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Messages - Alice

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After a bit of consideration, I'm definetly /in.

This semester's pretty easy in comparison to what i'm normally used to, in any order, so yeah. So weird having actual free time again, btw.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:49:39 PM »
And yes, I'm just about tired with this game myself, just wasted literally most of the day reading it only to get lynched. Oh well, my fault for vanishing for most of D2. Hammer away in 5 minutes if there are no objections.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:48:27 PM »
return before deadline*

And yes, it wasn't based off of much. D1 case and all that. I still feel there was enough there that made voting him at that time not a wholly unreasonable concept, though.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:44:35 PM »
@Tai: the main thing is that you never replied to my explanation of that, I wasn't willing to nitpick Snow, I was willing to lynch him, and then we hit 4 hours to deadline, and I was the only one voting him, and I had to leave to be somewhere else, and there was a good chance that I wasn't going to return, thus moving my vote to one of the major trains of the day. How is this somehow bad?

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:41:58 PM »
It hinted at a level-up effect, but that's about it.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:34:31 PM »
Radius, famed knight of Termina, or at least I think I am/once was, I think. (this is flavour).

Incidentally, Tai, I still find your initial switch to me a tad artificial. Kilga at least justifies it with LAL, and everyone else has good reasons, but yours seem wrong, regurgitated or forced. Mind re-stating your case on me (having read my most recent posts would be nice, but not necessary, given the impending deadline).

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:27:08 PM »
Argh precisely zero motivation to finish reads since it appears my chance of getting lynched is approximately 100% at this point. From what I've read I have to say that Zenthor looks better than Roukanken, or perhaps at least more honest (not sure if that's the word for it - his arguments seem less contrived). Somewhat iffy on content, but I agree with his Roukanken case, and that Roukanken's rather bad, so yeah. Roukanken's 4 useful posts are a continuation of the m_c train from D1 for the reasons of continuing a D1 case (see any SirAlex post for why doing this blindly, i.e. for the same reasons as D1 with very little/no additional reasons is a bad thing), then shifts to Tai in a rather awkwardly-worded single paragraph where he isn't really clear as to his reasoning (nobody stated that the person you voted for had to be one of Xanth and/or Tai), and then after the (now infamous) Xanth modkill, he switches to Zenny, principally as, well, an OMGUS. Vote preferences at the moment go Roukan > SnowFire >> Everyone else.

##Vote: Roukanken

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:20:00 PM »
Also I have no explanation of what was discovered by m_c beyond the fact that that was a colosally stupid thing to say. I could state that she just felt especially scummy due to excessive amounts of posts and excessively little content, but yeah. Mostly just a what-was-I-thinking thing from D1.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 11:16:06 PM »
Ugh, still only partway through a Zenthor reread. Looking at voting Roukanken right now, but this is pending on Zenny's reread result.

Roleclaim is Amnesiac Cop, I can get results but apparently I cannot remember them, this can, at a later time, change. However in my current form I am basically useless. N0 I investigated Kilga, N1 I investigated m_c. That's about it roleclaim-wise.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:52:10 PM »
Hokay. Yoshi and SnowFire rereads now, and hopefully a vote. I'm just going to mentally filter out most of Tai and Xanth's posts right now because oh my god some of this is just ridiculous.

First, Yoshi:
Honestly, his posts seem pretty good to me. His D1 stuff is mostly stuff I agree with - that pressure votes are bad/dumb and shouldn't be removed even if content is produced if content is bad, summaries being a null read, his statements on Laggy, his statements on SnowFire, I all happen to agree with. D2 - opens the day with a Zenny vote, for purported Active Lurking - which seems a tad odd, really, I can't say that Zenthor really fits the "lurking" charge here, opinions are somewhat spotty but they're there and he seems to be playing very similarly to how he played in Cthulhu Mafia as Jack Daniels, so yeah. And... honestly, I agree with his D2 cases too! Including the one against SnowFire (again)!

I do admit I might be a bit biased since I agree with next-to-all of his opinions, but quite honestly, Yoshi reads as Town to me, and I'm not sure what the case on him is, really.

