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I was totally inspired to finish the Order of Ecclesia based on Elf talking about it in IRC. Had slept on killing Dracula for a year or two because he was so damn hard. Now in hindsight I realize he's not that bad once you learn how to dodge the easy attacks and potionspam through the rest.

I don't have much memory of the rest of the game since it's been so long since I played, but I gravitated toward the heavy physical damage - got a lot of use out of macir and falcis - I had a pretty simple minded approach, just using whatever attack worked best and would kill enemies quickly, changing my loadout if a particular glyph was more effective against a certain enemy. I seem to remember spamming fulgur against one boss.

Will sign off on liking the challenge, most of the previous metroidvanias were just a little bit too far on the easy side. Here, you actually had to worry about dodging attacks from bosses and finding strategies to fight enemies. I actually didn't have a problem finding the missing villagers if I recall correctly - my OCD about getting 100% on every map was probably what did it. I'll probably mess around with the boss rush and alternate character mode, but I have no interest in hard mode shenanigans.

also, hi.

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