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Messages - Shale

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General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 26, 2018, 03:05:42 PM »
Mary Poppins Returns is the Force Awakens of musicals. Highly entertaining but carefully treads the exact same path as the original, which in a movie that's not part of some larger story makes it somewhat disposable when the original is still available. Very fun to watch, some of the songs are stellar, but overall it's well-made fluff.

General Chat / Re: Movies
« on: December 25, 2018, 04:51:27 PM »
Spider-Verse is absolutely fantastic and everybody should watch it. It's both the best  Spider-Man movie ever and just a masterpiece of visual design. And I want some fuckin' sequels, dammit.

General Chat / Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Topic: You knew this was coming!
« on: April 22, 2018, 06:00:53 PM »
Today in "dammit, monkey paw": in a 24-hour span I pulled the two sword users I was most bitter about missing up to now, Zelgius and Arya....and each comes with a free SPD bane! Dammit.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: April 15, 2018, 07:56:35 PM »
My shiny new toys enabled me to go from "4* magicites are bullshit" to "lol, sub-30 Marilith." Then I did a 100-gem pull on the FFX banner because Google gave me a bunch of credit, and got Tidus' AOSB. So my water team is set forever. I've also got a reliable Ixion clear, and have come damn close to finally beating Isegebind. Properly leveled 4* magicites should be able to put me over the top there.

Discussion / Re: DLCon 2018: The Big Apple
« on: April 05, 2018, 01:52:48 PM »
Dammit, I've got to unconfirm. Friends are getting married that weekend and they callously failed to check with me before booking a date.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: April 04, 2018, 05:34:00 PM »
My final haul from the fest banners, from four 11-pulls and a bunch of Google Play credit for single draws:

Banner 1: OK LMR, Marche BSB, Rosa USB. Best healing USB for pure damage avoidance, super solid buffing LMR that also makes OK into an excellent entrust bot.
Banner 2: Crap on the 100-gem pull, not enough shinies for mythril.
Banner 3: Gladioulus OSB, Ingus chain. The OSB is a pure stat stick, although not a bad one since it comes with native fire boost and RS earth boost. Ingus' axe instantly supercharges my Bartz USB/BSB3 combo, although beyond that my earth options are limited. Tifa BSB1?????
Banner 4: 100 gemmed a dupe Zidane BSB2. Too many dupes to spend mythril.
Banner 5: Tidus LMR, Tidus BSB2, 2x Tidus chain, Terra LMR. I'm one step short of full-on God Tidus and I'm not even sad about it. Getting a double Double Edge was a disappointment after seeing two disco balls in my last pull, but it still jumps my water team to the point where I can maybe take a run at Marilith, so that's great. Also that LMR made diving Terra a no-brainer.

Overall: Nice haul but not a stellar one. Terra looks to be on par with Vivi as a fire god now. I'm still looking for a party-buff USB (maybe in that lucky draw that's coming up) and missed out on AOSBs.....although Sora's tri-element shenanigans mean I don't care that much on that score. Earth and water chains make Bartz's follow-ups more than a neat party trick, and might finally get me a 4* magicite win; I had Snow and WoL's already, but holy only matters after the Dark fight unlocks while it takes more than Squall BSB2 and the worst chain to beat Tiamat.

Currently running through old elite dungeons to get another 50 mythril for the 33-pull, since I put that off until after all the fest banners were done. Good thing, because I needed a second  pull on banner 5 to get that shiny shiny CSB.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: March 31, 2018, 04:34:45 AM »
While getting execution down is absolutely part of it, even when I have properly timed healing and buffs and whatnot they're still just unbeatably durable. Fire is my strongest element and if Isegebind didn't attack at all I still couldn't kill him before running out of hones.

General Chat / Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Topic: You knew this was coming!
« on: March 30, 2018, 06:37:07 PM »
Join the freaking club. *Throws third Vanguard Ike into a bin marked NOT GUNNTHRA*

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: March 30, 2018, 04:07:18 PM »
I 100 gemmed a disco ball!

It's the only OSB in the entire fest. Sad trombone.

I think the general assessment is that Boundless fights get easier every time, up to the new one in JP right now that can be soloed with Ashe BSB. Looking forward to that.

For my part, I've kinda hit a plateau. Despite picking up some (apparently) excellent fire, lightning and ice tech lately, not to mention Rosa's ultra, 4* magicites still seem more like a complicated practical joke than beatable fights. So I'm running through events on autopilot, grinding 3* magicites for the monthly mithril and some orbs, but making no headway on beating the fights currently out of my reach. Not thrilling!

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: March 26, 2018, 03:03:32 AM »
Realms on parade:

3 dupes: Shantotto burst, Cloud of Darkness burst 2, Edea ultra
2 new USBs: Hope, Rydia
3 new BSBs: Basch, Marcus, Edgar
3 new LMRs: Marach (first relic for him), Papalymo (got his burst), Rikku (BSB, Master Thief SSB)
4 new SSBs: Shelke, Lenna, Scott, Echo (her haste/shell/res buff)

Overall, not terrible but probably not worth the 75 mythril. Oh well.

Free 11-pull: Tifa USB. Okay, that works. Quality over quantity.

Free 33-pull: Edgar' Chainsaw SSB, Raijin BSB, Terra USB. DEFINITELY quality over quantity. God tier animation for Edgar, and my fire team is now even more stacked with that extra-long EX mode boosting her OSB to the stratosphere.

Fest banner 1: OK LMR, Marche BSB, Rosa USB. That'll work. OK keeps his spot as my premiere buffer even without an ultra, Marche can use that LMR I drew for him months ago, and Rosa has all my healing needs covered forever.

