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Messages - flatulent_rock

Pages: [1]
Discussion / Re: DL subhosting for SaGa modding community
« on: December 09, 2011, 03:51:05 AM »
Re: headcount and such:

I'll be on this. I generally go by Eroneous Waylay on the rest of the internets (I have no idea nor good reason why I decided to do something different here. Insomnia, probably.)

I did a little work back in the early days of this whole SF data shindig, but this awful curse called "real life" choke-slammed me face-first into the concrete, which is to say I suddenly had no time to keep up with things. Now, that situation has changed.. ever so slightly. Ergo, my return (of sorts), and my being here.

In short: Thanks for having us. *Bows deeply* Now let us all offer praise and thanks to the almighty RedTurnip, and make offerings of delicious morsels.

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