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Messages - Franziska von Karma

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 03:01:34 PM »
Hmph. I see. I see how it is. You want me up on the witness stand, fools?

You want me to defend?![/b]

Very well. In the interests of... mutual understanding... I shall lower my dialect to your level.

*Loosens shirt.


Why I voted for Mr. T.

Quote from: Mr. T
It's time to make a plan. None of this pointing fingers back and forth nonsense. There's gotta be a step 2. What're you gonna do when all this accusing stuff turns up not a thing and no body? I'm not sayin' this isn't gonna go anywhere, I just gotta know what you're gonna do when it doesn't, 'cause right now it's a whole bunch of shootin' in the dark, hoping some crazy fool comes out with his hands up.

Quote from: Mr. T
Gonna have to wait for some more time to pass before I expect plans, but I ain't gonna wait forever

Consider his wording. Plans! He wanted to see our plans. I took this to mean he wanted to know what steps we intended to take throughout the game, which is not the same as 'people need to question people' or 'people need to accuse people'. Furthermore, he appeared prepared to take the offensive against those that didn't.

Unlike everyone else, it seems, I can in fact see value in keeping your methods hidden; there's no point in having a plan that everyone is aware of in a game like this, because the scummy bastards can, y'know, be aware of it too and adjust their play accordingly. Or, in other words- don't second-guess what accusations you're going to make later in the game.

In any case, I found it a strange thing to request, and felt it needed to be called out.

I would like it if Mr. T would elaborate on what he was hoping for with this. Perhaps he is using a different definition of 'plans' to me.


*Tightens shirt.

Hmph. With that out of the way... Yoda's response is satisfactory. I have no objections... to him, at least.

Mr. Smeagol Gollum! You are quite fond of changing your vote! From Mr. Highwind to myself- with neither of us taking action in between these moments! In fact, it seems your ultimate reason for voting for me... is because Yoda did not!

Crack! Crack! Crack!

Foolishness. Utter foolishness. Perhaps you would care to elaborate on why you chose this moment to change? For your sake, I hope so.

Furthermore, I support the demand for our quieter members to front up and testify to the court!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 03:18:50 AM »
One who pities fools is acting foolishly, for a fool brings his foolishness upon his foolish self.

MR. T! Demanding plans from the court, are we? Only a foolish attorney would reveal all her evidence- and how she plans to use it- before the time is right, lest her opponents falsify their own 'evidence' well in advance. Yet, I see you encouraging this strange behaviour! Demanding plans when your only plan is to single out those who do not offer you their plans? It is your plan that is suspect.


Perhaps you should refine it.

##Unvote, ##Vote: Mr. T

Furthermore, I cannot imagine why these disgusting creatures have been permitted to attend. And a pirate! Is nothing sacred?

But... their words, some resound. This 'Yoda', who so deftly speaks of foolishness such as 'the dark side'... listen to his defence and compare to his earlier words! He ruminates on the possibility of Mr. Sherlock Holmes being part of this dark side, and yet offers a vote for the same person Mr. Holmes had put forth! He speaks of mentioning two people as if it absolves him, when that is in fact the reason he is suspect!

This is quite concerning, as Mr. Cid Highwind has pointed out. (Mr. Cid Highwind must moderate his langauge for the court, lest I moderate his tounge with my whip.) Furthermore, I cannot tell whom he addresses when stating 'why follow them do you not?'

FoS: Yoda! It is past time this court renewed a tradition of pointing accusing fingers, and I shall be the first to do so!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 10:58:42 AM »
What manner of fool foolishly fools with a foolish ring? The fooled? Or the fooler?

Trusting the foolishness from such an artifact is listening to voices one alone can hear. As the rest of us have little idea what, precisely, is being said, the court cannot accept this evidence, Mr. Smeagol Gollum!


Now, I believe you're due for a penalty... let us see if you are so willing to tempt my whip in the future.

##Vote: Gollum

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