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Messages - The Dude

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Alright, then.

##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

Hey guys. One down, one to go. Part of me unfortunately feels like I'm sort of running out of steam, but I feel pretty confident that we can win this now. And maybe -- I'm willing to allow that I may, in the final analysis, be fallible -- my confidence, and the fact that I'm jazzed up by having been right about Ash, might be causing me a bad sort of tunnel-vision, but I still have a hard time seeing anyone but Mr. Miyagi as the final planet eater.

I'll be shocked and massively impressed if Khan ends up being scum. He's been measured and thoughtful all game, and I just can't point to anything he's done and feel bad about it.

Excel got off to a rough start, obviously. Funnily enough, that's actually exactly (well, indirectly) why I believe she's town now. Remember back on Day 1 when she sort of weirdly flip-flopped in a very brief span of time on the Queen right before announcing her absence for a while and Ash jumped down her throat (here's where it went down - With Ash having flipped scum, that just looks far more like scum trying to capitalize on a thoughtless townie move than it does like a scumbus. Granted, Ash removed the vote before too much time had passed, but that was the result of slight pressure from Rod and Yangus; in other words, it wasn't just an empty gesture of a vote against a scumbuddy, but rather a lynchtrain attempt that was jettisoned when multiple people spoke out against it. This exchange, the lack of her Cop claim when I (a little thoughtlessly) handed it to her on a silver platter, her general activity and content late in the game, all point to a Town Excel.

Miyagi spent most of Day 3 flailing around wildly trying to build about half a dozen cases and being rebuffed without much effort on the part of town every time. Then there's just the general tone of resignation, which we see here in a moment the wonkiness of which was pretty well-analyzed by Khan:

... Huh, a Day Four. Honestly unexpected.

What? Where were your suspicions, then? Yesterday you roughly went from Mr. Ash / "The Dude", sort of through "The Dude" / Miss Excel, then jumped totally off of "The Dude" and settled on Mr. Ash / Miss Excel. Mr. Ash had pretty much just handed himself in at the end as well. With those thoughts on the table, just what were you expecting?

Said tone of resignation has now come to fruition with the timeless scum last-ditch of acting sad and saying "gawrsh I really want town to win, please reconsider <3 <3 <3." I'm happy to wait a bit and mull it over, but at the same time I feel pretty much ready to vote right now.

Yes! Sweet! Good to know that my gut isn't completely unreliable. Also, thank you to all the rest of you for not being idiots like me with the sudden death suggestion. Clearly parts of my brain were not working, there.

I see no reason not to vote for Miyagi today. I just got back and have only skimmed how the end of the day broke down thus far, but he certainly didn't seem to present anything that would make him look better to me. Massively tired, will be around tomorrow with more coherent thoughts.

I have to go, and my vote stays where it is. Grarg. If there's really concern then I suggest that we put ourselves in sudden death until I'm able to get back to the game, probably a couple hours after deadline. Here's hoping this goes well.

If we split votes I'm not entirely sure what in entails. Potential scum shenanigans, potential extended sudden death. I personally don't like the idea of either, since I'd like to make this happen. I feel solid on my call and don't see a lot of reason to remove a vote made with conviction. Do you really think Ash is that townish?

Crow - like I said, I really don't know how much I'll be able to be around today. I wouldn't want to be unable to contribute to our lynch of scum by being outside doing things all day, you know? As far as voting Miyagi goes, Excel... yes, I want to lynch him too. I want to lynch both of them. But unless one scum busses another, my vote's going to be needed here, and there's a good chance I won't be back by deadline. What else ought I to do?

Far as I can see, the smartest fucking thing to do regarding Excel and her refusal to claim Cop is invoke Occam's fucking Razor, man. The path of way the fuck least resistance for her as scum would have been a fakeclaim, and we're all getting tangled up in a WIFFOM (guess what the extra 'f' stands for) briar patch trying to reason out every other possible scenario.

Look, I don't know how much I'm going to be around today, and since all of town needs to combine their votes for this to work for us at this point, I'm ready to drop mine right now. Of my two suspects he's been the least present and most scummy today, and only Excel seems to have a moderate problem with voting for him. I feel confident in this.

