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Messages - Silver

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Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 5
« on: October 05, 2008, 04:18:03 AM »
Alright Xanth.

I said at the beginning of the game that I would vote for you if it came down to it, but I guess your style grew on me. Your last hunch turned out to be on the money, and Kaze was complete scum. Andrew did seem a bit "too" good, and I never suspected him at all. Maybe that coincides with my post about the scum slipping through the shadows.

Hopefully we as town will win from this. Otherwise, I guess I'll go back to my original suspicions.

Goodbye, AndrewRogue.

##Vote: AndrewRogue

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: October 04, 2008, 04:02:23 PM »
This one sentence I worded poorly, let me rephrase it.

"Sometimes the suspicious ones are slip-ups on either side, while the actual scum covers their tracks and goes unnoticed until the last possible second."

Can't say usually as this is my first mafia game. I meant to say that even though their best interests is to let their team win, they can probably act completely nice and helpful, and then get some nightkills on the side. To help themselves.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: October 04, 2008, 03:56:42 PM »
Going to comment on recent happenings:

Kaze: It seems everybody is looking at you for actively lurking, and following every train possible. As well, Xanth as shown you're pretty hypocritical of your stance on trains. And the fact that you unvote every single time before the day ends is very odd. Can't really blame them, the evidence is pretty sound. I want to see his response to all this evidence against him before voting, however.

Andrew: Most of your posts seem helpful and analytical. But I don't see anything that really puts you apart. I don't have any suspicions of you.

Remo: You are pretty much right. Usually the suspicious ones cover their tracks fairly well, while the actual scum goes unnoticed until the last possible second. Who knows, after all this help and complete analyzation of the game, Xanth can still be an enemy and we'll never know. Anyways, you can't base that much on the people that didn't know Disland was scum, because he didn't even end up being lynched. Some people were suspicious here and there, but if he wasn't modkilled he might still be here in the game. Alternatively there's been several lynches that we've been positive about they were scum and they turned out to be town. They were suspicious as hell, but they were town. Guess we need to think outside of the box here.

Forum Games / Mafia Hat Trick
« on: October 03, 2008, 12:19:19 PM »
Well I'm sticking by my previous post, and don't have anything new to really say.

I should probably post about the people I haven't yet. Maybe in an hour or so after I wake up a bit, heh.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: October 01, 2008, 10:03:36 AM »
Actually, we were going to lynch with the time limit as long as there was at least one vote cast. Then at the end, the person with the most votes would be lynched. Because there was a tie it went into sudden-death mode and somebody finished it off. There was no way somebody wasn't getting lynched.

If you were such an easy target and I was going after easy targets, then why didn't I go after you?

I didn't say I was easy. Lurkers and trains are easy, and I've of course followed a couple of those myself. I'm not an easy target simply because I'm here posting and backing myself up. Thing is during the time of days 2 and 3, you were making me out to be complete scum. Somebody as bad as what you were saying should be voted for and killed, shouldn't he? So either you didn't believe some of the things you were writing entirely, or you had a reason not to. I know when I roleclaimed you lost a lot of your ambition to go after me, but in reality it doesn't change any of my past actions. Please understand that I'm not trying to villainize myself, but seeing the way you've thought of me between days 2 and 4 and analyzing it. Something doesn't seem to add up with your own actions.

I'm not close to saying I'm that bad, I just like people that stick to their opinions and act on them. That was my point.

I guess my logic is just weird.


On a completely other note:

We've got to be really careful either way with who we lynch, especially if both him and Remo end up being Town. That would put us at an even worse state. Remember that the only scum we've found has been a modkill. We've lynched townies one by one. So there's really a problem here, unless we're picking from process of elimination, or we get lucky and actually get a Scum lynch for once.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 30, 2008, 10:27:06 PM »
People read all the time without posting, to think things over.

Anyways, I'm not hiding anything at all. If you suspect me, vote for me, I don't really care if I'm killed off. Everything included the roleclaim was meant to draw attention to myself, not sweep myself under the rug. The fact that people are still talking about it a good while after I did it proves that.

EvilTom: It seems like my claim has made you forget about your position against me, or just focus on somebody else. Why would you believe somebody you think to be "extremely scummy"? I still believe you're quite scummy yourself by the actions you've put forth against me earlier. Especially your initial actions in voting for me to get me to vote for Xanth. As well, even though you saw me as scum, probably more than anyone, you refused to try to lynch me in day 3 and 4 (before my roleclaim). Very interesting really. You really like going for the easiest target most times it seems. Hiding behind things like "the time limit", when I was able to get you to -1 within that time limit. If you were able to show people that I was scum, I probably would have been lynched right there. Instead you try doing what's "good for town", and vote for the easiest candidate. Voting for somebody you truly think is scum is the best way to help the town out. Regardless of any time limits.

