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Messages - Crow T. Robot

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Any reservations I might've had pretty much evaporated when less than 12 minutes after my post pointing out Ash's rulebreaking to boost Team Scum's chances he turned out to have been here all along. Any chance someone town is around to give Ash the votes he so richly deserves so I could sleep? Tomorrow's like a 16 hour day for me so it would be muchly appreciated.

I don't want to hear it from scum trying to cheat his way through the endgame. Extended lurking, and hey, he was here all along. Or are you just passing through?

I can't sleep.

Ash's last post.

« Reply #267 on: October 26, 2008, 09:53:48 PM »

The votecount.

« Reply #320 on: October 27, 2008, 11:56:18 PM »

Didn't we talk about this, Cid? I specifically asked if you were going to let people get away with breaking the lurking rule at LYLO, and you promised not to.

If it helps, Excel is the only place they ever apply for me, because nothing really makes sense without them. Metagame arguments frustrate you? Excel frustrates me. (But in a friendly way, I guess, it's not like there's hatred and rage here. And at least it's way better than dropping out and losing us a day, or being so very scummy like Yangus. There's a love for the game in Excel, I can feel!)

Someone has to be scum, yes. The probability of Excel being scum vs Excel being town is 2/11th to 9/11th, however.

Going after Excel, whom I called the easiest mark in the game, may not be passive but is hardly something encouraging for me. Your behavior outside that is passive. You went after the Dude? Well, yes. And see the section of my post which details how that went.

I don't know about us folk and all that, but I'm voting Ash for reasons already stated.

##Vote: Ash

Let's do this. Deadline's near, and I can't stay up much longer. Two more votes will either give us a fighting chance of seal the game.

Ash's silence would be inexcusable for town on trial at LYLO. I will be voting for him within 15 minutes from now.

Did he clam up to avoid casting more doubt against his partner? Is it Miyagi, or merely what The Dude/Ash want us to think so that tomorrow we'll choose badly? I have to say that it looks worse for Mr. Miyagi. Ash/The Dude might have had a reasonable chance of turning things around on Miyagi. Hell, Ash could've tried that on his own even without The Dude's help, keeping the latter in the clear.

Well, I suppose we'll see soon enough. Khan, Excel, here's to hoping we're about to win this.

Miyagi thoughts, may not be in order.

Opens the day with a vanilla claim, and a declaration that scum favorites for him are The Dude and Ash. So far, so good. I accept The Dude's point that it is weak to ask for thoughts on him rather than do it yourself, but I feel that Miyagi acquits himself with a post detailing his concerns re: The Dude. Of that charge, that is.

As an aside, I accept the point Miyagi presents on the Dude for day 1 for 'getting rid of' the queen. Then again, it is day 1.

Okay. So his post on The Dude being suspicious day 1 is for the most part decent, I find. But... where's the post-day 1 stuff, man? You say
Not understand why everyone think The Dude is town.
in your vanilla claim post, but you are seemingly answering your own question when you don't present a coherent day 2/3 follow-up post for The Dude's scummy behavior.
I outlined what I could find on him that was more-or-less solid, and he has rebuked most of those. Fine, I get that, I will not chase that line of inquiry unless further opportunity arises to call question to him again.

This doesn't look good to me. The rest of that post focuses on Excel, aka easiest lynch ever. Get Excel riled up -> goad Excel into a bad move -> easy lynch, yes? It feels like you're retreating to a safer position rather than challenge The Dude's defense or find more proof of your Dude/Excel scumbuddies theory. This is an ongoing theme with you, of backing off when challenged seemingly regardless of how convincing the counter-argument is. I can't say what is or isn't convincing to Miyagi, of course, but I can judge what the rest of us, myself included, buy into and not. That is the basis for my statement here.

Also, this is LYLO, right? If you don't go on the offensive against those you see as questionable, then when? Your behavior feels passive all game, but at LYLO it comes off even worse.
In this post, you look into Excel past day 1 antics. Again, I have to wonder why The Dude did not warrant the same treatment from you.
Felt like addressing this, apologies as it doesn't quite feel in an analysis of Miyagi. I don't know about Khan, but I think Excel is a bad player because she utterly fails to pass as town to the naked eye.

