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Messages - Fuzzypickles

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I had the same opinions as you when I was in the Sunken Ship, but things completely changed rather quickly.

Geno gets Geno Whirl soon. This really helps in randoms. Plus you can get the Ghost Medal in Monstro Town which really helps his durability. This also begins to coincide with enemies becoming immune to Fear.

I'm using Mario/Mallow/Geno for the most part. I agree, Toadstool isn't really desirable at the moment... I'd rather just use items for MT healing than deal with the competition for the FP. I'd switch out Mario for Bowser if I could, but Mario isn't really a liability. Mallow's magic damage is fantastic (Snowy tore through Megaslimax), and Geno Boost is too silly.

Keros get used regardless. You get a ton of free ones from chests and they're still guaranteed full healing as opposed to the storebought versions. Every person who's gone through has used them during fights, so I'm not worried about them being ignored or stockpiled.

That is ... really weird. I swear damage was being quartered when I had both Boost and Terrorize in effect. Can you test damage from enemies as opposed to damage on enemies, at the least?

I am such a hoarder in RPGs. I haven't used a Kero yet, yet I gladly drop all of my money on Megalixirs. I'll chalk this up to me being silly. >_>

And I just tested... you get the same damage whether it's Fear, Defense UP, or Fear + Defense UP. I read somewhere that the game handles Fear by just giving the opposite party Attack UP/Defense UP for all calculations, and it overrides whatever the actual conditions are. I'm not sure what happens if two people are Feared, but they definitely don't stack.

Terrorize and Boost do stack. Fear is a separate status that is completely distinct from the Attack UP and Defense UP status >_>
Ah, guess someone made a mistake on GFAQs then. Good to know!

EDIT: Actually, I was curious so I went and tested this. Geno Boosted Mario deals the same damage regardless of if the target is Feared or not, so it looks like they don't stack.

I went into Land's End and I'm incapable of killing Geckos. Mario can deal 6 damage on a regular attack, Bowser/Mallow deal 1. If Mallow uses Shocker I can get up to 16 damage! I feel like I'm doing something wrong, but I can get past the bosses fine. It's... confusing.

On a sidenote, why the nerfs to KeroKeroColas if you're buffing the storebought party heals? Early game I just used FroggieDrinks, now I'm using Elixirs, and I think I'll be able to buy Megalixirs by the time that Elixirs stop being a full-heal.  On the topic of items... Able Juice. It being nerfed means there's no way to cure most statuses except HP Rain early on. They seem pretty outclassed by Freshen Up anyway, since Scarecrow/Mushroom are pretty rare statuses and you usually know when they're coming. I dunno, I didn't understand why it needed to be nerfed.

Level 10 gives Shocker.

That made things a lot easier -- and I even forgot to switch Mallow back to Cymbals for the fight!

Geno Boost and Fear don't stack, at least from what I've read. Fear treats all attacks done by the Feared unit as the defender having Defense UP and all attacked done ON the Feared unit as the attacker having Attack UP -- this overrides other stat boosts.  That's why Terrorize is so wonderful... it's like Geno Boosting your entire party for three turns.

Maybe I'm underleveled (I've been skipping almost every fight except stuff prior to Croco1/Mack)? I've been getting through the game fine up to this point (only resets have been on Knife/Grate Guy prior to the pirate ship), which is why I'm hesitant to blame level. I'm doing a wee bit of fighting randoms to hit 10 on Mario/Mallow and I'll see if Kalamari goes better the second time around.

EDIT: Already doing Zoom Shoes Bowser! =]

Then Mallow dies in two hits instead of one. >_>

And I've been using Terrorize, which is effectively Geno Boosting my entire party. Enemies aren't immune to it yet. He's still just falling apart. And it's not like Geno would do much better in terms of durability -- he's Mallow with a bit more HP but he jobs to magic damage.

With the multi-acting and the harder timed defenses, I feel like there are times when the game just decides that someone is gonna die and there's nothing I can do about it. =/

Gah, I'm getting frustrated at the Pirate Ship. So many things are OHKOing Mallow.

Dry Bones seems weird now too.

Yeah, I avoided the Booster fight for the Amulet, so no comments on that one.

Knife/Grate Guy went much better when I killed Grate Guy first. By the time that Grate Guy fell, Knife Guy was nearly dead from collateral damage from Mallow's Thunderbolts.

Were you using Jump Shoes? I never realize who's immune to Jump and who isn't, so I ended up wasting a Super Jump on Knife Guy my first try against him. I'm also not very good at getting past 13-14 Jumps, so maybe I'm not getting the most out of it.

I didn't realize Geno Boost boosted magic damage... good to know. Either way, I'm surprised I ended up using Bowser. Terrorize is so much better than I remember it as a kid, and Geno not being able to target himself is a real turnoff (I can't keep him alive). I didn't think Bowser's durability would be a huge advantage since you can't pick who gets hit, but since I don't really have much multi-target healing this early (I'm stingy with FroggieDrinks) it's really helpful to have a character that can last for more than two-three hits before yelling for HP Rain.

