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Messages - Andemon

Pages: [1] 2
RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 Rankings - Making the final cut
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:39:25 PM »
Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance (FW Naesala)
1. Yes.
2. Yes.

Mana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis
1. Yes.
2. Yes.


Mega Man X: Command Mission
1. Yes.
2. No.
3. Maybe I'm overlooking something, but this seems like a really bad rank. I've seen MS Saga mentioned more often than this...

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Retirement thread, Season 49
« on: February 13, 2009, 07:10:40 PM »
AtL4: Keep.
Writeup potential considered, she's more entertaining than the other two combined. Either boot the game fully or keep all three...

BGs: Retire Edwin and Viconia. Keep the starters.

SF1: Keep Anri, Bleu, Mae, Darksol, Mishaela, Ramladu, Kane and Domingo. Abstain on Zylo. Retire the rest.
I don't know anyone outside of DL who didn't use Bleu: competent flyers are in short supply, especially since the other one can be missed.

SF2: Keep Sarah and Slade. Abstain on the rest.

ToE: I don't remember much about this game. I'm sure that I've played it, but... Abstain.

VPs: Abstain.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: S49 Retirement Topic
« on: February 11, 2009, 07:30:40 PM »
Plenty of games on the chopping block this time...
Let's see...:

ATL 4 - Keep. Kharg did pretty well during S41. Maybe the next time.
Chrono Cross - Boot the plotless, etc. Too many to list, refer to Djinn's post. They get in too frequently, must be annoying for those who can't vote for the game.
Baldur's Gate - Boot Viconia and Edwin, Keep the rest. (Starters and Imoen.)
Brigandine - Abstain.
Fire Emblem 7 - Boot Dart, Heath, Isadora and Vaida. Keep the rest.
Phantasy Star 1 - Boot. Hasn't aged well.
Phantasy Star 2 - Keep Rolf. The rest? Abstain.
Shining Force 1 - Boot Kane, Tao, Lowe, Balbaroy and Alef. Keep the rest.
Shining Force 2 - Keep Odd Eye, Bowie, Sarah, Slade and Peter. Boot the rest.
Barbarossa - Keep.
Suikoden 1-3 - Keep.
Tales of Eternia - Abstain.
Valkyrie Profile - Abstain. Could use some minor trimming, but maybe the next time...

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49/50 Rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: February 10, 2009, 07:20:14 AM »
I guess my big question is that... do people really care about WA5 more than MMXCM outside the DL?

The numbers are disappointingly low for both games.
MMX:CM is more widely played than WA5, but its popularity is dragged down by the Megaman fans who thought that it was too boring/wordy. Most of them have zero interest in DL, so I predict that the draw will remain low if it's ranked. Not only that, but it's already four years old, and as I said, rapidly fading into obscurity.

WA5 received a rather lukewarm reception, slightly lower than WA4.

Frankly, neither of them seem worth ranking. If it were possible, I would've only voted for MK. WA5 is slightly better than the alternatives, but not by much.
...actually, I had forgotten about Naesala. Tempted to switch my vote now...

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49/50 Rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: February 09, 2009, 09:41:29 PM »
Checked the numbers and various rating sites.

Tales of Vesperia seems to be far more popular than I expected, it utterly outranks (among others) WA5 and Dis3. External is more than ok, too bad about the internal.
MMX:CM seems to be fading into obscurity, doesn't seem worth ranking.
Persona 4 isn't ready yet.

Considering the internal, I can see only two acceptable choices:
Mana Khemia and WA5 FW: Naesala.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 nom pools
« on: January 09, 2009, 04:50:16 PM »
Godlike: Gilbert(SH3), Teepo(BoF3), Rhapthorne(DQ8), Ghaleon(Lunars), Ash Lambert(VH), Kratos Aurion(ToS)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Mario(SMRPG), Mia(FE9), Fayt Leingod(SO3), Hero(Lufia1), Jack van Burace(WA)
Middle: Sharmista(S5), Rasputin(SH2), Pesmerga(Suikos), Koromaru(Pers3), Guntz(SF1), Anise Tatlin(TotA)
Light: Slash(CT), Aisha(OB), Wilder(S3), Rozalin(Disgaea2), Gogen(AtLC), Liz(WA2)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 48 nom pools
« on: November 29, 2008, 07:33:50 AM »
Godlike: Sephiroth(FF7), Gilbert(SH3), Teepo(BoF3), Rhapthorne(DQ8), Heat(DDS), Freya(VPs)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Rapp(G1), Mario(SMRPG), Mia(FE9), Fayt Leingod(SO3), Hero(Lufia1)
Middle: Sania(AtLC), Sharmista(S5), Rasputin(SH2), Darksol(SF1), Pesmerga(Suikos), Koromaru(Pers3)
Light: Slash(CT), Aisha(OB), Bartre(FE7), Tink(Disgaea2), Snowe(S4), Wilder(S3)


RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 47 Nomination pools
« on: October 18, 2008, 11:43:29 AM »
Godlike: Sephiroth(FF7), Tir McDohl(Suikos), Gilbert(SH3), Teepo(BoF3), Profound Darkness(PS4), Rhapthorne(DQ8)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1), Ayame(S3), Ershin(BoF4), Mario(SMRPG)
Middle: Sania(AtLC), Eliwood(FE7), Sharmista(S5), Oscar(FE9), Rasputin(SH2), Darksol(SF1)
Light: Slash(CT), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB), Bartre(FE7), Tink(Disgaea2), Snowe(S4)


RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: October 11, 2008, 10:36:34 AM »
1) Yes
2) Yes

DNR: Minato
Rank: PCs except ^, Strega
Abstain: NA

1) Partially
2) Yes

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: October 10, 2008, 07:58:47 AM »
Persona 3, FW: Naesala

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 Noms
« on: September 06, 2008, 07:00:14 AM »
Pools are valid! Copy this text for your formatted pool:
Godlike: Empyrea(DQ8), Sephiroth(FF7), Asgard(WA3), Tir McDohl(Suikos), Gilbert(SH3), Teepo(BoF3)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1), Ayame(S3), Ershin(BoF4), Mario(SMRPG)
Middle: Diego Renault(VH), Sania(AtLC), Eliwood(FE7), Sharmista(S5), Oscar(FE9), Rasputin(SH2)
Light: Slash(CT), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB), Bartre(FE7), Imoen(BGs), Tink(Disgaea2)


RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 45 Noms
« on: July 26, 2008, 11:21:39 AM »
Godlike: Songi(LoL), Nate Nanjo(Pers), Sephiroth(FF7), Empyrea(DQ8), Kuja(FF9), Choko(AtLC)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1), Ayame(S3), Mario(SMRPG), Ershin(BoF4)
Middle: Diego Renault(VH), Lufia(Lufia1), Levi(S5), Sania(AtLC), Shoon(S5), Eliwood(FE7)
Light: Slash(CT), Imoen(BGs), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB), Bartre(FE7), Lucied(WAs)


RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: July 20, 2008, 09:33:17 AM »
FF6 vs TotA
FF1 vs BoF1

FE8 vs FF7

XS vs Suiko 1/2
SoA vs LoD

FF6 vs FE7
BoF2 vs CC

This is a pretty well played lineup. The obscure games in the group are.. BoF1 (GBA release, older game but well played here) and maybe LoD/SoA? Both were huge releases in their day. I get what you're driving at, will touch on it below.

Right, those were huge releases. Nonetheless, I have great difficulty finding gamers who have played them AND remember them well enough to vote.

However, another point worth noting in these semifinals is that, surprisingly, FE and FF fanbases do not seem to overlap much.
I tried to sell this site on the FE forum, but most folks there hadn't played anything beyond strategy RPGs, with the notable exception of FFX.

PS1 I agree completely on, and a handful of other older games. But you can only make so much headway there before you run into a problem- the roster and the voters we've assembled are largely based around console games, from the SNES era to the PS2 era. You can't entirely reshape the roster on what outsiders say. We can only cater to the voters we have. Of course the flipside of this is the voters who don't play new games any more and only want the same few titles in over and over. Have to balance this out of course, can't let things get too stagnated.