What else? You keep on ignoring the (genuine, I must assume) requests of other players, even when they openly state that your behavior makes it difficult to both understand your true meaning and easy for you to hide any slips. I don't refer only to posting 'in character', but also to your refusal to comment on those you don't find suspicious. You even seem to understand why we would want to see this, but still don't do it beyond, perhaps, the most token of efforts. You also are a follower, as was evidenced with Yangus, where you made an argument against him that fit you even better. It is a scummy tactic, but the real offense isn't that it favors scum. It is in that such behavior hurts town regardless of your alignment.

You also have a surprisingly high ratio of posts regarding rules recently, I found. Your participation is rather low compared to The Dude, myself or Khan, and possibly others as well. I'm not in the mood to go hunting for postcounts. But while looking through an assortment of your last posts after already reading them in proper order and context through the thread itself, I found you jump on seemingly any excuse to talk about technicalities. I refer to both roleblocking done on the Queen and the rules necessitation LYLO announcements. It's not much, but it feels off for a man of few words.

And finally, what's up with the pattern of 'Miyagi want know (something several people do/something equally generic)'? Such queries are too open and are quite difficult to answer unless one assumes to speak for others and that brings with it other problems. It feels lazy, and that it diverts attention from yourself as you 'provide content'. That has the appearance of a scummy behavior.

(apologies for length, I tend to ramble while tired and sleepy, it seems)

I intend to be around for two more hours. Three tops. So that's my own deadline for a vote on Ash, my target at this time. I'm also working on the promised, much-delayed Miyagi post.

Meantime, due to Miyagi's request, I'll now post something that may not be politically correct.

I believe I've pegged who Excel is with her second post, and that was even without the meta where times online factor in. Allow me to be perfectly frank. Excel, and I would be very surprised if there's another Excel in our midst, always plays like this. It always looks horribly scummy, whether Excel is scum or town. In fact, I can't recall Excel's actual alignment ever factoring much. A role might, but Excel has claimed vanilla, so I can't even fall back on that.

For anyone who has a problem with anonmafia relying on meta arguments... actually play differently if you want to be a true anon. I bet everyone knows who I am by this point, but I also hope it wasn't painfully apparent from the very start of the game.

And then, there's the actual content. Excel flails too much; I certainly hope any scum pair would instruct her to just not do it too much or would have thrown her under the bus already. I actually buy into Excel's logic wrt cop fakeclaims, and given Excel's character, I believe she would have preferred to go for the gambit. I've known Excel to lie with claims even when it wasn't the smartest thing to do, and everything I've seen of her in this game supports my assumption that it would have held true here as well.

And let's play the numbers game. 2 scum, 11 total. Excel's chances of drawing scum are far lower than drawing town, and even if her behavior makes her completely unpredictable, simple math tells me she's far more likely to be town.

To summarize, Excel had done a few moves that while questionable I find both honest and on town's side, and I like the probability of her being town. I could go on and on with examples of such moves to a second post, Mr Miyagi, if this one doesn't convey my thoughts on the topic sufficiently.

(using a logical stopping point to split this up for easier reading)

Okay, onwards to possible outcomes based on the above.

Since I don't consider Excel scum, Miyagi would not be able to hang without town voting for him. If Ash is town, I don't see how Miyagi could be, so I'm not worried over him casting his vote on Miyagi. If he isn't and is scum, then at worst, there could be two scum on Miyagi, achieving parity. Therefore, scum would be able to take us into sudden death, and Excel could unvote and lynch Ash.

If Ash shows up and does something to alleviate our concerns, then there is majority to get Miyagi lynched. If one of the three people I'm considering the scum pool is proven reasonably innocent to me, the other two must be scum by default and it doesn't matter which of them hangs first. If Ash fails to do this... we return to the first scenario.

On pairs. Would The Dude vote in Ash if they're scumbuddies? I suspect it's possible, given the way the mood had been going today, and Khan here "I can mostly see how today will go. There are already four voices against Mr. Ash." adequately reflects the sentiments of us today. Scum might want to cut their losses. Also, while going to fetch this quote, I saw this post again. I didn't like it then, and I'm not sure I like it now.
The Dude, some time after the post Khan's above quote comes from:
Far as I can tell, we aren't too far from being in agreement on voting for either Ash or Miyagi.