I dunno where Toadstool is gonna fit into this. It's nice that there's decision making in terms of who I want to use, rather than the previous default of Mario/Geno/Toadstool.

Grate Guy has completely wiped me twice.

First time I was Mario/Geno/Bowser. Enemies terrorized and Mario/Bowser Geno Boost'd. Things looked pretty good. Geno gets KOed by Meteor Blast I think and I decide to just leave him dead.  Knife Guy went down without too much trouble. Then Grate Guy Light Beams and gets about 5-6 actions without me being able to do anything, and the party is wiped.

I swap in Mallow for Geno. The early fight goes even faster since I realize that Fire Orb tears through Knife Guy like no other. After he falls, Grate Guy remains. Soon after... Knock Out'd Mallow (who has my only Wake Up Pin), followed by Light Beam into chained attacks that KO Mario, followed up by another Knock Out on Bowser. Gah.

I was hoping to clear this without having to run and buy more status protection.

I don't know if it's been mentioned, but this patch allows you to rename humans in the Soldier Office.

Including Guests.

Renaming Algus is more amusing than it should be.

So uh, today I noticed that Dragons have 0 Move. I'm not sure how no one has noticed this until now, but yuup. All regular Dragons have 0 Move.

You know what this means... Laggy has to release an update.

EDIT: Lopen actually mentioned this in January. He just was ignored by everyone. "Oops."

I agree somewhat on the Secret Hunt thing. I poached a monster as a complete fluke  (I forgot Thieves had Secret Hunt and stumbled upon a random battle -- hurray) and ended up with the best Crossbow in the game very early on that made my Archer really awesome. I do agree that some effort should be put into it.... I dunno.

As for the Colliery... I actually cleared that with the party I sent through the end-game sequence with little to no changes. How? Agrias and abuse of Quick and Cheer Up. >_> 3/5 of my team was also running Move MP Up/MP Switch so that helped a lot too. I guess it was sort of cheesy on my part but hey.

I'm running a second LFT AI Autobattle tournament on GameFAQs. It has run into problems getting enough players (I was aiming for 16, and am stuck at 9 at the moment). If anyone over here would like to hop on it'd be appreciated.

Here's the topic to sign up in:

It's pretty low commitment on your part: it's a draft format so there'll be a pool of units (made with the help of your very own Laggy) so you'll just draft the units you want and pick a setup for them. You draft the class, and each class has two options of secondary, reaction, support, to choose between, with the movement ability being fixed. Then you give whatever equipment you want as well as Br/Fa/Zodiac. Thanks to anyone that joins.

EDIT: It's full. Thanks. I'll be sure to post the youtube links here for anyone interested in watching.


The videos are going up there. Main things this tournament has concluded so far...

Throw Axe shouldn't be allowed in PvP. Doesn't really affect the actual game since gil costs restrict it greatly.
Confuse Song is crazy powerful with Math Skill.
The AI is stupid (*casts meteor on an ally to remove Charm*)

I'm adamant against sword-lancers. It's just silly and will accomplish nothing but screw with the AI's equipment (which is already pretty terrible).

Even dagger-Bards I'm eh on. How many Bards do you guys have in the ENTD files? Would setting all of their equipment be a pain? Since the main thing Bards have going for them in LFT is their harps and if the enemy equips a dagger you're going to have a pretty pathetic unit.

I was kind of under the impression that the situations that it comes up sometimes Bare Hands was better than Daggers available in SCCs anyway thanks to the whole SCC twinking always have high Brave thing anyway, but obviously misunderstanding SCCs there.

Yes and no.
Bare-hands is [PA * (Br/100)] * PA
Daggers are [(PA + Sp)/2] * WP

For a class like Bard who has god awful PA the daggers are going to be dealing more damage. Don't Bards usually have a fairly easy Chapter 1 just since Sing is more effective earlier on (due to lower stats and lower effective charge times)? I don't think they really need a buff directed at them just for the sake of SCCs.

Whoa, a ton of changes since I've last looked at this. I wish I had time to download the patch and try them out.

One random thought I've had is tweaking different bows to give them a bit more character. Perhaps give one or two bows slightly less damage output but increase the range by one. Or take some crossbows and make them two-handed but give them a lot more power. You'd have a bit more flexibility in the class and you could choose between raw damage (heavy xbow), defensive (xbow/shield), or ranged (longbow).

Laggy asked me to comment on Squires about a month ago, but since he's said he's happy with them now I don't think that's necessary. Either way, Wall is incredibly useful and has saved me several times over.

Clearly, the next LFT needs to have a "skip intro" option.

There's no known way to add in a new feature like scene skip.  Laggy and I usually emulate and turn on the 6x frameskip frequently, but if you're burning a disk and playing on an actual PS1 that's not an option, unfortunately.

Actually, there is.

It's not optional though -- it simply removes all the events from the game.

And the item changes look... interesting. Also, I wouldn't worry too much about buffing Squires. Last game I played through they were already very, very good.

Ah -- clever idea on the random hits thing.

