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Messages - Nathan Greaves

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Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« on: May 11, 2010, 08:18:02 PM »
"I'm gonna accuse Chad Hutchins. He was the one to call attention to the body of Jon on Night 0, there's evident uncertainty about his father's innocence here, and of course there's the fact that after he looked through his father's work he sent the entire building into who knows where.

Now, anyway, back to this door..."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« on: May 11, 2010, 07:26:51 PM »
The three of you charge into the abandoned church, puddles on the floor a testament to the failing roof. Immediately you work on sealing the only exit, blocking it with pews, holy seals, and anything else you can find. For a moment, you breathe a collective sigh of relief.

Until a knock on the door echoes through the building.

"Evening. Anyone home?"

The seals on the wooden door are enough to keep Nathan out, but his voice still travels through with ease and bounces around freely.

"That was quite a show you three pulled off there. Front-page, headline news - 'Sapientes Gladio Wiped Off The Face Or Marbury'! Or at least, that was the plan, wasn't it?"

Nathan places a hand on the door, attempting to push. He's still unable to get through, but his hand pushes the door the slightest bit forward.

"Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you like those brutish cultists would. It's never been my style...not quite as fun, shall we say. The mouse caught in the trap makes the most delightful squeals, so why cut them short?"

Silence for a moment. The sound of nearby thunder resonates, shaking the church's walls.

"And the best part is that in spite of all your supposed little victories, each and every one of you is still blind to the truth. Blind, thoughtless assumptions - they're what have led your kind to its own destruction so many times before."

Nathan chuckles to himself. It is a rough, hearty laugh with all the likability of fingernails on a chalkboard.

"Hargreaves was no better than any of you. He saw a glimpse of me, of what I was. But that story about the Sacred Chosen of Thanatos? Nonsense!"

He nearly bursts into laughter as he recants, resting a hand on the door. It gives another creak, slightly louder than the one before it. The other hand rests on the shoulder of an old man, with a face strikingly similar to that of Moses Bike. A face that has experienced death, and will suffer that fate many times over before its master tires of it.

"He just assumed I was on his side - a Knight Commander of Sapientes Gladio, I told him, and he fell for it without a hint of disbelief. But that was a lie as well - lying is easy, when you've done it for as long as I have.

But the best fables always have a hint of truth in them. It's just a shame you humans have been too caught up in your mortal games to even notice. Too attentive in saving lives to notice something larger at working behind the scenes. And it's that ignorance that'll cost you everything now."

The door creaks again, opening further still. Now the sound of some sort of flapping can be made out above everything else, a sound silenced as Nathan raises one arm.

"Forgive the noise. That's my new pet bat, T'Tahaithoo. I met him here in Marbury before all this started, and I've grown quite attached to him.

But regardless. You've stopped me momentarily with this barrier of yours, but in doing so you've locked yourself in. Now, just wait there like good little children while I get this door open..."

The door starts to shake wildly. At this rate, Nathan will make his way in with ease and - well, you're not sure what he'll do to you, but it definitely isn't good.

There's only one chance. Collectively, the three of you know enough of the occult to perform a rite of banishment - a ritual that with any luck will send Nathan off to another realm where he can no longer be a threat to Marbury (and more importantly, you). There's one problem, though - the ritual requires the true name of the target, and more than likely Nathan Greaves is simply a pseudonym.

With all his claims of a greater truth behind the scenes, though, maybe there's a way to figure things out after all. In the end, your fates depend on whether you can answer one decisive question:

Who is Nathan Greaves?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:14:19 PM »
"Well, Hargreaves, if you want reasoning, how about Bike's little riddle about you? 'Hargreaves knows scum's secret'? The only other thing I could think of that made sense for that was your rolecop of Nikolai, but now he's definitely with the Town I can't see any other way to explain it.

As for Andrews, well, he's been lurking a fair bit himself. Docproof is sorta awkward as a role - either there are scum non-docs who would obviously have priority in delivering the hit and therefore the role's pointless, or every member of scum's a doc and Andrews literally can't be killed by scum. Either way, the claim's slightly ridiculous. I already listed general suspicions of him Day 4, and not much has happened to make anyone else look significantly worse.