I honestly don't know if we were in agreement about it at the time. I think most of the cases at that point had been Excel->me and Khan and Miyagi, me->Ash, Ash->me and Excel, Khan->Excel and Ash. I can't speak for everyone involved, and I might have misjudged the emphasis people were placing on their positions, but it certainly doesn't look to me on a reread up till the point of your post in question that Ash and Miyagi were the two candidates we were all locked on for today. That it ended up being that way later on is irrelevant. You were speaking about the present.

Any other two pairs would depend on Miyagi, and I've yet to go over his posts in the greater detail I wish. Also, it would be interesting to see whether he would agree with the way the lynch is headed at the moment, it being Ash, or if he would try to divert it elsewhere.

Okay, I'm home. Haven't read the thread in full yet, but can at least comment in peace.

Some process of elimination to start with.

I judge it very unlikely that Excel is scum.
I judge it unlikely that Khan is scum. I think Khan has played exceptionally and deserves a MVP whichever side he might be, but his constant presence and not fearing to step out on a limb when it would simply be easier for scum to take another option speaks for itself. His taking us to sudden death day 1 is just one example of this; both targets were town, we know that now. Any explanation for scum-Khan's actions is horribly convoluted. Simple town confusion is believable, however, and far more likely.

So this leaves me with three people to consider. Luckily, two of them are scum. Sadly, the remainder is town, and our chances of missing are great (1/3 overall chance of victory with no new info if we hit scum today).

The Dude, Miyagi, Ash. Two of you must be scum if my reasoning is sound. I will gladly elaborate more on why I think Excel and Khan are town if asked to, but for now, I will focus on you and on what can go down today. (for what it's worth, I mulled over this before I even know who The Dude was, and it doesn't particularly affect my thoughts)

Ash's absence has been felt ever since late day 2, as I've mentioned before. He had been needlessly abrasive and hostile and kept on changing the subject whenever I asked him rather simple questions. When I did that with Miyagi and Khan, I got answers. They didn't satisfy me fully, with the former, and worked well enough with the latter, but my point is that regardless of whether the content ultimately convinced me of their guilt or innocence, the actual attitude is also important. Ash's seems designed to intimidate questioning by taking the fight over to the person asking the questions. The best defense is a good offense? Maybe, but in mafia, offense means having an actionable case on another, not OMGUS or almost-wild attacks. And he is absent now, well past the time we had seen him around during previous days. I see Ash as my prime suspect for scum #1.

Mr. Miyagi. To fully assess his case, I need to read in detail what had gone on in the recent posts I've only skimmed so far. I will get back to it, but let me place my thoughts on the table, first.

The Dude. I must admit I was surprised when I found him among the three finalists, as it were. But still, at a glance, his participation had been lesser recently, compared to how he started out. And let's look at today. He places an early vote on Ash, and states he may not be around. This seems to me setting the ground for plausible lurking, but a revote/rebuttal in case opportunity strikes. The best of both worlds, as it were. His reasoning for 'all of town' needing to combine their powers like Captain Planet or something is also deeply flawed. I already stated why in the brief post to Excel just as I was leaving for home.

Then he suggests placing us in sudden death if we want him to revote. I find that remark frightening. A townie placing us in sudden death today loses the game for us, simple as that. So would one suggest that as a remotely preferable solution?

Arg hate go for Miyagi if you must vote now, leaving, etc, don't want two votes on Ash before Ash posts.

Quick post to Excel. Only a very, very partial read, not an informed opinion. Didn't have time to read beyond briefly skimming, certainly not to go back the thread.

Feeling better on Miyagi, can't support it with actual facts if they exist in the time I currently have.

Feeling disappointed by Ash's recent posting and behavior.

Feeling troubled by The Dude placing a vote on Ash which I find unreasonable at this time. Could there be something into The Dude after all?