As for the setups, the only real bans were on Math Skill as a secondary (probably unnecessary in retrospect since most teams had 40 Faith) and your RSM had a JP limit of 1200. I didn't want to keep out most of the high leveled RSMs but at the same time I didn't want everyone taking Move +3 since there was no reason not to. I was hoping to avoid banlists altogether but clearly that's not an option. Either way, running a few matches with lots of options certainly was quick to show what needs to be nipped.

As for Ghouls -- eh. Teleport and MP Switch are both really nice. It's not that the whole team is using it (I'm limiting one monster/family to force variety, otherwise I think I'd be running 4 Bombs), it's just that it's very reliable compared to most other options. I'm willing to live with it; I'm just a bit bitter of getting wiped by that and Sleep Touch combined. =P

Curious: how exactly did you begin to toy with the AI in that fashion? It's interesting to me.

And yeah, the lack of Calculators was a huge shock to me. I thought a x4 Calc team with Summon or Time Magic would be popular since you'd bring about 4 instant giant nukes one after another. Even with 40 Faith you'd probably be dead. But most people on that board aren't incredibly familiar with FFT (well, I think I've gotten a few to start LFT playthroughs =]). I'm surprised at the lack of Time Magic in general. Very few teams have any access to Haste, and the ones that do have other problems (eg: Equip Sword Summoner). Throwing together a restricted list could make things more interesting and less OHKO-y.

I think mc's got the Draw Out angle fairly well covered. I usually forget about the gil restrictions on DO since I usually don't bother getting around to it until late game (which alone should be a tip off). Still, Muramasa on a Wizard is generally a OHKO in all situations. Then again... on a not-Wizard it might be a bit lackluster. *shrug*

As to monsters: I've been toying around with a Mediator Ramza/4 Monsters game. The new monster changes are definitely fun. My only thought at the moment is that Shadow Stitch is a bit good (Stop Breath seems more balanced by the terrible range/height restriction which is difficult to use with monster skill). Still, most certainly an improvement over vanilla.

Really? I can't recall ever seeing an enemy unit miss a Jump unless something like Haste, Slow, or Yell changed the target's speed. Guess I'm entirely unobservant.

As for the FFT PvP tournament: not too many interesting results. Draw Out is still very powerful and has pretty much decided the tournament. A team with two Dancers/two Mimes does quite decently when the AI decides to Dance properly. When teams are built for OHKO they OHKO. Not really much of a surprise I suppose. The videos are being put on Youtube if anyone's interested in watching one or two:

Other random things:
Nerfing the Squid family's PA has made Tentacle deal comically low damage and has made Chakra piddling as well.
Bad Bracelet hasn't been renamed, although the other Breath abilities have.

They're human units every time though, and I think they've all been male. Can't say that one for certain.

I know you guys mentioned earlier that you tried tweaking the AI to prevent them from using equipment breaks as often. Was anything else changed? I've been playing around with auto-battle lately and I've been seeing the AI make very... uncharacteristic moves. The AI is attacking characters that will die when another action resolves (ie: attacking a unit about to die from a Jump). They revive units that will die from a slow action as well. The second of these might occur in regular FFT, but I know the AI was usually decent about the former. Also, Sing/Dance. The AI uses a Dance but they are faster than the Dance so they get another action before it resolves. Instead of simply waiting... they start the Dance again causing an endless cycle where the Dance never resolves. Typically the AI is a bit more competent. I'm just wondering if these are all quirks I've never noticed before, or if you guys have any idea of changes that might've caused this?

Also, several enemy units have blank names. Dunno how exactly this one happened. Hmm.

I must've done something stupid like loaded a state when I loaded it. It's working, my bad.

Yeah, I definitely wasn't expecting any of the feedback to be patch-changing, but I thought it could be interesting. Plus the tournament is being AI run anyway so it should be amusing for a whole bunch of other reasons too. I'll let you know how it goes.

Edit: Just applied the new patch today, and Lightning Stab still seems to be adding Silence. Just a heads up.

Small comment: I was considering running a PvP tournament running the LFT patch. Would you be interested in any feedback or not really? The patch doesn't really seem intended for PvP, but giving every class a use definitely makes it more interesting in my eyes for team building and such. I didn't know if you guys would care about any observations made or if it'd be irrelevant for your purposes. (I'm guessing I'll get about 100 complaints about Battle Skill from the participants <_<)

As a side note, any estimated date on the next patch update? I've been itching to do a new playthrough but if a new patch is coming I'd just wait.

Bards are pretty crazy. I have Bard Ramza with Concentrate and Charge and he took out Wiegraf in one hit. Then, having Haste from a Nameless Song against Wieggy, he double turns at the start of the Velius portion of the fight and deals 936(!) damage to Velius before anyone else gets a turn. Good lord. I think the WP on harps needs to be tuned down. Without Charge the damage numbers are through the roof. Combined with Charge it's just obscene.

Edit: Another bug, somewhat minor: Move HP-Up and Move MP-Up do not stack. I gave my Priest Move MP-Up but only the HP takes effect. I haven't tried putting Move HP-Up on an Oracle, but I'm guessing one would override the other. Nothing you can do about it probably... hm.

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