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Messages - Ayra

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I'll just admit that after having nominated my favorite character Katt for so many weeks, I'm awfully sad that she'll get destroyed that badly :(

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 51 nom pools
« on: April 09, 2009, 03:18:22 PM »
Completely unrelated comment: This week beyond the scene was AWESOME. Big kudo to whoever wrote it!

Deis (BoFs): Myria got in last time so it's only fair she gets in this time.
Celes Chere (FF6): I don't even recall her match in Season 47 so voting for her again.
Endora (OB): Possible downgrade; would be fun seeing her blow up Heavy eventually.
Emily (S3): Epic punching power.
Purim (SoM): Epic punchin.. well, okay, not terribly epic punching but neat spells.
Piastol (SoA): Plain epic.

Nina Wyndia (BoF1): Wings!
Nina Wyndia (BoF2): Wings!
Nina Wyndia (BoF4): Wings!
Hrist Valkyrie (VP2): Wings!
Silmeria Valkyrie (VP2): Wings!
Tana (FE8): Wings! Well... Sort of.

Katt (BoF2): Kitty on a rampage! Rawr!
Flea (CT): Slash might upgrade, so...
Elena (FF7): Recent, but hoping she get at least one win in her career.
Tio (G2): Spinny chakram of doom.
Luna (Lunar 1): I'm surprised she's in middle but I'm not really complaining!
Rauny (OB): Been forever, one of the more important people in the game, valkyrie, cute, lightning destruction ownage.

Porom (FF4): Palom went up, it's an outrage for her to be lower than him!
Quistis Trepe (FF8): Like her.
Milia (S1): Eh
Lelei (S5): Yay
Anri (SF1): Let's hope a SF character actually wins something
Jin Uzuki (XS2): Last character on the character rankings list and I still needed a Light.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 50 nom pools
« on: February 20, 2009, 12:50:41 PM »
Fresh nomination pool for me this time by taking the "legal" list and going backward instead and picking the first 6 characters I like that would make sense... Although it very well might turn out 95% similar to the previous ones anyway :)

Luis Virgil (XS1)
Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs)
Purim (SoM)
Piastol (SoA)
Luther Lansfeld (SO3)
Rika (PS4)

Ziggy (XS)
Hrist Valkyrie (VP2)
Maria Traydor (SO3)
Lyon (S5)
Alys Brangwin (PS4)
Jean (Lunar2)

Katt (BoF 2) - Tiny cheat there on my listing method :)
Aelia (VP 1)
Sara (VH)
Sheena Fujibayashi (ToS)
Aika (SoA)
Isabel (S5)

Roger S. Huxley (SO3)
Rohde (SF2) - Before he gets booted :)  (In light of Lady Ashe comment, putting Porom (FF4) instead)
Lelei (S5)
Kenji (S3)
Yushis (OB)
Tia (Lufia2)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Retirement thread, Season 49
« on: February 18, 2009, 09:26:17 PM »
Okay... in that case I'm switching my Keep vote from Rohde to Sheela then :)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Retirement thread, Season 49
« on: February 18, 2009, 01:24:05 PM »
I'll admit I'm someone who tends to nominate characters that I like but that I know are horrible draws (Like May), so not having those characters there would reduce my amount of "bad" nominations quite a bit :) If it were just personal preference I'd vote "Keep" on all SF2 characters, but I'm going to go by what I think is in the DL best interest...

Bebedora - Boot

BGs - I'd say keep Imoen, she's kinda the face of the serie, and keep Minsc for potentially funny writeups, and boot the rest

ToE - Haven't played, abstain

SF1 - I'd say keep Anri (Token serie mage), Mae (Token centaur), Domingo (Token flying jellyfish) and Zylo (Token not completely horrible dog). Boot the rest.

SF2 - Keep Rohde (Literal tank with plot), Sarah (Monk form hype), Slade (Obvious). Boot the rest though I adore Taya and Sheela...

Freya - If VP2 Odin is legal, why isn't VP2 Freya legal? I feel as if she's an integral part of the Valkyrie Profile serie plots, and I don't see how her VP2 boss form is questionable. I vote keep based on that.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Polling the group 6
« on: February 16, 2009, 03:39:32 PM »
1. If you could rank just one person without question, who would it be? How realistic is this goal? For those that responded last time, was your selection last time ranked?