That all four townies are needed to overrule scum today is wrong. We need three townies to vote someone who is scum. Scum have two votes. We only need majority to lynch, hammer is unnecesary.

Still catching up, saw Excel's request on my thoughts re: Miyagi. Won't be able to address for at least three hours. I'll try once I have the time to actually respond rather than read in between work.

Since you're the only other person who seems to be here, Khan, would you mind commenting on this post?

You've commented on Miyagi today, and called attention to queries The Dude made towards Miyagi, but I didn't see you address his case on The Dude. Perhaps I've missed it, and if so, point me in the right direction. If not, what I ask is self-explanatory, I think.

I want Miyagi to be more active.

I also want Khan to convince the rest of us of the wisdom of picking Excel. You yourself as good as said that you were forced to look beyond the blatantly scummy-looking for the true scum on day 2. Queen, Death, Yangus, all were scummy to considerable degree and turned out town. You're asking for a defense on Excel, but none really exist beyond 'Excel fails at the mafia'. Do I want to bet the game on Excel happening to draw scum rather than town here? Convince me it is the best possible option.

We can discuss that (and hey, everyone's invited to participate) while we wait on Ash to respond to me. And to generally talk, if he has more to talk about.

The next is incredibly minor but it bugs me. Khan, you mentioned part of your previous suspicion of Ash being fueled by hostility, and being unsure if it came from the player or the character, correct? I don't believe you commented the same way on The Dude's posting style. Why?

And let's hear from The Dude as well on our options for this bleak day.

Let's see what we have here. An evasion to start with. Yes, we all know about the last post being visible when you try to post yourself. However, you said in your first post today that you didn't intend to post yet, and just saw the hammer and sent your post without going over it. So since you weren't yet posting, you saw my hammer post by means of checking the thread periodically? If so, I have to wonder (and did), how you didn't see the stated intentions of others to vote and end the day.

In your first reply, you addressed only the second part. Now, you only did the first, thus ignoring what I brought up as evidence.

It also must be said that I didn't put you in a particularly bad light with my post containing questions about a seeming inconsistency with your stance late day 2/early day 3. It was not particularly offensive nor rude, and I'd dare say pretty generic for any post in mafia requiring clarifications. You are putting yourself in a bad light by refusing to address my points directly and by turning this personal by suddenly discovering my supposed scumminess. Your theory on a pair of myself and Excel, for example, relies only on ending the days. If you had truly believed that, I would expect you to say as much when you showed up on day 3, not long after, once I found something to be concerned with about you. If it instead has to do with not considering Excel a valid target today, I have not seen you direct your eyes towards Khan or The Dude, who seem to agree, if not as strongly as I do. And have, in fact, said it before I had a chance to. In other words, I am hardly pioneering this wondrous new concept of an innocent-but-misguided Excel.

Your paragraph on your intent to hammer and my supposed issues with it is hard to understand. What I said was that Yangus was intending to vote (and he only had one choice there, let's remember, due to sudden death) once discussion were to come to a close and everyone commented. Had you commented, and stated your desire to hammer him, it shouldn't have to be spelled out what his action would do. No amount of 'no, don't hammer plz' would do a bit of good there. Now that we've went over the basic facts, here, let me repeat: no, hammering Yangus wouldn't be scummy. However, it is hypocritical to call me scummy for doing something you yourself fully intended to if you are being truthful. And being hypocritical doesn't look good to me.

You're saying it was "long since over"?

My apologies. Your quote implies I said those words. It is quite possible that I had, but that did not happen within the last page. Please clarify this, perhaps with a link/a quote that has more context. I cannot respond to this paragraph without knowing just what you refer to.

And yet, you offer no explanation or excuse for how you spotted my day-ending post and made yours within a minute of it appearing. It does feel like a moderate psychic capacity.

Also, people looked like they weren't ready to end it anytime soon?
the only reason I'm holding back my vote is to give people some time to talk, and some time to ask me questions.
The only thing holding back your vote is allowing people to talk? You yourself aren't really talking, even though you're the one on the block. What, intend to quickhammer me if someone declares intent to hammer you?

