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Messages - Mr. Miyagi

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Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: Game over (Scum win)
« on: October 29, 2008, 12:32:48 AM »
Told you my play this time was rubbish! Hey El Cid, post the guesses, too, I wanna know who Khan was so I can call him a right bastard by the right name. :P

Just posting to make it clear I still stand by my anti-Excel sentiments.

I mean, after the game ends, I need some bragging points if I got it right, right?

I'd self-hammer but maybe The Dude will idk throw things around. A man can hope, right?

... Huh, a Day Four. Honestly unexpected.

No, I did indeed not vote the other day. I had suspicions of Ash but not a case built up. Quite sorry I didn't try to do the easy thing and vote someone everyone agreed on in the hopes that if it's scum I'd be getting some cred.

Everyone but me voted on Ash yesterday. That is not to immediately say scum would not vote fellow scum so foolhardy near the end of the day. Had I voted him, I really doubt you would've suddenly gone from "Miyagi is the scums" to "Miyagi's a pretty cool dude, eh makes the posts and doesn't afraid of anything".

That said, I honestly just woke up and have no real time to construe any further attempts at a case, for all that I doubt it'll do me that much good, but I'll make an attempt to read through everything once I have time and probably post some thoughts on it. Heavens know I've dug myself a veritable grave, and I really can't fault anyone that wants to lynch me since I did play rubbish this game.

I still don't want to lose this game for town, though, but I really do not understand what kind of further defense I can play aside from "It isn't me!" and "oh noez ;_;".

Got a test tomorrow, so skidding off to bed.

Here's to having a tomorrow.

Just dropping a note I'm still here. Haven't much to say, though.

... Huh. Okay. Since I can't offer any arguments against metagame, I'm not going to bother to sell the Excel case to you. You needn't post any thought-up thoughts because even if I disagree with them, I do not think I can combat the metagame.

Your maths in that regard confuse me as you can say anyone has a 2/11 chance to draw scum and is thus unlikely to be scum, but someone has to be.

My behaviour is passive? I'm... sorry. I thought going after The Dude and Excel was pretty not-passive, but I must have been in error for thinking so.

At this point, I have nothing to cling on except my suspicion of Excel and, to lesser extent, Ash. I have nothing on any of the others.

I'll pop in in a few to see whether you folk favor lynching me or Ash.

If I sound a bit snarky, it may be because metagame arguments frustrate me.

Well, doesn't look like I can interest anyone in an Excel lynch, but Crow offered to explain why Excel seemed very unlikely to be scum to him so please tell me why Excel is townie. You offered, after all.

I merely comment on cases already made

You wrangled that out of context so terribly I cannot see how you can perceive this as pro-town. Seriously Excel, what? I was making a hypothesis there on how I would be better at staying under the radar, and you put that in as a quote on me.

I replied perfectly. Why is this scummy? You're just copy-pasting other people's arguments rather than coming up with your own.

My argument is that you avoided answering the question and left the answer to whether or not it was scummy up to the reader rather than answering it yourself. You avoided the need to answer his concerns by posing a question instead.

Ninja'd by her, which is convenient!
Yes, it's all part of my master plan. I hacked your computer so that I know exactly when to post so that I can ninja you  :-\

I meant it was convenient that you just gave something else that raised my hackles.

Aside from the things I just replied to, the rest of Miyagi's "arguments" are just a report on the things I did.
Reporter-style posting is useless.

I disagree. Repeating what others have done and carrying on those actions as being things that raise your hackles is a way of case-building and thus not useless: You just can't defend yourself against such things.

By saying, "Town wouldn't lie" and "Nobody would believe", you're automagically putting words in everyone's mouths instantly and forming a policy for them.
Er what? Are you saying that town should lie, and we should believe lieing town? What?

I'm saying that if Town explains their reason for lying and it is an acceptable reason there is no reason to disbelieve them more than normally. World isn't black and white.

She's proven quite capable of formulating cases and arguments as per her discussion against you.
Miyagi, just because I once voted for Khan doesn't mean he's going to ignore all the facts and revenge-vote me. And nobody thinks I'm insane (just as much as we think you're Japanese and know martial arts).

Mostly questioning Khan's assertion that you were a "bad player kept alive" as a possibility. I deny that as a possibility on the basis that you aren't a bad player.

Still don't get why she listed Crow as being my most logical partner but goes consistently after Ash instead.

I'd say it was keeping around a bad player to help lose the game for the innocents if not much need to protect her any further at this point.

Just to address this (only now realized 'he' was 'me'), what exactly makes Excel a 'bad player' to you? The fact she hasn't really contributed? Feigned madness while keeping her balance? She's proven quite capable of formulating cases and arguments as per her discussion against you.

