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Messages - The White Witch

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Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:42:54 PM »
A random bandwagon doesn't need to have an initial impetus beyond the need to get things going, as it does. I don't see any real reason why I should have waited for everyone to 'check in' (i.e. post a pointless statement) before trying to move things in a productive direction. Any reason beyond this that I concocted would likely be trivial, if not fallacious.

In any case, the slug has at least redeemed himself through his demonstrated will to converse. ##Unvote

The only certainty I have of Master Wookie is that he lacks the ability to articulate himself.

Quote from: Gandalf
Whether or not the lady White Witch aim'd to lynch here is not of issue, but the action stands that she called for a bandwagon and prodded one on to Rincewind with little reasoning.

What possible purpose could pushing an early bandwagon have beyond engendering conversation? Why is this action deemed suspicious, and remains so now at this late stage? I will say this- it is unreasonable for someone to truly expect a lynch from nothing, and so early. I did not. Thus I invite you to detail the potential maliciousness inherent to this action. ##Vote: Gandalf

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:24:29 AM »
The slug did not actually question this decision so much as cast aspersions on it and label it 'suspicious'- a difficult charge to respond to, given the lack of specifics. Forming a lynch mob early on is a practical decision, one engineered to force discussion to become topical rather than comedic.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 04:49:54 AM »
Quote from: Jabba
Day 1 there's not much to go on, however encouraging a random bandwagon for no reason other than the sake of bandwagoning?
Thats easily the more suspicious of the 4.


Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 04:17:09 AM »
Indiscriminant lynching is better than no lynching at all, as the machine pointed out. Furthermore, only via targeted effort can more results be gained. I require an explanation from Gandalf as to why an early bandwagon is a disagreeable course of action- it forces the hands of all who participate, demands their attention, and brings the reality of our situation to the fore. Far better, I say, than puttering about, casting aspersions on all willy-nilly!

The disgusting slug has also raised my ire. He votes for me based on his own disgusting whims- a joke, to be sure- and yet, despite identifying the lack of sense on Gandalf's words, he retains his position? I require a better explanation, if there is one to be had at all.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Jabba, for his words are sparser than they greybeards, and lack a spirit of inquiry. He appears more comfortable merely commenting on the state of play than passing his own judgement.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 05:08:08 PM »
This machine in the form of a Son of Adam speaks simple truth. His eagerness in railing against our would-be captor (what an incredible fool; lacking in both the arts of a true temptress or strategist) does not truly speak for his favour, but only by spilling blood upon the table can victory eventuate.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Rincewind

There are three who know of the magic arts present here today, and this least competent of magi would surely have leapt at the opportunity to dispose of his betters. I concur with the machine's assessment of his personality- a shirker, to be sure, and our likely foe.

(In other words, it's day one, bandwagon someone.)

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:05:50 AM »
I, Jadis, have seen many worlds, and never a more pitiful attempt at murder or domination have I beheld. Let it be known to all of you at once that I am the master of all I survey, even in these peculiar surroundings. I behold only Sons of Adam and no Daughters of Eve present here, and thus there is no need to destroy you all in the name of preserving my dominion- instead, I am willing to offer that you join me, or die.

Most of you may well perish in the name of conquering all who pit themselves against me. I shall strive to avoid this, for I am running low on minions as of late (they are difficult to replace.) Perform your duties well, however, and peripheral casualties shall be kept to a minimum.

Furthermore, no cake provided here can match the delights of my own delicious treats.

#Vote: The Terminator Behind his human facade, I can sense only cold steel and an alien mind. He is too much like the other native denizens of this place. He must be destroyed.




aka Nitori, Town Cop, was KO'd Night 3!

It is now Day 4.  With 7 alive, each vote is worth 34%.

The stage for Day 4 is Luigi's Mansion!  Gameplay effects other than awesome music are unknown...


- hope you got all that Snake.  Good luck.

Snake!  I'm glad to hear from you again.  It's a precarious situation at this point, but don't worry, I'm keeping tabs on the LaLiLu LYLO.  I'll try to warn you if I hear anything from them.  Now, listen closely, this next part is importa-

Snake!  I'm glad you called.  I've got some bad news.  It seems like there are terrorists lurking around, and they might have gotten a hold of Metal Gear!

Although you don't have any deadlines on this mission, the longer it goes on for, the stronger the terrorists can become.  In a situation this wacky, anything could happen, but there are probably no more than eight enemies on the field.

