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Messages - Queen Elizabeth I

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Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 12:28:21 AM »
... I'm saying who I think is townie and who I think is scummy and why.  That is what content is.  I'm posting it, Yangus isn't.  I AM busy, I can't be around too much, but I'm putting out everything I can here.  What more do you want?  Rhetorical question, since I have the feeling that no matter what I post you'd call it lack of content and fall back on me not being around day 1.  Saying I'm not posting content - THAT is misrepesentation, and indeed I think you are scummy for it.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:08:43 PM »
Here again, posting again, and still not seeing much change.  Yangus still hasn't said anything useful, made any cases or voted for anyone. 

Miyagi still looks good to me.  The case on him seems like people not understanding why he's doing things, but I can follow his logic pretty clearly.  I really don't get how accusing Yangus "makes him guilty of the same thing as Yangus" - the case on Yangus is that he hasn't accused anyone!

Crow asks for partners?  Yangus and himself seem most likely.  Death's behavior?  No, I don't think it was scummy.  There's lurking posting nothing of content (Yangus is doing this), which is scummy, and then there's just not being around altogether, which as we have seen in practically every Mafia game here can and does happen with both scum and town alike. 

The Khan/Dude/Ash stuff... Khan and Dude's arguments look coherent, but then again as Ash recently pointed out they're catch-22s that make him scummy for staying with his case.  I honestly don't know what way to go on that.  If anything all three of them look a little better to me.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 10:04:27 AM »
Wrong cases plural, thank you Mr Robot, since I happen to know you're wrong on me as well.

I remain incredibly disturbed by Yangus, his post says nothing much and votes for no one.  I think he may well have spoken less than me altogether and that's not good.  Completely disagree with Khan on him - he may have range, but I don't see substance.  Not really sure what else there is to be said here, giant red flags waving?  Please lynch him even though he speaks Our English?

I remain baffled by Khan.  You're trying to read passiveness into Excel's sudden death hammer by what now?  Seriously?  What in the heck?

I remain facepalming at Excel.  Nobody's posting wall of texts.

I remain thoroughly antagonized by Crow.  Yep, I do still have a lot of distractions going on, nope I won't be posting all that much, if this makes for a straightforward case on me I suggest you step back and reconsider.  "Just like the Death case," you say, and how is that working out for you with him flipping townie and all?  Hows about that there Yangus, the person actually not posting anything of relevance?

I remain neutral-to-leaning-townie on Miyagi, Dude and Ash.

In conclusion nothing has really changed since my last post.  Sooooooo.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 10:53:31 PM »
So I was roleblocked last night.  There is a scum roleblocker!  Good to know.  Blah blah obvious attempt to set me up for lynching since this is clearly highly suspicious to claim, but no one else has reasons to trust me on it, so yeah moving on.  There is nothing I can say to defend against the case on me except to keep playing and making cases on others.

Okay.  So we had double townie sudden death yesterday.  I had some theories about why scum would push that, but they involved Serling as a key component, so... yeah. 

##Vote: Yangus

I don't understand why he's being ignored by apparently everyone.

Came to Excel's defense, jumped on Flanders, and... that's pretty much it in terms of what he's done.  What really catches my attention is the lack of him being called out on it.  He says Flanders didn't take stances, but Flanders DID take stances, against Excel and Miyagi.  As Flanders was the eventual mislynch I think this bears a lot of looking at.

Oddly I find myself not so horribly offended by Excel and Miyagi themselves.  With Excel this has more to do with a lack of data, since she's spent the game... playing Excel a little too well, you could say.  Miyagi has consistently solid posts and arguments, even if I don't generally agree with them.  It seems like the main case on him right now is changing his mind about me, and being the only non-scum person who knows for sure that yesterday was between two townies, far be it from me to put any stock in people flipflopping about me.

Crow is zealous, but on the wrong cases (as has just been handily demonstrated I think) and I don't know if I like how he's pushing this list.  It comes off as him having a predetermined list of targets and then finding reasons to vote for them, rather than the other way around.

Ash and Dude I don't have much to say about right now.  I see where Dude's coming from with the whole Miyagi/Flanders/lurkers thing, but having just been burned on my own theories on that regard with Serling flipping town, I'm less convinced of the merits of that line of argument.