And Mei-Fan, I said back here that if Nikolai flipped Town, Hargreaves/Andrews was the only scumpair that made sense. Unless the forces above ((read: Snowfire)) are really screwing with us, you really are with the Town, and the same applies for Nikolai and Daniels. Plus you've got your facts wrong - it was Hargreaves who dropped the hammer yesterday, not me."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:28:08 AM »
" Nikolai's clear, Daniels is clear, Dale is almost definitely not scum with a killing role like that, and I know for a fact I'm Town. Therefore the only thing that makes sense to me right now is a Hargreaves/Andrews scumpair. What is it those detectives always call it? Process of elimination?
##Vote: Samuel Hargreaves, but really I'm fine with pushing for either of 'em today."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:34:06 PM »
EBWOP: Actually, if the discussion's over now:

Unvote, Vote: Nikolai

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:33:02 PM »
"Jeez, so many words and so little point to all of 'em.

Mei-Fan, it comes down to this. If you're confident about your case, then you do whatever the hell you feel like. The longer we sit arguing this, the more time scum gets to throw in bad ideas.

Nikolai finally showed up, but his post was just role setup speculation with no original analysis and a promise of yet another reread. Add the whole 'go ahead, lynch me' ethic he seems to be letting off, and it's coming to mind that maybe he's sitting back relying on that mysterious X of his.

As for his buddy...I suppose with all this playing up of the mysterious X Hargreaves looks rather bad, but after this docproof claim I could probably believe an Andrews scumbuddy as well. Hargreaves/Andrews...unlikely, but given everyone else is clear it's about the only thing that I'm willing to believe if Nikolai doesn't flip scum.

We can sit here arguing about who Mei-Fan should kill until we're blue in the face, but by now I think every possibility's been brought to the table. No point bickering over it now when we've already got all the information we'll have to work with, so I say we just run with finding scum. When this is all over and done with, I'm fine with voting Nikolai any time."

((Cut by more discussion. No complaints with the shooting Hargreaves plan.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:03:43 PM »
"I have to agree in that Hargreaves's theory about Daniels being scum is really grasping at straws. Whether it's trying too hard or scummy desperation I can't quite be sure.

What I can be sure about is that Nikolai has still not shown up. Seriously, this is just getting ridiculous now. I don't want to turn suspicions on someone else in case it gives Nikolai an excuse to post at the last minute, get himself cleared for the day and likely secure another mislynch, but if we sit around waiting for him we could be waiting for a long time at this rate...that leaves Andrews and Hargreaves by process of elimination, and Andrews hasn't done much to improve since The Big Post. He was on O'Malley at day's end, true, but the alternative was a deadlock that would've wrecked him after Handley flipped Town, so it doesn't mean as much as it could.

...That's good news to hear, Ms. Mei-Fan. Maybe if the two of us survive this whole escapade, I can take you on a nice little trip to Chicago. I know a few friends who might be able to help you out with your...problem."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 04:58:37 PM »
Hutchins Hops It, A Brand New Bike, And O'Malley Dies For His Sins
The Latest Installment In The Nathan Greaves Guest Report Saga

In another wild day in Marbury, the death count surrounding the Jon Hutchins investigation continues to rise.

After leading his football team to a stunning victory against their Milton rivals, Chad Hutchins, the son of the deceased, has disappeared. Margie Jenkins, the family's housemaid, was believed to be delirious when she claimed that the Hutchins household was missing, but sure enough the manor has completely vanished, leaving nothing but a mysterious symbol in the earth.

While this most curious incident unfolded, another mystery emerged on the other side of Town. In the early hours of the morning Jeb Cress, proprietor of Rosie's Country Inn, revealed to the masses that his wife Mary was, contrary to popular belief, still among the living. The situation grew even more confusing when Marbury welcomed yet another new resident - Gershom Bike, supposed brother of the missing-and-presumed-dead Moses Bike. His face is strikingly similar to that of his brother, and there are suspicions passing around that the two might in fact be the same man.

Still, in the midst of all this calamity, the search for the accomplices of Ethan Hayles ran on unfazed. Evening brought a final majority down upon Seamus O'Malley, local all-around handyman. As the investigation dragged on, he claimed to have been a former member of the clergy, but as this claim was placed under the magnifying glass O'Malley attempted to flee the scene. Marbury watched on as the priest was lead to the gallows, muttering that he had been intending to 'save' the innocents of Marbury despite having been found guilty of assisting in Hutchins' murder.

