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Messages - Rorschach

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Hooded Justice's rationale for voting Manhatten was flawed in my view. Although I am not sure what Manhatten thinks about it, judging by *his* reason for voting *me*. I would like to know.

This line, primarily.  What else would I think about such a vote on myself but that it was flawed?  What exactly is the purpose of asking, save to create tension between Hooded Justice and myself?

Hrm. Still disagree. Read Adrian's line as mere curiosity, admit that I had also wondered at that time what your reaction to Hooded Justice's vote would be. Think Adrian's motivation just as simple.

Agree with Adrian's conclusion that Manhattan's vote not well justified. Would prefer to lynch Dreiberg as he still contributes little while appearing to talk plenty [read: plenty of flavor/banter, no analysis/building cases] but will move to Manhattan to ensure productive end to day.

##Unvote: Nite Owl II (Dan Dreiberg)
##Vote: Doctor Manhattan

Minus one to hammer.

Not easy target, Dan. Unproductive one. Find nothing strange in voting for you once you were clearly present but not contributing to discussion. Recent post only supports this assessment. Rationale behind your vote looks thin. Sure that your vote not just reactionary, Dan?

Have misgivings about Manhattan. Don't see a problem with Adrian waiting a while to vote for Ms. Juspeczyk; he voted for her when he could, doing so any earlier would've caused a lynch and an early end to the day. Have already been over why it wasn't a yet a good time to do that, not repeating self here. Adrian has also not attacked Dreiberg. Think Manhattan may have been confused when he wrote that line.

Have reread Adrian's posts, not seeing adversarial tone attributed to him by Doctor Manhattan. Would appreciate quotes if Manhattan is still certain of his interpretation.

Evening patrol uneventful, had time to think.

Agree with Adrian's rebuttal of Manhattan. Foolish to act so early in the day barring extreme and unusual circumstances. Lack sufficiently damning proof to condemn someone so quickly. Not understanding Manhattan's conviction here.

Hooded Justice's vote for Manhattan equally flawed. Claims the vote was motivated by Manhattan's commenting on Ms. Juspeczyk but not voting for her. But Ms. Juspeczyk was minus one to hammer at the time Hooded Justice made this criticism. She would've been dead and the day ended if Manhattan had made such a vote. And at a time when Dreiberg had not even spoken. Is this really what Hooded Justice wanted? Hard to say, spoken too little. Meager contribution looks bad in its own right however.

Vote stays on Dreiberg until he proves he's capable of more than late jokevote.

Strange that Silk Spectre attracted so many votes so quickly. Strange that others pursue case with such conviction. My reason for voting was simple: little else happening at the time. Comedian says we should string her up, see what happens tomorrow. Alarming. Much time left in day, no reason for such haste. Find Ms. Juspeczyk's reaction justified.

##Unvote: Silk Spectre
##Vote: Nite Owl II (Dan Dreiberg)

Active now, but saying little. Discussion afoot, Daniel, even had someone at minus one to lynch already. Not time for jokevotes.

What, my last post wasn't serious?

Serious perhaps. Not substantive. Agreeing with Captain Carnage on this (strange times when I agree with the masochistic criminal).

Does the Comedian have more to say than simple votecount correction?

I see your game, Ozymandias. Vote for Rorschach under pretense of survival, can't be blamed if I am lynched and search of belongings inevitably reveals commitment to American cause. Clever.

Good point made, though: calling for serious discussion and not taking steps to start such unhelpful at best. Only minor cause for suspicion but enough reason for vote right now.

##Unvote: Ozymandias
##Vote: Silk Spectre

One of us not using secret identity. Clearly ploy to earn trust for future betrayal.

##Vote: Ozymandias

Forum Games / Re: On Friday night a comedian died in New York.
« on: April 12, 2009, 04:14:00 PM »
Here. Ready to serve steaming hot plate of justice to evildoers.

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