Nilie: It seems that you got people suspicious of you just by trying to be nice, and going off other people's opinions for evidence. That seems fine to me really. I have no reason to see a strong case here.

Kaze: Nobody is effectively confirmed innocent. Ever. Or even close. They can always be lying, telling you what you want to hear. Have a free mind, and look for signs. Mostly every one of these "better leads" turned out to be town lurkers.

schnwtfhisname: Haven't really seen anything that off with him... I'll have to recheck his posts to see.

I'll get to the other half of today's assessment soon.

Until then, I don't see much of reason not to change my vote from yesterday's. EvilTom still seems like somebody to really keep an eye on.

##Vote: EvilTom

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 29, 2008, 08:09:40 AM »
Alright, if you anticipate it, I guess I will anyways. Got nothing really to lose except losing the game, heh.

Silver aka. Shirley, Town-Aligned Vanilla.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 29, 2008, 07:01:23 AM »
Who said I was alarmed? I'm just aware of the lack of progress, and will take action to at least make things a bit more exciting.

On the contrary, there's quite a lack of tension right now.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 29, 2008, 05:41:42 AM »
I'm evil now apparently, and that's pretty awesome.

To be truthful, most of my replies are made to get reactions above all else. It seems to be working quite well if I can get a rise out of people and become a prime suspect. I'll stick by that method because it's simply entertaining to play that way. Right now everything is really stale. You've got Xanth almost talking to himself by now. You've got people waiting for other people to post. You've got scum modkilled for inactivity instead of lynched. Most votes are based on somebody's inactivity, and they end up being town anyways. So I really hope the rest of you pick it up. Even if it is against me.

Of course this post is going to put me a bit more over the top in terms of suspicion, so I guess I might reveal my role within the next few posts regardless of how many votes are against me.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 26, 2008, 04:36:42 AM »
My bad, meant to edit that one middle part of the quote out while I was posting. Not make it look like I posted the same thing myself.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 26, 2008, 04:00:09 AM »
Yesterday you tried to waste town's only weapon on lynching an inactive towny who was going to be modkilled.

Look again. The admin said that he was to be modkilled AFTER I had voted.

I'm going to stick to my own suspicions rather than going for somebody that someone has already voted for.
Today, you don't care if we get to lynch or not, you'd rather follow your personal vendetta against me. Even if it means putting the town's lynch at risk.

If you think I'm so goddamn bad, vote for me, not another lurker.
I'm not going to vote for you.
Unlike you, I place the interests of town ahead of my own.
It is in the interests of town to reach a majority vote. If we do not do this in the time limit, we will not get a lynch.

However rest assured, tomorrow when time is on our side then I shall vote for you.
In the meantime, please start acting like a member of team town and not team Silver.

Indeed. But what does voting for somebody you don't even think should be killed off do? Would it help if we were wrong yet again, just rushing to a kill because of a time limit? I see that as foolish. I say the time limit shouldn't force who you should vote for just because of that reason.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 25, 2008, 04:26:25 PM »
Well, I believe logic like mine can make the game quite interesting and bring things out in people you wouldn't usually see. Apparently you're dead set that it is the actions of scum, and you can think what you want. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I'm not going to say that it's a bad way to play, it's just how I think.

Anyways, for today...

EvilTom: You seem to be quite adamant on keeping me in there, there's a good amount of consistency. Although trying to lump me in with people that have posted far less than me almost seems like bias. It also seems like you're going for the easier lynch because of the time limit instead of sticking to what you say. If you think I'm so goddamn bad, vote for me, not another lurker. Seems like this time limit has got you anxious to kill somebody off.

Xanth: It seems a little excessive again. It's hard to say anything about anyone when you say every little bit. This is actually having an inverse effect on posting content I think. Going as far to post links and full overviews that span pages and pages worth seems almost obsessive itself. I know you want to keep the game going, but be a little more concise with your opinions.

Nilie: A sudden burst in activity actually worries me a good bit. But it came when it was needed and most people didn't know exactly what to say.

Overall: The decision on whether or not to focus on lurkers has been rather inconsistent throughout the game. Some say it's a wasted vote (then go and vote for somebody with the least activity...), some say it's better to get them out of the way. It seems rather odd how voting for lurkers is only bad when it's convenient to your case against somebody. As well, this day has been really slow because people thought to be scum were actually town, leading people to not know what to say. With all the evidence against a suspicious delta, he turned out to be Town after all, grinding the game to a halt. Hopefully over the next few days it will pick up again.

I'm going to stick to my own suspicions rather than going for somebody that someone has already voted for. Time limit be damned. If people want to follow my lead, or vote for me because of it, go ahead.

