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Messages - Paltheos

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Artea (Lufia 2) vs Rofel (FFT) - Rofel is 2HKOed first, and Artea is more likely than not to weather any status Rofel throws at him.
Articuno (PKMN) vs Edea (FF8) - Speed is really close. I first thought Death would go through, but I'm not sure now. If not, Articuno's got this. Even super effective hits won't do enough damage to keep up with Blizzard.


LC Chan (S2) vs Gafgarion (FFT) - Should be able to overtake Night Sword.


Tia (Lufia 2) vs Sten (BoF2) - Depends on who goes first. Both are really fast, but I think Tia edges out Sten.


Fou-Lu (BoF4) vs Mewtwo (Pokemon) - It feels a little weird allowing multi-turning when both games are rigidly one-to-one turn-based. If that is allowed, then yeah, Mewtwo should win, I think. An Astral critical may OHKO, but I don't remember how often he really crits. I know it's allot, but unless it's at least 50% then never mind.

Kyogre (PKMN) vs Mewtwo (PKMN)

If Kyogre puts all of its strength into offense, Hydro Pump manages anywhere from 208 to 246 damage against Mewtwo, but that's before Amnesia.

If Kyogre tries the defensive game - Mewtwo's boosting move is twice as fast, RBY mechanics give Mewtwo a 25.4% critical rate and Psychic has a 30% chance of dropping one of Kyogre's boosts, and even if Kyogre could boost all the way up (which it absolutely can't), a weak Water Pulse would be the only attack it could respond with that could challenge Recover.

Kyogre could try for an instant kill with Sheer Cold but that probably won't work either. In RBY (and only RBY), instant kill moves fail if the the target is faster than the user. Kyogre could try Body Slam or something and pray for paralysis, but the odds of all the right things happening together are too slim. Kyogre gets in at most 3 moves. It has better odds going for a freeze instant-win, but that's also too unlikely to seriously consider.


Ryu (BoF3) vs False Althena (Lunar:EBC) - Ryu is faster (not slower) so beats everything FA can throw, except Ray, which has priority and OHKOs. Unless you can count Thunder Ring (which you can't because it's a universal equip, right?), FA wins.
Cidolfas Orlandu (FFT) vs Brahms (VPs) - Night Sword against the non-undead undead. Going by VP2 Brahms here since VP1 Brahms... doesn't really seem fair to Godlike.


Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) vs Kasumi (Suikos) - No sleep protection. Or Edge could just Fuma her to death from the start.


Ho-oh (Pokemon) vs. Edward "Edge" Geraldine (FF4) - Ho-oh can learn Rest... via TM (an easily attainable, before post-game TM too, if you care). Is that DL legal? If so, Rest/Safeguard/Recover/Sacred Fire gets him around the sleep average shenanigans (as does Sleep Talk/Recover/Sacred Fire/(filler or nothing) - may be better and everything I said for the Rest TM applies to Sleep Talk too), and DS Edge just dies to Sacred Fire.
Nina Wyndia (BoF4) vs. Kasumi (Suikos) - 2HKOs first, apparently.


Elhaym van Houten (XG) vs. Rikku (FFX) - Body/Mind Blocker? I forgot about those. Elly wins here.


Relm Arrowny (FF6) vs Colette Brunel (ToS) - Still undecided. Leaning toward Relm.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 54, Week 5
« on: September 28, 2009, 03:24:02 AM »
Loki (VP1) vs Ryu (BoF3): I thought about this one for a while. If Loki's faster, he wins. Maybe not on turn one, since Ryu can tweak his equipment to soften the blows, but he won't hold out against Loki. If Ryu's faster, he can cut through Loki's poor magic defense with something like Thunder+Eldritch and spam Mjollnir, and Eldritch's INT boost makes surviving a turn of Loki's magic attacks plausible. Thunder+Fire+Eldritch might be better. I don't know if he'd survive Extension Force otherwise and gives him better chances against Indiscriminate. At first I was gonna give it to Loki hands down but Indiscriminate being magic damage (and random elemental) makes me think again. Most of Loki's best attacks being magical or elemental work against him here. I don't remember how high chances of KOing are from his regular physicals, but if it's respectable, he can stop Ryu that way since all dragons bar Kaiser and Tiamat (which won't be seeing play) have no ID immunity and don't retain defensive properties from Ryu's equips.

Haven't played P4 or DDS.

EDIT: Wow, you're right. Thanks, Pyro. I didn't know Kaiser Breath ignored defense. Yeah, Ryu wins this one.

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