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Messages - PKNintendo

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Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 27, 2010, 02:31:55 AM »
I hated ;_; like pretty much the entire way through, and I still played that to more or less completion.

And that's a good 30 hours more than I spent on FF13, and I LIKE FF13!

You hated what now?

Anywho Grefter I wasn't being sarcastic.

I am confused as to what you mean by Sazh doesn't pick up just in the post game because his ultimates are good.  Getting your hands on a Trapzahedron to upgrade to a tier 3 weapon takes a retardedly huge amount of time spent cash grinding to be able to afford, well past the point where you have maxed out your Crystarium for the chapter.  The final 2 chapters are balanced pretty cleanly around having capped out Tier 2 weapons.  I mean you can pretty easilly get that 5 star the final boss trophy with them.  Ultimate weapons are pure aftergame grind fuel.

Fair enough sir. The worst of it is that Sazh ultimate weapon takes a Dark Matter. (-_-)
I guess I'll have to do with the Proceons/Sirus Side arms.

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 25, 2010, 11:59:57 PM »
Ah an avid FFXIII player. I like you.
You also know Sazh well enough so that's good.

(Ironically I didn't like him personally, EVERYBODY seems to like him but eh... I just don't see it)

Meh, Shrouds are very difficult to come by until the end where you can buy them. They are limited in quantity and I ran out REALLY quickly. Maybe you are conservative but once I used them up, I found myself relying on Sazh for the good buffs for a while. Hope was the ******** frail and I figured I need a commando too. Chapter 13 was where I tossed him for hope. Suddenly this BAMF could actually TAKE A HIT, and he learned haste so why use Sazh? He was very weak and he just didn't do it offensively.

(I think we can all say that Light/Fang/Hope just dominates this game)

It wasn't POST game where Sazh picked up use. His Ultimate weapons give him MASSIVE power boosts, and their abilities are too good to pass up.  Augment maintenance greatly boosts the duration of buffs and can be useful in many fights. (cough final boss cough) and Stagger maintenance is really haxy.

Don't forgot about Sazh Blitzing adamantoise kill at 1:44 secs. (search it up on youtube)

A character that I found that was LVP was Snow. He was the best sentinal for a while, but why would I use him over Fang who is a lot stronger offensively? One might argue that Snow has the ravagar class but fang as access to the saboteur class. Everyone knows that RAV/RAV/SAB>>>RAV/RAV/RAV
She was also a lot stronger than him and could take a hit. I much preferred Lightning (elude ftw) over him too.

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 25, 2010, 12:17:43 PM »
Sazh is still very good throughout the game because he gets haste over hope. He starts to deep slightly during chapter 13 when Hope gets Haste and what not but is makes a comeback post-game.

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 25, 2010, 02:48:29 AM »
What do you mean? Can't you just build up stagger with ravager moves, stabilize it with a commando attack and use Army of one/Cold blood to really finish it. I mean it built up the stagger bar really fast...

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:28:13 PM »
Thank you for your quick and enlightening response.

PS: This website has really great users.

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 24, 2010, 09:26:11 PM »
I don't suppose I can WRITE for FFXIII.

(probably not) but I'm always here to provide opinion, facts and stats. (I also have the strategy guide)

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:05:58 PM »
Why is the minerva bustier controversial?

Aside from giving the (blergh) Celes godlike status, it's not broken is it?

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 24, 2010, 06:00:43 PM »
Your kidding right?

Sazh is the BEST chain builder in the entire GAME.

His other unique weapon is Antares Deluxe. Antares Deluxe increases Sazh's
chain bonus. Using his unique ability, Cold Blood, Sazh can rapidly stagger as
the leader or in a support role.

Lightning is also pretty decent with Army of one but aside from those 2 I don't think the cast can build up chaining that well.

PS: It was on the last page but will this site ever feature FFXIII characters?

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 23, 2010, 03:47:40 PM »
Chaining is a big part of the game I disagree with the notion of throwing it out. EVERYONE can be chained, be it fellow L'cie (Cid) final boss etc.

I say we opt with the average chain limit.

Discussion / Re: Is it just me, or does FFXIII sound...kinda bad
« on: May 23, 2010, 05:46:53 AM »
The party doesn't start with PKNintendo.
Oh my Meeple, that description of FFXIII made me laugh. And your raging about the ending was pretty funny (i've never seen you rage)

You guys, I'm inclined to agree/disagree with what you say. Sazh isn't LVP or pretty terrible. Surprisingly his best weapons gives him the highest attacking bonuses in the game. (I think it's like 1000/1000) What this means is that he will beat out Hope/Vanille on offensive and Fang/Snow on Magic.

Still he is rather weak without them so I can see your point. He's a far better synergist than hope due to 2 things.
1. The Maintenance ability (which boosts the duration of buffs) what this means is that he can cast haste or whatnot at the beginning of the battle and have it last until the end of the fight.
2. He can take hits better than hope.

As a Commando/Ravager he doesn't impress (His casting speed is ass but I guess it's mitigated by him attacking twice as a commando) under NORMAL circumstances. Quite frankly, Sazh has the BEST Blitz in the game, bar none. It's a multi attacking move that hits many times and RAPE big enemies. (I'm looking at you Adamantoise) His *cold blood* is arguably on par than Lightning due to simple fact that if builds up chain faster. (Although I'll argue that Lightning's ability to literally *distract* and draw enemy fire is to awesome to pass up.

Don't underestimate Sazh you guys.

Also Lightning is the best Sentinel simply because she has Elude. Elude + Nimbletwo boots + Axis Blade + Speed Scarf (Or CHOICE SCARF) equals=utter rape. Sure she has piss poor HP but she can evade like 90% of the time with that setup so it's moot point.