I'd say that it's been out of balance for a while.
The vote-totals haven't been this low since... season 14? Hopefully I miscounted, but that's what it seems like.
According to the tracking sites, DL still gets almost as many page hits as before. I'm not quite sure what to make of that. Either there's an increasing amount of visitors who don't bother to vote -- or simply can't. If it's the latter, then I'd say that it's definitely time to consider pruning the roster; or at least to exhibit some restrain when nominating older games.

The low amount of voters also means that the numbers can no longer be considered statistically accurate. The votes are skewed towards the regulars, and if those totals are used to determine which game to rank, then the rift will only keep on growing. Other sources such as sales and popularity should be used instead when determining if the game is ready to rank. If there are enough writers internally and the game sold well, then I think it should be considered ready.

P3 for instance: now would've been the perfect time to rank it.
By not ranking it before P4 is released, we'll miss out on a potential influx of voters and likely some new writers[1]. Sequels always generate a surge of renewed interest towards the series, and if P3 had been ranked by the time that P4 is released it would've been easy to "sell" this site to the fanbase. If it's not ranked by that time, then there's nothing to sell.

[1] The P3 fanbase does seems to contain an abnormal amount of creative talent, although to be honest, there's few too many emo-kids among them.

And as for the point about new games.. yeah, but how many of the new games released are niche titles? The PS2 era had a staggering number of RPGs released. Making even most of them rankable is impossible, same as in any era. We can only pick the strongest ones. While it's cool people are enjoying the new games, we're always only going to have our roster be a small fraction of the new, hot games.  The DL is going to be a hard sell to a 17 year old who's never seen an SNES just due to the age of the concept (The RPGP started in the very early PSX era). Not a lot we can do about that but try to rank new games as they come like P3.

FE9 was released three years, D2 two. Neither fit the definition of hot and new.
The main problem here is the site visibility. There are plenty of gamers who have played those two, but most of them played them when they were released. It's unlikely that ranking them so long after they've been released will net us many new voters. Fortunately they're both strategy RPGs, so that makes it somewhat easier sell. I know just the right forum. ...but enough about that.

There are plenty of ways to improve the site visibility, to connect this site to the gamers who have played those games. I've mentioned some ways before.
I'd appreciate it if someone who is fluent in English and able to sum RPGDL in a sentence or two would click this link and submit this site to the directory:

Trust me, that WILL draw more voters here. I'd do it myself, but I'm not fluent enough since English is my fourth language.

Because PC games by and large aren't rankable. The ones that do fit the format are older and can't draw at all. I hate to use the term 'doesn't fit the format', but.. most really don't. And PC and console gamers don't mix.  How I usually explain it to new voters- not enough fan demand and the games don't fit the format. I know it's hard to sell the DL to people and doubly hard with the current downturn in new gmaes, but I'm not sure what we can effectively do there besides push the concept.

True. There haven't been many recent releases that are rankable, beyond popular shareware games such as Aveyond.
I doubt that those have any chance to get ranked, even though...!

Anyway, PC and console gamers seem to overlap more and more. Hardly anyone owns just one console these days, most serious gamers own a PC and several consoles -- and play RPGs on all of them. I'd recommend keeping an eye on that market, and ranking the next big-name rankable from there.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: July 19, 2008, 09:25:22 PM »
Uh, ranking is what causes the roster to be full of games people haven't heard of. If we wanted to avoid that problem we would stick to big Square releases, Pokemon RBY, GBA Fire Emblem, and maybe Suikoden/BoF or two? So I don't really follow your complaint. We certainly wouldn't add games that are as marginal as well... everything up for ranking this time!

I obviously didn't make my point clear.
I've tried advertising this site in numerous places, but even though many seem to like the concept, they simply can't vote since they're only played newer games. For example, PS1 was released in 1988. Some of those whom I tried to direct here hadn't even been born then, and majority of the older folks hadn't discover the genre until few years ago. Most of them had played pretty much every RPG since then and they'd make good voters, but considering the roster... Many of the ranked games were released before their time. Most of them take one look at the roster and flee. So many new RPGs get released every year that there aren't many gamers who have time to play the old classics -- they're too busy with the new games.

Based on my experiences, I'd say that the only way to increase the vote totals is by ranking more recent games -- and pruning some of the old ones. That probably includes some of my favorites (fe. SF :(), but I'm more concerned about the long-term health of this site than keeping my favorite games here. If we don't keep attracting new writers, the site will end up stagnating sooner or later.