Alicia from Valkyria Chronicles. Not realistic, not ranked obviously.

2. If you could rank one game without question or complaints, what would it be? How realistic is this goal? For those who responded to the last poll, was this game ranked?

Valkyria Chronicles. Such a beautiful and wonderful strategy-rpg game. The characters all have neat personalities. However, it's on PS3, and most of the character traits are situation/environment dependent so not too DL-friendly. Welkin's tank would make for an AWESOME godlike though! Most likely going to be pushing for Star Ocean IV eventually though :)

3. What are you final thoughts on Not Ranked? (From the board tournament all the way to the final season/it's impact)

I... don't know really. To be honest, I looked two or three times, saw no duellers that I had any sort of interest in and no interesting writeups there so I didn't bother with it afterward.

4. Who are your favorite 10 godlikes?
Lenneth Valkyrie (VPs)
Chris Lightfellow (S3)
Rika (PS4)
Deis (BoFs)
Piastol (SoA)
Ryu 2 (BoF)
Emily (S3)
Purim (SoM)
Rosa Harvey (FF4)

5. Who are your favorite 10 heavies?
Nel Zelpher (SO3) - If she was a character in an horrible game, I'd probably still adore that game just because of Nel.
Nina 2 (BoF)
Lin (BoF5)
Fenril (OB)
Nephenee (FE9)
Ayla (CT)
Hrist Valkyrie (VPs)
Angela (SD3) - Sad she had to go against Nel, but oh well.
Cecil Harvey (FF4)
Lyn (FE7)

6. Who are your favorite 10 middles?
Katt (BoF 2)
Aika (SoA)
Isabel (S5)
Nina (BoF 5)
Rand (BoF 2)
Paine (FFX-2)
Florina (FE7)
Aelia (VP1)
Lise (SD3)
Rauny (OB)

7. Who are your favorite 10 lights?
Miranda (G3)
Taya (SF2) *snif*
Gares (OB)
Yushis (OB)
Cyan Garamonde (FF6)
Quistis Trepe (FF8)
Tellah (FF4)
Mist (FE9)
Sten (BoF 2)
Lelei (S5)

8. The more things change.. we're at 80-90 votes per week now. What would you do to improve this or make us more attractive to new voters?

Well... I personally love things how they are right now. For the record, I've seen the link to here from someone's signature on gamefaqs, followed it and enjoyed it here. So "free publicity" like that can be useful to get some new members.

9. What direction would you like to see the DL go in for ranks? We've gone from the high tide of 2007 to.. not a hell of a lot of late. What consoles should we target?
I'll be honest: I don't own a DS or a PSP and I don't really want one, either. So all the new stuff being discussed about being added is stuff I won't be able to vote on. I'll go against the grain and vote for X-Box 360. There's a few obviously DL-friendly games on there, and there's some surprising games that could work in the DL too. Like Mass Effect for example; surprisingly enough, it'd be very easy to make it fit under DL standard, interesting duellers and I don't see any issues (except Shepard not being rankable, of course).

10. What DL game is next on your to play list? What DL game will you never play?

Hum... I'm currently replaying Star Ocean III while I'm waiting for Star Ocean IV to come out; except that the rest of the games I plan on continuing to play/start playing aren't on the DL, like Valkyria Chronicles, Operation Darkness, Tales of Vesperia or Last Remnant. About what I'll never play... I'll likely never play any game from the DS or PSP. I'm also strongly considering not getting any more NiS titles: I love strategy games, but there hasn't been a single one of their titles that I really liked.

11. Since the last version of this topic (October 2007), a lot's happened. What's been your favorite moment? Your least favorite moment?

I don't think I was reading the forums by that point. Favorite moments... Rika surprisingly getting to the finals of Godlike. Also enjoyed Fenril's and Lin's runs, alongside Nel's current run (Nel for heavy champion!) Least favorite moment is Taya getting squished like that :(

12.  Do you miss the high point (150 votes a week) of the board 8 flood?

I have no idea what's board 8. Number of votes isn't important to me, funny and witty writeups are. I know I'm neither funny or witty, but I still at least try to help out a bit by sending one writeup alongside with my misguided vote most weeks :) As long as there's writeups and that there's some games left I can vote on, I'll be here.

