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Messages - schnwtfhisname

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Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« on: October 04, 2008, 07:08:21 PM »
Checking in again. I meant to come in and vote before the deadline, but I overslept a bit. At least it ended well.

Anyway, since I have to run in about half an hour, just a few thoughts.

Andrew has been someone that admittedly flew under my radar, I'm ashamed to say. Xanth, your is pretty convincing, and even though there is a very infinitesimally small chance you've been flipping random, you were right twice and it doesn't seem plausible that this is an error.

##Vote: Andrew

If there are alternate explanations I will reconsider a bit.

As for my "scum tend not to mention each other often" theory, I should just do this quick analysis since I did before: Andrew does not mention Kaze until his lurking was evident to others, at which point he began to pressure him. This includes a lurker vote earlier on in the game (when there was no pressure on Kaze, and could even be interpreted as a means to help him). But in the last day he placed enough pressure on Kaze that if he were scum, he was clearly abandoning his partner. This interpretation is plausible but not really conclusive. On the other hand, Kaze doesn't seem to mention Andrew very much at all, except voting with him on Nilie in an attempt to bandwagon. I would say there is no evidence against them being scumbuddies that can be shown through this method, which isn't failproof of course.

Lastly: miasmacloud, it brought me great joy to wake up to that Rolo picture.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: October 04, 2008, 06:12:00 AM »
Checking in.

Apologies again for low activity, I have been very busy (not to mention sick; if someone said there was a way to catch a cold through the internet I'd believe it, because that is what half of #gg seems to have done).

Xanth, I have to say that is a pretty substantial post, I'm going to mull over it a bit and try to come to a decision before the deadline. I am feeling a little swayed right now so I'll go back over Tom and Kaze's record.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: October 02, 2008, 04:17:21 AM »
It's the busy part of the week for me again, so apologies.

Remo: showed up in time at least. A little more justification about the way you have paired potential scum would also be useful.
Also, you seemed to be rather terse in justifying your vote, as before. Is there anything more that just a feeling?

EvilTom: In spite of what I said earlier and a remaining suspicion, your activity today has not been as alarming. However, in spite of Nilie's low content I'm not convinced of his guilt, and it would have to seem like he put a lot of effort into putting on an act and a personality that have not benefited him much. Pursuing suspicious threads aggressively is good, but if Nilie ends up being town forced into a claim due to your actions, then I will have to reconsider what you have been doing.

That said, Nilie:You seem to be falling into appealing to emotion to defend yourself against accusations. While this is not necessarily a scumtell (I was wrong about this with Delta's case, for instance), it does not give us much to work with, and generally gives off a bad vibe of not having anything to truthfully use to your defense. Your cryptic statement about your night experience does raise some questions. If you are going to roleclaim, please consider carefully whether this would help the town. If you are truly town, I would say do not claim unless you are on the verge of being lynched, since you may be targeted by scum tonight based on what you reveal. You do seem to have been trying to reveal a lot about your role already (or that is how it seems to me) but still, exercise caution.

As for Kaze, it seems you're trying to appeal to town by reiterating Xanth's non-suspiciousness, but the sudden (more detailed than usual) post justifying your vote seems a little off. You're essentially basing your vote on bandwagoning, while bandwagoning yourself as well... :-\ So that is somewhat suspicious. And you really do need to say something about Xanth's vote on you; being silent on this issue is odd, particularly when you consider him innocent and helpful and basically seemed to have suggested other people believe him.
(Other than that, do feel better, I am somewhat ill right now as well.)

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 30, 2008, 03:08:36 AM »
Quote from: Nilie
Well, while pointing fingers at people who have voted townies, or at people who have neglected to vote scum is probably a much better gauge of evilness than the post-count, I still don't think it's the best idea to see through the players. Some of us are just plain naive. *clears throat* I also got the impression that this post was a bit eagerly pointing fingers at just about everyone. But that was earlier.

It might give the impression that I was suspicious of everyone on that list, however I did acknowledge that almost everyone, including myself, was not mentioned by Disland, and most of us had little concrete to say against him. As I said before, he flew under the radar of many people, and it would be presumptuous to automatically claim so-and-so was suspicious on that alone. If I made more of specific cases, it is because I think there was more there to examine.