Uncertain police officials have reported the recent series of successful investigations as 'positive', but by now they have stopped attempting to explain the various supernatural occurances that have plagued this little town. Several residents are still in disbelief over the return of Mary Cress in particular, and there is noticable speculation over what other strange forces will act next...

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 04:14:57 PM »

Nathan has been sitting in the back, chewing on his pencil. At the sound of 'Dale' producing 'his' grand declaration, he promptly bites it in two.

"Well, I'll be damned. You certainly pull off a very believable man, that's for sure. This'll make an interesting article tonight...well, as soon as I'm finished with yesterday's. Look, all this madness that's been going around has been screwing with my schedule, okay?

But yeah, Mei-Fan That is the best worst role ever. If it wasn't for the fact that Hargreaves has basically vouched for you, I'd probably be voting you right now. For the moment, I'm pretty sure it's just safe to ##Vote: Snowfire (L-1) for what is possibly the most absurd setup I've ever seen in all my days."

((It's very tempting to start saying Chen, but given the forum I come from that has obvious connotations. :V))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 08, 2010, 01:02:21 PM »
"Alright. We're basically down to me, Hargreaves, Dale, Kolmogorov, and Andrews.

The best clue we've got in terms of roles is Bike's 'Hargreaves knows scum's secret'. That could either be a cryptic way of saying Hargreaves is scum, or an even MORE cryptic way of saying that he's rolecopped scum. So in short, I'm willing to safely say that at least one of the Nikolai/Hargreaves pair is scum, maybe even both.

Of the two...? Hargreaves was contributing yesterday, and he was behind the right wagon. Nikolai...well, even the mod has pointed out he seems to be trying to post the smallest amount possible to avoid a modkill. All he has working in his favour right now is the fact he ran alongside Ethan Hayles on Day 3, but that late in with no scum deaths I suppose a gambit along those lines isn't entirely out of the idea. I'd probably drop a vote on Nikolai right now if it weren't for the fact that he's already at L-2.

I'll leave my comments on the whole fastkill situation until after Bike's finished his rolefishing expedition. Pun fully intended, you're very welcome."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 05, 2010, 10:58:58 PM »
"Honestly, Bike, I'm pretty sure that if the fastkill was Town-aligned he'd have already claimed at Lylo. I really don't see your plan getting anywhere."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:06:54 AM »
Just posting to say O'Malley's done nothing in particular to convince me to move my vote. Can't say much has emerged today to convince me to shift on any of my suspicions, except for Bike's little tidbit about Hargreaves. Still not enough to get me to class him as being scummier than O'Malley, though.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:02:25 PM »
Previously you claimed you came to Marbury as a journalist, due to visions of a lone killer haunting your dreams.  Now you're saying that WASN'T why you came to Marbury, you did so because it has been more of an abnormality than any other place on Earth.  Normally I'd write this off as "oh, lying flavor to cover a role."

Except, you had previously used that AS PART OF YOUR ATTEMPT TO PUSH A DAY 3 SERIAL KILLER TRAIN ON ME.  In LYLO.
"The serial killer story, like all good tabloids, was based around the truth. I really have been seeing a man in my dreams, prowling around and producing a notable imbalance in the Wheel, but I had to find a fitting way to explain it without revealing the whole necromancer thing. 'specially after Hellsnake, who after his OWN reviver claim had me torn over whether he was lying scum or whether this setup is just completely insane.

Guess it's the latter now.

As for Hargreaves outing your role?  What did you have to gain from hiding it at this point?  If you hadn't come in and said "BTW I can't do this anymore," you might have sucked a nightkill from panicked Scum/SK, perhaps saving one of our confirmed Townies or a role that still functioned.
"Besides the hope that I could claim ownership of the resurrection at lylo, get myself confirmed and make finding scum a lot easier?

The case on you was half for the sake of completion, and half to blow off steam at the fact the guy I wanted to lynch today is apparently dying anyway.

I'm still waiting for O'Malley to speak up. I'm thinking we're too caught up in roles and scumminess to see that scum could well be hiding in the background and letting us trip ourselves up."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:40:39 AM »
Bike Falls Apart Amidst Gang Violence; Hayles Turns Into Fodder
The Third Entry In The Nathan Greaves Guest Report Series

Now caught fully in the grasp of its own paranoia, Marbury has witnessed three more deaths in quick succession in the last 24 hours.