And then there's Khan.  I don't know what to think about Khan.  He personally comes off as slimy, but that's not only gut but possibly a result of just RPing his character well.  I can see arguments both ways about what he did in sudden death, too, and again am the last person to be talking about that anyhow.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:31:27 AM »
It's not that I dislike them, Rod, it's that I can't dislike them.  Which is why I dislike them.  If you get me there.  
Correcting misunderstandings is a good thing to do, but it has no real bearing on your alignment, scum can do it as well as town.
Voting on the issue of lurkers also doesn't seem to have a real bearing on your alignment.  Yes, Ned's wasting his vote on people who'll be modkilled, that makes him dumb, but does it make him scum?  It's a reason for voting him that won't draw any heat on you if he flips town, you can just shrug and say he shouldn't have been dumb.

Separately each of these is no big deal, but together it looks like you're sticking to "safe" issues and statements that you can't be directly attacked for.  You aren't sticking your neck out at all, and that's what I don't like.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:22:50 AM »
I think maybe you read that sentence the wrong way around?  I think Ned should be lynched, given the situation.  Not me.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:12:43 AM »
Serling:  I meant that you've stuck to talking about the issues of lurkers and clearing up misunderstandings, not that you're voting lurkers.  You're voting ABOUT lurkers, or rather voting Ned for voting for lurkers.  I don't see why you're stuck on that issue, it just prolongs the chain of talking about lurkstuff.  Your vote for Ash was so early on and so quickly removed that I don't make anything of it.  I can see why Ned's vote's bad, obviously, but I don't see how that leads to him being scummy for it and I don't like your focus on it (and on the wording stuff).  

Excel:  You are insane.  Nobody is going to be giving me any credit for saying Ned looks townie, and rightly so.  I'm saying it just to get my honest thoughts out there.  I still think, in the end, that he should be lynched over me, though it's a pretty close call in my book.  

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 03:04:28 AM »

.... Excel, what.  Just what.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 02:47:57 AM »
Mod prod and fortunate circumstances, for the timing.  I can't stay around and watch this thread much longer, though.

Saying just "lol I have a role lynch Ned" would be much worse and unhelpful given what he's done in today's discussion.  Honesty's always the best policy.  If you don't see why someone good in discussion can be more valuable than a power role... I got nothin for that except to ask you to wise up.

Then again I seem to be the only person who thinks Ned was good in discussion, which has me second guessing myself again.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 02:23:26 AM »
No.  Being a good townie means I want town to win.  I realize I screwed up very badly by dropping out of most of the day, and in this particular situation I think it's very possible Ned living would be much better for town than me living.  Of course I can't be 100% sure on him being town, but saying I think he's scum would be a lie.  I think he's more likely to be scum than I am, and I'm sure not going to be self-hammering, but at this point I think being honest about my opinions is the best I can do to help town.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 01:28:01 AM »
Hey, I'm trying to do the best I can to catch up here.

Flanders and Khan are posting detailed and thoughtful arguments.  Khan's been involved in the day's arguments, but he seems more like he was trying to get things going than being scummy.  Dude has done the same, but I don't see as much in the way of hard opinions from him, more like "safe" ones if that makes sense.

Crow looks to be on the bad side of the interplay with Khan, he seems very reactivist to me.  Yangus has basically just popped Ned for being on Excel and that's it.  Definitely looks worst to me right now.  Serling's stuck to lurkers and clearing up other people's misunderstandings, which is fine and all but where's the scum hunting.  Miyagi has very low presence to me despite not technically being a lurker.  Ash is hard to follow, maybe because he slipped on anonymity a couple times, I dunno, but nothing stands out either way.

Call it lazy if you want but that's all I can get from day 1.  I don't really like the way anyone's been voting, but I realize I (and Excel, and Death) haven't given people much choice in the matter.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 12:55:58 AM »
Then there's Dude, whom I initially had in both the scummy and not scummy categories and deleted from both.  I'm not sure what to think about the dude.  Leaning townish I think maybe sorta but something seems odd about him.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 12:53:24 AM »
Okay, reread.  I like:  Ned Flanders, most townie read.  (AUGH.)  Liking Khan right now too. 
I don't like: Yangus, Crow, to an extent Serling and Miyagi.
I am neutral on: Ash
and it looks like Excel and Death have also not showed up.

That's the best I can get out of today.  Unfortunately it's between Ned and me now.  I know I'm town, but I think he's town as well from reading and has and probably will be much more helpful than I am discussionwise.  But then again you don't get a sudden death train like this without the scum playing SOME part in it somewhere somehow.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 12:46:48 AM »
Augh, hi.  Massive apologies, I let stuff get away from me and this just completely slipped my mind for a day.  No real excuses.