13. What was the last match that really captured your attention? Did the person you were voting for/rooting for win?

Fenril vs Cecil. Both honorable holy knights, both characters I love, and one I had a tons of writeup ideas for; unfortunately had to pick just one :) I think that Fenril merited to win that one and she did, though I wouldn't have been upset if she didn't.

14. Do you expect FFX to be the last Final Fantasy game the DL fully ranks?

Well, if most of the DL people don't considering getting the newer systems, I'd say it's safe to assume that no, none will be ranked.

15. Should we rank DQ5 slime y/n?

No idea, haven't played.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 Rankings - Making the final cut
« on: February 15, 2009, 06:39:58 PM »
Yes (Though FE 10 form would make more sense once it gets ranked)



RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49/50 Rankings: Preliminary topic: Now open!
« on: February 09, 2009, 02:11:22 PM »
I... Lots of stuff I haven't played on that list :(

About the "Next-gen is death now", how come? Nearly no one here has a PS3 or an X-Box 360 or a Wii? That sucks, I was really hoping to see Star Ocean 4 some time after it comes out this month (Assuming it's as awesome as the others anyway). Me it's a PSP and a DS I don't have. Anyway, here goes for the list from those I've played...

Anyway, from that list I give a vote to Xenosaga III and Star Ocean: First Departure. Also give a "why not?" to Jack.

If it wasn't for the whole "game has flopped" thing, I'd put a vote for Enchanted Arms. I enjoyed the game, the characters have easy write-ups, and the mechanism are very DL-friendly. I'd also put a vote for Operation Darkness but I might be the only one who actually liked that game, and last time I made the suggestion it got pretty much laughed out at so I won't put it again :)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 49 nom pools
« on: January 12, 2009, 03:44:23 PM »
Well, for one I was pretty happy last season about having so many of my picks taken! :) Had to actually reconsult the character listing this time instead of just copy-pasting the old pools... In case it's not obvious from the picks, I love kick-ass female warriors and in general the lower-ranked people of their categories.


Piastol (SoA) Kick-ass
Purim (SoM) Less kick-ass, but decently large and fun spell list.
Ryu (BoF2) A less-overpowered-than-usual Ryu? Count me in!
Beatrix (FF9) Been a long time.
Rika (PS4) The little numan that got to the finals in Godlike. Can she pulls the upset again?
KOS-MOS (XS) Neat character, and lots of incarnations to pick from in matches.


Ursula (BoF4) Might get to fight Lyn next season if she goes up. BoF Kitty gungirl vs BoF fox gungirl.
Nel Zelpher (SO3) My 2nd favorite character ever, awesome on all counts.
Nephenee (FE9) First female soldier in the serie, that looks awesome and is actually very good stats-wise.
Lyn (FE7) Swordmaster-with-a-bow hype.
Jean (Lunar2) Decent and rarely seen.
Lyon (S5) She's the character with the most lines in Suikoden V, so might as well get her some spotlight here too.

Katt (BoF2) Favorite character ever. Doubt her win rate is ever going to be too good though... :(
Florina (FE7) Where Lyn goes, Florina goes. Spear and pegasus, what's not to love?
Rauny (OB) Pretty neat Ogre Battle character that has an actual story and some importance. Spear and lightning bolts, what's not to love?
Aelia (VP1) Spear and dragon, what's not to love?
Marle (CT) Spe... oh, just a crossbow and ice spells. It'll do anyway.
Tifa Lockheart (FF7) Eh, needed someone from FF7 to replace my Barret pick with. Arguing-on-the-forums-about-roulette-slot-attack-odds hype.


Kahn (BoF4) C'mon, it's Kahn. No explanations necessary.
Yushis (OB) We need more angels in games. Too bad that the area effect of her spell is wasted here (Like Rauny).
Lelei (S5) Ultra-loyal guardian with questionable interests. Oh, and heavy armor hype I suppose.
Tao (SF1) Blaze IV hype, plus she's nearly first in number of lines spoken from a character in this game (2 lines).
Taya (SF2) Yuna's Aeons are puny in size compared to Taya's summons.
Estella (S3) How will she fare without her bodyguard/slave? Time to find out!