Also Mass Effect? Seriously? Do you honestly believe that game wouldn't bomb out here? Hardly any DLers have played it, it has gotten zero exposure in NR, no suggestors in the ranking topic, etc.

Tsk. I'm fully aware that it's not rankable, it was just an silly example. You wouldn't believe how many times I've been asked why such games aren't on the roster. (Another question that I get asked frequently is why there aren't any PC RPGs on it...)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: July 19, 2008, 08:16:45 AM »

Blanket yes to everything.
It's been ages since the last rank. I've been trying to direct more folks here, but it's getting more and more difficult when the roster is full of games that they haven't even heard of -- and none of the ones that they've played recently (such as P3 and Mass Effect). Just look at the current semifinals: I don't know any gamers outside of DL who could vote on more than two of those matches.

At least ranking D2 and FE9 (assuming that we rank FE10 ASAP) is a step in the right direction. Some new blood might make this site look less stagnated. Not ranking P3 is a massive mistake, though.!

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 rankings: Preliminary stage
« on: July 18, 2008, 01:53:53 PM »
Assuming that it's not too late to vote:

 - Persona 3
   Has a massive fanbase, maybe it'll draw more voters here. Shame about Persona 2, though.
 - FE9
   Just rank it already, ok?

As for the others...

Disgaea 2: Finished. Wouldn't mind seeing this in DL, even though it was inferior to Disgaea 1.
Mana Khemia & Wild Arms 5: Played partially. Liked MH, didn't play WA5 for long enough to form an opinion. Probably won't finish either since my PS2 broke...
Operation Darkness & Enchanted Arms & Eternal sonata: 360? I might play these in few years.
Valkyria Chronicles: PS3? See above. Too many unplayed games for the consoles that I already own, won't buy a new one anytime soon.
Xenosaga 3: Haven't played this and never will. Couldn't even slog through the first one.
Kartia: Finished. Decent game, but I doubt that it'd do well. Might be amusing to give it a shot in NR, though.
Phantom Brave: Finished. Rather mediocre, there are plenty of other games that I'd rather see here.
Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2: Finished both. I despise these almost as much as Pokemon.
Radiata Stories: Finished. Didn't enjoy it, though. There are far better games to rank.
Final Fantasy Tactics: Advanced: Finished. Mediocre, but rather this than fe. KH.
Ateiler Iris 1: Finished. Wouldn't mind seeing in DL, but there are better choices.
The World Ends with You: Finished. Erm... Not exactly DL material.
Mother 1 & Tales of Innocence & Fire Emblem 6: Haven't played. Maybe after I finish my Japanese studies. In other words, at this rate, maybe in few decades.
Final Fantasy 12: Played partially. Not suitable for DL.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest: Played partially. Hated it, but I'd vote it over... say, KH.
Summon Night: DS? Played partially. Mediocre.
Treasure of the Rudras: Finished. Mediocre.
La Pucelle Tactics: Finished. Rather this than Phantom Brave, but rather Disgaea 2 than this.
Ar Tonelico: Finished. Might be interesting to see it in NR.
Megaman X Command Mission: Total apathy. Might actually be a good game, but this was somewhere near the bottom of my to-play list even before my PS2 broke.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 44 nom pools
« on: June 13, 2008, 05:49:55 PM »
Pools are valid! Copy this text for your formatted pool:
Godlike: Songi(LoL), Nate Nanjo(Pers), Choko(AtLC), Dhaos(ToP), Kurando Inugami(SH2), Lamington(Disgaea)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Alfina de Pamela(G3), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1), Ayame(S3), Ershin(BoF4)
Middle: Diego Renault(VH), Lufia(Lufia1), Nelis(S5), Eliwood(FE7), Levi(S5), Sania(AtLC)
Light: Slash(CT), Zylo(SF1), Futch(Suikos), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB), Bartre(FE7)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 43 Nom pools
« on: May 02, 2008, 07:12:24 AM »
Godlike: Songi(LoL), Nate Nanjo(Pers), Ryu(BoF2), Dhaos(ToP), Kurando Inugami(SH2), Lamington(Disgaea)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Hect(G3), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1), Ayame(S3), Lenny Curtis(SH2)
Middle: Diego Renault(VH), Lufia(Lufia1), Sania(AtLC), Alef(SF1), Tear Grants(TotA), Levi(S5)
Light: Slash(CT), Balbaroy(SF1), Futch(Suikos), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB), Bartre(FE7)

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 14, 2008, 07:06:26 AM »
Good player == conscious and intentional, learns from past mistakes.