Here are my impressions for each of the characters in DL. (entirely opinion based)
In general the FFXIII characters are really powerful imo. They are capable of summoning/changing roles and that can really mean the advantage in a pinch.

Lightning (Godlike): With powerful offensive stats, reliable healing and massive speed Lightning will dominate DL for sure. Her only flaw is her slight frailty but that is easily work around able. Army of one builds up her chain and givers her a one bar of her ATB if she's using the Axis blade.

Sazh (Heavy/Godlike): Can buff himself to give himself an early lead. Cold Blood builds chain like crazy will Blitz is really damaging. Maintenance means that his buffs aren't going away either.

Snow (Mid/Heavy): Mostly defensive. He's the best tank in FFXIII and can dish out decent hits, but his offensive abilities aren't too impressive.

Hope (Godlike): Can also buff himself akin to Sazh for an early lead. He doubles as a fantastic medic and triples as an amazing Ravager. He's a juggernaut, but needs to keep himself well protected due to his fraility.

Vanille (Heavy): Debuffs gives her a small chance of OHKOing the opponent with deaths. This won't happen often because debuffs will allow her to deal heavy damage with her ravager spells. She can also heal like Hope.

Fang (Godlike) : Physical monster. She can tank hits (like Snow) but can dish them out (unlike him) with the combination of Saboteur and commando . Surprisingly, she's even decent at being a ravager. (well better than Snow that is)

So yeah when are the FFXIII characters going to be implemented?!?

RPGDL Discussion / Re: Season 54 nom pools
« on: August 25, 2009, 04:37:52 AM »
Tidus, Jecht, Seymour and Yunalesca.
I'm in a FFX mood

Jeff,Zidane,Ike, Cloud
Knock him dead Zidane!

Poo, Tifa, Typhlosion, Rikku

Irvine, Quistis, Gogo, Rinoa
Go for the gold Quistis

Unranked Games / Re: Earthbound
« on: August 19, 2009, 05:37:48 PM »
I see.

The opposite would in FF7 with the Shiva summon. Priscilla (sp?) gives it to Cloud, but it's not equipped into him.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: More characters?
« on: August 18, 2009, 08:52:27 PM »
Totally gotcha. But Mother 3 is was pretty much released state side, with patches and all.

RPGDL Policy Discussion / Re: More characters?
« on: August 18, 2009, 07:21:47 PM »
Ok gotcha.

PS: Is Mother 3 eligible? 

RPGDL Policy Discussion / More characters?
« on: August 18, 2009, 06:08:47 PM »
I've noticed that FE section is incredibly small.
(No write up for Zelgius/Black Knight!  :-\)

And I was wondering if would could add other games in as well.

Unranked Games / Re: Earthbound
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:49:30 PM »
I have to disagree. It's plot given, but not ONLY used on Ness. It can be given to ANY character.
Of course, this hurts his DL record but I want it to be accurate.

PS: Picky is god-like.  8-)

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:47:55 PM »
Sheesh, FE not popular enough?

What kinda annoys is me that I've only seen Ike in DL.
Why aren't the other's added in?

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy 6 (Full)
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:34:16 PM »
Comments: Game best damage by far, good defenses, Magic Durability on par with the likes of Mewtwo after Morph, high evade, full parasitic healing, resists every element, and even has Dispel to be used in a pinch. And unlike most mages, she has a decent physical to fall back on in case she runs into an Anti Mage. Clear Godlike

Woah Woah Woah. Mewtwo's defense's are far from great.
He has 106/90/90

When compared to other Uber's, he is a tad frailer.

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy 7 (Full)
« on: August 18, 2009, 05:29:28 PM »
Actually Meeple I think you made a mistake.

Finishing Touch: 3.25x MT, always causes ID

Finishing touch is a 2 part move. If it fails to cause ID, it deals damage.
IIRC, some enemies have DI and get hit by part 2.

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF9 stat topic discussion
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:37:52 AM »
What's YMMV? :o

RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy VIII
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:50:10 PM »

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF9 stat topic discussion
« on: June 06, 2009, 01:39:05 PM »
Hehe I have a feeling Zidane will face Luca... XD

There is no mini status in Luca's game, so shouldn't that mean he gets affected by it? I mean we can't really assume he can't of course... But he does resist the big ones...


RPG Stats Forum / Re: Final Fantasy VIII
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:04:48 PM »
And I'm back!

So I get why Squall is the best, and why Seifer is the second best.
But I will not rest until Quistis is in mid. Go Quistis!

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF9 stat topic discussion
« on: June 03, 2009, 09:02:38 PM »
K im back... So Zidane isn't the best? Rusty is? Well isn't that a surprise.
And how can Luca block mini? Does he EVEN have that?

I don't even think you CAN block mini? Anyway, Zidane may not be the best, he isn't *translated* well, but I'll make sure to make his career in DL (as a heavy) a good one. With the help of you guys of course. XD

RPGDL Discussion / Re: FF9 stat topic discussion
« on: June 01, 2009, 12:24:53 AM »
Well, your points are valid, too. Steal indeed doesn't become surefire 'til you get Bandit. I'll leave it that, I guess. Just felt like pitching in the issue.

But isn't bandit gotten EARLY?

Some characters translate, others do not.  Zidane's just an example of someone who doesn't really translate at all, in the sense of being like his In Game self.  In game, he's one of your best physical damage dealers throughout the course of the game, and a potentially obscene boss slayer for about 80% of the game if Trance kicks in.  DL, he's a pure status whore, for the most part.

I don't know, but that sounds negative to me. But isn't being a status a good thing? I mean, I can safely say that Zidane will outplay Steiner. While Steiner bashes his foes to submission, Zidane can strategically deal with his foes.

PS: Zidane's base for Str is stronger than Steiner and Freya. XD

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