Tom: I did not notice that my vote was not counted (considering it had already happened once before, and things were moving along, I just assumed it went toward the tally). At this stage I don't expect you to believe me, but that is what happened. If my case against you is so poor, maybe you could refute it on a more than general level, such as why you did not mention Disland's lurking or went to lengths to make sure his vote was counted correctly (when you are basically accusing me of something similar-- not caring about my vote on him being counted).

The "people who did not vote him" list is not entirely a suspect list, nor am I claiming everyone not on the list automatically more innocent. I was just throwing more information out there in the hopes that it would be of use.

As for Silver's claim, it is unexpected and I was somewhat off on my initial assessment, which is a bit of an honest mistake and hopefully will not have the need to come up again. There are always alternate possibilities of course but the occasion has not yet arisen for that. At any rate I will give the benefit of the doubt about the claim for now.

There seem to be votes gathering on Kaze, who has not entirely been in the clear either, but I will wait to hear something from him first.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 29, 2008, 06:38:15 AM »
Silver, there are practically no votes at the moment, I'm not sure it is necessary to be so alarmist.

Nilie, I do think we should hear a little more of your opinion, even if you feel indecisive (about what?). And also, if you could explain why my FOS was for the wrong reasons.

Xanth: Kaze and Silver are not entirely under my radar either. Kaze did place a vote on Disland but it was quickly removed, and may not have carried much weight.

And the busy part of week is about to begin again, so I will be off.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 27, 2008, 08:40:42 AM »
Alright, we’re back.

First of all I would like to apologize for being somewhat absent the last few days, as well as having been a little impatient with reading the longer posts (though hopefully that wasn’t evident). But it is the weekend now so I should have a little more time for the next few days at least.
Now down to business.

Disland was found to be scum. In past games I’ve partaken of elsewhere, there tends to be a pattern that oftentimes scum will mention each other by name in their posts far less often than they mention innocents. They may call up false suspicions or pretend to discuss each other once in a while, but generally will try not to place attention on their scumbuddies. So I propose we look at namedrop frequency a bit.

I thought this over and conjured up this immense post during night, and I'm very glad that now that the night's results are in, nobody town has been killed. This also means no major changes to this post, so I am happy on that account as well.

Part One: what the man himself has said of others.

-Roflknife: Disland voted him in initial random voting phase, turned out to be innocent.
-El Cideon: Disland accused him of “taking advantage of newbies”. Turned out to be innocent.
-Xanth: suffered the same accusation, but Disland later forgets about this and uses his post to justify his own vote on Delta.
-Delta: Voted on, turned out to be innocent.
-Zooyork: Called “waste of a lynch,” turned out to be innocent.

Given Disland’s initial attempt to paint Xanth in a negative light, then relying on him as an excuse for his own scummy behavior, I would say that Xanth looks even more innocent at this point than previously. Unfortunately all the other players Disland mentioned are out of the game, so while they have all been proven innocent it does not give us much.

Part Two: what others have said about him.

Confirmed innocents (deceased)

-El Cideon: 5 mentions including 1 vote and unvote out of 17 posts, noted his lurking and tried to encourage him to talk.
-Delta: 6 mentions including 1 vote and unvote out of 14 posts, noted his lurking and later tried to get Disland to justify his own bandwagon vote on him without success.
-Roflknife: 3 out of 17 posts, noted lurking.

Unfortunately this does not give us too much information other than that out of these innocents, 2 out of 3 did mention him a decent number of times as well as voted on him, and all 3 were concerned about his lurking. Going on with the theory that his fellow scum may not mention or pressure him as frequently, and if they do so it is only for show, we’ll move on to the living players.

The rest of us (Note that aside from Xanth none of the rest have been mentioned by him.)