At dawn today, the madness that looks set to consume the Town claimed its first victim - local fisherman Moses Bike, last seen diving into the local lake in an attempt to supposedly appease some demonic creature dwelling within. The creature, supposedly called Rath'napula, was unavailable for comment.

Harrowing news followed shortly afterward, as Deputy Sheriff Webster reported the death of newcomer Pietro Giovanni. A 'made man', as the term is used in shadier rings, Giovanni's reason for visiting Marbury is believed to be vengeance for the apparent death of his associate. Now, though, it seems that his friend's killer may well have found him first.

In spite of these tragic deaths, the investigation into the death of Jon Hutchins continues. Some small progress appears to have finally been made, though, as the first potential perpetrator of the crime has been convicted and executed.

Several locals were amazed at the claims that Ethan Hayles, a local farmer whose education was poor at best, could be capable of such a deed, but as the fingers turned on him he descended into his own breed on insanity. Condemning all in the room to being mere figments of his imagination, Hayles remained deluded up until the noose was tightened around his neck and his body hung loose from the rope. Uncovered, highly-technical psychology tomes found in his possession after his death have baffled the authorities - Hayles was too uneducated to have bought them himself.

Many have already decided that whatever villany Hayles was involved in, he was merely a pawn in a game much larger than him...


"Gah, stupid typo." Nathan quickly corrects the spelling of 'Amidst' and leaves the article for later. ((Hopefully editing isn't a problem since this post is pure flavour :V))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:22:24 AM »
"Hope you guys don't mind if I go back to playing good ol' Nathan the journalist. He's as much a part of me as my real self now, I guess. I like him.

Anyway. Final judgements following the LOOOOONG overdue reread, in roughly the order I trust them:

- Jack and Bike are, of course, confirmed Town.
- Hadley's claimed a slowkill, so judgement on him is pending whether his claim ends up being true.
- Nikolai's circumstances seem far too much of a gambit for him to be scum.
- Hargreaves was iffy early on when he suddenly dropped the case on O'Malley, but has been relatively clean since.
- Ronald/Bard looks very strong after Ethan's flip, and the lingering worry of his tunneling being nothing but a lucky SK guess (see: me vigging lolcats N1 in Meme) is the only thing stopping me from clearing him outright.
- Andrews is annoying in that sometimes he posts a hell of a lot but most of the time he's just nowhere. The lurking is the main charge against him, and he has no excuse like Nikolai does so he ranks high on this list.
- It's honestly very hard for me to choose between placing a vote down on O'Malley or Handley at this point. In the end, Handley's had a very shaky two days, and O'Malley's been consistently iffy from Day 1, so:

##Vote: Seamus O'Excal

Now to get to work on that article I owe you guys. Hope ya don't mind if I leave last night's dealings for the next issue so I have enough material to work with...that, and it'd sorta look like I'd actually produced my article on time. Ahem."

Nathan darts his eyes around the room, coughing inconspicuously as he returns to his seat.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 03:19:00 AM »
((Alright, here's quite possibly the longest post I've ever produced in a Mafia game. Nice, easy-to-read summary will follow.


Day 1 play is very aggressive. A serious vote for Bard gives way to a serious vote for Callahan which holds throughout the day, though to be fair Ty gave him more than enough ammunition to work with. Then, of course, comes the series of posts where he looks through everyone intently...when it's only day 1. Surely this sort of massive reread is due for later days when there's more concrete stuff to work with?
That said, he does throw in here that he doesn't like what Hayles is producing, but in his summary post of the whole thing Hayles is nowhere to be seen. More interesting, the three names he gives has suspects (Ty, Hellsnake, Pietro) have all flipped Town.

Day 2, the Hadley/Ethan mechanic starts to get a lot weirder. Again, he badmouths Hayles without going so far as to vote for him, leaving his vote on the (admittedly really bad) Pietro. Still, the fact he chose to go for what was both the easier target and the Townie of the two stands out.

And of course, there's the claim. Seeing Chad flip Doc is enough to confuse me. Believing that on top of everything else we have Hadley as a BP bodyguard (especially given my own role) is extremely hard. (Given that apparently BPs/Docs/EVERYTHING lose out to the slowkill, though...)