Voted Flanders early on due to disinterest in the Khan/etc stuff.  That really wasn't important other than as a beginning of day vote, though, and now that I see him tied up with me here I don't know what to think.

I do have a power role, I'm not sure if I should just claim it outright as it seems unlikely to do town any good now.  Posting this fast.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 22, 2008, 12:18:47 AM »
Our perspective on this current trifle is that it has sprung from the diplomacy of Duke Flanders; his absence of orders and the evening's entertainment moving towards the Indian dogs and the Church is of interest to Us.

##Unvote: Excel
##Vote: Edward, Duke of Flanders

As to the other matter addressed to Us...

Suck it, Death!  You lose!  You looooose!  I made a new church to change the rules and stop you!  I'm the Queen of Mother-ing England and I live for as long as the sun shines on the British Empire!  I do what I want!  Cause I'm Queen!  


We are very much looking forward to hearing the Duke's missives on the issues of the day.  A good eve to you all.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the first day, they gathered.
« on: October 21, 2008, 02:44:36 AM »
We bid everyone welcome to Our little parlor game. 

Video et taceo.

##Vote: Excel for disrupting Our peace, despite not even being here yet.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:05:46 PM »
And thats hammer vote ppl

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 09:03:41 PM »
*sigh* seeing as i have no time for this game because of Britannian geass mafia and simply because i dont like anonymafia, heres the full skinny:

I am vanilla townie, you will find out this later.

I am Deltaflyer2k8.

I am bored with anonymafia. I like knowing who i am talking to.

And I am dead. ##UNVOTE: White witch


Any last words?


I said WORDS!

... Dammit I failed at funny. Take this as a modkill if you wish ET, I am sorta asking you to kill me. *sigh* I think ill stick to normal mafia (i.e i know everyone) before getting better and coming to anonymafia.


Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 05:43:52 PM »
Okay, Let me have a few hours, clear my head then ill set right what im doing...

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 01:21:45 PM »
Gandalf, apologies I got a bit confised during my post  :-\

*sigh* Typing morning posts sucks.


##VOTE: White Witch

That is for the reasons i voted for Gandalf :-/

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 10:42:05 AM »
Okay, down to buisness.

Jabba looks Mainly neutral as in, he does not wish for a lynch mob to occur,

White Witch seems to be trying to form a lynch mob, however she seems to be doing this purely in towns interest.

Me: Did not realise GLaDOs was an NPC  :-[

Gandalf: Voting indiscrimatly. That is the reason for this:



Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 07:17:16 PM »



Gandalf needs to express his concern more clearly about Nimitz. His explaination was a bit naff...

GLaDos seems neutral, im not getting any bad vibes from him but im not exactly getting good ones either...

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 09:42:35 PM »
Honest and plain words you want?  Very well.  I voted for the lawyerser for three reasons.  First, we needs to choose someone, and when we're ones away from killing them, then we alls know that their close to death they is.  And this means that she's time to claim and defend, even if she is a vile and tricksie little lawyerser, it gives her time to speak, and to claim, so's that we can see what she says, and choose someone else if she's gots herself a role.  Hiding away from that fact, delaying and avoiding, theys only helps the vile scumsies because when we do be acting, it means we'll have less time to thinks on it we will, and have less times to react.  Yoda was, by nots voting, helping the vile scumsies.

Next, wells...  we've alls gots to have our votes on someone.  And the tricksie lawyersers reasons for voting and attacking seemed most strange.  And I noticed that before I voted for hers I did!  Didn't I, Precious?  That's right, leering at her I was.  And lasts of all, there's no point in voting for someone whens none'll be joining you there.  Youse just divides the vote, and lets the scumsies win.  All you nasty little hobbitses don't seem to wants to vote for Mr. Cid...  wants to votes for your lawyerser, well, Gollum can vote for hers too, makes sure wes get our vote.

But...  that time is gone.  The Lawyersers has answered, and while I'm not happy, there's others that looks worse now.

##Unvote: Von Karma

Mr. Holmes, speaks so many pretty words, but what has he said that's his own?  He speaks so much, and much of it is simply explaining what has happened, or agreeing with others!  Does he have no ideas of his own, for being such a great detective?