##VOTE: Ash

Morning, guys. Sorry I wasn't around last night like I'd hoped. Life, man. Gets in the fucking way.

Khan, I think your whole thing against Excel at this point is basically just you outsmarting yourself, and it seems like you're starting to come around to that point of view as well.

I find it pretty interesting, the extent to which Ash and Miyagi have chosen not to respond to my most recent points against them. With Miyagi in particular, I didn't find it at all difficult to rebut his argument for me being a planet eater fuck -- and in an incredibly concise manner, no less. And he's said nothing about it since then. More than anything else it honestly seems like both of those two are waiting for one of us to screw up and not vote for one of them so that they can swoop in and contribute to that fucking train.

Far as I can tell, we aren't too far from being in agreement on voting for either Ash or Miyagi. Crow and I could vote for either, Excel seems more keen on voting for Miyagi and Khan on voting for Ash. How can we work this out a good while before deadline?

I watch The Dude for the following reasons:

Day 1

The Dude begins with a vote on the Queen, right here. His next post is concluding we're getting rid of Queen, and asking if "Does anyone have a problem with getting rid of Queen Liz right now?" Serling nicely re-construed that sentence but we're taking it as it is written. The Queen makes one misstep and he immediately concludes she's going to be lynched, going so far as asking people whether they would mind.

I can only see that as getting people to get rid of her by looking at the case against her and her complete lack of defense.

Serling's analysis of my line was correct, man. I was trying to gauge whether anybody felt like the Queen wasn't scummy at that point in time. Since she, at that point, was a lurker and seemed like a planet eater. And hey, whaddya know, when she started participating later in the game, I didn't think she seemed that scummy anymore. This is a massive stretch of an argument, man. Attacking this kind of semantic shit never comes up profitable, in my experience.

He posts this line later on:
I've gotta think Excel is one of these Planet Eater fucks.
but doesn't really pursue Excel any more than just that. Instead, he keeps his vote on the Queen, ignoring Excel's bandwagoning and opportunism.

scrolling back a bit I also dig up this:
I'm a little un-fucking-nerved by Khan's inex-fucking-plicable lack of placing Excel on his list of suspicion, man
where he's bothered that Khan doesn't suspect Excel. What is his obsession with Excel?

My obsession with Excel? You mean at the point during the game in which she was lurking hardcore? And then the point when she did that "vote for someone at a critical point in the voting breakdown right before disappearing for a large-ish point of time? I suspected her when she was scum-seeming, and when she started to participate more my suspicions were allayed a lot. And hey, now she could've easily fakeclaimed Cop and really fucked us over, had she been scum. So what's your point?

In this post he claims developing theories and that he'd expand on them later. I see no such thing happening over the course of the game. At all.

Man, I've been completely forthright with all of my thought processes all game and done my best to cover a broad range of topics while still honing in on those I think are scum. What else can I do?

He opens the day with a relatively fucking detailed and complex argument against Khan
here he is misrepresenting my case by calling it "detailed" and "complex", which I already explained was nothing of the sort and you read too much into it. Still, he's intentionally painting me here as abandoning a good case in favor of an easy case.[/quote]

I... think you were, man. At least in that your original case was one of your own construction and was significantly bolder than the following, much simpler case to make against Yangus.

During the second sudden death, he again disappears, his conviction to see me lynched from the start still standing.

Can't be around all the time, man. You've had spotty presence too and defended it in the usual sane way. This seems like another grasping argument.

And now, again, he cozies up with Excel as he's done all game. He's mentioned her so many times and tied her with scum pairings a few times and whatnot, but doesn't actually see through anything at all.

Addressed this.

Sorry that was a bit more curt than I usually like, I have to run for a while. I'll be back tonight. My opinions haven't changed thus far and are pretty clear.

And come to think of it, the red herring Miller suggests a scum Rolecop to me. More of a potential trap for scum than town, since it could make a scum Rolecop think they were dealing with a town Cop even if it weren't true. It makes some sense, given the Queen-Doctor's death last night. Seems like it'd be fairly easy for scum to have tried to build a case against her instead of killing her -- I feel like there are town-seeming people around right now who would have been more opportune night kills had they not some known the Queen was our Doc, you know? I don't know if this changes anything, or even makes sense to others, but it came to me so I guess I thought I'd throw it out there.