Remember the basics of CQC, and whenever somebody you think is a terrorist gets over 100%, don't be afraid to smash them!

Oh, and watch out for stobor.  They can be very dangerous.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 02, 2008, 12:18:51 AM »
The only way I see that statement as scummy is if you're painting it as a subliminal scumtell, expressing his true motives in the debate, instead of the plain meaning of "I think it's a bad move to lynch Y, so I'm going to try lynch somebody worse instead," followed doing exactly that by voting for someone he had repeatedly expressed suspicion of in the past.

Precisely.  I am glad you see.  If he had said "Let's lynch Megatron, I still think he's scummier" I would have no problem with it.  The use of the phrase "competing majority" ticks my Borg-o-meter and does not sound like wording a townie would use.  Were it even this alone, I might have ignored it, but combined with his abortive talk about what we could learn today from Sparrow being alive or dead, and how it contrasts with his earlier tone, it looks like a Borg slipping under pressure (where T as a townie who found Sparrow and Megatron scummy and had no guarantee of Yoda's alignment would have no reason to worry).

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 11:13:45 PM »
If somebody talks a decent amount about how they suspect Player X and don't think Player Y is all that bad, and then votes for X over Y saying not that they believe X is scummy but that they want a majority against Y, ie their motivation is more to see Y not get lynched, that is Borgy to me.

I do not think the arguments about possible Borg behavior are circular, rather I think it is obvious that they are not, but we have been through that already.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:14:02 PM »
And just so nobody gets uppity about my not including him:

- Has had high presence and solid commentary all game.  Evaluates issues and takes stances.  Can't see anything really Borgy about him.  Meter <10%.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 09:12:15 PM »
You know what, no.  I'm not going to get sucked into this.  I was not being attacked (at least not seriously), I was attacking Yoda.  I have yet to hear any sort of coherent case stated on me, yet it feels like we're turned around to everyone fixating on my comments and... nothing more. 

As for thinking beyond, an example:  Sparrow's misreading of me, alone, was 'Borgy' because hey, he was misrepresenting me and his argument was incoherent.  His further actions on day 2 were Borgy taken by themselves.

Was Sparrow therefore Borgy?


Why not?

Because when you put it all together and think about it instead of just kneejerking against Sparrow, it really wasn't likely that real Borg would put out such an obviously bad argument and then collapse when called on it.

As for today, I will restate:

- Last in with serious thoughts all three days (especially day 2), takes only easy positions, mixes it with positionless commentary on everything else to make it look like he's contributing.  Borg-o-meter 90%.

- Vanished second half of day 1, came in day 2 with the easy chip-in on Sparrow, started illogically OMGUSing me when called on it and has yet to stop.  (I don't see how you can call it anything else at this point, even he's forced to admit he didn't think it through.)  Borg-o-meter 75%.

Mr. T:
- Has been fine most of the game, playing a very aggressive strategy, but that turns out to have been against townie targets.  Started saying weird stuff close to deadline day 2, has been heavily defending Yoda and Holmes then and today, is dismissing case on Holmes and buying into Yoda's (il)logic.  Borg-o-meter 50%, could easily see him as partner to one of the above and am becoming less convinced Yoda/Holmes are Borg together.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 10:41:28 AM »
Again, I disagree entirely that Megatron and Sparrow were the scummiest players alive.  Yoda and Holmes were, and still more or less are, with the possible addition of T.

On Holmes: - Exception, does contain a case on Gollum (but only after three other people were voting him (and one unvoted), should be mentioned. - and next post. etc

Words-to-votes ratio is gigantic.  On day 1, his Megatron case is little more than "where is he?" and the serious case against Gollum comes in very late in the day.  20419 as his sole contribution for day 2 until he was called out on not voting especially rankles, and he goes for Sparrow and Megatron.  Again on day 3 he is the last to chime in, despite the day having gone on for 24 hours previously. 

That's all three days he's been last or next to last to the table with an actual case, despite tossing out heaps of commentary to the tune of "well this sure is happening."  The commentary makes it look as though he is contributing, but he does not take stances until late in the day, and even then they are only very safe ones (with the possible exception of the 'case' on me now).  This is an extremely Borglike pattern.  That is my argument against him. 

I did, in fact, state it before, in quotes 3 and 4 of the block of 5 Holmes posted.  It is a one sentence argument!  That does not make it any less compelling to me.