Cue Day 3, and Hayles has disappeared from Hadley's suspicions again. Hell, in his next post he's outright agreeing with him as if all his earlier points had never happened. And of course, there's the fact that he didn't vote on Hayles until it came to hammer time, by which point it was clear the Nikolai lynch was never going to happen anyway.

Honestly, if anything this reread just manages to make Hadley look worse than he did before. The only thing that's stopping me from just dropping a vote on him right now is the fact that he's claimed to be slowkilled. If that doesn't end up going through, then there's honestly no way we can let him live.


Day 1 is...well. He starts by genuinely trying to hold Bike responsible for mod-confirmed-irrelevant flavour, and the instant he starts taking flak for it he jumps onto Hellsnake instead. That sort of shiftiness really doesn't sit well with me, even on Day 1. Finally, by the end of the day his vote is lying uselessly on Pietro.

On Day 2, he holds to his case on Pietro, but mentions the Bard/Hayles incident. Where things get awkward, though, is that he says 'Yes, Hayles is bad, but not only am I not voting him but I think Dale is scum trying to bus him hard!' which is a hell of a leap. Now that Hayles has flipped scum, this could have easily been a contingency plan to get something out of a partner getting lynched.

And, of course, the miller claim. I've said plenty of times already that being the third to claim doesn't entice me to him, and it still holds true today. About all he has to his name is being the first guy to vote for Hayles D3, except that earlier he'd been suspicious of Nikolai first and foremost and conveniently dropped these claims. What happened?

The reread's done nothing to win me over with O'Malley. Definitely not liking what I see here.

Daniels, as I've said, is a non-issue unless scum is psychic or something.


Really, I can't say there's much to Dale that I would complain about. His constant tunneling of Scum!Hayles is an absurd gambit that I probably wouldn't consider until all the likelier options had been tried. If he's anything, he's SK.
On that note, one thing that does stand out is this post. Why do you a) break into what I assume is Chinese and b) start speaking in broken English momentarily? (My main concern is that this happened on the day after the only confirmed NK we have.)


Oh, boy. This was not a fun reread.

Starts off by not bothering to drop a vote anywhere, until of course we have his YOU JUST CLAIMED YOUR ROLE PM MOSES rant. Of course, this case which he follows fervently for the whole D1 and makes a point of saying 'I WANTED TO LYNCH THIS GUY' on in his last post of the completely disregarded by the start of D2 to go for Hellsnake instead. And of course the horrible horrible HORRIBLE idea of lynching the claimed slowkill, which does ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for Town. Day 3 starts off with him saying 'hey my case was perfectly fine >:<' and then he produces solid stuff for the rest of the day.

Really, there's a part of me that wants to lynch Sopko based on the LYNCH THE SLOWKILL claim alone. Added up to everything else he's done, as well as the 'HEY LOOK AT ETHAN AND RONALD FIGHTING' point, I'm really not comfortable with him.


AKA The Man With The Unreadable Speech Impediment.
All that my rereading can extract from his D1 babble is the weird wishy-washy opinion on Callahan. He says that I'm misrepping the amount of danger Ty is in...because he didn't put a vote down earlier? Yeah, I'm really not understanding what he's saying here.
Day 2, he lets up on O'Malley because his early vote on Bike 'was for a reason'. You mean, the vote based on 'You're talking a lot so I'll vote you for flavour'? That's a really terrible reason to let off on someone.
That's about all I had to object to, though. The rest of his Day 2 and his Day 3 seem relatively solid, and about the only other thing he's done that's really pissed me off is his whole 'hey guys, guess who's secretly a necromancer?!' gig. Of the non-confirmed Townies, Hargreaves is probably one of the better ones, though in the face of O'Malley/Sopko/Hadley that isn't saying much.

And finally, a couple of nice short reads:


lurk lurk lurk lurk Jump On Callahan Case lurk lurk lurk lurk Say Pietro's Acting Like A Cop While My Vote Is On Him lurk lurk lurk lurk Claim Miller Rolecop lurk lurk lurk Jump On Opposing Wagon lurk lurk lurk lurk.


lurk lurk lurk Jump On Callahan Case lurk lurk lurk OH GOD I DON'T KNOW WHERE TO PUT MY VOTE BECAUSE I SHOWED UP SO LATE TO D2 lurk lurk lurk My Vote Is Lying On Sopko At The End Of D3 lurk lurk lurk.