Vote: EvilTom

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:15:10 PM »
I'm back. Sorry for the delay, had things to deal with.

Seems like things took a very odd turn again. Every single killed person was Town. Not all that much to go by other than what has already been said by Xanth today.

I'll be back a little later with more in-depth thoughts of what's going on.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 06:22:16 AM »
He might not be. But I'm not making anything up. You're voting for a lot of the same reason, as is following the train, trying to finish it off. The thing that's different is the reasoning behind it, which both had the backing of 5 other people. This seems a hell of a lot more solid though I agree. I actually agreed that a Delta lynch would be a good thing in the part of my post after that.

I believe somebody that tries to force somebody else into things is scummy, so I guess the feeling is mutual.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 20, 2008, 05:52:32 AM »
Just got a up, and a lot has shifted.

Xanth: Brilliant. Another large post, but more and more they've been filling up with meaty content. Your last posts on Delta seems to be on the money. But, never lay eyes off a man that can analyze every situation. I've got a hell of a lot of respect for you at this point. But I'll still be watching you.

Remo & EvilTom: It seems quite hypocritical that you're jumping on a train instead of voting for me, while you also went at me for doing the exact same thing. Interesting. Another note to EvilTom: You just got Delta to -1, oh my! It seems that way since you guys didn't focus on Delta that much in the past either. In short you're doing the same thing you just voted me for, sans the reasoning of the person being voted in the first place. This all seems rather strange to me.

Delta: I won't join your train, but I see all the arguments against you and they seem valid. So I guess you're lucky I'm not the one that puts you away here, even though you were so quick to vote on me with EvilTom. I wonder, I wonder. Initially, you said that we should be focusing on lurkers. But when it's convenient for you and I follow a train that nails a lurker, you just follow somebody else and vote for me. It seems really, really off, but ah well.

Disland: Show up more, if you can. I'd like a few more of your own thoughts on your current vote as well.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2008, 11:00:40 AM »
On further thought, I'm going wait it out and see if this guy ever shows up again. Hopefully he'll have a good excuse for not being here for most of the game.

##Unvote: zooyork

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2008, 08:32:11 AM »
The reason i put my vote off of disland is because i would rather lynch a person who is scum than a person that isnt contributing. He may be a scummy lurker but to be honest... with no nightkills and only a few lynches heading into day three, we really do have nothing to go on at the moment.

Silver, if we lynch zooyork, we will be wasting a lynch that would be better spent on a modkill and a different lynchee. Can you not see what EvilTom is saying?

Or maybe... Just maybe... you want the town to waste a lynch.

Why did you put zooyorl to -1? Why didnt you give any reasons? Why are you attempting to get someone to lynch zooyork for you?

##VOTE: Silver

To be completely honest, I didn't even think it through that far. I just wanted people to get back to talking about people who were still playing, and thought if somebody not participating wasn't there, there would be.

Seems like my vote did just that unintentionally, with you guys putting shit on me for it. Ah well, gotta think things through more thoroughly I guess.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2008, 08:29:29 AM »
The first few people on the train such as El Cid and myself voted for him in the early days, when it was a good idea to do so. He was not inactive at that time. Those votes are justified. Saying that there's no reason to pick you out from the rest of us is a complete lie. You just threw your vote on him right at the end of the train and put him to -1 to hammer even though he's gone inactive. To there's no possible pressure coming from your vote.

In other words, your vote is there for no reason other than to lynch.

Since he hasn't responded yet, it looks like zooyork is about done. Unfortunate, but currently he's the best candidate. Looks like I'm going to have to jump on this to start to finish the job
There's no reason to vote for him if he hasn't responded in 3 days, other than to waste town's lynch.
You say he's the best candidate, without providing any reasons why.
You say you're trying to 'start to finish the job' - that sounds like a very suspicious way of saying "I'm going to put him in hammer range, but I'm not actually going to do it myself because that's dangerous". Are you overly concerned about attracting attention to yourself?

Sure, Kaze put him at -2, which is also bad, but you put him at -1 which is worse. And you tried to make it look like you weren't actually doing anything. What's your justification? How do you answer this?

I was doing it because I agreed that having somebody who's technically useless in the game is not a good idea. If you're not posting, you're not really playing. Therefore he's just filling up space, when there can be focus put on other players. That's why most people were voting for him, or suspicious of him in the first place. I was just continuing it along. Kaze, Sch and Rofl all voted for the exact same reason if you look through. Just because somebody happens to jump on and push somebody to almost being finished doesn't mean they have any less of a reason for doing so.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2008, 07:01:37 AM »
If there's five other people voting for almost the exact same reason, you can't single one person out for doing the same thing. It just doesn't make sense.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2008, 12:31:26 AM »
Since he hasn't responded yet, it looks like zooyork is about done. Unfortunate, but currently he's the best candidate. Looks like I'm going to have to jump on this to start to finish the job.

