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Messages - Mokura the 3rd

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Right, but what you should check is to see if you have only Stasis Sword learned (or Lightning Stab/Holy Splodey) and if the Holy Sword skillset (or whatever skillset) is accessible (as opposed to having Crush or Split Punch learned).

I do find it strange the game has that check at all. I kind of presumed it'd only toss that at you if you either a) had nothing learned or b) all the abilities you had learned required a sword.

Works with only Stasis Sword learned, with Stasis Sword unsworded in FFTPatcher.  I was probably being a moron at some point and forgot something.

This may sound like a really dumb question, but one should always ask the obvious - you did apply your changes in FFTPatcher by patching the ISO afterwards, correct?

The case scenario I'm interested in seeing is having some other ability learned (say Stasis Sword) when that ability has been patched to not require a sword, and seeing if Holy Sword is accessible then.

There was no magic ASM tricks used for Crush Punch/Split Punch, so the functionality should be entirely within that flag.

I should have, although I'll go back and test it again to make sure.  Also my scenario above of learning-a-Punch-first made the edited Stasis (un)Sword work fine.

Edit: Apparently I got scatterbrained and non-Punch skills, once unticked, work just fine with a Bow, once you actually learn them.  Thanks anyway!

Alright, registered so I could make some points more clear.  I'm a friend of the Weazel, and the one that's trying to unsword the Sword Skills.  No, it's not a serious patch (both for vanilla and LFT) because I'm doing all sorts of other silly things like the ability to Two Sword guns.  (It's half personal amusement, half learning about how to hack FFT.)  Anyway, to give you a bit of detail about what's gone on so far in my work:

  • Using FFTPatcher, all skills that bore the checkmark "Required: Sword" or "Required: Materia Blade" got unchecked.
  • Running patched LFT from there, an Agrias unit that did not already have Split Punch or Crush Punch had "Holy Sword" greyed out when she didn't have a Knight/sword equipped.
  • However, after learning one of Split Punch or Crush Punch, the Holy Sword menu was accessible with any weapon, a bow in my testing, for example.

What I'd like to know is if there's a bit of ASM hackery you need to do to the Skill Set or Skill Menu in order for it to work with anything, regardless of what you already have learned.  This means Holy Sword/Magic Sword/Destroy Sword/All Swordskill, and maybe the enemy Sword Skills if I feel loopy enough.

P.S. Thanks for your work on this hack, it's given me an excuse to play through this awesome game once more.

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