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Messages - Kaze

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Amulet Operetta Casket
« on: October 02, 2008, 07:52:14 PM »
I apologise for my absence, pressures IRL.

My vote is still squarely with Kaze. There's not a single action with him pointing anywhere other than scum. The latest bandwagonning attempt hardly helps.

I wasn't jumping on the bandwagon, I had my own suspicions and reasons that I justified seperately in conjuction with what EvilTom and Andrew said, which is more than I can say for what Nilie did. However, I think that Nilie has explained his most recent vote a lot better than the previous ones.

##UNVOTE: Nilie

I don't feel that "bandwaggoning" on EvilTom is the best thing right now, but the case against has definetly become greater after his most recent post. Perhaps I'm merely being swayed over by Nilie, so I'll wait until tomorrow in order to mull things over and assess the situation correctly. The deadline should provide us with enough time to reach a conclusive decision, which will hopefully be the correct one too.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 30, 2008, 02:34:41 PM »
It's very dangerous to place somebody above suspicion based entirely on how they act.
Either you know something the rest of us don't, or you're being careless.
Xanth has posted lots, but that doesn't mean he's town. He could just as easily be scum on his way to an easy victory, if you give him that.
Effort =/= town.
We've seen plenty of town modkilled for inactivity, but also a scum. By that reasoning, just because someone contribute lots does not automatically clear them.

So Kaze, while I'm not proposing that Xanth is suspicious, I'm saying that he's not above suspicion. Don't ignore him.
If you gloss over someone when looking for scum, you're not really looking.

I probably shouldn't have used such certainty then, but in my mind I considered him suspicious for the first few pages, but it got to the point where there were better leads that that. There are still better leads, in my opinion, and Xanth has dropped from most suspicions at the moment. I'm not ignoring him perse, just prioritising.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 30, 2008, 12:02:18 PM »
Wait, what? How exactly is Xanth confirmed innocent? Did I miss something here? Where do you draw that conclusion from?

I said effectively confirmed innocent. Perhaps I should've clarified this. His incredibly detailed posts and determination to keep the mafia ball rolling, something schnwtfhisname echoes in the post I referred to, lead me to believe that he is effectively innocent. If he isn't, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one surprised.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 30, 2008, 11:46:00 AM »
I apologise greatly, in between coughing up my lungs and the finale of Geass, I seem to have forgotten about this thread.

I feel that I must agree with EvilTom here, in saying that Nillie has failed to provide analysis. Xanth's vote on me was seemingly just to get things rolling, but he is effectively confirmed innocent anyway (due to the earlier summary post made by schnwtfhisname, which I felt summarised the events up until then well, when combined with Xanth's own post). I feel that trains detract from the whole point of mafia, so votes attached onto others' are particularly scummy.

If Nillie provides me with a reason why his vote on me is justified, that is fair enough, and I shall respond sufficiently. Until then, however, I'll be voting you because of your failure to provide and real conviction behind your voting. Here you merely latched onto what people previously said, and didn't remove your vote even after people posted more detailed suspicions and accusations. Infact, in your vote here you respond to Xanth's post, after more suspicions have been raised, and you vote Roflknife again without providing your own reasons. It seems like you had a personal vendetta against Roflknife, and all you had to say for it was:
Now, wow, schnwtfhisname that is one big post. But aren't we FOS the wrong people again for the wrong reasons? I was so sure that Roflknife was a good place to aim but I turned out to be very wrong. Yet, some voice in my head reassures me and tell me he would very likely have joined the scum side of town of side, eventually. Call it odd intuition.

Let's think our next vote carefully, shall we?
This is an awfully weak reason to "justify" your previous votes, so until you provide an actually conclusive post I feel that you are the most suspicious person here.

##VOTE Nillie

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 25, 2008, 12:13:52 AM »
True, you do make a fair point. If you require me to make a useful vote, I'll do that.

##UNVOTE: Disland

However, I'll spend time collecting quotes and my thoughts and do it all in one post rather than scatter it.

Forum Games / Re: Greasy Radio Friends
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:42:30 PM »
Oh, ninja'ed by the man himself: at first I thought you'd dashed what I was thinking of against you when I spotted so many names in your post, but nothing's attached to anything. 'Here's an event involving A, B, and C that might be considered suspicious. But maybe not!'. 'Perhaps', 'could', 'doesn't [necessarily] mean'. Even your vote on Disland doesn't really tell us what you think about anyone or anything that's happened.

I haven't really got enough balls to blatantly accuse anybody firstly, which I'll admit. I don't feel that random votes on people who are posting are wise when there are people who just aren't posting, which kind of defeats the point of forum mafia (where people need to be as active as they can so the game can be played properly), and hence my earlier votes that you mentioned were mainly on trains against people who weren't entirely active. My vote against Silver pretty much followed the views of Remo and you before me, but I could further explain it through this quote:

Quote from: Silver
I believe I'm on to you, buddy.