##Unvote: EvilTom
##Vote: zooyork

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 18, 2008, 04:40:56 PM »
Alright, sure. You know though, I can do things on my own free time. You guys don't always have to ask and force me into things here.

Zooyork didn't seem to do much of anything at all, trying to hang on to the fact that he's a "new player" to avoid conflict. But not playing is one of the best ways to draw out suspicions. He tried to vote for you Xanth while I was as to follow me around a bit, but he never gave much of his own opinions on the matter. I don't think he's really that suspicious at this point. I think he just needs to start posting already!!

Delta seemed very distressed that nobody was voted for in the first day. I liked the fact that he backed me up though. He also doesn't seem to have a large amount of attention, and can't stand role-play or large paragraphs. As well, he seems to dodge other people's accusations and go onto something completely different. I see some validation for being a suspicious of Delta.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2008, 11:11:21 PM »
As irrelevant, I meant "too early to tell" in that context. Even though I got a good grip of who he was, you can't tell that much at this point. That's why I thought it was time to slow down a bit on an accusation and start to work with more than that, getting a further grip on the game's system.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2008, 02:07:10 PM »
No, that was the overall picture I was getting from the tone of your posts.

You asked for some quotes and I gave them. You can't expect me to say "oops nothing of that sort happened, sorry for the accusation." Even if it wasn't that big, that's the way I saw the overall picture. You can call me crazy for that all I want, it's simply my opinion.

Nice analogies though.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2008, 01:20:54 PM »
Good town vibe from that one.
Not too suspicious, but it still shows that you want to say you are.

It can only benefit scum. They'll know who to kill.
The "they" modifier infers that you're not.

You can't just sit around and expect scum to give up.

Your refusal to help town is making me want to vote for you.
Pretty much says you're saying you're of town too, if you're looking down on people who aren't helping it.

But I can pretty much take it the opposite way, because these statements are actually quite direct. If you wanted people to know your role, you could be a bit more subtle about it.

It's easy for scum to sit back and idly comment. I'm not about to let you or anyone else get a free ride. Put your money where your mouth is and vote when you attack somebody, otherwise it looks like you're trying to raise suspicion about people without it being traced back to you later on the voting record.
You want to say that you can't comment on anybody without voting on them? Haven't people been doing this the whole time by focusing on different people then voting for one? You're doing the same really. Hell, the comment you placed about Xanth before mine, was also without a vote. Sounds pretty hypocritical to me. You're just spreading yourself out further. Commenting without voting simply means you need to think about something further, or want to express something first.

Silver, I find it interesting that when the day's lynch candidates are Delta, roflknife, zooyork, Disland, and yourself, that you chose to comment on Roflknife, Kaze, Nille, Myself, Disland and Xanth.
Why didn't you comment on Delta, or zooyork? Why haven't you tried to defend yourself?

Talking about the same things as everybody else is a bit boring, don't you think? As you said, I'm forming my own opinions. I don't have to give a comment off every single person another person has voted on.

Forum Games / Re: Britannian Geass Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2008, 10:33:00 AM »
Alright. Here's some of my other opinions so far:

RoflKnife and Kaze seem to be playful and innocent, displaying bits of fluff along the way. Small appearances with not much to really go on so far. It seems like they want to stay in the game but don't know exactly what to say. Thus they're raising suspicion, but right now it really can't be shown either way. They seem rather dodgy, and want to just stay in more.

Nille also seems to act around the same way. Cheerful, doesn't want to vote for anybody, but gives reasons behind that action. I have no suspicions here, seems innocent enough.

EvilTom seems a little persistent in getting what he wants. I started being more suspicious of him when he all but forced me to vote without investigating my thoughts further. Why would you provide incentives for somebody to vote even though they're already thinking about it. And then, not even a half of a day later, he switches positions to congratulating Xanth on what he's doing, while I keep my thoughts going. He also seems to put into many of his posts that he is a town role, even though all we have to go by there are his own words. It seems rather odd.

Disland seems determined to have something happen. He was rather disturbed with nobody being chosen on the first day. He's also clinging to the fact that he's a new player instead of adapting, which seems like bad play to me. Other than that, he hasn't shown his face much.

Xanth: Single mindedness or true focus? Who knows, most people don't like that I haven't shared my other thoughts. Here's some, but I've got more that I'm thinking about... By sticking to one suspect, I managed to get quite a good bit into understanding your personality, and at the same time get mine out there for people to see. A different style I suppose. Since it's nearing another new day, I just thought I'd do something different. We must have quite different mindsets for us to keep going on like this.

Vote: EvilTom

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