I'm really looking in the direction of Khan/Excel, Khan/Miyagi or Miyagi/Excel, with Yangus' flip. I'll reiterate again that Excel's vote was perfect scum placement. With questionable behavior and lurkerness throughout, I really go back to the argument I made on Day 1. She rode out the day, used the ol' "I'm not scum I'm just crazy" excuse and grabbed what credibility she could from the hammer. Day 2 was scattershot, and both times she only really came alive during sudden death.

And while I'm at it, this post of Ash's makes me feel like he's a probable planet eater partner for the old man. First there's the proposition of three possible scum teams with... not much in the way, as far as I can tell, of specific criteria for linking them. It also doesn't help that 1/3 of his total scum guess there is someone I see as a solid fucking townie (Khan), and another 1/3 is the person who logically seems to have to be our Cop (that would be Excel, and I continue to await her claim with fucking eagerness). The other 1/3 (Miyagi) seems almost to be thrown in for the sake of appearing to be a decent townie, Miyagi having been up on the block yesterday. Especially because all he says about Miyagi...

With Miyagi... I don't want to play the percentages game, because the odds aren't that good on it anyway. But we know now that Day 1 was town/town... Could Day 2 have also been town/town? I'm torn on how to approach this. I'm gonna have to read over both Excel and Miyagi (Khan too).

Okay, so in his scum-pairing schematic he throws out Miyagi as pretty likely to be scum, right? But then instead of continuing down that path in the actual, you know, "evidence" or "support" part of his fucking post he acts all squeamish about voting for Miyagi for reasons that have entirely to do with incredibly specious meta-concerns. And as far as people he hasn't pegged as likely scum...

Khan... I honestly don't know. I'll admit this is just ol' gut feeling.

Dude and Crow... we've been giving them a lot of town credit, and rightfully so. But... do you think that we could find scum here? I doubt I'll find much support for this reading over the topic, but... all cards and possibilities on the table.

Against one he keeps playing the gut feeling card, because he clearly doesn't have anything to actually say. And then he says that me and Crow are rightfully given a lot of town credit... so maybe they're planet eaters specifically because they seem like they aren't?

I understand the impulse to get all ideas out on the table at this stage of the game, but this? This... these aren't ideas. This whole post reeks of scum evasion and tortured fucking scum-logic, and I'm personally feeling confident in my Ash/Mr. Miyagi scum team right now.

Aaaaaand ninja'd. That... huh. Interesting fucking thing, that Excel's not the Cop. And... even though it means we have no cop, and means that I clearly jumped the gun putting out the idea myself, why... wow. Yeah, I have a hard time seeing why Excel wouldn't have claimed Cop right there, were she a planet eater. Red herring Miller. Huh.

Yeah. I'm still as convinced as I was before.

Maybe explain why you think I'm not town, man. You can't just ask other people to do your work for you. That's, fucking... yeah, that's mainly my point, man. How fucking scummy is that to propose nothing but "I think 'x' is scum" and then act as if the burden of proof is on everyone else to fucking make your argument for you -- or just reject the argument now before you've had to fucking go out on a limb with any attacks yourself. I... shit, man, as if I didn't suspect you enough for the half-hearted way you've been participating, now you come out with this? More than ever, man, you look like a planet eater to me.

As for my role, I'm just fucking Vanilla Town. The claim I'm looking to hear, though, is who the fuck our Cop is. The flip of a Miller, at least, strongly suggests that we have one. And since everyone else has claimed Vanilla Town, well... shit. Come on, Excel. Who've you investigated?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:13:30 PM »
Man, I fucking hate sudden death. But yeah, alright, let's hear from everyone.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:05:31 PM »
Yeah, I can't decide if I would be happier or more frustrated to make Ash break a tie in that case. It would make him take a stand, but it would also put the decision in the hands of somebody I don't really fucking trust.

Not to mention how much I think sudden death for umpteen hours kills momentum, I think. Flips really inject some new invigoration to a game, has been my experience, and we're dealing with enough semi-lurkering and monomania that we might not want to drag this out interminably.