Up next, SnowFire!
I actually think I misread such a claim by you regarding opening up the setup being beneficial in this game - blame it on me being tired. Again, not being too against you for claiming that "something happened to you" at the beginning of D2 after Cthulhu Mafia. The rest of your posts read...oddly. Somewhat active lurky at times, and his D2 posting has been spotty and one of his very few recent major posts in the past 24-or-so hours of D2 was on Xantoro, I'd be comfortable with voting him but I'm unconvinced that he's the best target for today. I'll need to go over Zenthor and Roukanken before I fully form an opinion on Snow, and guess what that means? MORE READING! Ugh, remind me to never get this sidetracked in a mafia game ever again, the catching-up process alone is beyond horrible.

m_c ninja: see my reply to Snow above, it comes down to playstyle now, namely that both lurking and active lurking need more than D1 for them to be defined. So while I will (gasp!) agree with you that Rat could be plausibly construed as Active Lurking for his posts so far, D1 is not the time to vote people for Lurking, Active *or* Inactive. But yeah. And yes, apologies for missing that, noted, and please note that the first bit of that post was typed up before reading most of D2, so it is highly plausible that I missed such an explanation (as for missing it D1 - no idea. Maybe I was just more out of it than I thought, rofl).

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:24:40 PM »
Multi-post-drifting whee!

Okay, so with that explained from SnowFire I suppose the main issue that I have is that I strongly disagree with point C, because such votes are meaningless: either the person will start contributing, in which case the votes get removed, or they hit modkill timer, in which case the votes become pointless anyway. This is why pressure/prod votes are dumb, and why anti-early-LAL is, imho, the proper position to have. But seeing as this settles down to a conflict of playstyles and nothing actually relevant to alignment, I think it's best to drop this now. However, I will say that my read of SnowFire has gotten somewhat better as of now.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:20:42 PM »
And I fail at bbcode. Whee. Could one of the mods please fix that tag, thanks?

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 08:20:00 PM »
Grate. So we're up to two modkills now. First off, an explanation to Kilga since he's apparently wanted one for ages: I'm not sure why/how you think the vote for m_c was made out of nowhere and/or it was "as if my SnowFire vote was some sort of delaying tactic". At the time of my post then, SnowFire had one vote (mine, to be precise), and there were four hours remaining in the day. Realistically the only people that could have gotten lynched at that point were major trains (and see above as to me wondering about Tai for him trying to form a last-minute Yoshi train somehow), i.e. Glen/Rat/m_c/Myself, and I wasn't going to vote for myself, thought the Rat case was dumb, and had Glen throw me for a loop, thus I favoured voting for m_c out of all of them.

Anyway! Xantoro! I... honestly was going to type up a post about this, but given the modkill, it seems best to wait for Xanth's alignment to flip and then re-analyze Taishyr's alignment in that light. For what it was worth, it seemed like a TvT spat, while uncharacteristic for Xanth I think he's even less likely to try voting for himself as Scum given that he plays very strongly to win in Mafia as a general rule. Meta, yes, I know, but it's analysis of an extremely uncharacteristic and bizarre move for him. Have no issues with his content, though a lot of it, as well as a lot of Tai's, seems like nothing more than irrelevant pedantry.

So that brings me to Tai! First off, Tai, thanks for the misrep, but um, no I did not misread Snow's post, as answered above to Kilga my vote for him was not "weak", it was moved due to the goddamn deadline being imminent and a high chance of me not being around again before the actual deadline hits, I thought I stated in that exact post that Glen seemed to me more like an idiot than Overt Scum and that is why I didn't vote him despite me yelling at him for making several stupid mistakes (stupid mistakes! not scummy mistakes), and quite honestly the whole thing seems written surprisingly awfully.

However, beyond this what I get on Taitoro is a strong sense of annoyance, but nothing indicating Scumminess. On the other hand, there's a lot of stuff there that Scum generally wouldn't classically do, such as the deadline Yoshi train, and Xanth does get remarkably iffy near the end - there's a bit of misrep on both sides, though admittedly it started out with Tai, at the same time it's a remarkably bad case and the vehemence with which both of them push their cases through to the point of one of them raegquitting seems a bit...ugh. I will need to think about it a bit more, but I have to say that I'm slightly uncomfortable voting Tai, at least prior to Xanth's flip.