General Chat / Re: Good Morning 2018: 3 More Years...
« on: March 21, 2018, 04:35:59 PM »
Caught Weird Al's Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour last night and it was a great time. Fuckin' ALBUQUERQUE!

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: March 09, 2018, 01:52:29 PM »
Three KH pulls netted me Riku's glint (boooooo) and Sora's AOSB, USB and lightning glint. Even if he's never getting realm synergy again I feel like that's mythril well spent. Tri-elemental Arcane Overstrike with all three en-elements via LM, and a good tri-elemental Ultra for when that's used up? Hell yeah.

Holding off on the realm lucky because I've only got ~70 mythril left and I wanna see the anniversary banners.

General Chat / Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Topic: You knew this was coming!
« on: March 09, 2018, 01:38:06 PM »
The TT unit is Gerome, whom I've never heard of but is apparently Batman.

Anyway, the new update added a couple of mission types, one of which.....actually kinda feels like Fire Emblem? Rival Domains is way more chaotic than a proper FE because of the way enemies can warp around the battlefield, but there's also a decent-sized map and more than four player units to manage. Good times.

Discussion / Re: DLC2018 or whatever
« on: March 05, 2018, 01:46:26 PM »
I'm interested in an NY/NJ con but that particular weekend's out.

Discussion / Re: Is there a politics thread? Guess I'm making one
« on: February 19, 2018, 12:49:30 AM »
It's also a way to put his findings about how the IRA operation worked on the record, rather than having to limit it to his final report rather than court filings that can later be cited as proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: February 10, 2018, 05:00:03 PM »
And it has relics! We get Cloud UOSB2 before they're supposed to debut in Global at all!

General Chat / Re: Record Keeping Final Fantasy Record Keeper
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:20:55 AM »
4/11: Setzer full breakdown SSB (reforge time!), Yuffie LMR, Cyan SSB, Setzer USB!

Final Trump is useless for Magicite meta but fuck it, I've coveted that thing since it dropped and now it's mine! And Yuffie's LMR means I now have both ninja LMRs that auto-blink, which is better than a hole in the head for ability spam once the blink-dependent abilities get their buff.

General Chat / Re: 2017 football season!
« on: February 07, 2018, 02:16:32 AM »
I'm going to the parade! Had to skip the Phillies' championship extravaganza 10 years ago because my car died the week of the World Series, so this is my first one for any sport. I can't wait, it's going to be ridiculously insane. Think how crazy you'd expect Eagles fans to be after the title we've waited our whole damn lives for, and then add free beer. Because this beautiful idiot promised everybody free beer.

General Chat / Re: 2017 football season!
« on: February 05, 2018, 05:18:29 AM »
Holy SHIT that happened.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: February 04, 2018, 09:18:12 PM »
Hollow Knight: Cleared out most stuff over the past few days; White Guardian gave enough essence for me to awaken the Dream Nail, so I went ahead and got the bad ending (and boy is it clear that that's not the real last boss), completed the Voidheart (Hiveblood makes the White Palace fun instead of frustrating!), picked up the remaining grubs thanks to the Collector's Map, and did 2/3 of the Grimm Troupe quest. Also went back for Zote in Deepnest and found that he was surprisingly still hanging in there, despite the wiki saying that if you see him and ignore him for too long he's dead forever. I guess eight hours isn't enough time for him to get eaten. Also cashed in a bunch of relics so I could make the Fragile Heart/Strength charms Unbreakable. I might do Greed just for completion's sake? I'd have to grind the arena a bit, but it's not like that's hard.

General Chat / Re: Fire Emblem Heroes Topic: You knew this was coming!
« on: February 04, 2018, 02:37:42 PM »
The #1 complaint of the online fanbase has been Camus and Xander not returning after their GHB runs. No acknowledgement yet from IS.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: January 31, 2018, 11:41:49 PM »
I've taken out three dream warriors and the dream version of the Ancient Basin boss. Found the Failed Champion (armored slug) but that thing is stupid.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: January 31, 2018, 08:44:40 PM »
Hollow Knight: After screwing around for a while I realized that despite having beaten the Waterways boss I didn't actually get the traversal item hidden there (or the map) so I went back and cleared it out, and was then able to get into the proper Fog Canyon entrance. Followed that up with a visit to the Abyss and now I've taken out all three Dreamers and got half of the True Ending token. Only problem is that the other half requires a boatload of Essence that I don't have (Currently at 1200, need half again that much for the Awakened Dream Nail). If I get the base/bad ending, I can go back for the rest later, right?

Bayonetta: Beat the third Cardinal Virtue. Which means Gracious & Glorious are a thing now. Ouch. Also I have to do The Broken Sky again because I missed an Alfheim and god dammit that level is a pain. On a happier note, I forgot about the highway stage, and specifically about the positively delightful scene where Bayonetta starts a motorcycle by flipping it off.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: January 25, 2018, 03:32:12 PM »
I found the main entrance to Deepnest shortly after getting the Mantis Claws, but died to the Mantis Lords fight and noped out. Then I found the side entrance and cut through a corner of it that links.....Crossroads and Fungal Wastes, is it? Something in that area. Found a few shinies but nothing to indicate it was more than a foreboding but largely empty network of tunnels with jump-scare bugs. Then after getting the double jump I went back to the Mantis Village while hunting around for Spirit Roots, remembered the boss fight, and beat it to open the main door.

General Chat / Re: What Games are You Playing 2018?
« on: January 24, 2018, 08:01:35 PM »
Yeah, grabbing that is literally the next thing I'm planning to do in the game. I didn't find Kingdom's Edge until I went through Deepnest, so I may be a bit behind the curve.

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