Ninja'd by Miyagi's reappearance. Yaaaay last-minute shenanigans.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:40:05 PM »
Yeah. I definitely fucking get your feelings on Yangus right now, especially given the caliber of most of the folks voting for him. Brain says scummy, gut says weirdly townie in a way that might just come from wanting to second-guess every fucking thing I say and do.

I'm still not sure that we can rule out Ash / Mr. Miyagi, man. I know they both came out swinging today on you, which doesn't seem like the typical scum tac at all, but... well, shit, they're both scummy without having gone after each other strongly, so I can still see that opening move as a risky gambit. I've mentioned that and all, but I thought it bore repeating since we're talking about pairing people up again.

Ninja'd. Yeah, can't hurt to keep talking a little for the time being.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:22:13 PM »
Good morning, sunshines. I kind of expected a lot more from people by now. Shit, man.

Far as Yangus goes, I actually think his disappearance makes me believe his town-ness a bit more, if only because I can't see a reason for scum to disa-fucking-ppear like that when they were already leading on the way to the gallows. Then again, both town and scum can easily get called away unexpectedly and end up doing something like this accidentally, so it's probably a null read. And he's looked scummy to me for a while anyway, so I guess this is no great shakes. Definitely don't feel the need to hammer him right now, though. Maybe he'll show up in the next hour? Or... anyone else will? This has not really been the most robust fucking discussion, you know?

Shit I don't like, at this point? The lack of Mr. Miyagi since his character-breaking post, for one. I still think the guy's a planet eater, myself. And also? Ash hasn't fucking re-voted! He... he fucking came off Khan at a time during which I feel like he could've pushed the lynch in a couple different directions, but instead he doesn't do fucking anything. He didn't even take a particularly firm stance on anyone in his most recent post, making it pretty fucking easy for him to beg off schedule issues at the beginning of Day 3 and say he would have voted for 'x' where 'x' is whoever might seem the scummiest based on the two flips we're likely to get.

I'm also seeing the case against Elizabeth more than I had closer to the end of Day 1, now. Not a lot of original content at all, and the pass she gives to Miyagi irks me given my own feelings about the man.

Khan's potential scum pairings make some sense to me.

Anyone else gonna be around, I wonder?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 05:32:00 AM »
Man, fuck me all over the place. I'm tired and we are nowhere remotely fucking close to a consensus. At least we don't need a majority vote for an actual eventual lynch, here, since we could really use the info from a flip right about now. Well, I know I could. Not that I really want to just let it fucking sit either, though. Last minute scum vote-manipulation is a major fucking concern in a field like this.

Excel's vote seems a bit opportunistic. Lurkerish and the perfect scum placement. Really seems to be riding popular opinion. Especially something to note due to her behavior yesterday.

Agreed with Ash on that.

But then again, man, look at fucking Yangus. I've got no problem with fucking voting against me, whatever, that's fine. But to drop a fucking vote and say "I'll be back in 8 hours to explain it?" What the hell, man? Especially when... I mean, when the fuck have you ever mentioned being suspicious of me? It's like you chose a course of action but wanted to take some extra time to figure out how the fuck you were going to spin it. Would that really be a smart scum thing to do? I don't know, man. Fucking WIFOM.

I don't think anything's happened since around the time of my last post that changes my mind about who I really suspect the most, unfortunately. Miyagi's character-breaking defense... no, it just doesn't do it for me. There's just really little in the way of interesting new input from him, mostly a slew of brief defenses and about one or two sentences of analysis for the field's current players. Without including a fucking word about Ash or Crow, by the way.

Dammit, I'm fucking exhausted. Right now, if we want to rack up enough votes at least to avoid last-minute switching and sudden death shenanigans -- which can so easily be manipulated by planet eater douchebags -- my choice seems to be in either keeping my vote on Miyagi or moving over to Yangus. Both of them feel scummy, and switching my vote would make a larger margin and prevent foul play a bit better than staying... but, dammit, I want to see Yangus's argument against me before I fucking do anything. If there's some actual analytical, you know, depth to the fucking thing, which I guess would be rare from him, that could really influence how I'm feeling things out here.