Going to have to reread Yoshi - I did find it a bit bizarre that D1 I was one of the people that he considered that was very good and claimed to feel quite strongly about this, and there's a lot of his posts that just tend to fade into the background, but he seems to at least be posting somewhat interesting/relevant content for the most part, so yeah. Similarly going to have to go over Zenny. And m_c, for like the 15th time, no, I did not misinterpret SnowFire D1. Christ.

More in (yet) another post, still getting caught up.

- tags fixed by mod

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 2)
« on: May 30, 2010, 07:51:10 PM »
Blargh, extremely spotty internet + RL business. Blah blah excuses, this should be the last of it, and if it isn't, then I'm giving Zenny full permission to lynch me IRL postgame :P Anyway.

Quote from: SnowFire
* Votes me off what's either a [huge misunderstanding / intentionally critical misreading] because I can agree with part of Rat's statement and still vote him?  If somebody posted "Rainbows are pretty" I don't need to say "NO THEY'RE NOT" to vote them.  Post has a fairly excitable tone as well (I'm "disregarding everything Rat says").
Um, no, you can't? If you agree with more-or-less everything he said (and again - where was the disagreement in that post?), then your vote was just as good as a vote made for no reason at all, only more perplexing.

I am absolutely baffled as to why m_c felt the need to roleclaim this early. Snow/etc I can understand, given the recent events in Cthulhu Mafia, but there was really no need for her to roleclaim. Since it wasn't answered the last time, has she played here before? I've been working off the assumption that she was a mafia regular at one time, and not working off that assumption is making me see some (but not all!) of her posts in a different light...problem is, I'm not sure which of the two assumptions is correct.
I guess the reasoning behind this assumption is the fact that she's an administrator, and it seems like most of the mods/admins on this site have at least played in a couple mafia games and yeah.

Anyway, I still don't understand Tai's sudden switch to Yoshiken. The main issue is, as with many of these sorts of things, the timing. Yes, the deadlines are soft, but they depend on activity, and thus reasonably one could expect about another 8-12 hours maximum under ideal conditions, realistically closer to An hour. Even had you managed to get a substantial push onto Yoshi, there's still the fact that he might not have showed up at that time to defend himself and/or roleclaim. Yet it all seems too brazen to be even a halfway-reasonable Scumplay, really. Not to mention the chances of getting such a push at deadline being extremely tiny...

Now the thing that I don't understand about SnowFire's posts today is that he at one point claims that m_c's claim was partly beneficial as it let Town know the setup better, but at the same time it also let Scum know the setup better. Sometimes having a setup broken open favours Town (see Cthulhu Mafia), sometimes it favours Scum (see Memes Mafia). That being said, at best it's null, and it still seems like a bizarre statement to make. I'm going to chalk it up to Snow being Snow, though.

Anyway, that's me getting caught up to the bottom of Page 12. Up next: the last two pages, and then actual opinions! (most of which are on Xantoro). Holy crap Taishyr do you ever use far too many words to say far too little sometimes.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 26, 2010, 11:42:38 PM »
Also, playstyle issue, but are ninja trains like mine and Yoshiken's a routine thing here on this site? Because it seems hardly fair to do a deadline pileup on someone who basically has next-to-no-room to defend themselves when there were also at least two major trains D1 that are being abandoned in favour of such a deadline pileup.

Also, initial read of Yoshiken comes out null. Nothing there that seems all that awful, really. Still processing his latest posts, though.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 26, 2010, 11:38:41 PM »
Back now, could we please get a votecount? Somewhat less iffy about a Glen lynch right now, but would still prefer m_c, Ciato, why do you diametrically oppose a lynch of m_c anyway? Because I'm not seeing how her actions fit more towards "stupid mistakes a newbie would make" and not just standard scummy mistakes, still.

Anyway, getting caught up. Will claim if I must.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 26, 2010, 09:01:56 PM »
Oh, come on now Glen, you can't seriously be stating that a single short paragraph in my opening game post that basically was to the effect of "yeah, I agree with Kilga, the Noynsense is pretty much closed for now" is somehow an attempt to restart discussion around him? Seriously? I will admit my opening sentence was sort of badly worded, but you can see from reading, y'know, the rest of that paragraph, that there's not much more to discuss here.

Dislike you playing the cherry-picking-gotcha-games instead of Scumhunting, btw.