Here's some basic study material for those who do not fit the above category:

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 11, 2008, 08:21:21 AM »
Well the only new people in this game were Keeshi and Ryogo. And while Keeshi played well, she is only new to the board, NOT to the game in general. She plays alot of mafia at her work's internal board, and has for awhile.

I see. I was referring to Keeshi.
She obviously had some previous mafia experience, but I didn't realize that she had played that much.
In any case, previous experience might actually be harmful here. Some of the regulars have rather uncommon views on what is "good play".

Bad play != definite scumtell.
Defensiveness != scumtell.

Corwin triggered my scumdar almost instantly, but I also mistakenly suspected Ryogo along the way. Oh well, there goes my record of predicting scum. ...and I was having such a good run until now, too... Meh.

Forum Games / Re: Composer Battle Is Go! THE TREBLE CLEF IS YOUR DOOM!
« on: April 11, 2008, 05:12:19 AM »
Great write-ups, and the setup seems balanced enough. 'least, I've seen far worse.

I would comment more, but I think that my brain imploded somewhere along the way thanks to the "logic" exhibited by some here. It's not a good sign if a newbie plays far better game than some of the regulars.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: New ranking ideas?
« on: April 06, 2008, 09:44:01 AM »
Games w/ Interesting Duelists:
1. Persona 3. 
2. Disgaea 2.
3. Luminous Arc.

Games w/ best Draw:
1-3. Meh. Ranking games based on draw == Kingdom Hearts and even more Pokemon == utter fail.

No judgements, what games do you, personally, want to see in the DL?
1. Rerank Persona 2.
2. Fire Emblem 9.
3. Ultima VII; Avatar for the Godlike. Not bloody likely, but you said no judgments.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 42 Nomination pools
« on: March 21, 2008, 09:46:50 PM »
Godlike: Dhoulmagus(DQ8), Magus (Janus Zeal)(CT), Kefka(FF6), Songi(LoL), Malik Benedict(WA3), Nate Nanjo(Pers)
Heavy: Poo(EB), Largo(TotA), Hect(G3), Tosh(AtLC), Precis Neuman(SO2), Rapp(G1)
Middle: Diego Renault(VH), Dupa(S3), Lufia(Lufia1), Ayne(LoL2), Roland(DDS), Alef(SF1)
Light: Slash(CT), Balbaroy(SF1), Futch(Suikos), Jayle(VP1), Nana(G1), Saradin(OB)

Some potential for low vote totals there, but considering that the bot hasn't picked anything from my pools for the past nine seasons, there's no reason to worry...

RPGDL Discussion / Re: What games can you vote on?
« on: March 13, 2008, 02:38:47 PM »
Breath of Fire 5
Saga Frontier
Skies of Arcadia
Xenosaga 2

Dragon Warrior IV
Legend of Dragoon [Completed it, but found it so tedious that I no longer remember anything about it.]
Phantasy Star 1 [See above.]
Pokemon [Played most of them, completed some. With only a few exceptions, couldn't care less and won't bother voting for the matches.]
Star Ocean 3
Wild Arms 4

Forum Games / Re: Phantom Brave Mafia - Game Topic (GAME OVER)
« on: March 12, 2008, 06:14:19 AM »
Out of curiosity, are you sure there's nothing more than a strong hunch that had you thinking I was scum? Did you know there was only one scum, or did you think I was scum acting with someone else?

This was introduced as a small and simple game, so I was 99% sure that there would only be one scum.

As for why I suspected you?
There was something slightly off with your posts, but I can't quite pinpoint what. Almost seemed like most of the others were taking shots in the dark, but you seemed to know what you were doing. Mostly just a hunch, though.

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