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Messages - Mace Windu

Pages: [1]
Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 03:37:53 AM »
I said what needed to be said about the Wookie; that he was being oblivious to his surroundings. There was nothing else remotely compelling aside from the White Witch trying to train people but that seemed entirely too obvious and blatant to be a scum ploy (and it was of course...). Furthermore, I am not going to sit here like a speed addicted 10 year old TRYING TO RESPOND TO EVERY POST! because that's stupid and yet expected. This game is just kind of really boring and slow and I'm way too busy to try to start discussion.

The end of yesterday was a ridiculous debacle. Intuitively I want to think that Gandalf would benefit from killing the White Witch more than anyone, although this can be twisted in various ways. Ah well.. Rincewind feels a little off for reasons I can't explain, maybe just the day end change... but his vote against Gandalf was a joke vote. Eh, whatever.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 06:58:21 AM »
I think that Jabba simply wants our decisions to be guided properly. I don't think it is unfair to question the practice of simply forming a lynch mob, although Master John has a point; the end of the day is nigh, and many of us have very little to say. The quietness chills me to the bone.

Until the Wookie makes his presence more readily available, I will have to stick with my initial assessment of his inattentiveness being an issue.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 10:21:58 PM »
At first sight, It's not clear that GLADOS wasn't in the game. The game members list was certainly posted after I posted! However, even after the clarification, the wookie still makes commentary on GLADOS giving after neutral vibes, as thoroughly useless as such a comment is.

##VOTE: Master Wookie

A uselessly tentative post + whatever it's Day 1.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 11, 2008, 11:37:58 PM »
I'm Samuel L. Jackson, bitch. Give me my damn cake.

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