Ash pulls off Khan, too. Fuck me, man, I guess you were a little right about how it wouldn't look good if you took off your vote there. The whole "I'll let you go for now, MR. SCUM!" routine definitely makes me nervous. It so easily leaves the avenue open to attack him again tomorrow. Especially when you didn't even respond very fucking specifically to his defenses, you know? You backed off without really conceding any points at all, so now you're free to sit back for a bit and see how things play out, maybe? Shit, man. So much of what you do rubs me the wrong way.

Shit. Is anyone around right now and working on or planning to make a post in the near future? I want to be around for more of this but also really fucking want to be asleep.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:11:29 PM »
Alright. Pretty much everything I read of Khan makes me think more and more that he's one of us. There's a lot of thought, a lot of different avenues explored, and even a pretty solid specific argument (which part of me definitely buys, on a gut level if nothing else) now against Ash. The only thing to happen today that seems off is his distinction between Excel unvoting the Queen and re-voting Flanders, but...

... frankly, Excel's fucking reciprocal OMGUS vote looks uglier. And call me fucking nuts, but I see a subtle distinction myself between Khan's earlier mod-inquiry about lurking and Excel's current one about post limits. Excel's seems a shit load more pointed and aggressive. But I don't know, because I also don't think I see Excel as scum right now.

I just fucking noticed that Yangus is the only one of us currently not using his vote. And... yeah, it's getting to be that fucking time in which not having voted -- in which still playing it as fucking safe as he is -- doesn't look all that cool.

I'm also not sure if I feel like Ash's response to all of Khan's posting in the past couple pages strikes me as... well, fucking adequate, given the fact that his vote's still sitting on Khan. His staying on Khan seems a little stubborn, in a way that looks to me like a planet eater happy to stay on a train that's growing faster than any other... except now, Miyagi's jumped off Khan to Yangus. And Ash continues to be anti-Khan by way of being anti-Miyagi in this fucking situation, citing how great Miyagi's argument against Khan was.

I'll also say -- and I know that it flies in the fucking face of this game's premise, but I'll play with the cards I've been dealt, man -- that Sopko-Ash is acting in a manner that's eerily fucking reminiscent of the behavior with which I've seen him play scum. Curt, and dismissive in a way that's a little fucking rude sometimes. I'm not gonna put too much stock in this just yet, but my gut's trying to tell me something and I can't ignore it completely.

Man, fuck this. Ash and Miyagi both seem scummy to me in ways I can't easily fucking reconcile if they're partners. At the beginning of the day I entertained the thought that they were scumbuddies using a risky but, you know, potentially fucking profitable simultaneous attack gambit. Could still be the case, though, I guess. It's not like Ash has been particularly fucking vociferous with his recent Miyagi suspicions.

A Miyagi-Yangus pairing looks less likely to me too, now. Man, fuck me, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around this.

And for some reason I'm having trouble getting a more detailed read on Crow than "huh, yeah, looks kinda like town," or on the Queen at all. Fuckin' A.

Ninja'd by Khan. I... fuck me, can't believe I didn't notice Miyagi's condemnation of Yangus being for something that he... fucking, you know, basically copied Yangus in doing. Alright, I feel more and more like Miyagi and Ash might be a probably team of planet eater dickheads.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 06:22:14 PM »
3/3 is an impasse. All scum have to do is not vote themselves and it's effectively a tie, which is usually goes to scum. It's how Incompetent Mafia ended. Came down to two town and two scum. And 3 scum doesn't put us at LYLO, it puts us at potential LYLO. It would depend on the nightkill, which you've noted.

I made the same mistake at the end of Incompetent Mafia that a 2/2 split would keep the game going.

... huh. Yeah, well... okay. Fuck my head, I hadn't thought about it this way. Thanks (and thanks to Crow) for straightening me out. Two scum makes things... interesting. Definitely a change to the fucking, you know, the fucking premises of some of my thought here.

Miyagi's switch onto Yangus worries me. Not because I don't think Yangus is scummy, but because it switches from a person he has a good argument for to someone he has a generic lurker argument for. Comment, Miyagi?

