally be awesome.

This may be repeating what I've already said, but it bears repeating to bring up a point. I don't like when people ask others to explain themselves without giving them specific things to explain (2girls1cup on Soviet) or saying they don't agree with cases on them while not explaining WHY they don't agree with them (Over 9K's statement about Shana's case on him).

Lurking poke to Rick Astley, who totally seems to be flying under the radar, unlike his hit song which topped the chart for none of those weeks in the 80's. 2girls1cup as well, who hasn't done much and did the whole "bring up a point but be incredibly vague on it" thing I don't like when they voted Soviet.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 04:37:02 PM »
And yes, Dawg, very much on your side against C-C-C-C on that matter. That's a horrible painting of what you were doing.

Yo dawg, I heard u like trying to make me look bad so I put a vote on your record so you can hang while you lie.
Scumtell 'cos there's no need for town to do this.

I would say it's an overreaction to what I said and you're actually trying to paint me in a bad light now, since my main point was actually that Dawg was pretty much being a reporter at that point, but fine. You've got to do what you've got to do, especially since I guess it does look bad since I called Dawg on it and not some of the other people who've mentioned it.

Cake's reasoning is pretty terrible and almost shoots them up to the level of O9K, Dawg and Soviet. There's no reason to be afraid of voting and/or putting someone at -1 if you're town. It's how we lynch scum. It's how we win.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 10:13:00 AM »
At this point it seems to me more like O9K is a just a townie who can't argue his way out of a cardboard box. He keeps bringing up points on people and voting in an entirely different direction. I can't tell at this point whether or not this is cunning scum play or just what I stated before... confused town play. Leaning the latter.

Dawg... usually speculating on roles, especially in rolemadness, on Day 1 is bad juju. You're skating by on reporter style at the moment, but there's something more important to press on at the moment. Keeping my eye on you.

##Unvote: Yo Dawg

On the other hand, In Soviet Russia has just jumped further and further up the list. Yes, yes. It started discussion... long, long after the point it had intended to. It was initially overshadowed by your use of the Russian language, and no one even really brought it up until 12 hours and an entire page has gone by in lolcat's post (or if you want a more concrete one, Milhouse's vote on Soviet). But you admit that... What then, are the useful reactions did it really produce? Advice Dog's understandable admonishment of you when you claimed it was serious? All Your Base's explanation on why it's a terrible strategy? There was literally nothing said that hasn't been said before, or even in a way that hasn't been said before, when what you suggested has come up in the past. What then are your brilliant observations you've taken out of this, because that whole scumhunting thing? Thats what we're supposed to be doing. Sharing is caring.

##Vote: Soviet Russia

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 03, 2010, 12:07:15 AM »

Agreed on Dawg's input so far, so...

##Unvote: All Your Base
##Vote: Dawg

But while it may seem town vs town to you Motivational Posterman, Over 9000 answering my questions would still help.

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 02, 2010, 10:12:10 PM »
There were four votes on Zerg Rush during the jokevote phase.  That kind of train forming that quickly made me uncomfortable; thus the switch.  That human loving soviet may have made a bad, bad choice with a joke no lynch vote, but it was still his first vote in the game. So meh, I donno. Tho, the game being out of the joke phase is good, as no scouter made can translate flavor text into meaningful contributions.

Someone picked up nearly half the lynch votes they needed in joke time; it's enough for that to build into something out of thin air. I can't say I'm thrilled with Zerg Rush's heavy use of slang,  as it makes makes for difficult reading. That still doesn't mean I want to put that kind of pressure in play before everyone's had a chance to weigh in and post in the non joke phase.

So what, if anything, are you taking out of that? If it was enough to get you to pull back and go "WHOA!" to everyone, who or what do you think in the train was scummy?

I agree with Milhouse that pulling off isn't scummy, but making a big deal about it and not saying why it's scummy at least bears asking about, especially when chaining into a token lurker poke, so C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!

Forum Games / Re: Say It Like You Meme It(Meme Mafia: Day 1)
« on: March 01, 2010, 11:30:04 PM »

##Vote: All Your Base

More like All Your Base Belong to SCUM!

Forum Games / Re: Internet Meme Anonymafia Signups!
« on: February 28, 2010, 10:42:03 PM »

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Four]
« on: February 24, 2010, 11:52:56 PM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45791.

We have determined that this man who claimed to be Captain Kirk was telling no word of lie. He was indeed the legendary captain, despite his misgivings. However, we could not determine what role he was playing in this scenario until the other 'heroes' at this gathering discovered it by searching his possessions. It is quite unfortunate, of course, that they accidentally set off his phaser during this search, instantly killing him.

Captain Kirk, Town Citizen has been killed.

It is now Night Four. Please send your Night Actions to Captain Yoshiken of the U.S.S. Moderator.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 23, 2010, 12:05:25 AM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45713.

This latest turn of events is quite odd. Almost as though it has occurred in response to my previous comments on the violent tendencies within this group, there have been no deaths during the night. What has caused this lack of murder and what implications it will have are yet to be seen. Our monitoring continues into the 4th Day.

It is now Day 4. With 11 heroes alive, it takes 6 votes to lynch. Day ends in 48 hours, at 7pm EST, 24th Feb.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Day Three]
« on: February 22, 2010, 09:25:59 AM »
<Sorry about the delay here, guys. ;o>

Captain's Log: Stardate 45682.

We still know nothing of this fool who claims to be the legendary captain. He is seemingly too proud, too obnoxious to truly be a Starfleet captain, and yet the tales of this man seem quite fitting to his displayed persona. More research is required, I fear.

However, these people have a bloodlust almost unmatched throughout the galaxies we've explored. Another day passes and, in their quest to find the killers amongst them, they have killed an innocent man. This servant of unseen forces was found, strung up in the corner of the room - quite ironic, considering the name he has been given.

Day Three Votes:
Batmanuel (1): Kirk, Tick, Flay, Axel, Smax, Almaz, Flay
Hazel (0): Gordon
Hilda (0): Almaz
Kirk (3): Batmanuel, Gordon, Middleman, Smax
Middleman (7): Hazel, Kirk, Axel, Tick, Flay, Flay, Gordon, Comedian
Tick (0): Comedian
Comedian (1): Hilda

The Middleman, Town Citizen, has been killed.

It is now Night Three. Please send your Night Actions to the one who calls himself 'Yoshiken'.

Forum Games / Re: VALIANT HERO Mafia! [Night Two]
« on: February 19, 2010, 11:54:58 AM »
Captain's Log: Stardate 45601.

We've been following this man for several days now. He claims to be the legendary Captain Kirk, come forward from the past. While we are reluctant to believe his claims, our previous endeavours have taught us not to come to such rash judgements.

However, he seems to be entangled in this predicament involving several other heroes. While we are still scanning to determine which are good and which are evil, it seems another one has been lost to them.

After the night's festivities, many of the attendees were requesting food - one notably moreso than the others. After they sent their delivery-man out to collect the food, several of them questioned how long the food was taking. Opening the door, they discovered both the bike and their pizzas, but the man was nowhere to be found.

It seems that Hiro Protagonist, Town Citizen, was deleted from existence.

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