Cannot see this argument.

How is claiming vanilla "pro-town"? You're the only one asserting that it is pro-town. The only thing the others agree on is that you could've claimed Cop when you didn't, and that if you were scum that could've sealed the game.

It's still a gambit for scum if someone counter-claims. It's one of the most risky things because scum claiming Cop when someone else lied about being Vanilla and then claims Cop would inevitably change it into a contest of which of the two looks best as Cop. Scum aren't perfect, so they could've well over-estimated the danger in Cop claiming and later realized, "Fuck, I could've done that" and then use that as an argument for why they are NOT scum, but that is WIFOM so I shan't expand on it.

It's not a matter of who claimed first at that point. Not the way I see it. I would look at who is most trustworthy to be the Cop, and if the Town Cop would explain he had nothing to help Town with and thus held silent of his role, then I could very well see arguments.

By saying, "Town wouldn't lie" and "Nobody would believe", you're automagically putting words in everyone's mouths instantly and forming a policy for them.

Sorry for the wall of text. I had to get all of that out to properly build both a defense and offense and hope you'll all forgive me.

Hi Dude.



Excel, however, does. I could parrot Khan here and say, "Well, she's been so-and-so active blah blah", but I won't. For that part of the argument, refer to Khan. I agree with him.

But the line of thought Excel presented in that she is "likely not to be scum because of delayed roleclaim and THE TRAPS for scum" is something I vehemently disagree with. There are ways for scum to utilize this as well and turn the tables on a real Cop by calling their validity into question, not to mention that if we have a Town Cop and Excel claimed Cop, someone could've countered her. What if Dude, for example, is a Cop but held silent since he had nothing conclusive that could point him towards scum? I can easily see myself being persuaded by ANYONE other than Excel being the actual Town Cop. Please tell me if you do not understand this point, I will be glad to expand on this if necessary.

Now her case on me is an old one. "Flying under the radar" is her accusation, one which I disagree with. If I wanted to "fly under the radar" I would have adopted a playstyle where I merely comment on cases already made and provide a vote then and there. I would, under no circumstance, bother opening a Day 2 with a case on someone. If my strategy was to fly under the radar, then that move is directly counter to intention since the first post is a potential day starter.

I do not think I have ignored the "hot topics", I merely didn't have as much time as everyone else to paragraph about them. Time issues may be convenient for scum, aye, but I tried to keep a steady presence nonetheless.

The accusation about flavor is silly to me. If something was unclear, someone could've asked and I would respond to it if I read it, or otherwise they could remind me. Indeed, they requested I dropped it, but I also valued anonimity which I feel I've lost the moment I began talking like I normally do.


As far as Excel goes, I don't have much of a case on her that brims with originality compared to others. As I said, refer to Khan for arguments regarding her activity, but there's also some minor things.

For one, she expresses relief for not having hammered Queen Day 1. Which is something she couldn't have done, since in Sudden Death only one of the Ned-lynchers could hammer the Queen and not Excel herself.

On Day 2 sudden death she says that she thinks the case on me is circumstantial and certainly not favorable over the case on Yangus. At that point, her case on him rests on three posts she quotes, namely his Day 2 activity, and claims he has been "flying under the radar too much". I'm not sure whether her policy is LAL or Lynch Scum, but she certainly does seem pre-occupied with the former. Her case on me also is, "flying under the radar", which is funny considering most her posts are under Sudden Death.

On Day 2, she also says this on her... I think first post of Day 2:

The idea that I'd try and draw attention for myself...  "But why would someone get that kind of attention, one might ask?" - you didn't really even answer that question yourself. You just said that day 1 is a good time to do it; but why would I want to do that?

Crow raises an argument against her, and rather than debunk it she first throws in a lot of fluff flavor and then counters his argument with a question, leaving it up to the reader to debunk his argument instead of doing so herself.

She spends most of her Day 2 before-sudden-death-posts arguing with Khan over something he called a trifle. Call it communicative error, but that's what it is. Her vote on him is a prod to see what reason he had to mention her unvote of Queen and not-vote on Ned, but later on she mentions that

Ok, well despite Khan's walls of text, they're fairly comprehensive and he's managed to allay my concerns by providing his thoughts and logical processes. ##Unvote and reading through his posts a few times, I'm prepared to see his point of view on the issues.

So all of Day 1 Excel did this:

Jokes, votes on Queen, comes back on Day 1 Sudden Death to say she's swayed to get off Queen and hammers Ned which is attributed to be "gutsy".

All of Day 2, Excel...