Yeah. Yeah, this hits pretty fucking precisely on why I'm still not comfy-cozy with the jap. He opens the day with a relatively fucking detailed and complex argument against Khan, defends it when Crow and I submit our concerns, and then... after Khan's own response, retracts the vote very quietly and moves on to Yangus. And I feel like a fucking load of us have expressed at least mild or tacit concern with that particular limey asshole, so the venture seems a lot safer than his thrust against Khan. Thanks for helping me to kick my mind grapes into gear, Ash.

Time to plug through the Excel/Khan bullshit, I guess.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 05:35:36 PM »
Alright, so Miyagi did some responding to the concerns presented by Crow and I, here in this post:

I think my main problem with this shit is the extent to which he clings, clings like a… fucking, scrabbling little marmot, to the idea that lurker-hunting is somehow an evil. Not to mention that he now says:

Miyagi problem with Elizabeth because she say nothing of relevant. Not because she not there.

Which doesn’t jive at all with his third (I think) post, where he says that if Queenie shows up (in other words, stops lurking), he doesn’t believe that she’s the best choice for a lynch anymore.

Then there’s the fact of Miyagi’s sayin’ that he doesn’t agree with people saying Khan’s low on the content end of things. Uh. You mean you disagree with… your fucking self, man?

For all that Khan-san saying during sudden death, little of Khan-san words have value. He Speak Lots but Say Little.

I guess I’m willing to chalk this up to an admission of your own mistakenness, a public declaration of changing your mind, but at the same time I’m gonna remember it as one of those fucking times when your obtuse fucking communication got in the way of fucking clarity, man.

Miyagi’s most recent post does make me think a bit more of him, I’ll admit right now. He’s at least briefly addressing the issues, fucking, du jour, which I respect. And I’ve mentioned before that Yangus skeeves me out. Still can’t shake my feelings about Miyagi, and for now the vote stays and I encourage people to join me, but I’m also looking around for other signs of scum.

Alright, now, I’m not fucking fantastic at math, as if you couldn’t guess, but how would 3 scum put us in LYLO right now? There’s eight of us, so assuming we lynch one of the good guys and then the planet eaters get off a successful nightkill, doesn’t that put us at 3-town/3-scum? You know, not enough for the scum to lynch on their own? When Khan first mentioned that we’re assured right now of having two scum I just assumed someone would correct him, but now Ash is going “oh hey man yeah good thinking must be two scum.” Does somebody feel like correcting my math? Or… is Ash’s eagerness to present the idea of a merely two-scum situation as potentially scummy as I think it might fucking be?

Looking over things. More to come this afternoon some time.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:58:11 PM »
Excel is a waste of flesh and sinew. Let's use her as a pinata and see what comes out. The more I think about her, the more my opinion that someone that stupid is probably a dupe of the planet eaters. And that's not even considering the wine in front of me and the potential of obfuscating stupidity, which gives people a pass far too often. But why would someone get that kind of attention, one might ask? Because her lynch was very unlikely to happen at that stage with Queeny so close to lynching, and certainly not during sudden death between Queeny and Flanders. If you're going to make such a bold play, where else but day 1 if you consider yourself reasonably safe from lynch? And if Queeny's scum with her, it's not just bold but brilliant, in a crazy sort of way.

I can't really parse this, man. It's just kind of a mess of WIFOM, from where I'm sitting over here. Think you could break it down a little? Because if it's going to be part of your ammo against Excel and/or the Queen, I want to understand the fucking thing better.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 07:05:10 PM »
Okay, for Miyagi, I'll agree that you have a legitimate argument, Dude. He is coasting a bit, and I think his few-and-far-betweenness might be whats causing him to jump around so much. However, he does seem stuck on Khan for a reason, and I think we should hear him out though and let him speak.

Yeah, that's pretty much exactly what I'd like from the guy, at this point. You know, more of a direct fucking response than he's been accustomed to giving so far. Both my gut and what I've seen tell me that the reason he's stuck on Khan is a scummy tunnel-vision'd one, and I'm looking forward to seeing what the old guy has to say.

The wall of words doesn't matter if you're contributing. It's the wall of words that's just filler that's to be avoided.

Yeah, sure. I just know it can be... I don't know, kind of fucking off-putting to some.

