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Messages - Starphoenix das Helpoemer

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RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 59 Nom pools
« on: April 16, 2010, 08:00:20 PM »

1. Jenna Angel (DDS) - Been a while, and hermaphrodite love, woo.
2. Terra Branford (FF6) - Decent duelist.
3. Royce (LSSSC) - Bias and Flamebird. :-P
4. Ellen Kirishima (Pers) - Because then I might actually attempt to finish the Snow Queen Quest with her.
5. Chris Lightfellow (S3) - Season 48 and a Decent Duelist.
6. Chelle (WAX) - Season 0 and deadly.


1. Rei (BoF3) - Weretiger Rage.
2. Maya Schroedinger (WA3) - Fun Dress Up Antagonist/Rival.
3. Meliadoul Tingel (FFT) - Badass.
4. Chie Satonaka (P4) - Critical Hit to the Nads.
5. Yuiri (S3) - Good set up and past due.
6. Menardi (GS) - Not because I actually played the game, but because I enjoy the write ups, and sacrificing one spot on the list for that is acceptable.


1. Argilla (DDS) - Needs a win... besides, Teeth on Breasts...
2. Mara (DW4) - Step 1: Turn into a Dragon. Step 2: Breath Fire. Step 3: Profit.
3. Aigis (P3) - I need your halp! :3
4. Tohru Adachi (P4) - Cabbage Lover.
5. Lily Pendragon (S3) - Lily for S6 Cast!
6. Alexia Lynn Elesius (WAX) - Strong hardy knight... do we give her <Spoiler> Sword?


1. Quistis Trepe (FF8) - Sexy Librarian look does it.
2. Malak Galthana (FFT) - Fail.
3. Ramus Farmain (LSSSC) - Even more Fail.
3. Yumei (VP) - I support the chicken dance.
4. Shiho (VP) - I also support the use of almost no offense.
5. Melody Vilente (WA3) - Because her walking through the field unscathed tickles my fancy.
6. Flonne (Dis) - Angelic Assassin.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 56 rankings- making the final cut
« on: January 24, 2010, 08:03:29 PM »
Persona 4

1. Yes

2. Yes to the Killer, Kunino-Sagiri, Mitsuo the Hero, and Izanami. Abstain on the PC Shadows, but note that they're technically similar to Mitsuo the Hero. No to Ameno-Sagiri for Necron-esque out of nowhere state of being.

Wild Arms XF

1. Yes

2. Yes to the PC's (except poor Tony, who is damn near Puny), Charlton, Rupert, Weisheit, and Chelle. Abstain on Asgard. No to Eisen (Wormface?), Zortroa Kinship, and the Final Boss.

Also a no to Tony for Spoilery reasoning.

...for possibly already being ranked under a different name... like Luceid


As a reminder Cascade Song buffs Luna's attack here too, and if Miakis berserks herself she's not healing.

S5 Berserk does not restrict choice of action, just makes the contender hit harder.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 54, Week 4
« on: September 23, 2009, 03:43:26 AM »
Naoto Shirogane(P4) vs Hiro (Lunar:EBC) - A lot less close.. Goes first > TS = SPLAT!
Well not really close at all actually.

Actually it is close. Hiro may or may not go first, and even if he does, Endure goes off. Naoto then pulls off Mudoon or Hamaonn and insta-deaths Hiro. If people see Naoto going first, that's two shots of insta-death for Hiro to contend with. Not as one sided as you make it out to be.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 54 nom pools
« on: August 14, 2009, 09:56:22 PM »

1. Raquel Applegate (WA4)
2. Heat (DDS)
3. Cecelia Lynn Adelhyde (WA1)
4. Ramirez (SoA)
5. Chris Lightfellow (S3)
6. Millenia (G2)

1. Due for a new try. Fun Duelist.
3. Powerful Duelist.
4. Because ambiguously gay villains need loving too.
5. Always liked her, and hope she doesn't get shafted in the draws... again.
6. Two words: Heel Crush.


1. Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)
2. Meliadoul Tingel (FFT)
3. Hiro (Lunar2)
4. Naoto Shirogane (P4)
5. Maya Amano (P2:EP)
6. Luc (Suikos)

1. Always a fan.
2. Love her character, so why not?
3. Go Go Creepy Stalker Hero.
4. Go Light and Dark Death Spam.
5. Let's Positive Boot Up Your Ass!!
6. Because True Runes make you Emo?


1. Crowley (S1)
2. Vormav Tingel (FFT)
3. Ken Amada (P3)
4. Aigis (P3)
5. Viriginia Maxwell (WA3)
6. Aelia (VP1)

1. I... I've got nothing.
2. Season 14, people, 14.
3. Fail Little Boy, Fail.
4. Because Robots can be Sexy too.
5. She conquered a division once, she can do it again.
6. Go and be a sexy dragon. Yeah, you do that.


1. Peco (BoF3)
2. Selphie Tilmitt (FF8)
3. Ramus Farmain (Lunar1)
4. Chidori Yoshino (P3)
5. Bernadette Egan (S5)
6. Shiho (VP1)

1. Fuu... Kii. Enough said.
2. I like trains.
3. Waddle fattie!
4. Because she amuses me.
5. *Shrugs* Why not?
6. Because Shiho makes everything so much better.

A couple of questions on the Chie VS. Demi fight:

- Is Demi effected by Berserk Status?
- Has anyone tested the effectiveness of Chie's Punk Shoes (Which I believe have a high rating for inflicting Berserk)?

Sure, the Punk Shoes would probably nerf her damage somewhat, but P4 Berserk would force Demi to use nothing but regular attacks, playing into Chie's High Counter / Evade game. P4 Berserk also has the added effect of making your Defense suck in exchange for higher Attack.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 53 nom pools
« on: July 04, 2009, 10:20:00 PM »
So... I just do it like this? *Electrocutes self* X-D


Jenna Angel (DDS) - Because trannies need love too... and more... Godlike titles?
Souji Seta (P4) - If only to see just how big of a trainwreck Godlike will be after he competes.
Cecelia Adelhyde (WA1) - Because the thought of a toolbox vs. toolbox match up between her and Souji entertains me.
Millenia (G2) - Oh baby, oh baby... heel crush me to death...
Xenobia (LSSSC) - Because nobody loves her...
Ted (S4) - Suikoden 4 hype and basic DEATH.


Chie Satonaka (P4) - Divine Steak Eating Goddess of the Galactic Punt-age.
Naoto Shirogane (P4) - To win awesomely, or to fail spectacularly... that is the question.
Momo (BoF3) - Scholarly bazooka girls are always full of win... well, maybe not...
Celia (FFT) - Season 22?! Yeah, let's fix that... sexy demonic assassin...
Yuiri (S3) - Massive bow damage, and Alma Kinan has to represent.
Gale (DDS) - Because I noticed the disproportionate number of girls to guys ratio, and he's about due.


Vormav Tingel (FFT) - Way past due (Season 14), and so we can finally either promote or demote the gear breaking arsehole.
Rikku (FFX) - Dog paddling thief girls are all the rage nowadays, didn't you know?
Sharmista (S5) - Cute mage girl with chakrum needs a chance.
Teddie (P4) - BEAR Power! But really, so we can get the bad bear jokes out of the way for a while.
Enrique (SoA) - Because princes of evil empires need a chance to shine too.
Jude Maverick (WA4) - Die in a tire fire.


Nara (DW4) - More fail needed. :-P
Selphie Tilmitt (FF8) - I like trains...
Algus Sadalfus (FFT) - This season needs more fail... More...
Chidori Yoshino (P3) - Gothic-Lolita flavored fail.
Shiho (VP) - ... I don't really need to explain, do I?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Mog vs Chie: Kind of match of doomy.
« on: June 01, 2009, 01:20:48 AM »
Doesn't Chie get a high activation rate of Rage on her Punk Shoes? That nerfs damage overall, and forces Mog to play the game Chie wants to play between her evade and High Counter.

