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Messages - Doctor Manhattan

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It is unfortunate that I have not been able to pay as much attention to this as I would have liked.  My sincere apologies to the town. 
Although my powers are many and vast, there is a tachyon field around this game preventing me from using any of them; the color I have chosen for my skin might thus be referred to as vanilla.

##Vote: Silk Spectre in the name of self preservation, although to be honest I doubt she is communist.

On my own defense, I cannot think of anything to say other than what has already been said.  I remain most suspicious of Ozymandias and Rorschach, with Captain Carnage and Hollis Mason slightly below that.  I believe the Comedian is most likely American, and have nothing to say about the others save that I doubt Laurie would flail so much so early if she were hiding something.

Hooded Justice's rationale for voting Manhatten was flawed in my view. Although I am not sure what Manhatten thinks about it, judging by *his* reason for voting *me*. I would like to know.

This line, primarily.  What else would I think about such a vote on myself but that it was flawed?  What exactly is the purpose of asking, save to create tension between Hooded Justice and myself?

Admittedly, it is not much, and mostly intuition.  But I still prefer it to the apparently de facto lynch of Laurie.

More than anything else, it is the way he has commented on other cases while staying away from them himself. 
I am on page 2 again, and I am seeing Ozymandias fill the air with words about the case on Laurie everyone is already on, while at the same time attacking Dreiberg.  Both obvious and easy cases, and where he leaves his votes.  Yet at the same time, he sends what seem to be probing attacks at Blake for being in favor of hammering, at Hooded Justice for his vote on myself, then at myself for not rebutting Justice.  This last, in particular, leaves me with the feeling that he wanted to sow discord between the two of us.

My words appear to have had unintended impact, for which I apologize.  My vote on Mr. Veidt is not, or at least not primarily based on our philosophical differences.  It is based on the reactionary tactics he has pushed for in the game thus far.  There is an element in him that seems to be pushing for simple arguments and encouraging OMGUS debates between other parties.  Perhaps it is only to me that he appears this way... but I do not like his tone, and find it more suspicious than the human fallibilities of the other candidates.

Hooded Justice's single line attack against me was obviously flawed, but in a manner I myself am unable to respond to.  I could say "No, I think it is right and proper that Laurie must begin to speak about other people, what does it matter that Dreiberg has not checked in yet?", but that would be both obvious from what I already said to her and unproductive.

So the gathering is complete... and will soon be made incomplete.  At the present moment, it seems clear that Dan, Hooded Justice, and... though it pains me to say it... Laurie... are the least cooperative members.  I see the stigma of their first impressions lingering in the future, and it is - unpleasant somehow.

But our purpose is not the punishment of unpleasantness.

I find myself agreeing with Adrian, except on one point.  Where he swore he would never hammer someone that early in the day, I found myself willing and prepared to do just that... if it came to it.  (Forgive me, Laurie.)  Blake's insights into the human condition and the appropriate actions with which to begin an engagement with an unknown enemy are sound.  They look poor in the public eye, but yet they are sound.  My suspicions are turning more towards those who have kneejerked against them, particularly Veidt and Rorschach.  Of these two, I am most inclined to

##Vote: Ozymandias

If infinite time solved all problems, I would be... well, nevermind.
Laurie, I understand that you are frightened, but you must come up with something beyond pleas to spare you and futile reactivism.  I see how this conversation ends.  It ends with you in tears.

Good evening, Laurie. 
At times a little shock value is necessary to inspire conversation, such as a sudden lynch train or a trip to Mars.
You have always been more interested in human society than I - do you have any input of your own to share?

Some time ago, or perhaps right now, I used to fix mechanical watches.  They are very intricate machines that require a delicate touch - fragile, yet surprisingly hardy when crafted properly.

Humans cannot compare.  Day 1 has no hope.  

Laurie, can we talk?

##Unvote: Rorschach
Vote: Silk Spectre

It is Monday, and I am showing up at Laurie's doorstep at the exact moment Eddie Blake does.  An interesting development.  I will naturally abstain from the vote at this time.

It is LYLO, and Rorshach threatens to ruin the world.

##Vote: Rorshach

Now it is day 1, and I am bored.

Forum Games / Re: On Friday night a comedian died in New York.
« on: April 12, 2009, 09:24:46 PM »
It is Easter, 2009.  I am confirming my role.

It is late April, 2009.  Town has won.

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