@Kilga: I'm not seeing what thing I skipped over in Glen's post at all. Unless I'm misreading both your post and your clarification post >_> As for the latter, correct me if I'm wrong here but I was under the assumption that m_c was, at one point, a regular player here. Even ignoring that point, their mistakes are different: Glen's are just over-the-top in-general awful, m_c's are more trying to sneak by with minimal content and failing. I guess I suppose I could see m_c as a somewhat clueless newbie with a strange posting style, but even then, a bunch of things don't add up.

Bleh, won't be back until about 30 minutes before deadline, should hopefully decide on a final decision regarding m_c and Glen by then.

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 26, 2010, 06:32:59 PM »
Agh, have surprisingly less time right now than I had expected, will be back in a couple hours, only posting major points right now:

I fail to see how the "m_c reporting charge" is weak, I mean yes Peyton was posting walls of reporter-style posts but if you read them they contained actual valid points and opinions, which is what is lacking here.

I assumed that Scum were on the Rat jokevote train from a simple statistics argument, come on here, people, given a wagon that builds that rapidly and that easily, there is almost certainly at least one Scum on it simply because there are a nontrivial amount of Scum in the game to begin with, and it's exceedingly likely that one of them decided that hopping onto Rat was a good idea.

Glen's latest post is awful - so are my posts generating discussion, or noise? Which is it? No, I wasn't voting Snow for wishy-washiness, I was voting him for agreeing with Rat's post, then throwing its content out because of (and I quote) "meh", and then voting Rat for no appreciable reason. Lern2read. Your entire post is awful, all of your opinions read like something along the lines of "maybe X but also perhaps Y and perchance also Z really I'm not sure now come to think of it". Also - you spend most of your post slamming m_c, and then vote me over...two lines complaining that you disagreed with my reasons for voting Snow (which you also got wrong, see above). Le what, monsieur?

Somewhat tempted to actually vote him if it weren't for the fact that it all comes off far more as "completely clueless noob" than someone actually Scummy. Really, I'm not sure of what to make of this - Laggy and m_c are tied in how likely I'd like to vote for them, but Glen's latest post is messing up my read of Laggy horribly, and m_c still hasn't actually produced anything terribly useful. Not comfortable with my vote for Snow anymore - still disagree with him re: Carthrat, but other than that his more recent content is at least somewhat reasonable, not to mention at least useful (unlike, say, Glen's and m_c's), so ##Unvote, ##Vote: metroid_composite

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 25, 2010, 10:51:55 AM »
We already have a Hitler of lurkers, so now we're going to have a Burgdorf of lurkers, a Koller of lurkers, a Schenck of lurkers...

Anyway, on second thought, while m_c's lack of content is still horribly disturbing, and I can't say I'm at all pleased with Laggy, this post of SnowFire's worries me incredibly. In it, we have:
Quote from: SnowFire
So.  I don't really agree with Carthrat's last post.  The part about requiring some time to pass to qualify as a lurker is self-evidently true, of course, but meh, and the "reporter" accusation is the weakest one against MC.  And that's about it as far as content.  Could be an active lurk if I squint.
- "It's self-evident, but meh"? How does that somehow invalidate his point that LAL right now is bad?
- The m_c reporting charge is weak? How so? A good amount of her posts feature a bunch of statements about what occured in the game and when, with zero opinion and analysis of them. This type of posting is worthless at doing anything beyond giving the illusion that one is contributing to discussion, i.e. it is classic tell-tale Active Lurking.
- And then he misapplies the principle behind Active Lurking on Carthrat to vote him, accompanied by a statement to the effect of "LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEROY JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEENKINS #VOET RAT" for no appreciably good reason. Why sure that post is going to be useless if you disregard everything in it as being useless for no good reason, really, but...your reasons for disregarding it are, quite frankly, awful.

##Vote: SnowFire

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia (Day 1)
« on: May 25, 2010, 06:39:49 AM »
Wahaha, I have perfected my MASTER PLAN(TM) to lurk through D1 (actually not, but it's a long story). Anyway, taking a look at the past couple posts, a couple things stand out. First thing that does is Laggy's comment about Scum having guts to try to cram the Rat train through: the Rat train built excessively rapidly, and, unless Excal's even more of a bastard mod than Snow is, not everyone on that wagon is going to be Scum - not to mention that quickhammers have occured here in the past - so I fail to see why it would necessitate Scum to have "guts" to try to cram such a thing through: there almost certainly are Scum on the wagon, but the train in general took surprisingly little pushing to get to the extent that it got.