The lurkers are, well, lurking hard and being conveniently useless in a lot of cases. I WOULD say that Kolmogorov is the scummier of the two, but there's the ending state of the wagons yesterday as well as Hargreaves's mysterious X, so he's looking a lot cleaner following this reread.

That's the long story. Summary coming up in something much friendlier to the eyes.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 4
« on: May 04, 2010, 01:01:12 AM »
"Gah, morning already?" ((Sorry, all, thought we were really getting a 3-day long night phase. I'll get to work on an article shortly.))

"Anyway. I need to just find an hour or so to sit down and read through all these here notes I've got to get some good material. Been spending too long writing and not enough time actually working. ((Translation: I really haven't been giving this game the attention I should have.)) What I can definitely say right now is that Daniels is undoubtedly a non-issue, and doubly so in terms of Bike. Everything else is gonna be pending a little reread.

Before I start, though, I'll say I'm sorta conflicted about Nikolai. I'm still pissed at how he's basically been lurking around like any good Russian, but two scum wagons running along each other uncontested is either the bravest move possible from these killers, or it's just a sign that despite all his silence the guy's on our side after all. Need to sit down and think some stuff over. Shouldn't be more than an hour or two.

...Or at least that's what I was GONNA leave saying, until some guy decides to throw my claim out into the open.
Explain to me why Nikolai has some power that you think is worth concealing, and meanwhile you tell the entire world that I'm responsible for bringing back the old guy. The very claim I was trying NOT to talk about for the sake of not attracting a kill. Jeez.

...Perhaps it is time to drop the dialect. Playing the youth was never easy for me.

The young man's claim is true, much as I would wish to have kept it concealed. It started with a trip to British India, many years ago, lost in a thunderstorm. I came across a circle of men, muttering to one another in a language I had never heard. In their midst, a body, feeble and frail to start, took form and grew youthful and lively from the brink of death itself. I screamed in shock, giving myself away. They threatened me with death on the spot unless I vowed to join their order and keep their secrets. A vow that I have kept - until today, at least.

That was the day I joined the Sacred Chosen of Thanatos, their main base thankfully being more conveniently located in Chicago. Initially I made my way to their meetings out of fear alone, but as the months passed I grew more and more intruiged, and I rose hastily in the order. Eventually it became my duty to travel the world and correct the balance of life and death itself, restoring restless spirits to The Great Wheel of life and death.

Journalism? A convenient cover story. For some reason, 'travelling necromancer' had a habit of drawing in the folks with pitchforks and torches. They don't understand that there is a balance to all things, life and death included, and in recent days Marbury has been more of an abnormality than any other place on earth. The forces are good to me, showing me this irregularity in my dreams, and I traced the killer's steps to this humble little town with all of its secrets.

As for what I can do, well, that is another story in itself. I can prevent death, true, but doing so forces me to channel my powers away from a greater potential the Sacred Chosen have given me. One who has lost his mind to insanity rather than been outright killed...I can bring them back from the grave, though not in exactly the form they once took. The human mind cannot grasp the concept of being suddenly returned to sanity, and as a result it creates a convenient cover story to explain the holes. Being his own brother, for example.

Had I chosen to protect someone, the resurrection would have been nowhere near as successful, only producing a mildly sentient husk whose opinions would be disregarded (voteless/roleless). I believed Mr. Bike to be a valuable enough asset to Town to be worth bringing back. Afterward, the Wheel will not accept any more imbalance on my part, and I cannot even offer protection.

Anyway, that is my story. Hopefully that will be enough to please you, and now I shall get around to that promised reread. If you'd prefer me to act like the youthful Mr. Greaves you all know so well, please say so. I understand a shift like this can be quite...jarring on the human mind."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 01, 2010, 02:29:10 PM »
((Isn't that the logical assumption? If he hasn't done anything to lessen my suspicion in particular, surely it'd be assumed that I still thought Kyle was iffy but that other bigger cases had arisen in the meanwhile. He hasn't done much to criticise today, at least.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: May 01, 2010, 02:00:03 PM »
Quote from: Andrews
Yesterday, Pietro was just "a little scummier" than Kyle. Today, Kyle isn't even on your list of suspicious persons. In fact, you haven't even mentioned his name since arguing the Bike point on Day 2. Why?
"'Cause if I sit here and list every guy who's done something suspicious, I'd be accusing half of Marbury.
After last night Hadley looked pretty horrible given that there were already 2 bulletproofs, and the guy he supposedly protected before threw himself into a lake. Nikolai and Andrews started lurking yet again, and O'Malley went through his whole process of talking a lot but not saying much. Attacking all these people and throwing in points on Kyle as well is just overdoing it."

