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Messages - Jack Sparrow

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Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:24:29 AM »
I don't really know. I suspect Mr. T and Holmes the most, but out of these two, I feel like Megatron is the better lynch.

##Unvote: Holmes
##Vote: Megatron

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 08:01:07 AM »
Also, for whoever said the stuff about no lynch: There isn't a no lynch in this game, someone will be lynched no matter what.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:55:19 AM »
If he's alive tomorrow he must be scum is exactly the type of logical fallacy scum love, yes.

I believe a person has a right to prepare for their death when their neck is around the noose. It's the only time you can do it before you're a swingin'.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 07:38:24 AM »
I'm not meaning to sound defeatist, Mr. Highwind, but I consider myself a man of practicalities, a man who plans for the worst and hopes for the best.

I don't consider the realization of your own fallacies self-pity, Megatron. Cutting the bullshit and saying you fucked up is better than pansy-assing around. I don't want to die, but I'd be a goddamn idiot if I didn't realize why people would want me dead. I wanted people to know why I have acted the way I did; to not offer an explanation would be stupid.

Is there any reason my waiting to claim was so suspicious, Master Yoda? As I mentioned, I considered not saying it at all, but I felt the obligation to do so. It was a sticky position to be in I felt, and I wanted to consider my options before pulling the trigger.

Unless you mean with only two hours left in the day. As I mentioned, I thought it was Thursday. Days all vaguely blend together.

My vote stands. He's the person I feel the most comfortable with voting for.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 06:17:32 AM »
A pirate's life is not easy, my friends! Why, just last night I spent my time with a lady on each arm, trying to lure them back to my ship! A good time was had, and you can't fault a man for a good time, can ye?

You can?

That's not my fault! Lurking? Lurking you say?! Lurking is for... demon creatures. For zombies, you could say! Not for captains. Captains are just busy, busy, busy with all the work that goes into being a real pirate!




Doctor Sparrow. Could you imagine it, friends? I couldn't. And as much as the Captain wanted to be involved in y'alls witchhunt, he simply couldn't bring himseld to hunt evil zombies like one should!

Now, I could proclaim that I was trying to give you all the runaround and stay under the radar cause that's what a good doctor should do, but the reality of the matter is that sometimes, sometimes a man ain't in any condition to be huntin' zombies for reasons that can only be reviewed in the afterlife. I'm sorry about that.

The heart of the matter is that I don't want to die. But if my death is inevitable, I want it to be now. I don't want to screw over the town in LYLO, and given how little I've talked, that will happen.

I'm not claiming doctor because I want everyone to just stop voting for me. Considering how confused I am, I honestly couldn't pick who the heck to protect anyway. I picked Sherlock Holmes yesterday because he had long posts.

But I don't want you guys to be surprised when you lynch me and I'm a doctor.

I debated whether a man should tell the world such things. There are reasons that I won't elaborate on for the sake of personal strategy, but honesty is the best policy, as they say.

Mr. T is mischaracterizing me. He said I am trying to act like my cases have solid evidence. I really have not done such a thing. As poorly as this looks upon me as a player, I said in my post against Worf that it was just a gut feeling and that it wasn't solid.

Trying to disguise OMGUS? Wait, you mean people usually just go oh my god, you suck! and then go on with their lives? Last I heard people try to at least dabble in justification of their votes.

Once I looked at voting evidence, I think that my case against Worf was fallicious, so I turned to the people in front of my eyes. In my thinking, knowing my own alignment, I believed that one zombie would vote for me and the other in another direction. Zombies are sly creatures at times, you could say. Voting on someone who has been unhelpful is just logical for a zombie to do.

As I may or may not have mentioned in my earlier post, the reason I was posting something regarding my own alignment is because I wanted to leave footprints of my feelings for others to follow in the event of my death.

Originally, the first half of this post and that post were one and the same, because I was going to be out for several hours. I then figured out that there was like 36 hours left in the game so I didn't need to worry. However when I came back home I discovered that it is indeed Friday and not Thursday. An idiotic blunder on my part!

Anyway, I am still convinced that what I said earlier is correct, but I find Mr. T's argument on me pretty shaky, as well as rather condescending which I don't particularly appreciate.

Sherlock, what do you want me to say about unintelligable discussion? What can I possibly say when the only thing I really said in the first place was "it annoys me and makes me not want to read posts", which is the truth. Then ask for them to stop! You yourself said it - it's fun for you to play that way.

It's not even one particular post; it was the entire thing that made me drop the topic and stop reading about halfway through page 1. I simply wasn't anticipating the level of hardcoreness that was going to be put out there, and I guess maybe I should have, but I wasn't.

If for some reason saying this makes you think I am scum (...) then uh I'm sorry? I didn't mean to come off as this throughly unhelpful person, I just didn't know what to say because I just lost track of what was going on really quickly, and I've been trying to catch up. And failing because my mind is scrambled like a scrambled egg.

This post is taking too goddamn long.

Whatever all of you feel is the best decision for the town, I implore you do that. If you think keeping a potential doctor alive is worth it, then do it. If you think I am a zombie and I'm just lying about being a doctor, then I hope that whatever information you get from my death is worth it.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 31, 2008, 05:04:32 AM »

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 30, 2008, 08:59:01 PM »
Worf I'm pretty convinced isn't scum just because of the way he jumped off my case and onto someone who before this time was getting very little heat. That doesn't seem like something a zombie would do.

I mentioned this already, of course.