It should be noted that I cited the fallacious nature of Yoda's attacks on me not in my own defense, but as an attack on him, pointing out that he had not even considered these things when he labeled me Borglike today.  He has since admitted the very same.  I shouldn't have HAD to be the one to bring the argument up myself, it is common sense. 

Holmes and T are correct in asserting that T made a case on Megatron earlier.  I did not mean to imply that he had not, but not restating it and saying he wanted a competing majority against Yoda is what does not sit well with me, given my high suspicions of Yoda. 

My comment that I would rather lynch Holmes than Megatron was in response to Yoda switching his vote from Holmes to Tron, which dissatisfied me.  If he had remained or gone back to Holmes only one more person would have been necessary to go in that direction.


Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 05:20:12 AM »
Because even the Borg cannot entirely predict what will happen.  The argument in question here is Yoda's accusations against me.  In order for me to be Borg, not only would I have passed up two solid, easy town lynches, but I also pressed directly against them and towards Yoda and Holmes.  What actually happened was that town ignored both sides and lynched Megatron, but if I was Borg I would have no guarantee whatsoever that this would be the outcome of the day!  Town could just as easily have listened to me and lynched Yoda - casting massive suspicion on me if he flipped town - or listened to Yoda and lynched me.  Both of these possibilities would have been absolutely disastrous for Borg-me, if I was Borg and Yoda was town.  (If Yoda and I were Borgbuddies, it would make even less sense to go to such lengths to attempt to kill each other, given again the two easy town lynches and the chance that a Starfleet Investigator would be present to endanger risk any credibility the survivor would obtain.)

I am certainly considering all the possibilities, but not every possibility is as likely as another.  There is, for example, the possibility that Captain Highwind is Borg and laughing his way to the bank.  I am dismissing this entirely, as I have no reason to believe it is true compared to all the competing possibilities - he is the person who looks most town to me, and I am not going to waste time right now pursuing improbable conspiracy theories about him. 

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: June 01, 2008, 04:10:35 AM »
Someone seriously needs to explain to me how this discussion about what wise scum would do is not classic WIFOM, and endlessly circular and non-productive except where you draw an arbitrary line.

Certainly.  The dance of Wi'phom takes place when there is a choice between two equal options, with no obvious benefit one way or the other.  The bloodwine could be in either cup, with nothing but "would he/wouldn't he" psychology influencing the odds.  Obviously, arguing those situations is unreliable and should be avoided.  When there IS an obvious difference in benefits to a faction from behaving in a certain way, however, it makes perfect sense to point out "Borg would be less likely to do this because it hurts their chances of winning." 

As the facts of this situation are easily observable, I did not consider it bad form for me to point them out in my own defense.  It is a proven fact that Captain Sparrow and Megatron were town, it is a fact that I did not pursue them and pushed hard for other lynches, it is a fact that it would have been more beneficial for the Borg to simply sit back and accept their easy town lynches. 

The point of this battle is to figure out who Borg are by their behavior, by what Borg would and would not do. 

You know how you tell the difference? After the flip. So why the hell does these keep comin' up as a reason to lynch? It is -important- to notice mistakes. But to decide that some mistakes are scum tells and some are simple townie blunders takes more than what supports these arguments. Decidin' to lynch someone 'cause you decided their errors have a scum feel instead of a townie feel with no more explanation than that is not wise. You might get lucky, but even if you do, you're foolin' yourself if you think you can attribute that success to your oh-so-masterful deductions. Usin' the results to say "Oh, this was a townie mistake" is one thing. But to draw that out and say "This was a townie mistake and X and Y were attackin' him for it, they must be scum" is somethin' else entirely.

I entirely disagree.  The Book of Borg will take one only so far - it is easy for Borg to avoid giving most hard Borgtells, and then claim "I haven't done anything wrong!" as Yoda has.  In order to beat them it is necessary to think beyond this.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 11:05:11 AM »
That was, in fact, all towards denying Mr. T's accusation that the case on you is based on nothing more but gut.  Since you care to get into it, though...

1. I did not fixate completely on joke votes. Seriously. On day one: I noted Holmes broke a pattern
of joke votes
, voted Sparrow to encourage him to converse,
ending the joke vote phase, which you made a point of when you
voted Megatron for
"persist in jokevote does the robot", in addition to
jumping in without giving any acknowledgement to the discussion at hand,
prodded Gollum on his response to a missed bold vote, responded to reactions to me and joined in the pressure to get Karma to clarify her stance.
Early day 1 actions of little weight or importance.