Wrath lasts like three turns. If Hallec needs more than that to finish Ashley off, then he's probably boned anyway.

Does WA2 Defend cut damage from an enemy in half or by another set precedent? That could factor in how long Ashley lasts.

Can't Ashley defend until he has enough FP for a Full Clip? Or am I being entirely too optimistic about his chances of getting it off?


Rydia (FF4) vs. Maya Amano (Pers2) - Can't vote technically, but if Rydia's offense is anywhere close to Magical, she gets slaughtered.
Hallec (S3) vs. Ashley Winchester (WA2) - Ashley? Unsure who hits faster and stronger: Enraged Hallec, or Knight Blazer Ashley.
Dycedarg Beoulve (FFT) vs. Seed (S2) - Is form chain allowed? Holy Sword and Mighty Sword I think take this.
Gilder (SoA) vs. Claude Kenni (SO2) - Claude by virtue of outdamage potential.


Alen (S1) vs. Eileen (S1) - Eileen, by virtue of Earth Rune.
Barret Wallace (FF7) vs. Elena (FF7) - I'll go with arguments for Limits winning this... but didn't Elena have a Charm spell or something?


Melody Vilente (WA3) vs. Connie (S3) - Doesn't Melody come out of this fight without taking damage? That's actually pretty sad... even for Light... Connie not doing damage that is, not the Melody coming out unscathed.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 48 nom pools
« on: November 29, 2008, 09:09:16 PM »
Yay! First time doing a Nomination Pool. Go my mediocrity!


1. Chris Lightfellow (Suikoden 3)
2. Ramirez (Skies of Arcadia)
3. Heat (Digital Devil Saga)
4. Cecilia (Wild Arms 1)
5. Belial (Wild Arms 4)
6. Freya (Valkyrie Profile)

1. Still an interesting duelist with a boatload of healing.
2. Giving the nod to the Galcian Fanboy because I felt like it.
3. Due for a run... I guess...
4. Fabulous mage with a lot of tricks.
5. Should keep the field varied.
6. When in doubt, go with boobs. :-D


1. Maya Amano (Persona 2)
2. Delita Hyral (Final Fantasy Tactics)
3. Celia (Final Fantasy Tactics)
4. Lucien (Valkyrie Profile)
5. Hugo (Suikoden 3)
6. Takaya Sakaki (Persona 3)

1. Positive Thinking. The game has also been re-released by ATLUS through Amazon and sold out. So viewership seems to be better.
2. Because what would Heavy be without an asshole?
3. Assassins are sexy when they're not Ultima Demons.
4. DESTROY!!! Solid guard breaking ability.
5. Because Native Children with Knives and Mounts make good television?
6. Revolver Jesus... that is all.


1. Mitsuru Kirijo (Persona 3)
2. Koromaru (Persona 3)
3. Lily Pendragon (Suikoden 3)
4. Sharmista (Suikoden 5)
5. Virginia Maxwell (Wild Arms 3)
6. Graham Cray (Suikoden 4)

2. Because dogs on fire are nifty.
3. Lily makes everything better.
4. Cute and good magic skills.
5. Gatling runs rampant on you.
6. Smexy smexy evil merchant of death.


