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Messages - Gandalf

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Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 02:09:22 PM »
Figuring out what the scum are thinking and doing is kind of the point of the game, and, yknow, what cases are based on.

We've had different aims then. My aim is to find fault in someone's reasoning and actions and go against that - not attempt to theorize what scum are hoping to achieve by doing this and that action. We can go in circles like that forever, and if we weren't playing I'd love to engage in such a debate with you once.

You are doing an excellent job at flailing and, had I not seen my results myself, I would've possibly bought them and vote for Gandalf. Nimitz and Ahnuld should not let your further deceit cloud their just judgement.

If Nimitz and Ahnuld place themselves in each of our shoes, I may well hope they see the deceit you are employing. You have been one for easy targets the entire game - first the Wookie, then Mace Windu, then Rincewind and now, of course, I would be the next "easy target" in line. That you attacked Terminator at the start of this game confuses me beyond measure, since you have been saying you do not trust me completely for a while now and, yet, prioritized getting the man of iron. For what? Brownie points for not getting the easiest lynch again today?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 01:18:14 PM »
Your WIFOM theory reeks too much of chance. I do not purport to know of scum theory, nor will I even attempt to guess at the theory you and Rincewind have employed.

Why not let the Tracker live and cast his credibility to doubt? That's the only reason I can think of why Jabba died instead of me this night, for then there'd have been none to see your actions. Perhaps Jabba's Bodyguard (which he didn't even flip, so I don't know how much to trust in that) kicked in, but the matter of the fact is that I don't know what scum are thinking, and find it a bit discomforting you are basing your entire case against me based on WIFOM logic that "scum must've had Plan A or B which was so and so and so".

Why did I not immediately vote Rincewind? Good man, what if he was a Cop that had headed over to check alignment? To fakeclaim at LYLO is stupidity indeed but I see no reason to push zealously for a lynch if there is at least some defense against Tracker, because as you should know we only see who was targeted by our target, not what they did to them. I called suspicion to most's non-contesting of my results in case I died in the night, warning town to take a good gander at who jumped on the Rincewind bandwagon immediately with no recourse.

Was that stupid of me to do? In hindsight, yes, I do agree that it wasn't the wisest course of action to take, for it would've created an impasse. But if I had placed that vote of mine ere Rincewind had continued claiming vanilla, what if he HAD indeed lied about being Vanilla, was a Town powerrole and then the two scum had quick-hammered him out? I might hope my caution will not suddenly be betwixted into scum tactics now.

If I got lynched and suppose I was scum, how would that clear Rincewind at all?

John Freeman would like to point out again Rincewind's lack of any effort at all in trying to rebut Gandalf's result.  With most of town having trust issues with Gandalf anyhow, if Gandalf was town it couldn't have hurt scum to at least try to refute him and hope a couple of people bite.  Especially, again, if John Freeman had been scum with Rincewind and could have joined on and said "I don't really trust Gandalf."  THAT would have been a relatively easy route towards a scum win, had John Freeman been scum.

To WIFOM as you do:

1) Contest Gandalf's claim rigorously and hopefully get trusted above Gandalf.
2) NOT contest Gandalf's claim, then have your ally cast it into doubt the next day and WIFOM theorize to get him lynched.

You knew full well I would produce my final day results, so I do not know why you jumped on a Terminator bandwagon. Waiting for me to come with the result that signify you as scum before casting the doubt on me?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 20, 2008, 10:33:00 AM »
I chose Freeman by virtue that whoever I didn't pick would be the scum if my choice didn't stir. Why Freeman over Ahnuld? Just a matter of chance, really. I saw his name last before the hammer fell and went with it.

Freeman's current defense holds no ground to me. Last day was LYLO as well, 'twould that my efforts would've been far better spent on getting town lynched than scum lynched, if I were scum.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Day 4: A new hope
« on: September 19, 2008, 11:17:50 PM »
##VOTE: Freeman

I reason as follows:

1) It is not me.
2) It cannot be Nimitz, since Rincewind targeted him and Jabba's claim checks out.
3) It is either Freeman or Terminator.
4) I tracked Freeman and saw him head over to Jabba.
5) Jabba is now dead.