Doesn't rebuke Crow's concerns, has a mostly town read on everyone, then proceeds to argue with Khan over a trifle, then votes on Yangus when he drops the vote on The Dude and expands that he has now been flying under the radar so long that she cannot ignore him... But doesn't build a case against anyone else.

Day 3, Excel drops in to ask for a roleclaim, claims vanilla and asserts her own towniness, cases on everyone as being... different flavors of neutral and pegs me as being the only scum, putting Crow in as my supposed partner based on... his hammering of Yangus.

Ninja'd by her, which is convenient! She first pegs Crow as my most likely scum partner, then goes on to say Ash is her second choice vote.

Why again am I exponentially worse than Excel, who hasn't really built cases on anyone that are concrete, real, and tangible?

I have a gutjerk feeling to Ash being her partner.

I'd like to first say that aside from Excel, the Queen has been supportive of me as well. I therefore deduce that such things aren't likely "scum pairing tells", given that Queen is a Townie.

So at least one Townie could see reason with me and fail to see what is suspicious about me. Take that in what sense thou wilt.

I'm actually not sure what I'm looking for

With such a stance it is impossible for me to mount a defense that can satisfy you. If you cannot find fault other than with things I can't do a thing about other than, "Hey, I found it more important to chase who I think are scum than say, 'feels townie', 'neutral read', 'this opinion is worth jack shit because all I say is that I haven't the foggiest what to think of him'."

Okay, so I can see the value in telling you guys that I think everyone apart from the one I chase after seems less likely to be scum than the one I am chasing. I understand that, but it is not something I can either excuse or make amends to. It is simply too far gone in the game for me to still make a change to that.

I can, however, still try to compensate by weighing in right now.

I think Excel is most scummy at this moment.

I admit I looked at the Dude mostly on Yangus's behest, taking that a Townie has no reason to lie about suspicion and taking a gander at him. I outlined what I could find on him that was more-or-less solid, and he has rebuked most of those. Fine, I get that, I will not chase that line of inquiry unless further opportunity arises to call question to him again. At present he gives no reason for that.

breaking post here because of word limit, trying to be concise! posting case on excel after this one

Dude: It makes sense for scum to have a powerrole, and if they'd had a roleblocker then they wouldn't have needed to kill Queen. So rolecop makes a fair bit of sense there. If that were true, we'd be looking squarely at Crow based on yesteday's voting record, and anyone else who wanted to lynch Queen yesterday (don't have time to check that right now). Interesting theory.

Nothing else I feel the need to comment on immediately, so bed time for me.

Ja mata ashita!

Just to add to this faulty logic: Queen explicitly stated she was roleblocked. She had no reason to claim so if it wasn't so, so assume scum roleblocker.

I watch The Dude for the following reasons:

Day 1

The Dude begins with a vote on the Queen, right here. His next post is concluding we're getting rid of Queen, and asking if "Does anyone have a problem with getting rid of Queen Liz right now?" Serling nicely re-construed that sentence but we're taking it as it is written. The Queen makes one misstep and he immediately concludes she's going to be lynched, going so far as asking people whether they would mind.

I can only see that as getting people to get rid of her by looking at the case against her and her complete lack of defense.

He posts this line later on:
I've gotta think Excel is one of these Planet Eater fucks.
but doesn't really pursue Excel any more than just that. Instead, he keeps his vote on the Queen, ignoring Excel's bandwagoning and opportunism.

scrolling back a bit I also dig up this:
I'm a little un-fucking-nerved by Khan's inex-fucking-plicable lack of placing Excel on his list of suspicion, man
where he's bothered that Khan doesn't suspect Excel. What is his obsession with Excel?

In this post he claims developing theories and that he'd expand on them later. I see no such thing happening over the course of the game. At all.

He opens the day with a relatively fucking detailed and complex argument against Khan
here he is misrepresenting my case by calling it "detailed" and "complex", which I already explained was nothing of the sort and you read too much into it. Still, he's intentionally painting me here as abandoning a good case in favor of an easy case.

During the second sudden death, he again disappears, his conviction to see me lynched from the start still standing.

And now, again, he cozies up with Excel as he's done all game. He's mentioned her so many times and tied her with scum pairings a few times and whatnot, but doesn't actually see through anything at all.

And this is why I want to know why he seems Town to you guys, because I absolutely cannot see how this man has been the very personification of a Townie when he has such quirks.

Mr Miyagi is town vanilla. Have no role, is unfortunate.

Miyagi looking at Ash + The Dude combo. Because Khan and Crow so active already, is easy overlook others. Now, Miyagi look good and hard, and has feeling these two work together. Not understand why everyone think The Dude is town.