1. Melody Vilente (Wild Arms 3)
2. Algus (Final Fantasy Tactics)
3. Peco (Breath of Fire 3)
4. Oulan (Suikoden 2)
5. Quistis Trepe (Final Fantasy 8)
6. Janus (Valkyrie Profile)

1. Because damage shields are fun.
2. Why not? He either wins or fails spectacularly. Reboot form may be better?
3. Melody versus Peco... that's what I want to see. ^_^
4. Due?
5. Variety... and because Blue Magic spam.
6. Reasonably good archer.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings- Final Fantasy 3 and Persona 3
« on: October 20, 2008, 12:36:28 PM »
Has anyone noticed the fact that Aigis also comes with status blocking in her Orgia Mode? When activated, she gets rid of status and blitzes until overheating. That could push her a few  decimal points I think.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 rankings: Making the final cut.
« on: October 15, 2008, 07:51:38 PM »
Persona 3

Played It? Yes.

Rank It? Yes.

Rank: All PC's except Minato and possibly Aigis (Depends on how vote splitting goes). Rank Strega (Chidori makes an awesome Light). Abstain on Nyx Avatar. Do Not Rank Nyx (Plot Boss). Sleeping Table is also DNR. Metis may be FW bait.






However, are we going to re-rank everyone when we get enough viewership for "The Answer?" The main cast actually gets Boss forms that can do a good deal more than their PC forms can do (Mitsuru has One Hit KO damage in her boss form, and all of them get the added Holy and Dark protection for free on top of what they normally resist). Metis still wants her PC form though, while Aigis has no Boss Form, just the multi-persona base to go off of.






The thing is, Minato's damage is so much farther outside the norm that it breaks the averages over his knee. Though I can see your point in removing other grossly outdamaging characters from averages. Perhaps instead of taking account of the mean, we should take into account the median.

Me mentioning S. Links for Aigis was simply just me bemoaning the fact that I have to work to get my Persona up those levels to get their skills instead of fusioning and getting free experience for being nice to the fat kid or whatnot. She can still get the Max S. Link Persona, in fact, she may have an easier time of it, since she doesn't have to do cross, pentagram, or hexagram spreads to get them.

Simple, don't. As is, Minato throws the averages WAY off with a 9999 attack in a crowd that struggles to break 300 or so. You'd get better damage results if you take him out of the equation of rankings. Otherwise, you'd be getting far shoddier damage results (though I guess Fuuka would sort of help counter-balance... but you know, not by much).

But this is assuming we don't rank Minato, which may in fact be the safer option. Nyx Avatar is a beast, but not totally undefeatable (the invincibility is infrequent and lasts about a turn, while Night Queen I think is still blockable with Tome of the Void/Unshakable Will except for the Poison). I'm also pretty sure that Armageddon doesn't go through form chains...

But also, let's consider this: Armageddon costs Minato's entire SP stock when used. After that, he needs a way of regenerating SP to do anything else spell related. Against form chains, he has a harder time, because he can't simply just spam Armageddon.

If you take away his initiative, dare I say, Yuna and him actually have an interesting duel... that would take forever.

If you take out Armageddon from damage averages, he still has other Mixraids that do considerable damage (I believe Thunder Call is one of them). He also has a highly effective Charm manuever (Dreamfest for Succubus + Incubus), not to mention invulnerability for a turn (Odin + Valkyrie and Vishnu + Ananta). Aigis wishes she had access to Mixraids (Or Social Links for that matter).

It should be a given that Minato doesn't get skill inheritance. It's far too much of a variable and we're already having a hard enough time narrowing him down on his basics. Besides, he's still bull**** without them. A similar answer on Item usage... we don't need to make him cheesier with the added benefits of Soma (Full HP/MP restoration) or... *shudder* Plume of Dusk (Revival after death). Otherwise, look forward to the following situation: Armageddon > Soma > Armageddon > Soma...

As it stands, however, if we do in fact rank Minato, who exactly would be able to give him a run for his money (given all things are equal and voters aren't simply pandering to fan favorites)? Yuna... maybe? Lady? Just a thought...


Mitsuru for Heavy! Mind Charged Megidolaonn FTW!!

Hmmm, almost finished with "The Answer" in FES... so, I think I can stab at this... please note that some characters actually differ a good deal between each.