-Xanth: 19 mentions including 1 vote and unvote out of appx. 42 posts, includes very detailed assessment and constantly reminded us that his lurking was a suspicious and dangerous behavior. Noted that Tom did not include him in the list of lurkers.
-Tom: 3 mentions out of 23 posts. I would say that this is quite a small number of mentions. In addition, none of his comments on Disland were overtly negative; one of the posts simply requested a recount of his vote, and another actually asked silver why Disland among the candidates he put pressure on.
-Remo: 3 of 8 posts, also nothing overtly negative but at least a higher frequency of mentions. Noted that he was soon to be modkilled.
-Silver: 2 of 23 posts, both noting his low activity and pressuring him to talk more.
-Andrew: 3 of 12, including a vote, all posts noting his low activity.
-Kaze: 2 of 9, including a vote for lurking and unvote.
-Nilie: 1 mention.
-Myself: 4 of 14, including vote for lurking and unvote. I noted that he was one of the people who jumped on the bandwagon to lynch Delta with little justification. (This list, in my opinion, also included Tom and Remo.) Other than that I did admit I had trouble telling his behavior apart from the other lurkers.

Additionally, here’s another fun list, one may not want to read into it too much however.

Surviving players who have never voted Disland

From the context of how Disland has interacted with others and how he was discussed, I would say this places Tom in a somewhat less than favorable light. I’ve been waffling on my opinion of Tom for a while, but this pushes it into the negative. As for others who have mentioned him very little, it is possible that with his low activity he just flew under people’s radar (I’m most inclined to think this of Nilie), but still it is something that requires attention.

And, this post does come quite soon, but this is an issue I wanted to call attention to immediately when Disland was revealed as scum, so I wrote this out some time ago and have been checking back compulsively for night to end.

Regarding no one dying, while it is best not to speculate how that happened, expect the scum to create a lot of confusion in trying to lynch the town-aligned parties they believe to be responsible (Doctor or bulletproof) soon.

Anyway, FOS Tom for the moment, I'll see where that gets us.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 25, 2008, 10:31:52 PM »
I've been quite busy this week, a lot happened while I was gone it seems...

Xanth, thanks for the analyses and links list.

I said earlier that El Cideon at one point had made me uneasy about Evil Tom (during day 2), but going back to look at this, the most El Cid did was to accuse him of scaremongering, and most of it may have been critique on playstyle instead. At the time it had appeared more alarming to me than it actually may be.

Nothing from Remo today, which should be noted. His vote on Delta was at least somewhat substantiated however.

Regarding silver, I have been having trouble getting a sense of what he is actually after, I'll look at this more in depth a bit later.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 22, 2008, 11:27:04 PM »
Alright, so here we are.

So we lynched a townie. Unfortunate but we were working with what we had, and I did not think it would turn out this way. In the past, I made a note to myself that the people who voted on Delta without much discussion included Disland and EvilTom, and that bears looking back on. A long post may conceal just as much malicious intent as a short one, however.

As for El Cideon, I will quote something I said a few days ago.

Quote from: schnwtfhisname
I am however sensing a subtle mutual suspicion between El Cideon and Tom that I think will become more important and worthy of looking at in another day or so. Right now I can only say you've both done very well in making me examine at the other.

I will go back and also look at what other people El Cideon has deemed suspect, but this is the first thing that comes to mind.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 21, 2008, 01:37:17 AM »
I'm sorry, after some consideration, this is nothing new and my assessment remains the same.

##Vote: Deltaflyer

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 08:01:45 PM »
I'll wait.

Delta, I know you've had a tough time with something, so take your time, but do say something. It is not your activity level or supposed "erratic" writing that people have found suspicious.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:45:44 AM »
Well, the time for haranguing inactive players today is past, particularly since the threat of modkill might resolve the more serious cases of lurking we have had, one way or the other. (Preferably to get them posting, and not killed, of course.)

So about this Deltaflyer business.

Xanth and El Cideon have made some very good, very detailed cases against Delta. It's quite a bit to read through, but I can see where they are coming from at the moment. Granted, people by nature are not always consistent, but some of the quoted material does raise alarms. What has me most worried is actually not these posts but Delta's responses to them. His self-defense does not address the specific points raised against him, but rather only emphasizes how wrong the voting train on him is. It plays more off emotion than reason, which is a red flag to me.

I may have jumped onto slightly useless trains or even started ones on light things. Thats because if we do not find a half decent lynchee and start lynching, we are going to be nightkilled, one by one by one.