Excel rapidly wavering between 'vote sealed' and not being sure all of a sudden:

So, could things have gone down as you suggest? Possibly so. But it raises my suspicions, and that you quote my post and then not address all the concerns I had there re: you? That looks bad to me. That you have suddenly picked me as scummy for having said concerns? Even worse.

I'm seeing some decent teamwork between Excel and Crow here today... Crow coming to Excel's defense and all... And who ended both days? Excel and Crow.

You... have got some nerve to say that. Khan announced intent to end Day 1 the same way Excel did. You yourself announced intent to hammer Yangus Day 2, when I did. In fact, if you had done so, who here doesn't think that Yangus wouldn't have stopped holding back his vote, since the time for talk was clearly over, and voted Miyagi? Now, if you had claimed that Miyagi were scum, and I somehow saved him, I suppose I could see some semblance of a case (and defended myself against it, since no such partnership exists). But no, you ignore Miyagi altogether and go for me and Excel.

I also hate to rely on the opinions of others, preferring to make my own, but it seems from a second perusal of today's post-roleclaim posts that I'm not the only one holding the opinion that Excel looks better, not worse, for her actions today. I am the only one who decided to clear her of suspicion altogether, but that it only because in the absence of investigative roles I have to start eliminating suspects, since I have two scum to choose out of five people. Assume, make ass out of u and me, yes I know. I still believe in the process of elimination.


This post by Ash bothers me. That it's the only Ash post today also bothers me, as does what we saw of him near the end of day 2.

Sorry about my last post of yesterday, I got Ninja'd*Crazy Number. When I saw the vote I just clicked post as fast as I could without going back to revise.

Contrast with said end of day 2 post:

In fact, this post showed up within sixty seconds of my hammer which ended the sudden death mode. I only took us into sudden death to hear from people, and to get Yangus's explanation, if any, for his bizarre vote out of the blue/prolonged disappearance. The person I stated wanting to hear the most aside from Yangus, originally, was Ash. I wasn't alone in this.

So why wouldn't Ash make a brief 'finally here, reading/writing a post' notice like we got from Miyagi, Excel and Yangus? If he knew we wanted to hear from him, having it would have ensured my waiting. I specified I wouldn't keep sudden death beyond two hours at the most, and we were approaching the one hour mark. Yangus and Excel seemed to be on the verge of voting, given their posts.

I suppose it could be claimed that you got ninja'd a lot and couldn't read them all BUT you posted within a minute of my hammer. I can't reconcile checking the thread thoroughly enough for day-ending events and missing the intent to end it from Excel and Yangus.

At this time, I would just like to hear an explanation from Ash.

Okay, thoughts.

I just don't think Excel is scum. There are many reasons either way, but a simple case makes me believe her (naive) innocence. Claiming cop last, without opposition, would likely win the game for scum. The Dude's post pretty much gives Excel a perfect way to fakeclaim, and since we believe there is a pair of scum (for excellent reasons), Excel would not have to be alone in this. It's possible that scum are afraid of such a move, perhaps due to the way Excel had been playing, but then, why not have the other scum do it? After all, Excel's post shows that she had thought of this. Had she been paired with another player, the idea would likely get circulated. I have to believe, given that we must make some assumptions in the total absence of investigative roles, that this clears Excel.
The Dude:
I feel like there are town-seeming people around right now who would have been more opportune night kills had they not some known the Queen was our Doc, you know?

I wonder. Queen softclaimed on day 1, as you'll recall, and claimed being roleblocked during night 1. We have no reason to believe she lied. It might have made certain sense to take out a (possible, in case she was lying to save her skin) power role. Still, debating NKs leads to failure. We simply don't know and can tie ourselves in knots guessing.
Dude: It makes sense for scum to have a powerrole, and if they'd had a roleblocker then they wouldn't have needed to kill Queen. So rolecop makes a fair bit of sense there.

Yes BUT remember that our dead, confirmed townie claimed roleblockage. She could have lied, but she hadn't about having a role. Why lie about the other part? Not impossible, no, but such lies hurt town and everyone knows that.

Also. Scum could conceivably have both a roleblocker and a rolecop. That's just one possible explanation; with no cops, scum might not have had a godfather.