I got pretty townish vibes from Crow yesterday, but his first post today is... lackluster, I guess. He could at least make an effort to look at those who weren't lurkers.

Strikes me as more of a day-opening thrust to get the juices flowing than anything else. But yeah.

Yangus I'll have to disagree with you, Dude. The legitimacy of his and Rod's defense of Excel is why I pulled off her (combined with the lack of support). I'll agree he kinda ducked under the radar yesterday, but his posts were usually insightful enough to give him credit. It wasn't coasting (but close), so hopefully he'll give us more than he did yesterday.

Yeah, I did notice him and Rod pulling you off Excel, and that was... well, something that didn't necessarily need to be done if Yangus was a planet eater asshole. Unless, of course, Yangus and Excel are working together... but at that point I'm risking becoming, you know, one of those conspiracy theorist assholes who thinks the zombie of John Wilkes Booth shot JFK.

Fair enough on Khan. I certainly want to hear more from him too. And, you know... everybody else.

Ninja robot speaks. Let's see what he's saying.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 06:04:02 PM »
Miyagi post 1:

Sort of raised my hackles from the very beginning with this weird attack on Flanders. I still don’t fucking get it, man. You’re so anti-fucking-joke-vote, so you choose to pick on the guy who’s not making joke votes just because he didn’t preface it by saying “hey I don’t feel a need to joke vote so that’s why I’m not joke voting.” If that’s seeming a little rambling it’s only because I’m doing my best to recreate the soul of Miyagi’s tortured fucking logic.

Not to mention that from the very beginning here he’s going after Khan for -- and hey, Miyagi himself says it’s got no joke-ness in it -- weird reasons. Day 1 discussions have been jumpstarted in similar ways before (Khan discarded his initial joke-vote and essentially made another), and whether or not that (admittedly sort of fucking weak) attempt to spur discussion is scummy or townie is at heart a big fucking load of WIFOM.

Miyagi post 2:

This post I can pretty much follow, even though the shit he directs at Ned comes across as a little OMGUS, you know? What’s really the fucking crux of this post, I think, is his eventual vote for Elizabeth and the… you know, the fucking justification thereof. She’s a lurker. We can all get behind that to a certain extent, I think.

Miyagi post 3:

First of all, his first line here is an example, I think, of how flavor is actually getting in the way of things here and there.

Miyagi not believe Queen Elizabeth-san best choice if speak up. Want this known.

Meaning, I think, that if she shows up with some sort of defense (to which I’ve got to ask, any defense at all, man?) she’s no longer a lurker and no longer worthy of the lynch. But… man, his reason for voting Ned seems to be Ned’s predilection for voting lurkers. Meaning that Miyagi’s fucking invalidating his whole thing against the Queen from before. Am I crazy, or do other people see this? His whole tac just strikes me as having to bend the fuck over backwards in order to accuse people he necessarily knows are innocent. Since he’s, you know, probably a fucking planet eater asshole.

Miyagi post 4:

I think I’ve gone over what disturbs me about this most recent post, yeah?

There’s also the fact of how few and far-between the old man’s posts are to begin with. He barely seems to be interacting with anybody else, just sort of appearing and spouting off a bunch of opinions that vaguely reflect what other people have said before disappearing into the fucking woodwork, man.

##VOTE: Mr. Miyagi

I think I feel pretty strongly about this.

Sorry about the walls of fucking words.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 05:45:40 PM »
I think the mask’ll be coming off a bit in this post. People are probably tired of the endless string of profanities anyway.
That had not occurred to us, Dude.

Well, hey, far fucking be it from me to disappoint my adoring fans.

Alright. Like I said, I’ve got some serious fucking doubts about the Queen. On the chance that she’s not yanking our dick with that soft-claim, though, I’m willing to wait and see what she gets up to today.

Might as well give Death the benefit of the doubt, too. Temporarily mod-pardoned and all. It’s basically impossible to read into the fucking guy at this point, which is frustrating as shit. So a pass for now’s the best I can do.

Excel strikes me as scatterbrained and erratic, but I haven’t seen anything fucking evil from her yet. For the moment, I’m willing to make that distinction.