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 48 nom pools
« on: December 01, 2008, 07:39:13 PM »
Godlike: Freya(VPs), Purim(SoM), Ryu (BoF2), Beatrix(FF9), Rosa Harvey (FF4), Chris Lightfellow (S3)
Heavy: Ursula(BoF4), Zeno(BoF5), Nephenee(FE9), Lyn (FE7), Jean(Lunar2), Lyon (S5)
Middle: Katt(BoF2), Lin(BoF5),  Barret Wallace(FF7), Florina(FE7), Rauny(OB), Aelia(VP1)
Light: Kahn(BoF4), Yushis(OB), Lelei(S5), May(SF2), Banon (FF6), Belle (S3)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 47 Nomination pools
« on: October 20, 2008, 02:05:10 PM »
Godlike: Freya(VPs), Purim(SoM), Ryu (BoF2), Beatrix(FF9), Hrist Valkyrie (VP2), Royce(Lunar1)
Heavy: Ursula(BoF4), Zeno(BoF5), Nephenee(FE9), Lyn (FE7), Jean(Lunar2), Lyon (S5)
Middle: Katt(BoF2), Lin(BoF5),  Barret Wallace(FF7), Florina(FE7), Rauny(OB), Aelia(VP1)
Light: Kahn(BoF4), Miranda(G3), Yushis(OB), Lelei(S5), May(SF2), Banon (FF6)

Hopefully we'd get a Breath of Fire catgirl vs catgirl final for Middle championship... Wishful thinking! :)

Just listing my votes since this whole discussion is a bit over my head :)


Deis (BoFs) vs Asgard (WA3)
Zenon (Disgaea 2) vs Brahms (VPs)
Gilgamesh (FF5) vs Rolf Landale (PS2)  I actually played both, but I admit I really didn't like FF5 enough to really remember monster stats...


Geshp (SF2) vs Yuffie Kisaragi (FF7)  I kinda like Yuffie... oh well. Any SF2 char winning is good in my book anyway! :)
Cecil Harvey (FF4) vs Fenril (OB) Gah... When I nominated both, I didn't actually want them to fight together on first round... Got to give it to Fenril due to general physical ass-kickery.


Poco (AtLC) vs Peppita Rosetti (SO3)
Red Wizard (FF1) vs Lexis Shaia (Lufia 2)
Zidane Tribal (FF9) vs Kimahri Ronso (FFX) Played both, not really certain either way.
Feraligatr (PKMN)  vs Jill Fizzart (FE9) A beast-hating woman against a beast. Poor beast.


Olan Durai (FFT) vs Suo (VP1) And Suo wins! Sad that he can't hear those words very often...

General Chat / A big thank you
« on: September 08, 2008, 03:18:39 PM »
Every Monday morning I come here to read the "behind the scenes" writeup, the previous week results and vote on the new matches. There's always tons of entertaining writeups, huge statistics topics about most games, good discussions on the forums about the matchups...

I know it's a lot of work and effort, so as a casual voter that doesn't contribute anything but simple votes (That are often wrong or misguided since I don't exactly understand everything in those stat topics, or didn't think when I made my vote about some factors of the battles), I want to give a big thank you :)

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 46 Noms
« on: September 08, 2008, 02:48:54 PM »
According to the validator thingy, everything's hopefully legal.

Godlike: Freya(VPs), Purim(SoM), Emily(S3), Beatrix(FF9), Deis(BoFs), Royce(Lunar1)
Heavy: Ursula(BoF4), Zeno(BoF5), Nephenee(FE9), Cecil Harvey(FF4), Jean(Lunar2), Fenril(OB)
Middle: Katt(BoF2), Lin(BoF5),  Barret Wallace(FF7), Florina(FE7), Rauny(OB), Aelia(VP1)
Light: Kahn(BoF4), Miranda(G3), Yushis(OB), Lelei(S5), May(SF2), Randi(SoM)

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