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Messages - InsaneAdder

Pages: [1]
General Chat / Re: 2008 NFL season: Yearning to go 8-8.
« on: January 28, 2009, 08:27:58 PM »
McNabb needs some bigger weapons than he has right now in order to get and win a SB. Otherwise he'll be like Marino. And I don't think he wants that mark on him.

Anyway, the intentional hit that was placed on Warner caused my friend to go into a frenzy; cursing up a storm when he reviewed it with DVR. Clearly stated that whoever did that should of been ejected.

My thoughts were "As long as he's not throwing a fist or anything then he shouldn't be kicked out." He proceeded to chew me out on that.

Something tells me the city of Pittsburgh will get pretty ugly if the Cardinals win.

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