So either: Freeman is a powerrole in service of town and checked out Jabba for whatever reason, lied to us about his role OR Freeman is scum.

Since I see no reason to lie at LYLO unless you are scum, I am left with only one option, and that is to follow the results of my tracking.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 06:41:00 PM »
I just would like to mention Rincewind is -1 from hammer now, so think before you vote.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 06:38:37 PM »
Although I previously supported Gandalf's decision to withhold the results of his night actions I am now speculating on whether he waited for everyone else to claim in order to tailor his information to suit the situation.

That's a very good theory indeed. Except that it meant I would take the risk of hoping that someone would speak up and provide an alibi for me that needed no reckoning. Had Jabba not revealed his nightly target, I would've inquired whether he'd targeted Nimitz - for that is what I suspect'd, seeing Rincewind claim vanilla, yet target Nimitz.

I find it odd Jabba presses for Rincewind to protect himself much - mostly because the only viable argument that can be provided here is, "Well, Gandalf is lying", which surprisingly has only been brought up by "Ahnold". Most you seem to question my sincerity in these actions - supposing that I could be scum attempting to sell out a scum mate. Why would I? If I were scum, I'd get a town lynched, and win the game. There's no merit in't for me to sell out a scum buddy and lose if people decide that, "Well, WIFOM here but that's what could be the case". If you haven't noticed, I could've just as well claimed tracking "Ahnold" or "John Freeman", and they'd find themselves needing to defend their alibis as well - perhaps with better zeal than Rincewind has. Who can earnestly say they'd have tossed my result to the wind had I claimed tracking anyone else?

You don't seem to realize the urgency of being right here. Being wrong means we lose, folks. I would hope that if you hammer on how you suspect me that you have it out right now, rather than dilly dally and delay, saying "Oh well, I don't really trust Gandalf but he 'confirms' Rincewind scum, let's go with this merrily because there's no way lynching a townie today would end the game for us", except that it would.

##VOTE: Rincewind

While I appreciate the trust in that I speak truth [for now], I find it alarming from those that have done so to mention my suspiciousity in passing, yet ignore the entire truth that a wrong lynch today is like to end the game... Assuming two scum, as we've been doing this entire game.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 18, 2008, 06:43:34 AM »
As Tracker, I'll reveal, I tracked firstnight the White Witch, who acted not. I had my suspicion laid on her, as of day 1, and deemed it important watch her movements at night to determine whether I was wrong, possibly wrong, or right.

We all know the results of that investigation.

I can now safely confirm Jabba's role. Terminator's suspicion of Rincewind's last action in voting for me made me alarmed as well, and though it may be considered OMGUS, I had decided to spend the last night spying out Rincewind's behaviours. Though he claims Vanilla, I watch'd him pay nightly visit to Nimitz.

This checks in with Jabba's alibi for the night, and means Nimitz was, truly, the target of nightly assault.

With still some margin to be erroneous, for two scum could lynch quickly if I am wrong, I ask you Rincewind - how will you excuse this? Have you an excuse for your nightly visit, paid to Nimitz?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - The Third Day, the Frosting
« on: September 17, 2008, 05:46:11 PM »
Six of us still remain to stand - truly, the cat speaks wisdom. Or his spokesman does, at the very least. A lynch in vain may well result in the conclusion of our battle against the dark forces.

The proposition to roleclaim seems appealing - now may be the best of times to reveal who we are unto the others, yet the reluctance is what strikes me odd. We have but sparse time - why then dawdle and wait? Await others to claim, lest scum claim the role of one that exists already?

I am Gandalf the Grey, and I say to be a Tracker. My magic finds its path through winding courses, and follows people where they stand.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 16, 2008, 12:06:50 AM »
As I must depart now, I will be unavailable to perform the deed of sending off Mace Windu before all daylight has been burn'd. Due to our present circumstances, patience may be the virtue needed, but may patience not cloud our eyes for proper judgment when time is due.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 10:55:56 PM »
While paying undue ignorance to the present two messages from colleagues, I'd like to pose another question.