##Unvote: Worf

Yoda I have already made my statements on about OMGUS. I'm not sure how to interpret it, but it's not a good thing either way. My personal view on the situation is that he's trying to get rid of a target who is on his case and who is a stronger player than I am in the game.

Not that you guys will care, but since I know my alignment, I can say things regarding the voters on me with confidence, knowing that they are voting for someone who isn't part of the dark side. At least I can leave my imprint in the event of my death.

Holmes vs. Megatron

A lot of press has gone to both for lurking. Megatron makes an argument on Worf which makes sense, but pulling things out of very little is the name of the Day 1 game. The robot has pleased me with his latest posts. They make sense to even a dizty captain such as myself, and his data has been consistent and accurate. There is no reason for me to take offense with him at present. Next.

Sherlock has Long Ass Posts that say very little. His Day 2 content basically consists of hounding me and hounding me and that seems to be all at present. His discussion of Yoda's comments of the Dark Side is stiff and feels like fluff.

Robots are logical. Investigators are suspicious. Would I tie either in with something little and green? Now that I'm not sure. Regardless, I think Mr. Holmes deserves a vote, and the little green thing already has two!

##Vote: Sherlock Holmes

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 08:19:02 PM »
Oh ho ho ho.


After two small statements from the part of the Captain, the ones who voted for me have turned elsewhere! Now, the Captain will admit that his attentions have turned elsewhere, and he finds it somewhat peciular how quickly they turned away from him!

I believe that I am still a good target, as sad as this may seem to admit! I am not sure if my friend Worf's intentions are truly to unroot those who squirm in the darkness, or to deflect the attention of those who have wrought votes against him? A very strange predictiment, especially since he has switching votes to someone who has attracted little attention!

Master Yoda returns the vote in a great counterattack! I had no awareness that he was strong in the ways of the OMGUS.

I am unsure of where I can direct my sails from here, but my suspicions of the supposed Borg hunter grow less and less!

Mr. T! You bring forth the case that I could be following in the footsteps of a robot, a robot whose intentions I do not trust. Your stance raises my eyebrows! This is not the only day I have pursued the Worf! To say that I am following suit is a fallacy!

I must set my sails to do some menial tasks, regrettably, before I could even finish my thoughts! Alas. Farewell, mates!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 29, 2008, 03:34:12 AM »
I didn't think this was going to be roleplay Mafia. In fact, it said in the first post to not let roleplay interfere with the Mafiaing.

I have no problem with style change, but the point of this Mafia isn't roleplay. It's anonymity.

I can't tell you exactly what about Worf makes me more uneasy than the others. His reasoning is awkward and he adopts a tone that makes me uneasy. I can't provide you with an adquate answer.

Two votes on me already, and two of our fine friends haven't even shown? My, my.

From my own perspective, I can say that I know one of them's probably some evil zombie or whatever shittles you guys calls the scum.

I would hope our two other fine guests show soon! Or else displeasure will set in.

I forgot to do the customary thing and back up my slinging of accusations, and for this I apologize. A misstep on the part of the Captain.

##Vote: Worf

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 28, 2008, 08:32:34 PM »

Oh, my friends! My dear friends!


You know.

Ever since the beginning, I've found it difficult to read this topic, let alone post.

Trying to conceal identities, trying to figure out what in the fuck everyone in the topic is saying... what I'm trying to say is that it's been really cumbersome.

The problem is trying to decode what everyone is saying and trying to figure out who is scum from vague fragments of ideas. It's impossibile.

The person I still find most suspicious is Worf. I find his hopping around strange, and as mentioned, his arguments toward Ms. von Karma seem to be trying to pull things out of thin air. Which admittedly, it seems like the Captain has done. I simply detected something that made me uneasy, and it was poorly phrased.

It is regrettable that Ms. von Karma was so careless. The murder of  Gollum is quite... interesting, considering that he was suspect. Maybe there were signs of his power left about? I'm not even sure what his posts were saying.

I find Cid to be pretty clean in general. Clearcut thoughts. Disagreement with Yoda that jokevotes should be taken as a sign of the darkness. In the Captain's previous run-ins with the darkness, evil is indisciriminate with their votes, even on each other.

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 27, 2008, 07:18:27 PM »
Arr! While sailing the seven seas, many things have happened. Trains, trains, trains! (I think I'd rather be Selphie...) I don't really like trains, myself! Boats are so much more relaxing!

Anyway, the kinky lady with the whip, and now the one who calls for hammertime on said kinky lady? This is a strange prediciment indeed! Suspicions grow, yes they do!

My young friend Megatron has not spoke much. A scurvy, radar slipping sailor if I've ever seen one!

*scratches head* At this moment I'm finding this Worf feller to be highly suspicious! First of all, he is really freaking ugly! He says that trying to conceal your identity is a bad thing? At the risk of a looming mod? Ii tell you one thing for sure, this one's a train hopper...

##UNVOTE: Yoda
##VOTE: Worf

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:55:03 PM »
And before I could slash my sword to deflect the charges of the foul beast, this strange Gollum fellow has pre-empted me!

Forum Games / Re: GAME START Anonymous Mafia
« on: May 26, 2008, 09:51:27 PM »
Arr, after sailing the great seas, the asskicking of some creepy zombies commenced. No better time for relaxing, thievery, and women!

What a strange building this is! And what strange people! And Abe Lincoln has been murdered? What manner of madness is this?

This Yoda fellow is making some weird accusations. My accusor has been acting strange? Well, I think it's strange that you said he was strange but then said I was strange! Stranger even!

##VOTE: Yoda

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