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Messages - Captain Carnage

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Well, I am not going to be available until the deadline runs out, so I will just confirm my previous intention.
##Vote: Silk Spectre

My suspicions are still the same as I previously stated. Silk Spectre and The Comedian are the most suspicious for me right now, Dan excluded. I can't see both of them being soviet buddies though.
Silk is still at the top, she's been trying to nail Hollis for a while now, and the way she exposes her case looks like she's just trying to find whatever she can get against him.
So, ##Fakevote: Silk Spectre .

As it happens, I don't think the Oz kid is red. In fact I can't even say I completely disagree with him. Must be my old tendencies speaking up, but I believe there's a good chance that Dan will flip out commie when he's finally brought to justice, so even if I'm misconvicted, there might still be hope for America.   

Dan was still my primary suspect, and now we won't have any clues from him until the end of the day. If he was indeed a communist I take it that he was a newbie commie, since he didn't out out much effort in defending himself and was quite awkward when attacking others. This would make me suspect Silk Spectre, since he unnecessarily went ou to defend her.
My other suspicion is The Comedian, I didn't quite understood his reasons to defend the Doc, and seeing that a Manhattan conviction was very probable, he might possibly have been trying to get him some cred by refusing to accuse someone he knew who flip innocent.
About Ozymandias and Hollis, they both strike me as innocent so far.

Ozy: The only thing I can say about my vote and unvote is that I did not realize at first that it was a dangerous situation. I'm usually not involved in 'games' with so few participants, so I never equated two votes on Day 2 as danger of quicklynch.     

##Unvote: Nite Owl II just to be sure.
I still very much want to hear what he has to say though.

Looking at the past stuff, Dan indeed comes as the worst-looking of the bunch, and Rorschach being killed stinks of WIFOM.
##Vote Nite Owl II, at least to see if he comes up with better and sound contribution.

A sad day for America. I'll have to re-read the past minutia more thoroughly, but my worst impression so far is of Nite Owl The Second.

Captain Carnage is the other person who jumped over to the Doc, huh? Carnage. Don't really have a read on the weirdo, 'side from he... seems to be sort o' jumpin' around between flavor's o' the moment. Worth keepin' an eye on, I think.
Well, I'm glad for the attention Mr. Blake, but I don't think I've been as 'jumpy' as you put. Miss Silkie gave good reasons for me to suspect her early on. But when I noticed the Doc being ambivalent about her, I got more suspicious of him trying to take advantage on her case. The only one voting him at that time was Hood, and for a different reason that I didn't agree with.

Nothing really changed much lately, I still believe exiling the Doc to another galaxy is our best shot for today.

Have reread Adrian's posts, not seeing adversarial tone attributed to him by Doctor Manhattan. Would appreciate quotes if Manhattan is still certain of his interpretation.
Yes, this. Now I'm the one agreeing with my past nemesis.

Becuz, dunno Doc, maybe it's because I can't see them gluinos or somesuch, but rereading Adrian's statements they didn't seem so bad as you made them out to be.
He made a lot of questioning prods sure, but he made clear where his votes were and why, he was even eager to place his vote on Silk to show that. And besides, questioning people so they explain their actions is a good attitude in my eyes.

Dan's post was not very impressive (as when he walked out on me without fighting), but not particularly damning. Delay in your response can either be honest or a commie trick. But his point is at least sound, and openly standing up for Laurie doesn't seem like a commie attitude this early.

When re-reading our previous minutia though. The Doc's attitude seemed even weirder that the first time (and he's good at being weird). He basically supported the case on Laurie all along without voting (though rightly so), and then switched to the Oz kid for doing the same thing! Actually, switched is the wrong term, because he kept exposing his dislike of her attitude in the very same post.
I have a bad feeling that this could be an attempt to push for Silk's conviction without being part of, while keeping a vote on a case that's not likely to follow, after all who'd want to lynch Veidt? The guy's practically a saint! (Or pretty American-looking so far, if you will.)

Being the good guy is harder than it looked... Right now both Manhattan and Silk are at the top of my suspicions. I can't, however, see them as acting in collusion.
I'm seeing the worst case in Doc Manhattan right now, though I would still endorse a Silk Specter conviction if necessary.

##Vote: Doctor Manhattan

I agree with Egypt fanboy here Doc. Having a suspect close to conviction makes them and their partners jumpy if they are commie scum. And if they are innocent, it can possibly make the real scum eager to support the hammerfall. Actually hammering them so soon, however, brings little information no matter what the outcome is, and villany thrives in the lack of information.
Maybe you are different, but us regular guys have this linear timeline thing going on and can't know this stuff beforehand. Silk worriness about her situation is warranted yes, but by itself it doesn't tell anything about her alignment.

I would like if good old HJ spoke more at length about his vote on the Doc, but his straightforward actions so far lacked the usual communist subtetly, so I'm not inclined to suspect him very much right now.

Now, Dan, he seems to be really out of shape. If he avoids giving actual contribution to our investigation for much longer, he'll soon top Silk in my eyes.

Someone being close to lynch so soon does indeed make me uneasy (though the feeling of being one inch close to such severe righteous retribution is quite thrilling if I may say so myself). But the fact remains that I didn't like Miss Jupiter, sorry, Miss Juspeczyk's attitude, and currently have no other suspect.
Thought I am hoping that our Hooded crime-fighter will come to either retract his joke vote or give a reason to keep it.


Oh, and he has!
Your words sure are hard as your punches, but I don't understand why vote for the Doc, considering that he is not voting her and that many others, like Ozymandias, The Comedian and even myself are equally pressuring her to present a better case?

@Silk Spectre

L-1 is close to edge yes, but doesn't mean quick lynch. Someone comes in, pushes you down the elevator shaft gallows and you flip loyal American? We'll sure have a wee chat with him tomorrow.
This is basic knowledge, how come you are not aware of it?

But I do agree on the fact that the new Nite Owl is late for the situation.
Typical of him, to walk away while there are villains needing punishment!

What, my last post wasn't serious?
Serious, huh? Voting for the inactive guy to pretend to be commiehunting is a common villain tactic. I remember that from my supervillain days.

Not much a case, but better than an old grudge on Rorschach.

##Unvote: Rorschach
##Vote Silk Spectre

##Vote: Rorshach
That thing with the elevator shaft wasn't fun at all! (Well, maybe a little...)

Forum Games / Re: On Friday night a comedian died in New York.
« on: April 12, 2009, 03:45:30 PM »
Time to put aside our differences and work together to save America!

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