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Messages - Ikari Gendo

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: August 04, 2008, 04:41:51 AM »
Waiting works, been a bit busy anyways.

General Chat / Re: What Games Are You Playing: 2008
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:24:34 AM »
Besides modern games like Crysis, STALKER, ETQW, SupCom and Age of Conan; I've been going into an old-school PC gaming binge. TIE Fighter, I-War 2, Dungeon Keeper 2, Nox, Harvest Moon. Trying to motivate myself to finish the ten or so old RPG's I have lying around, but I hate it when they're over and I put them off to make them last forever...

What? No, this isn't a vague attempt at an introduction through declared interests post... no sir...

General Chat / Re: Watching any anime?
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:17:21 AM »
Still something of a virgin to modern and obscure anime, but I think my forum handle speaks for itself... was a fan of Evangelion for years, but money sort of neutered any ability to see it with the original voice actors and English subtitling. Then I found VeohTV, and we made sweet, sweet Eva love. I keep hearing good things about this "Geass" thing and Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Need to watch those.

Forum Games / Re: Barkley Mafia Sign-ups!
« on: July 07, 2008, 08:11:58 AM »
Count me in. Hopefully I won't fail horribly or end up another Day Two sacrificial lamb...

Forum Games / Re: Suicide Squad mafia signups
« on: July 06, 2008, 06:31:22 PM »
ill join up

Just to clarify, this is one of the four possible people I had in mind that could join us for a game of Mafia here. He hails from a small gaming community where, just recently, I introduced Mafia to the masses. Suffice to say some of them are pretty excited about it, although they aren't yet STELLAR PRIME EXAMPLES OF AWESOME PLAY.

So I guess this is me asking you folk to keep this in mind during the game so that delta won't be lynched on accounts of not understanding how it's played here. I already told him tids and bits of how serious mafia is here, but like me, he may be astounded at first.

You wound me, Bardiche. Here I thought my machinations in those games, while getting me killed just about every second day, were clever if anyone else was clever to pick up on them... Rargh. Will get into the next game of this for sure.

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