I’m having some… you know, some difficulty reading Crow’s signals. I get that he’s a fucking robot and all, so maybe that makes sense. I don’t know, man. Sort of a vague read of townieness, but I’m having a hard time getting shit from him.

Similar reaction to Yangus, but for some reason my gut calls him more likely to be a planet eater. I get a major follower vibe from the guy, dig? It’s like… I don’t know, he just fucking, sort of… flows with the prevailing fucking current in a way that speaks to not wanting to… uh, make waves, since I’m already doing the whole aqueous thing here. There’s also an interesting moment here ( where he fingers Ash in one of those “eh I’ll call you out for something but be pretty meek about it and never follow up on it. This is gonna matter later.

Look, I just did a re-read of the topic, and I’m convinced that any sweeping fucking… platitudes about Khan’s flavor text being some kind of fucking planet eater disguise are just gonna get the middle finger from me. I get the criticism of his sudden death behavior, but I’ve also already gone over the non-scummy way I read it to begin with. So, probably town?

Ash is funny. He… huh. You know, I’d originally pegged him as one of the good guys, but upon further analysis I’m a lot less fucking certain. He seems guilty of a fair bit of “me-tooism,” and just generally doesn’t have a lot of robustness to his argumentation. There’s jumping on Excel, which I get but didn’t agree with, and then the fucking needling of Khan for shit about his style which I find specious. And the immediate kneejerk to “Khan must be a fucking planet eater” near the end of yesterday.

Then finally there’s Mr. Miyagi, who’s pretty much my biggest fucking suspect right now. I feel like an asshole breaking the soft word-count rule here, but I needed to get this out on the page for people to see. I’ll split off the post here and do my best to be the fucking soul of brevity when I explain my doubts about Miyagi in my next post.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 23, 2008, 04:36:58 PM »
I think the mask’ll be coming off a bit in this post. People are probably tired of the endless string of profanities anyway.

Alright, to start with, Death hasn’t shown up in a ridiculously long time. I’d like to ask the mod for some word on whether there will be a mod-kill coming up at some point, or if that rule is just out the window.

I’m almost happy that I wasn’t around last night during sudden death, since I don’t really know what I would have done. I was never convinced by the case against Ned, but once Queenie started posting (and once she’d gotten past the lazy short list of her reactions, the poor quality of which I think can probably be chalked up to wanting to churn it out quickly as a stopgap, which makes sense at that point whatever team you’re playing for) I found her points to make sense. That said, the idea that she wouldn’t press harder against Ned, especially if she has a power role (not to mention the infuriating soft-claim of said role), is strange to me. The… more I think about it, the more I want to vote for her again today. I’m also definitely curious, though, to hear whether her supposed power bore any fruit last night.

Alright, trying to keep this brief. Concise mafia, gotta keep that in mind.

I don’t buy the case against Khan. I don’t see his contributions yesterday as having been especially worthless or smokescreeny. I also don’t see any massive harm in his choice to bring the game into extended sudden death yesterday. If you can’t make an immediate call on that sort of thing, extended discussion strikes me as the only responsible thing even to do. And then there’s Miyagi’s attack on him:

Graver matter. Khan-san saying when return he needs choose between Elizabeth and Ned. Saying he believe he will be surprise if not anti-Queen. Yet Khan anti-Queen when convince by Serling-san and Yangus-san. Khan-san never have stated own belief for why Ned-san should lynch, only believing what others saying, Miyagi this finding very dangerous. Never knowing who is scum, never should trusting and swaying by others easily. Especially not near end of day.

Okay, so apart from all the double-negatives Miyagi embeds in his posts which seem, to me, intended to muddle the issues? The impression I got from Khan was that he never fully supported Ned’s lynch, but his resolve on lynching Queenie had waned a lot, and so he was willing to end the day so that it wouldn’t stretch out completely interminably.

Attacking Khan’s “ridiculous flavorposts” also reeks of straw man. I never found his flavor to be interfering with my understanding. I honestly find Miyagi’s to be more disruptive on that count, and I found Rod’s to be yesterday.

Man, I wish I could actually peg someone as scummy instead of just feeling like this particular argument is weak sauce. Time to look back over shit. Again.

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