If that were true, we'd be looking squarely at Crow based on yesteday's voting record, and anyone else who wanted to lynch Queen yesterday

I've been on our Queen from day 1, way before I could have conceivably 'copped' her if I were your hypothetical scum rolecop. I've also been fairly obvious about it. I mean, I have no excuse for confusing a suspiciously-playing townie for scum. I've done it with Yangus and Death as well, although I'd like to see someone who hadn't been wrong this game about someone yet.

Moving onwards. I do have a strange concern, and need more time to put it in words. Give me a few.

Khan: It satisfies me, pretty much, yes.

Excel: What, the posts prior to that detailing the reasons we were not in LYLO and thus not instantly losing with a mislynch weren't clear enough? The day was prolongued to see if Yangus had great insight and to hear from Miyagi and yourself. Yangus didn't turn out a cop who fingered Dude, as I worried, and both he and you were talking about matters that showed you haven't been up to date on the thread. I'm not about to apologize for not letting spur of the moment decisions end the day for us all. Bottom line, I voted exactly the way I originally did after my query was not answered to my satisfaction, and Miyagi's defense made me feel better about him.

Not everything hypothetical is WIFOM.

More thoughts in a few hours when I'm freer.

If Miyagi is town and someone would've copped Yangus, it would be game over for us now. That's why I think that while it was a mislynch, it wasn't the worst thing that could've happened in that situation. Yangus's explanation was... pretty damn horrible and unconvincing, and really, what is up with people and I should stop there. Excel and Yangus were making noises about possibly changing their votes and using horrible logic to support it (and clearly not having read through the posts which already dealt with the LYLO conditions earlier) and I really didn't want them to decide the day for me.

Vanilla here, to probably no surprise. Khan, I must admit I believed you to have an investigative role when you so categorically stated your support for Liz despite her really lacking content (although you seemed to amend that opinion somewhat later on) and your speculating on the existence of roles not on the 'moon bible' list. Since you're claiming vanilla, can you explain both, please?

Excel: Call this metagaming or what not, but I must implore you to remember not to be hasty with your vote in LYLO. We all know why, so if you're town, don't lose the game for us.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 03:02:17 PM »

If Yangus doesn't hang, tomorrow will be all about him. Add that I'm not convinced by his explanation or that he never actually gave even a token reason at the time (saying 'looking a the votecounts, more when I get back' would at least have been something, and wouldn't take too long to write), and I think we should end the day here.

Yangus didn't hammer Miyagi now, and he could have. Are both scum? If he's town, I don't see why he wouldn't just place his vote on Miyagi. I hope I'm right on this.

##Unvote: Mr. Miyagi
##Vote: Yangus

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:48:42 PM »
Why did you vote The Dude? I cannot make this clearer.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:17:17 PM »
I plan to have it last two hours at the most. So if someone still tries to lurk all the way through, I certainly hope they won't get away with it come tomorrow.

And I feel somewhat good with my decision, given that Miyagi and Excel all turned up minutes pre-deadline. It would be such a shame to give either an excuse for sadly not having the opportunity to get their thoughts on the table where all could see.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 02:11:59 PM »
##Unvote: Yangus
##Vote: Mr. Miyagi

I hate second-guessing myself. But screw that, meta suggests this is just the time Ash and Excel are around, and I'll prolong my suffering so that I could hear from them, and give Miyagi time to post. Ironic, yes, that I do this by voting him.

Miyagi, may your post address my concerns from previous posts towards you.

Edit for Excel. Duly noted. Please respond to my concerns re; you as we now have the time for it.

Forum Games / Re: Anonyrandomafia: On the second day, they dithered.
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:58:18 PM »
I do wonder whether Miyagi and Yangus are scum together, and as the latter was about to self-destruct anyway he tried to draw the lynch away from Miyagi. The frustration is so strong, with people outright lurking and then snapping back when called on said lurking to boot.

Edit for Khan: it would be 3/3 if I revoted Miyagi, but I do see the point. Still, wouldn't it be better if Ash were forced to be the decisive vote instead of leaving it to others? And Yangus returning is something I'd like to see myself as it is.

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