Someone explain please for Miyagi understand?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 03:01:26 PM »
LYLO and potential LYLO would've been announced, so we haven't lost the game yet.

The only thing holding back your vote is allowing people to talk? You yourself aren't really talking, even though you're the one on the block. What, intend to quickhammer me if someone declares intent to hammer you?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:56:27 PM »
I fail at italize tags. I read that sentence as so far gone from ... as top priorities, implying that those should've been my top priorities.

Yangus-san, you say, "if the deadlock really was town v town". Do you think this deadlock is town vs town?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:55:42 PM »
Mr. Miyagi: I beg your pardon, I guess it wasn't clear enough. The bracketed points were those that I thought you were raising in your pre-deadline post, ones that I disagree with myself, and hence not the ones I was after.

Misunderstanding on my behalf. I read that sentence as so far gone from ... as top priorities[/i], implying that those should've been my top priorities.

Yangus-san, you say, "if the deadlock really was town v town". Do you think this deadlock is town vs town?

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:41:41 PM »
Mr. Miyagi's yet to address anything that I personally have on him (so far gone with refuting a Mr. Miyagi / Mr. Yangus pairing and his unvote from me as being the top priorities? I actually can't tell for sure. Anyway, they're not points I'd really hit him for), hence no immediate reply from me. I assume he'll get to those in his extended reply.


I'm not in league with Yangus-san. I don't see how you can think that. As I said earlier, if he exposed himself to pull the lynch away from me, you'd still look at me first and foremost because of that action. There is no logic available to me that can link Yangus-san to me without being incredibly faulty logic.

I unvoted you because you weren't my top priority at that moment. I said this: I pursued you for your actions Day 1 and then found a greater target in Yangus-san's lack of contribution. You had satisfactorily sated my need for answers. What more reasoning do you want? I also said this before.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:32:15 PM »
Okay, great. Won't have to worry about my post getting cut off then. Dropping flavor for ultimate clarity, since I rather not get lynched because my flavor made you not-understand what I write.

I'll address Crow-san's concerns first before moving on towards who I think need a good look at aside from Yangus-san.

And yet, against all logic, as time passed and deadline approached you gave less weight to her lack of content and moved your vote off her.

Yes, I am guilty of this. However, it is because I hoped my vote would inspire her to put more thoughtful content out on her next post, and not because I thought her two posts were the end all and be all of a solid case for scumhunting. When Ned continued posting as he had, my suspicion grew with him rather than with her - or more specifically, I grew more suspicious of him rather than Elizabeth.

So because Ned was visibly there once, it had to be apathy, and Lizzy could've been using invisible mode to her heart's content but that gets her off the block?

I'm rather much willing to believe that people don't have that much time to spend playing Mafia. I know I haven't had that this game. I'm not going to hold that against people that much on Day 1, but I will hold it against them if they post rabidly and fail to say anything of relevance during that entire time.

And specifically, Ned continued to post as he did even after I voted the Queen for lack of content, which I believed was partly inattention by not at all noticing what the hell was going on, just like with his inattention for which votes had been jokes and which had been for real.

I have a gut feeling that Elizabeth is not scum. She doesn't strike me as scum right now, but I can understand the flak she's getting. I just can't fault her on it because her behaviour, in my eyes, is similar to mine: When she pops in, she at least formulates her accusations and votes on who she believes deserves that vote.


I have a bad feeling about The Dude-san. His first contributions were positively townie, but lately he seems... I dunno. It seems that the two prominent figures are Crow-san and Khan-san, whereas at first Dude-san used to be there too, as far as I felt. Something might be up, but I'm not sure what to make of it.

Don't like Khan-san's comment on third parties much. That's just a minor thing, though.

At the moment I don't like Ash-san. He's been consistently on Khan-san's case this day, with not much regard for other cases. He harps against me for not keeping my vote on Khan-san, but at no point in time does he actually pursue this line of thought with a vote in me, even though I got the vibes from his post that, second to Khan-san I should be his primary choice for a lynch. Keep a close eye on 'im, I would.

Of Khan-san and Crow-san, I like Khan-san best. Yes, despite my earlier case on him, he actually actively takes the time to rouse the town, which seems like pretty OK in my book. Crow-san is only second to Khan-san, so no grave suspicions towards him just yet, aside from the scrutiny for looking so darn town. (can't help but be wary of those that look not suspicious)

Yangus-san is a better lynch for today than I am. I am thoroughly convinced something's up with him when looking at his entire game representation. He says I am not gutsier than he is, which is misrepresentation due to only quoting the votelist. Moreover, all my votes are serious votes, and all my votes are underlined with reasoning whereas his are not. His are more parrots of other votes.