I'm not actually sure what to make of that: early day 1 rapid trains are a nice way to not get someone lynched D1 as they tend to provoke that exact sort of fear of a quicklynch - yet at the same time, I'm probably reading far too much into this.

Somewhat perplexed at Zenny, as I haven't been dicking around on IRC today. But whatever, lurking is bad - and I'm not acutally sure why he's being slammed over this, that similarly makes no sense: Kilga, why are you voting Zenthor over this?

Anyway! Noyn is probably the main person to discuss today: I pretty much agree with Kilga here, I'm not sure it gives a nice swing alignment-wise. Also, because the opening post stated that such events "usually" only lasted one day does not mean that they universally will - and I'm also extremely perplexed at Laggy's behaviour: first he votes me over lurking, while complaining about the Rat train, then he backpedals stating that "oh hey maybe voting Rat to L-2 might be a good idea after all for we get useful information this way!", why, how? It's Day freaking One.

The sheer amount of times that Rat's been voted, then unvoted, then revoted by others is somewhat perplexing. I am extremely weirded out by anyone voting Xanth over his Laggy case, as it's one that, um, makes a lot of sense to me? In fact I'd be voting for Laggy, but personally I feel that metroid_composite is even worse: a whole lot of reporting-style posts with a lot of words and next to no content.

##Vote: metroid_composite

Forum Games / Re: DL Mafia Signups
« on: May 13, 2010, 09:59:20 AM »
/in as all hell for this.

Hopefully featuring less lurkiness than the last time.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu mafia sign-ups
« on: April 04, 2010, 08:52:40 PM »
/in, Apr 15th is a nice time to begin as the 14th's the date of my last important/difficult exam. Nikolai Kolmogorov, immigrant mathematician turned musical satirist.

No, this character is not in any way influenced by Tom Lehrer. Really. I swear.

Forum Games / Re: Mafia Signups
« on: December 21, 2009, 08:13:56 PM »
1>2>4>3 here. 4 actually sounds like an interesting setup idea, but I'm not sure if I'd prefer playing in it over playing in a classical setup such as those defined in 1/2.

Also, hi Kilga.

Forum Games / Re: That soldier's a SPY!
« on: August 30, 2009, 01:26:38 AM »
In, sign me up as an engie.

Forum Games / Re: [Game Over] Worms Armageddon Mafia
« on: August 30, 2009, 01:25:40 AM »
Also rofl Rat and Alice both drawing scum. Too bad Andrew wasn't in this game, we wouldn't have had to do any work at all if he was.
"Today's lesson: Alice is scum, even if he isn't" ~ Kilga, GWU Mafia postgame.

Anyway that could have went a lot better. Massive screwups on my part D1 and D2 (I was really in no position to play this game until D3 came around, really, kind of iwhs the game started a couple days later so this would not have been an issue but oh well). Tonfa quitting D2 was kind of massively annoying as I was the swingvote between him and a Townie in an attempt to defend him (figures...the one time I DON'T megabus my entire scumteam I lose the game...clearly this means that I should always turbo-bus, clearly). Fakeclaiming on my part was a good idea, fakeclaiming bomb...not so much. My thought process was that nobody would want to lynch a bomb as they die along with it, so thus the wagon would pile off me and onto Yoshi/Smodge. It was only AFTER I hit post that I realised that the only use a claimed bomb at Impending Lynch has is for a double-lynch and thus this would have been a horrible idea. Sadly at this point Rat and EvilTom already made their posts and I was done for, etc.

Mildly annoyed this ruined my perfect record as scum but oh well. Good game everyone, some people here are quite skilled and I applaud you, you know who you are. I hope nobody objects to me playing in some more games on this site, wherein I do promise to, yes, post more :P (so don't worry Laggy).

Finally, setup was quite fun, but then again those who know me know that I am a fan of predominantly-vanilla setups and hate role madness-type games.

Finally, I have absolutely no idea why people cleared Yoshi on D4 all of a sudden. As far as I was concerned, his defence was absolutely terrible and as a Townie I would have certainly continued pressing for his lynch.

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