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Messages - Drac

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 09, 2008, 02:06:09 AM »
ah, i was ninjered


Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 08, 2008, 03:02:50 PM »
##Unvote: VSM

The logic behind this vote no longer holds water for me.

Cid, I'd like a full roleclaim from you ASAP.  Clan, title, and how your ability works flavorwise.  If I'm not mistaken you've only claimed the Mafia terms.

The gloves are off on this one, I'm quite interested in the flavoring that goes along with your role.  So far all you have proven that you have a grey power that nobody is interested in testing.  while i am inclined to believe that scum wouldn't have such power, this reasoning of mine is more based on my offhand knowledge of the V:TM rather than any other sound logic. I do believe however, as it has been discussed the gov role claim is an excellent choice for a bluff.

3. Your still doing it at least finally you do take a side on Excal, only to have it make completely NO sense to me whatsoever.

made sense to me :/

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 08, 2008, 04:12:52 AM »
Obviously I want to hear some stances out of the replacements (Yakko and Drac).

I'm finding it difficult to get over my initial aversion of judging people on opinions that seem mostly to be poor judgments and difference of opinion and without any previous reference on how people play, it leaves me with little to comment on.

As the most suspicious characters (according to votes at least) seem to have either been killed off, or given extra breathing time to proove themselves. I think that if we as a group intend to try for a hammer based on suspicions we need extra time to rethink our positions. Though, judging from current trends of wanting to lynch the lurkers i don't think we need extra time to discuss, argue and pull hair >_>.

I think we are reaching the bottom of the barrel in this day and because i don't see anybody other than a lurker having any chance to go under the hammer today, so as such, i don't think that the extension is needed.

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 06, 2008, 11:59:33 PM »
The thing is, Otter, there's *no point* discussing Cid as a daykill candidate. He can't govern that away. This is a topic better saved for after the daykill. We SHOULD put this off till later.

For now i agree with this, as people have said, it is role that is easily proven later in the game. Though Cid naming himself in VtM terms would further allay any of my remaining suspicions (since he has already roleclaimed, so its not as if there is anything more to loose).

I think that alex's claim is true, Seneschal is a very prominent role in the vampire world, and it is nigh impossible for him to bluff a claim of a position of such prominence.

now on to the topic of my suspicions.

At this point in time believe that Smodge's claims regarding VSM do hold some small merit. As Smodge has pointed out earlier he was quite loud at the beginning of the day, but as time has passed he has also moved on into obscurity.  Whether this is due to an attempt of obfuscation on his part, or RL issues, i can't say.

but for now ##VOTE: VSM

No! Bad logic! The accuracy of our lynches is largely determined by how many other lynches have happened before that one. Canceling a lynch just means that the next one is only as accurate as that one would have been, because we don't have the information we would ordinarily get from a flip!

hear hear >_>

Forum Games / Re: VtM:M - Vampire the Masquerade Mafia
« on: February 06, 2008, 11:29:12 AM »
Well, firstly a greeting to everybody gathered here, I am he who was roped in as CPU's replacement.

i think that this time extension is a nice thing to have. Especially for somebody like me who has just been dropped into the middle of it all, it gives me time to learn who everybody is so to speak, And also due to the dayvig situation eating up time like it will. 

In response to the Carthrats rules, i have to say that i'd like to see a bit more flexibility on the issue on giving time for role claims and such due to timedifferances but having said this. I respect that it while the he has placed the power at the towns disposal it is carthrat who will have to have to be online to execute the use his power at such times, so i can see credence in his ruling.

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