This is basically a scare tactic that I've seen in games I've watched elsewhere, and does not sit well with me. Yes, the town needs to find scum through the lynching process, but putting it that way feels intended to generate panic.

The rest of his post is (perhaps understandably) angry, but again seems constructed to me to make the reader feel that the train on him is injust and insulting. Actual suspicions people have voiced about him are hardly spoken of, and certainly not explained away. His later post is pretty much a "well, what do YOU think, I'm right, you're wrong" kind of deal as well:

Okay, give me YOUR reasons for voting for me not Xanth's.

Disland and Remo, give me YOUR quotes and beliefs about my scumminess.

My scumminess is none and your votes, misplaced

(In the midst of this, I do want people to take note of who has ended up on this train without saying very much. But later.)

During Day 1, I had not voted on Delta, as some more regular players had commented that he seemed to be acting in accordance with his usual playstyle. I'm not familiar with everyone here, but it seems at this point it is no longer a matter of style, but rather that he has run out of answers.

So, Delta: I understand that you seem to be busy or otherwise plagued by RL issues, but you are hardly making a case of defending yourself. With this amount of pressure, you need to start directly tackling the evidence presented against you if you want to ever convince us that we're off the track.

Basically this is it. Unless I hear something extraordinary by the time I log on tomorrow (which is going to be quite a ways from now), I will probably hammer.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 12:53:04 AM »
Sorry for any lateness in response, I'd had quite a bit of work.

Seems like many things have happened, and inactivity is not the major issue now (and this modkill stuff oh god what), so
##Unvote: zooyork

I will look at the Delta issue and make a post on it later tonight.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 18, 2008, 05:57:34 AM »
Currently I am comfortable with the lynch being on zooyork. We have had next to nothing from this guy. I wish there was more solid footing for anything, but at best he is being a liability and at worst deliberately lurking.

As I said before rolfknife is the less suspicious-seeming of the two, and I agree with El Cideon's assessment on him. There are still comments that are eyebrow-raising, but given his level of activity now, and willingness to address issues raised against him, I would give him the benefit of the doubt.

Frankly I'm a bit confounded by what Silver is getting at, as both Tom's questioning of him and his responses seem strangely persistent. I am however sensing a subtle mutual suspicion between El Cideon and Tom that I think will become more important and worthy of looking at in another day or so. Right now I can only say you've both done very well in making me examine at the other.


##Vote: zooyork

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2008, 06:36:58 AM »
Ok, I'm here now, and have gone over major events that I missed.

In my last post I had said that Disland, roflknife, and Remo have all said notably little, and by now I've tried to tell them apart somewhat better. Of these, rofl has seemed the most defensive since then. However, while he has made statements not beneficial to the general state of things (suggesting a mass roleclaim and that there is no new information until someone dies), I only get a vibe of unfamiliarity and not of malice. The only thing that sticks out so far are the unvote issue. But keep in mind that it is very easy for someone who is already defensive to get pressured into inadvertently looking worse and worse.

Remo has seemed more active and reasonably (although not saying much more than what others have picked up on).

No new thoughts on Disland. In addition, zooyork has not said anything since claiming Xanth appeared to be "taking advantage" of new players, which I do not see at all. It is best to concentrate on getting more out of these two at present.

Quote from: Nilie
I honestly cannot find it in me to vote for someone who's been voted for by others just so someone will get lynched.

This is giving me a protown vibe on Nilie at the very least. However, much of the rest of the post tried to achieve that effect as well. It would be more efficient to concentrate on what other things are happening.

As for Kaze, I agree that he has not given us much to work with, but as it seems he is actually busy I will have to wait before I can say this is actually suspicious. The fact that he has not mentioned any persons or trends in his latest post, at this stage, is a little worrying however.

Andrew: I almost, almost want to follow you up regarding Delta, but there are other things he has said which seem within the line of reason, and that one stumble is not really enough to warrant my suspicion.

It's late and feel like I'm fishing for something that isn't there, will try to single out a train of thought by tomorrow.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 16, 2008, 01:44:22 AM »
As suggested I won't say anything more on the breadcrumbing. It may lead to some unclearness for others on my future voting but I can suffer the consequences of that for a while.