What bothers me most, though, is the shift in the conclusion between the two posts. The point of logic is that you always reach the single correct conclusion, so what changed that had you thinking the slowkill was 3P in the first post but scum in the second?
((When I realised that scum with a normal NK in a setup that supposedly has 3 bulletproofs and a bodyguard are pretty much screwed.))

"In terms of Hadley, I'll admit that I got sorta overambitious when it came to looking for a serial killer on the loose. Thing is, I'm pretty sure there really is someone else out there interfering, not some extra option scum has.
This is gonna sound kinda awkward, but I've been having these weird dreams for the last month. I never see who's in them - the guy's face is always blackened out, but it's always some sorta grisly murder. Scares the crap outta me, and the last dream had the guy just taking a walk into Marbury, all casual-like. Whether he was hiding here or returning to base, I've got no idea, but I hauled my ass down here the first chance I got."

((tl;dr - My Role PM seems to heavily suggest that there's an SK in this setup. Hadley fits the signs better than anyone else I can see.))

"I'm not sure how comfortable I am with the fact that Nikolai's made one post all day, and with deadline coming up there's a good chance his vote is gonna be nowhere. At least Andrews dropped a vote on Handley, but all the Ruskie's done is say 'Hayles is bad, but I'm going to disappear for two whole days again to reread'. There are some cases that you just can't get a hold of when you want to, so I'm gonna leave Hadley for now and ##Vote: Nikolai Kolmogorov."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 02:52:02 AM »
So hey Greaves more to the point who if anyone do you think is scummy for reasons unrelated to multiple miller/BP/etc role shenanigans?
((Nikolai for taking 3 days to show up, then doing the following in his big post:
- Declaring every other miller to look townie based on their claims not making sense as scum. Seriously, if scum saw two miller claims (since I'm pretty sure Daniels is being genuine with his claim at least), that's easily enough to convince them the claim is enough to hide behind, moreso if there are three. This is then immediately irrelevant given that he claims non-role reasons to suspect O'Malley - in which case why'd he bother saying that the Miller claims looked townie considering that the only other claimed miller (besides Daniels, who no-one really has a problem with) was him?
- Reading into the setup over the Chad/Daniels euphoria, in blatant IIoA.

Andrews, after promising to write something up in a few hours at the start of the day, has made a similar disappearance. Seriously, the amount of lurking going on between these two is pretty horrible, especially given that their RL difficulties conveniently stopped just in time for them BOTH to post at the end of D2. Better still, late enough in the day that Andrews had a viable excuse for not placing a vote anywhere!

If we're to ignore the players who've literally been lurking all game, there's O'Malley for his aforemented Post of Nothing, his D2 'Hayles is scummy but Dale is scummy for attacking him so hard' post (I don't follow. The vote was early enough in the day that raising the case would've been a real threat to Scum!Hayles, so why would Scum!Dale take that risk when there were at least two other wagons he could easily have lended support to?) and his going along with Handley's case on me while adding (yet again) nothing of value beyond 'he hammered Hellsnake, but given that Hellsnake was horrible that means nothing!'))

"Oh, and by the way - that's a nice cap you got there, kid. Mind if I take you to the side for a minute for an interview 'bout these 'jetenjin' things o' yours? Not got much in currency, but I can sure as hell pay you in smiles."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 30, 2010, 12:05:32 AM »
With 11 beautiful lasses in elegant dresses still in play, it takes 6 to lynch.
"Wait a minute, since when was I wearing a dre-oh, jeez, thank Christ I'm the only journalist around here or I'd be ruined."