2. Right. I jumped on a scummy looking individual who happened to turn up town. You do remember that YOU voted him first, right? Oh yeah, and let us not forget everyone ELSE who voted him too. Again. You are exaggerating the issue with the clear intent of making me appear guilty when I really haven't done anything wrong.

I did so at the beginning of the day, to spur discussion, and when Captain Sparrow responded I evaluated his reply, analyzed the situation and withdrew my challenge.  I certainly am attempting to convince others that you are guilty!  I failed to do so yesterday, and that is a stain on my honor.  To claim "But I really haven't done anything wrong!" is no defense - you have, in fact, done things that are Borglike, and the only defense you are now offering for them is "But other people voted for him!"  Yes, they did, but not in the same way as you.

...your logic (which, like I said, felt pretty distinctly anti-scum hunting), that was only further supplemented by what I feel were incredible shoddy arguments against me (like these!) that came out over the progression of our discussions.

I am unsure how you can persist in this argument when the flips have proven my logic more productive than yours (Ugh, I feel like a Vulcan.)  To believe that I am Borg at this point entails believing I passed up two incredibly easy lynch targets in order to risk my neck with stances that are, according to you, incredibly shoddy, and could have resulted in my imminent demise if others listened to me, lynched you, and you flipped town.  Yet you analyze this not at all, and simply kneejerk me as Borgish due to my attacks on you.  Okay.

I believe that is sufficient defense for myself, and the case on Yoda is self-evident.  The only things preventing me from voting him are waiting on roleclaims and an acute case of second-guessing myself on a possible Holmes/Mr. T Borg team.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:59:23 AM »
I -don't- support a Yoda lynch. The case against him is too rooted in personal reactions. I, like Cid, don't see a strong evident case on Holmes, and don't feel it necessary or preferable to swing on him when there are others I'm even less sure about.

With that in mind, I'm providing a vote for competing majority - I believe this puts both Yoda and Megatron at 2 votes.

Why Holmes? Especially if you don't trust Sparrow and are trying to survive?

For reference, this is extremely Borglike. 

1.  The case against Yoda is rooted in him contributing nothing but a fixation on joq'vohts, summarily jumping on Captain Sparrow, who is now PROVEN to be a townie making himself an easy target, and an odd self defense campaign that took his vote to me instead of Sparrow.

2.  Challenging up Megatron with no arguments as to his Borgishness, only to provide "a competing majority" against Yoda.

3.  Flipping around and NOW finding Yoda Borgish for not voting Sparrow... AFTER Sparrow claims doctor?!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:53:36 AM »
So we have reached the (hopefully not quite) final battlefield.

I do not have a helpful roleclaim to make.

Currently the only person I 'trust' is Cid.  Holmes and Yoda have been Borgy as heck and Mr. T's posts at the end of the day were BATTLE STATIONS ALL HANDS ON DECK bad to me.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:20:28 AM »
The choice there is between Holmes and you, Megatron, not Yoda and you.  Looks like it's Yoda or you anyhow, though.



Tron, have you roleclaimed yet?  I don't remember seeing it and don't want to threadhunt instead of F5ing.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:09:03 AM »
Also if there is no support for hammering Yoda I would prefer moving to Holmes rather than Megatron.

T - You didn't say it outright, that's just the vibe I got from that statement, seriously what else could you be meaning by "depending on the actions of scum overnight, new conclusions can be drawn on the following day"?  That doesn't actually lead anywhere else if Sparrow doesn't get killed.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:05:06 AM »
A doc claim Day 2 is not something I feel comfortable lynching, regardless of how I feel about the person makin' said claim. It is one of those things that will sort itself out - either doc gets NK'd or he does not and, depending on the actions of scum overnight, new conclusions can be drawn on the following day.


Missed the part about no no lynch though, that's good.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:49:58 AM »
Still here.  Still on Yoda.  Still willing to go to Holmes.  Nothing much is changing.  I'm seeing some bad stuff in some posts ("Oh yeah if he's alive tomorrow he must not really be the doctor") but this isn't really the time.  I will add my challenge to Megatron only if absolutely necessary to avoid a no lynch.  Also, bat'leth of suspicion at Mr. T for his last post in particular, to think about tomorrow.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:15:55 AM »
How does everyone who's left feel about our lynch options at this point?

Yoda or Holmes, here.  Ambivalent on Megatron, I have no reason to oppose his death other than being more certain on those two.  Strongly disagree with lynching Sparrow.

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