Given the current... Revelation of identity, and looming threat of a so-called modkill, would people still wish for me to deliver death unto Mace Windu ere it is too late?

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 09:01:14 PM »
I would ask you still your hand, friend Nimitz, for the day may have grown weary, but there is still progress to be booked. To mention not I had already declared intent to cast death upon him should he not speak, enough daylight has been burned, and so that we may avert that, might you answer first what you found so disbelievable of my notion that I had rather not grown the center of negative attention?

It remains commentary that is etched to my memory, and would serve me well in assessing you.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 15, 2008, 08:49:21 PM »
If my sense of the times is still right, we have about five hours left until the sun sets. Time is growing dire, and I see discussion has stagnated.

Mayhap an ancient wizard's insights may spring new life to stilled discussion.

Terminator: My assessment of the machine man is that he seems keen on tracking down the target. His methods are agreeable. Lest his actions hide scum, I will evaluate his continuous posts with scrutiny, though so far they have given me nary a reason to believe he is anything other than what he pretends to be.

John Freeman: A most curious man. He's continued to message us in ways that are sometimes difficult to understand. The lack of straightforwardedness in his posts is unsettling, and may be a scum tactic to cloud their true intent. Low suspicion of servitude to the Dark Lord.

Jabba: His concern for Freeman opens my eyes to something I had not seen myself. Though simple of tongue, he seems to show clarity for matters. He appears lackluster in his hunt for scum, however, mentioning in passing that he disagrees with the machine man's logic, and finds suspicion in Freeman, but does not pursue these suspicions. I would request of him to start taking a clearer stance against scum, lest he rouse my suspicion to dangerous levels.

Rincewind: Fair Wizard Rincewind, ere I write of you, answer me a question,
Gandalf: Is still lingering in the back of my mind. The joke vote was incredibly poorly timed. Still, I don't quite put as much weight on his opposition to the White Witch as, fundamentally, I understand where the objection was coming from. Still, the points in favor of the White Witch were well brought up: discussion does have to start somewhere and, lacking any other method, a random train is as good as any. I consider him a worthwhile candidate.
For what reason do you consider me a worthwhile candidate? I read you say you find my jokevote poorly timed, and find my opposition of the White Witch to be of "less weight", and then praise a random train. Could you clarify which of these is your grounds for considering me a worthwhile candidate?
Presently, I find that the Wizard Rincewind has nary contributed to discussion. While I cannot clearly feel if he be foe or friend, I find it important to keep steady watch on him.

Mace Windu: I have said my part on this before. His lackluster attitude may bely a scornful man who seeks to serve the Dark Lord's ambitions. His disinterest may also be simple apathy, and as such would I request him again to respond to my question earlier, and the questions of others all the same.

Nimitz: I have responded to his disbelief of my notion that I found the course of action that found me at the eye of inquisition regretable, and further await his response to this ere I can form better judgment.

Should it be deemed necessary, I am willing to bring Mace Windu to death, though I would strife to seek alternative in ##VOTE: John Freeman, whose coded words may easily hide true intent. One who does not speak in clear terms, with fluff and madness abound aplenty need be treated with due scrutiny, I feel, and as such will I treat him so.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 08:14:10 PM »
As well, he states that his alternative to bandwagoning as a source of founding discussion was both regrettable and accidental.  This is something which I find difficult to believe.

Ultimately, discussion was formed around my words and [lack of] logic. I do not see how you find it difficult to believe that I regret taking a course of action that has led to people wishing to take my life, nor do I see why I would voluntarily place myself within death's reach, as sacrificing myself would not promote the search for scum in any way that is beneficial to me.

And yes, if my Day 1 case is going to be held against me Day 2, I will find reason to defend that case, for as much as I have little justification besides "wizardly gut feeling" and "day 1".

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 14, 2008, 01:20:17 PM »
I have not aim'd to respond to such inquiries because I cannot reason my suspicion. However wrong it has turned out, at that time my wizard senses were tingling and warning me. As a wizard, one learns to trust intuition.