Greaves: Care to restate what you were saying in "Slowkill is apparently able to ignore bulletproof/bodyguard if Peyton's claim is true, and given there seem to be plenty of them out there I don't think they'd have any good reason to do it. Plus the they died in two different ways"? I'm having trouble making sense of it.
((Basically, given that there are apparently half a million bulletproofs out there and that the slowkill is BP/Doc-immune, there's no reason for scum to use the fastkill and waste a night hitting a BP. And besides, if Hadley is telling the truth then they used both at once N1, and may well have done the same N2 depending on what's happening with Chad/Daniels.
And besides that, a scumteam who can't kill nearly half of Town, and whose only payoff is a flock of Miller roles that may well be worthless given there's no sane cop to scan them, is a really hard prospect to believe. So either there are fewer bulletproofs than we think, in which case Hadley is probably lying and two BPs was all we had, or the scum kill is actually the BP-immune slowkill, in which case Hadley is potentially an SK who faked being attacked N1 after he saw there was no scum kill to sell himself. Either way, I'm struggling to believe he's Town.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 29, 2010, 05:10:26 PM »
I guess I'll step up then.  Why are you so keen on the eggin on, specially in your posts today?  You been doin an awful lot of yellin at people for doin things you don't like, but whar be the point, or your own case?  Seems like you wanna just talk about the millers and lynch one, or lynch Peyton for arguin to lynch one without votin one (ignorin that he could only turn his vote to Hellsnake really)?
"You caught me as I was about to drop a vote on Nikolai for still saying nothing this late in." ((Recent events in another game have taught me that LAL is definite truth, and he hasn't posted in 3 freaking days. Still, potential LYLO and all, and Hayles already has a vote down there.))

"But really, how am I meant to defend myself here? Suspecting people without voting them makes sense when it's lylo and one false move could get us all killed. And you even admit that you're doing exactly what I am except that something's a little off. What does that even mean?

As for Peyton, I'm having trouble believing that Hutchins' killers has two options for killing, slowkill and fastkill. Slowkill is apparently able to ignore bulletproof/bodyguard if Peyton's claim is true, and given there seem to be plenty of them out there I don't think they'd have any good reason to do it. Plus the they died in two different ways - Pietro gets shot, and Bike goes insane.

So honestly, I'm more willing to believe one of these kills - probably the slowkill, but I can't be sure - belongs to a third-party. And I find Peyton's actions easier to quantify as a third-party than anyone else's, with the possible exception of the Ruskie.

Still waiting for Hargreaves to explain why he likes Nikolai so much ahead of Andrews."

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 28, 2010, 11:28:48 PM »
Nathan: I targeted the person I think may be the actual Cop, not the obvious fakeclaim.  He's posted and hasn't mentioned suffering any slowkill effects, and I'd rather not say who it is because unlike Pietro, I have reason to believe he may be an actual useful Cop.
"And that reason is...what? What reason could you have other than reading real well into this player of yours to assume we had both a paranoid Cop and a real Cop? The fact you've said you wanted to protect a player you thought was Cop rather than just a player you thought was Town is what interests me with that statement of yours."

All: To anyone who thinks I'm Scum - who do YOU think was the nightkill target on Night 1?  Whoever it was, if it wasn't me, had best step forward and claim it.  Of course, the liar then guarantees a 1:1 Scum/Town trade (barring more Town liars, because... yeah), and even in potential LYLO I doubt the Scum are willing to do that.
"Doesn't rule out SK, does it? Maybe scum DID try to hit you N1, but you're a bulletproof third-party. That's definitely a lot easier for me to believe than yet another Townie who can't be nightkilled.

Meanwhile, Kolmogorov and his promised content from here are taking their sweet time. O'Malley's Wall Of Setup Analysis doesn't do anything to help, and about all he can offer is a clear of a player that no-one is really finding serious fault with anyway. And Hargreaves, hold still for one second - why exactly are you suddenly believing Daniels after he's claimed to have been cured of his suspicious aura?
On another note, what makes Nikolai better than Andrews in your opinion?" ((Andrews/Shale apparently has more genuine RL reasons to not have been posting. Alice, not so much, and what he's offered is the strange Cult Leader point against Hellsnake and a miller rolecop claim that could easily be scum rolecop going along with the miller bandwagon.))

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 3
« on: April 28, 2010, 01:53:11 AM »
"Actually, before I go take a nap ((read: go to bed)), one more question for Hadley. Who the hell did you target last night? To get more to the point, why weren't you covering Pietro? Were you so sure he was scum that you were willing to let the guy who'd claimed cop get killed no problem if you were wrong, when there were no other particularly good targets? That claim of yours is starting to look reeeeeal shaky, pal."

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