I feel that of all the people who had posted until that point, the least suspicious person was you, Xanth.

I realise in retrospect how contradictory I have been, through first joining on trains and then eventually condemning people for doing the same thing, and my vague posts are very suspicious. And now I realise it was a mistake to say "you shouldn't vote to pressure people", I wish to correct that by saying that "in the first round, you shouldn't vote purely to pressure people." As this is my first venture into an organised mafia game, I was still getting a feel for the game and how I should post in the first two rounds, and as well as reading into what other people have posted I've been absorbing in how I should post.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 24, 2008, 09:08:14 PM »
Alas, I did forget to post yesterday.

I feel that Remo, Disland and Eviltom all voted perhaps without fully justifying their own reasons for voting Delta, and instead jumped directly onto the points that Xanth, Xanth and El Cid made respectively, adding little to support this themselves. This doesn't mean I'm accusing any of these three, because I feel that Remo personally tried to explain his switch (and did this well enough to make me feel that he wasn't just plain jumping on the bandwagon.) The frequently mispelled could be suspicious purely because he was the one who cast the hammer, but he gave a long enough deliberation and fair arguments in his post to justify the final vote on Delta. It is a shame that Delta was lynched when he was innocent, but his actions were certainly edging into possibly scummy territory.

We should avoid spending too much time looking upon the last round of voting, however, and use this new round to analyse people efficiently and cast votes which will not only encourage greater posting but also allow us to pinpoint and lynch the scum. I eagerly await what Xanth has to say regarding me, and for the purpose of hastening the process, I'll do this:

##VOTE: Disland

as he is the person who has posted the least (bar me) in the past two rounds and not at all in this round.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 23, 2008, 07:10:07 AM »
In that case, I'll try and up my posting frequency a bit more.

I think we should analyse Delta's last post before the hammer came down:
Please, Do us all a favor. Look at the people who jumped on the train after Xanth posted without saying much.

A lot of people were awful quick to jump on the train, I found, and I tried to play it cautiously because I know from past mafia experience that trains often lose track of their intentions and gain too much momentum too fast. I'll analyse the posts of the people I feel were quick to jump on the train when I return from college tonight.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 07:40:25 AM »
I will withdraw my vote on zooyork. What Delta has just said in his previous posts was, in my opinion, an incredibly disastrous move. He is certainly suspicious now and the case for his lynch is a very high one. However, I shall wait a few posts before I make my vote on him, because I expect that people have more to say.

##UNVOTE: zooyork

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 18, 2008, 10:43:26 PM »
Due to the large amount of votes and no reply from the guy, I feel that he warrants a vote now.

##VOTE: zoouork

However, I agree with what Xanth just said;

And role claiming after two votes whilst there's a bigger train elsewhere? What?

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 16, 2008, 10:26:56 PM »
I could very much tell the truth here and say I couldn't access this page in the past day (I've been refreshing and I flushed my cache) but I doubt that'd do much to help my case.

Instead, I'd like to point out that whilst the lack of posting is suspicious, I also think that posting heavily is also suspicious. By generating walls of what is near tl;dr, a person can easily mask their intentions with fanciful vocabulary and repetitive sentences. I am a busy kind of person and a forgetful kind of person, so I can really only check this thread twice a day at best. However, I am guilty of not posting, and the only thing I can do to change that is to post.

I shall wait for a few more posts before I decide who to vote, because at this point voting is merely to "push the process onwards" and encourage greater activity from people, which we should all be capable of doing without the pressure of voting. I see no point to indiscriminately throw my vote around in this second phase, and despite my earlier convictions I do not feel that anybody is suspicious enough to warrant a vote. (I realise in retrospect that this paragraph may be contradictory, but I am hoping that somebody will garner enough "suspicion points" to warrant a vote.)

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 13, 2008, 08:31:23 PM »
I agree with Schneizel in that reading Xanth is difficult, but I also see nothing strange and his posting manner is consistent. (Which means that if he's lying, he's a good one.) I think Delta is slightly suspicious (maybe that's my hatred of seeing over three posts quoted in one post) but not enough for me to warrant a vote on his behalf. With that said;

##UNVOTE: Zoojork
##VOTE: Silver

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:48:30 PM »

We need some people to start posting.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 11, 2008, 09:39:51 PM »
This is serious mafia, but it needs more FABULOUS!

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 10, 2008, 05:03:36 PM »

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia
« on: September 09, 2008, 03:53:28 PM »
Everything is fabulous.

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