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Messages - demi-fiend dante

Pages: [1]
Lady's doubles that we're referring to aren't the normal kind. They're instant, free turns gotten by consuming her stock gauges (she starts with two). That's how she'd beat Yuna. Kill Anima, instantly get more turns by using stock, and kill Yuna with those turns.

Maybe you are right in that, however there is a certain issue even with that. In FFX when the aeon is killed the Turn order seems to reset itself. So even though the boss might have 5 turns after the aeon, when it dies and Yuna comes on, the boss doesn't have five turns to attack with after Yuna (You mostly see this after an aeon overdrive).
So in a way someone could argue that because of that Lady's instant turns are negated and Yuna being faster gets the first turn.

First, the boss would not get five turns because the Aeon's speed =/= Yuna's speed and Yuna doesn't inherit the Aeon's recharge time.  Secondly, killing Aeons doesn't have any special effect.  After attacking the attacker's CT gauge is reset.  If there are multiple enemies or the Aeon is killed by a counter attack, their CT gauge will be completely unaffected, allowing them to act before Yuna even if they are much slower than her.

Lady doesn't have to worry about this because she basically multiacts.  Her CT gauge wouldn't reset until the end of her combo.  Of course, Lady is probably faster than Yuna after she kills an Aeon thanks to the Quick Hit-like property SH3 bosses have.

Ryu gets power from other dragons (Not all but some). They are seperate enities, in fact Ryu is just as overpowered as Yuna Pc wise so why would someone bring him up is beyond me.
Ruling out Yuna's aeons means we have to rule out Guv's call team among other peoples summons. Hell why not just take out Sir Leopard, Zera, Chaos and all the other fighters who have outside help. I mean Yuna isn't allowed power granted to her by the fayth. So why should the rest of the fighters be allowed outside help from a "seperate entity" as you put it.

Many people don't allow Call Team, definitely more than those who don't allow Aeons.  It's the same with similar duellers.  If Levant, Marona, or one of the SMT main was ranked, I don't think most people would allow them their summons.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 42 Nomination pools
« on: March 23, 2008, 05:14:54 AM »
Terra Branford(FF6)
Vandesdelca Musto Fende(TotA)
Lambda Zellweger(WA4)
Kurando Inugami(SH2)

Ashley Winchester(WA2)
Maya Amano(Pers2)
Lady Harken(WA)


Emma Hetfield(WA:ACF)
Jet Enduro(WA3)
Mint Adenade(ToP)
Jin Uzuki(XS2)

Quote from: SageAcrin
Specifically it makes the match really freaking annoying to figure out, since Anima also has every flavor of elemental magic in Ga form.

Remember, any MT elemental attack Anima uses gets reflected back twice (Jenna + Core).

Quote from: Meeplelard
form 2 just lacks the damage to eat through all the Aeons

From the stat topic

Physical - 91
Reincarnate(combo with two cores) - 310
Cores - 70

Average HP - 445

So Reincarnate + 4 core attacks is 590 or 1.3 PCHP.  Jenna2 does not lack damage at all.  Infact, this
should just barely be enough to one-round Yuna despite her magic defense.

Quote from: Meeplelard
Holy doesn't fall into any of those (and there is a Holy element in DDS, even if it covers mostly just Gravity)

This requires two judgement calls in Yuna's favor.  The first one is that Expel =/= Holy. The second is that Yuna's Holy is Holy and not non-elemental like it is in-game.  She needs both.

On the topic of Expel =/= Holy, it should be pointed out that it is the same element as Persona's Holy, which no one argues isn't Holy.

Quote from: Meeplelard
Fire or Ice Crystals (and given how DDS turns work,  I probably force her to use them eventually, just might let her use them as the last actions)

Reincarnate means she would never need to use them.

Quote from: Meeplelard
Yuna might win without Aeons anyway

Actually Jenna2 should beat Aeonless Yuna without her cores.  Vanity has too many match ending statuses.


Yuna (FFX) vs Jenna Angel (DDS)  The above plus the fact that Jenna can kill Yuna between Aeons and she pretty much wins if she lands any of Vanity's statuses.  And thats ignoring this:

Quote from: InfinityDragon
Just some added info on the Belial/Jenna match.

Jenna1 and Jenna2 are intra-battle forms. Buffs remain on the party when the second form begins, including Power Charge and Mind Charge. The only thing different about the second form is the music and Jenna's appearance.

For those that allow intra-battle form chains (which is most people, I think), there isn't really any way Jenna loses this.


Ricardo Gomez (SH3) vs Lani (FF9)

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