And Mr. Sparrow, speaks so little, hiding still in the shadows trying not to be noticed?  Is that all you have to say, that clears words are better than hiding?  Mr. Worf was right to be mean to poor little Smeagol he was!  But, you speaks your mind clear and plain, and that's no reason to fear.

As for that mean, nasty airship captain, wells...  I stills don't likes him, but he's saying words with meanings now.  Not just hiding in words that don't mean things now, is he.  So's, I can back off him for now too...

What's that Precious?  Yesssss, Megatron and Yoda, their points seem poor, but...  they don't seem quite like vile scumsies, do they.  Not quite.  No help, certainly, but not vile little scumsies.

So, it's the great detective we's got to watch, is it?  The one who can see so much, but says nothing that others have not said before.  Yes, I think he's the one to go for.

##Vote: Sherlock Holmes

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 12:19:19 PM »
Hee, hee, hee...  A day's gone by, and already there's so many of you looking like tricksie scumsies.  Oh...  which to hunt, which to hunt?

The robot and the warrior, they both seem to think that shadows will keep them safe.  That if they hide nothing can find them.  But my Precious is better at hiding than they is.  Oh yes, silence won't save them...

But better that silence than lots of tricksie little words that say as much as a vile hobbitses riddles.  The Cid fellow loves his voice he does, but says nothing at all while trying to make it sound like he's looking ever so hard.  But don't worry, my Precious, he's not looking, but your Gollum is.

Ah, but good Mr. Yoda.  He's a nice man, wanting to looks out for us all.  He's far too nice to want to hurts us!


What?  But Smeagol likes Mr. Yoda!

No!  He's a bad little Hobbits!  He's a tricksy evil little thing out to take our Precious!  He wants to hide and not be seen when we comes lookin for those who did the killing, yes?  Doesn't want his name next to those who kill our dear little prosecutor, doesn't he. 

No, Gollum, no!  He's a good sweet little Hobbits!

Oh yes, a good sweet little Hobbits that wants to kill all the ones that haven't had time to speak before they can!  A sweet little Hobbits that says the ones he don't likes are flailing he does!  A sweet little Hobbits that wants to skip and sing and play with the nasty little layerers with the whip and the hitting and the hiding like she was as sweet and gentle as Mr. T.

But he's saying she's all kinds of evil he is!

Then where is his vote!

He wants to hear her talk before we kills her, he does!

His vote won't kill her!  Why has he not voted!

Because then the vile scumsies can kill her!

And then we know a vile scumsies so's we can kill them!

Uhhh...  Uhhh...  He's a good little Hobbits!

Quiet!  He's a vile and tricksie little hobbit!  But...  nows not the time for killing hobbits.  It's a time for making vile lawyerses talk.

##:Unvote: Cid, ##Vote: Von Karma

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:38:58 AM »
I do no trust anyone who advocates that you "Drink your greens, eat your school, stay in milk, don't do sleep, and get 8 hours of drugs."

Try it some time, it's more $@*&$3 fun that you'd expect. Not that I'd expect a talking %#*&#^ junkheap to know anything about "fun." I stick with the %*@%# cigs myself, anyhow.

What's that, little metal man?  Your vote doesn't count!  Can you see why?  Clever Smeagol can!

A vote must be bold!  Not that wretched little thing you have, looking just like any other words.

Oh, Precious, you see something?  Ahhhh, yessss Precious!  A pathetic mewling little vote he makes, but no words does he say!  Why is that I wonder?  All I sees is things which are not, and nothing of what is.  Most curious, most curious!

Everyone's entitled to one @&$#^% mistake a day. He does it again, I'll be right there in line to %#*&5 kick his $@*&#% face in, though.

Oh yesssssss, he likes the sound of his voice, don't he Precious.  So much air, so little thought!  He's like a greedy, grasping little hobbitses he is!  Trying to sound like he's so very helpful, but not doing a thing that's good, he is!  Why, the day's almost half done, but 'ere he is, holding onto his joke vote like a good little scumsie would.  What do we thinks of that, Precious?

##Unvote: Yoda,  ##Vote: Cid

What's that Precious?  Oh yes, Precious, I'm still watching that nasty, vile lawyerses too!  Has something to hide she does, keeping things back and saying we all should.  And what with her hurting the nice, sweet man who's saying the things that will help protect the Precious.  Yes, I thinks we should be well wary of her.

Leer of Suspicion: Von Karma

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