An alternative to forming a Day 1 discussion is by one person sticking their neck out and garnering suspicion. Admittably not the wisest of choices, and I must admit to embarassment for enacting such a scenario.
I will also admit to not proposing a different course of action, though my course of action, as stated when I placed my vote on her, was derived from the White Witch's own suggestion - notably, a band wagon.

Before Master Wookie brought about his own demise (a regretable act, for our allies are growing sparse now), I had asked Nimitz to detail the other people he classed as "suspicious" alongside me. As such, I will re-request him to do so right now.

Another person I would request to do the same is sir Freeman,
John Freeman goes by and gets a resistance feeling from Gandalf and would prefer other trains
and would ask for him to clarify what other trains he would have preferred.

Mace Windu's dislike for the game makes me question why he chose to participate. Using the excuse that "the game is boring" to excuse lackluster participation and lurker-behaviour is not acceptable. While my playful joking was certainly something to be frowned on, I find this lack of motivation to hunt scum distressing.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 07:01:10 PM »
Sadly, this does mean that our choices are now limited to a scant three who have already managed to gain suspicion as Havenite agents.

If we suppose that you are supposing what you suppose without your supposition being affected by the Dark Lord Sauron, then who do you suppose are suspicious other than myself? I see you speak praise of the lady White Witch, and find your stance on the Master Wookie as confusing as the Master Wookie's set of logic.

Which I would like to remark on, if you'll let me. Though thankful he's directed his aims elsewhere, I find the Master Wookie disconcerting. The Wookies, certainly a mysterious race, appear to hold to a logic that is unwordly. My attempts to unground their logic has proven itself futile, and I find this dangerous.

Though we have all striven towards lifting the fog of confusion that's set itself upon us, the Wookie has yet to do so, though he's promised he will. I will grant him that time, as quick and rash action will play only into Sauron's plans, but will vote on him if time grows even more dire than it has so now.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 11:23:08 AM »
Master Wookie, I will have to question your arguments.

White Witch seems to be trying to form a lynch mob, however she seems to be doing this purely in towns interest.

I'd like to know your reasoning on why sudden and random bandwagoning based off of a jokevote is something that is purely in the interest of the town. Whether or not the lady White Witch aim'd to lynch here is not of issue, but the action stands that she called for a bandwagon and prodded one on to Rincewind with little reasoning.

And do you truly intend to push my jokevote as "indiscrimatly voting" and attempt to lynch me for it? Making a jokevote right after someone else's jokevote certainly didn't seem as something truly terrible to me.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 13, 2008, 02:54:31 AM »
##UNVOTE: Nimitz

Though the vote wasn't counted, it wasn't a serious vote to begin with, so that's okay. Already we've lost precious time, and I am partly at fault for thinking in light humor still when time was growing dire.

I'm asked to make sense? Beg your pardon? I was under the belief we were still prodding with jokevotes for something of substance to form, good fellow wizard, good... machineman!

It's become dauntingly obvious to me that both of you have had reason to vote for me, if we believe you believe I was believing Nimitz to be of the Dark Forces with more conviction than playful humor. The lady White Witch, however, expresses she wants us to "bandwagon", and I think I shall take heed of her advice, lest this bandwagon be turned to me.

##VOTE: WhiteWitch

Lynching good wizard Rincewind (a fine wizard, undoubtedly, for he called me fine as well) only because he looks at the ditches instead of the stars? Proposing to bandwagon him because machineman jokevoted him? I find this altogether more troubling than my jokevotes, which I find not troubling at all.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 06:08:07 PM »
Good man, it is a cat. A cat. The Dark Lord Sauron has been known to corrupt the minds of many creatures, and it would surprise me not a bit if he'd commanded the cat to do his bidding.

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:59:29 PM »
I disagree with you, metallic man. Wanton murder may very well leave us without allies. I believe, however, that ##VOTE: Nimitz is like to be one of Sauron's Dark Forces...

Forum Games / Re: Anony Sci-Fi Mafia - Begin the game proper
« on: September 11, 2008, 11:52:43 PM »
Quite a dire situation. Quite curious directions. The board is set. The pieces are moving.

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