Main Character - Godlike or DNR. He suffers Blue-like problems in that he has way too many ways to tackle a problem. Determining his Persona in this case is a relative nightmare as there's really nothing he can't get to be a cure to... well, anyone. Physical fighter? Alilat laughs in their face (well, not so much laugh...). Darkness Mage-Fighter? Thanatos destroys them reasonably. Elemental Mage? Take your pick. This is not factoring in the Armageddon duo of Lucifer/Helel and Satan which is horrible in its own right. Add to this his whole initiative deal, and he walks through legions of characters that don't sport readily available invulnerability.

Yukari - Light. Damage output is sort of laughable, and her weakness is fairly easy to access. Skill set doesn't do much to put her ahead of the group as a whole. I think she'd actually want her boss form (Yes, she gets one), where she doesn't die to a sneeze and has reasonable damage.

Junpei - Middle. Spring of Life and High Counter give him longevity, but his fire game is abyssmal. He throws down fairly well with physical tech, and Rakukaja can go a decent way. He's actually not too bad as a dueller.

Akihiko - Middle. Solid damage with Elec Amp and Ziodyne. His physical attack is also good thanks to Fist Master along with Diarahan makes him solid overall. The weakness could be a killer and holding him back, however. His debuffs add a nice dimension to things.

Mitsuru - Middle. Same deal with Akihiko. Solid damage, but with more status and less debuff. Weakness is also holding her back, but at least she has access to full healing. Her boss form is suffocating (Near one hit KO territory on a Mind Charged Megidolaonn) and could pull Heavy.

Aigis - Middle. Her resistance could theoretically end a few matches before they begin. She has buffs and decent endurance. Elec Weakness hurts horribly, however. Also comes with healing, but doesn't seem nearly as potent as the previous two. Haven't really experimented with her Orgia Mode as much as I would like to, but the increase in damage is nice... wishes she had elemental damage. "The Answer" version of her is a toned down "I Have Access to All Persona" MC (Minato) with no Mix Raids. DNR her second form is my opinion.

Koromaru - Heavy. A lot can change in between versions. His fire damage is still solid, and his AGI score makes sure he's going to hit. High Counter and high HP allow him to tank it out, while Sukukaja aids the dodging and striking. The biggest gem is that he now gets more dependable Instant Death with the addition of Mudo Boost. He's more or less a turn 2 or 3 KO if the opponent isn't resistant to Darkness. Tir McDohl doesn't want to fight him.

Ken - Middle-High. Haven't played as much as with Koromaru, but he gets similar treatment. His Instant Death gets bolstered by Hama Boost, but his Elec game is bad. Restorative healing is good, but expensive. Less exciting as well. His is more likely to get smacked by a Darkness wielder, however.

Metis - Middle-High. No weaknesses and high damage output. Orgia Mode lasts for a good four turns before backlashing on her horribly, but most matches aren't going to last long enough for that to matter. Brave Blade is good damage when boosted, and her critical hit rate is good enough come into play as a factor.

Chidori - Light. Yeah, she dies way too fast, but her Tetrakarn game can probably screw with fighters at her level. Spring of Life and this make her a fun duelist if only for futility's sake.

Jin - Middle. Was thinking of Heavy, but... nah. If his weakness game transfers into the RPGDL, he can be pretty lethal. Has access to some instant death and status, but nothing that I really felt writing home about. Though hearing him ***** about you covering up all your weaknesses is funny and sad at the same time.

Takaya - ???. Frankly, I never really let him live long enough to do anything truly noteworthy to me.

Nyx Avatar - Godlike. Form buffering gives it a lot of options, and most people who specialize in an element will eventually get stuck on a certain element or a physical resistance. Barring this, Nyx Avatar goes into Death Form and nukes the opposition. Night Queen is horrible almighty damage with random status attached, and Moonless Gown is perfect defense. Good enough to run with the Godlike division.

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