Schnwtfhisname:  Since you've already mentioned this much, however: I'd like to know on what grounds you proclaim Silver "pro-town or SK," as I see no compelling reason to reach either conclusion at this point in time.

Ah...I really don't want to...

I knew it could cause potential complications to have mentioned it, but at the time there were two opposing bandwagons building and it was highly probable neither party deserved it, so I thought this would at least give someone pause before voting.

The only thing I can say currently is that I believe he has hinted at a role that is non-scum, and one that would not be the first choice for scum to fakeclaim as. The actual ability of this role is very uncertain to me right now, and it's best that we don't delve into this further today. However, I do think his case against Xanth is at the very least, misguided, but this could all explode into such a mess that I would rather deal with candidates who stand out more in their suspiciousness right now.

Remo, Disland, and rofl have all been extremely terse, it is not looking very good but there is not one that outweighs the rest particularly. I'm getting vibes more of unfamiliarity than of scumminess at this point, but there is so little that I can't really tell.

While Delta's initial suspicion of me was not scummy, given his playing style, his later issue with Andrew does raise some alarm.

More thoughts and probably a vote later today.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2008, 07:21:42 PM »
Xanth, I've finally finished reading your wall of text. While it is rambling, you're trying to give an assessment of everyone and not really spreading confusion, which is not scummy in my books.

So I took a closer look at the other side of the debate, that is to say Silver, at this point. However.

One reason for my seeming neutrality is that while it has been said that no knowledge of Geass is needing for this game, right now I see some people breadcrumbing like crazy, and I am not sure whether they want it pointed out or not. So yes, I've been a little quiet, but mainly in an attempt to wait and assess what people are softclaiming. If I go ahead and say what I think I see, it may be of help to the town, or spread more confusion.  I'd actually like more input on this, and will explain if I have to, but would rather not in this post as some useful roles may be endangered.

But right now, based on my interpretation, I am going to venture a guess that Silver is either pro-town or SK, if the latter role even exists. More likely that he is not a threat and this current debate is just between two town roles.

Anyway. Results.

The best thing I can do right now is to put pressure on someone who hasn't posted much, as suggested.

##Vote: Disland

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 13, 2008, 07:22:35 PM »
Delta, my vote on EvilTom was a joke OMGUS on a joke vote. If it wasn't evident, well, I'll blame it on my bad luck I suppose.

 I kind of see where you are coming from now that you've mentioned your past experience with OMGUS and playing style. But keep in mind that it was also simply my playing style to respond seriously and promptly to your serious accusation. I was not "being jumpy" or singling you out; in fact I had the benefit of the doubt enough to not vote you, and still feel that you are not highly suspicious, now that I have a better sense of your style.

Xanth is a bit difficult to read but I don't see anything overtly strange so far. Also,

schnwtfhisname is bending with the wind

Why is this?

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 13, 2008, 12:18:00 AM »
Thanks mods.
As promised, srs bsns time.
##Unvote: EvilTom

I'd like to hear from Delta about any basis for the suspicions as well. Still it is quite common that some people get overanalytical and overeager early in the game, and that is all that is. I'd give the benefit of the doubt and refrain from voting for now, until I hear something.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 12, 2008, 06:41:53 PM »
Bah, my vote isn't counting?

Typical OMGUS after being voted for. Probably a scummy reaction and currently he seems the most scummy. However, Andrewrogue looks scummy too with some disconcerting posts... lack of content and plain simple showboating. I however stand by my vote.

A jokevote bandwagon becomes a little more serious by the third vote, particularly if a non-jokevote spin is put on it. Looks like you're grasping for straws though.

At any rate more people do need to check in. I'm done with shenanigans, will unvote after my vote does show up.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 12, 2008, 12:27:23 AM » looks like everyone's ready to get started. Srs bsns.

My name is not silly, what are you talking about   :'(
##Vote: EvilTom

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 10, 2008, 06:32:22 PM »
Got it.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 09, 2008, 01:16:01 AM »
I'm in.

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