To this moment my vote on Yangus-san originated not from his latest course of action but from the whole comprehensive of his actions. His vote on The Dude-san isn't here nor there as far as justification goes so far. Excel-san and Elizabeth deserve some scrutiny for readily jumping on Yangus-san without the proper justification aside from his latest quirk of action. I, however, disagree with the case on me.

Excel-san, just to add, still strikes me as alarming, due to the idiotic way in which she behaves and yet it feels like that popular strategem, "Feign madness but keep your balance."

I hope this post can sway your mind.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:08:43 PM »
Dead-line ninja Miyagi.

Miyagi now writing thoughts to notepad, will post them when new day arrive unless someone make sudden death.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:03:34 PM »
Miyagi return, apologize for prolonged absense. Simply have need for sleep and do other thing.

Miyagi suddenly see case for Yangus-san be agree with, but most that have join Yangus-san bandwagon only for his latest action, they cite, and not for his previous actions. Argue he may be try pull lynch away from me: Maybe, but to what merit?

If he lynches today and is scum, is next step not lynch Miyagi? For he protect Miyagi then by do so odd? Miyagi cannot understand what merit scum would have for protect Miyagi.

Miyagi want know now that others jump off Khan-san as well. Miyagi still suspicious for not voting Khan-san anymore? Miyagi still need good looking at for believe Khan-san not that terrible and need not be lynch?

More in minute, need time to read everything before deadline.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 07:18:11 PM »

I haven't commented on the things I haven't commented on because I don't think I need to. They're minor things to me that I cannot say much more on than, "well, I felt like it". Elizabeth wasn't that alarming to begin with and I was pushing for her to speak up, not to get her lynched. I disagreed with the people who presented her as being the "best case", especially if she were to speak up and get it sorted out and give me the answers I asked for.

My problem with Ned, again, was that he blatantly ignored anything that occured that day to tunnel-vision-home-in on lurkers. The few times he did comment on it felt forced and insufficient.

Queen Elizabeth doesn't really look all that scummy to me. Sure, she flailed, but she's recovered and is overshadowed by my current case of Yangus.

My case on Khan wasn't that complicated or complex. Freaking hell guys, I attacked him for posting a lot during SUDDEN DEATH without actually saying something and for going all "I find myself convinced by" without formulating his own stance. I couldn't see it in there anyway. When he posted actual content later on I was satisfied with his explanation and moved on to who I felt is more scummy.

I'm not strictly worse than Yangus in that aspect, but I've consistently tried to point at whoever I felt is scum and direct attention to the people I believe deserve attention, especially by going through with my words and voting on them, whereas Yangus has not done the same. Rather, he has not even commented on any particular case today. Combined with his behaviour from the previous day I feel I have a pretty good reason to see him lynched, because I am getting various sorts of "Might be scum but could be town" reads from everyone else.

I feel slightly bad about The Dude, for reasons I cannot explain. Khan still worries me, but not to the extend that I will push for his lynch barring any further actions on his behalf that raise him on the scum-o-dar. Excel is a motormouth and started as an idiot, but recovered. Her idiocy seems controlled, though, so part of me wants to experimentally lynch her on suspicion that someone's advising her on her actions.

Miyagi now going back in character.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 24, 2008, 04:08:09 PM »
Miyagi not see need talk of people Miyagi think is not scummy. Miyagi only talk of people Miyagi think is scum, or think need be more clear.

##UNVOTE: Khan now have answer Miyagi questions, Miyagi satisfied.


Looking at relevant discussion, Miyagi notice four thing:

A] Argument between Excel-san and Khan-san over trifle.
B] Seems be little progress.
C] Death now also confirm town.
D] Yangus-san not contribute to anything.

Yangus-san come in second day, then make quick comment that need not respond to Elizabeth accusation much, that Excel-san feels off and that Khan-san may "outsmarting" self.

##VOTE: Yangus

Miyagi not satisfied. Yangus-san should comment on current state of affairs, not say someone maybe suspicious but not follow through. Miyagi also noting Yangus-san only voting Serling as jokes, then Elizabeth when people looking Elizabeth, then Ned when people on Ned train. Only has vote in solid case. Not pursue case of his own much, but join bandwagon.

Miyagi feel this good choice for lynch.


Not to fall victim to own contradiction, Miyagi consider case on Khan-san. Not see argument of little content. Khan-san Say Lots when Speak, and active pursue of progress. Whether progress for town or scum, Miyagi not can say. Miyagi watching Khan-san intense from now. Will attempt decide if Khan-san scum or town soon.

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