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Messages - Chiaki

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Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:51:20 PM »
Alright, read some stuff, still thinking the case on Tron is overreaction to Trons second post which just strikes me as typical post topic #743710948710347 to get the game out of jokevote phase, and then Tron overreacting to the overreaction in response.

Asuka and Li's back and forth doesn't really leave any impressions other then striking me as lazy/and or bad play on both their parts, though I was pretty tired and didn't pay as much attention to those since most the post still struck me as half joking at the time.

Helga basically answered the mod prod and went off to disappear again, without anything meaningful to say, which is annoying.

Dislike Rin's vote on me for refusing to sit on a jokevote, but she at leasttries to bring up other points, unlike Tanaka, whom Laya pretty much said my opinion on best.

Thinking I'm going to leave vote where it is and be a jerkface to the mod (It's not like I'm mentioning it because I'm SORRY or anything)  and try and get the sudden death extension so that we can get more worthwhile discussion.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:10:44 PM »
jfdlkajskflj; >.>

##Vote: Tanaka

Just getting that out there for the record

Going back to reread anyways.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 07:05:51 PM »
fdjaklsdjfalsk;dfjlj, totally thought I would have one more hour, going to make an effort to read what little cases their are before I get out a decent post.

I would like to get out that at the time of my previous post, pretty much all the targeted lurkers were up for mod prods I didn't feel a need to vote for someone who was potentially up for modkill within a day anyways, though it is entirely my fault for not elaborating on that.

Going to note that I was just about to put my vote on Tanaka since something about his jumping on me for being indecisive on this scarce day 1 and not voting for prodded lurkers just strikes me as off, especially since he
s basically using reasoning people have used earlier.

No to check the other cases more closely.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 03:44:33 AM »
Sorry for the lack of presence,  today was a ridiculously busy day at work.

So, including myself, this has been a horribly uneventful day 1, it's almost as if the players are too afraid to have me detect their scummy behavior hear me verbally abuse them for their horrendous lack of musical talent should they make their sounds audible.

Not getting any bad vibes from anyone at the moment, all of the barely over half a first page's bickering just strikes me as typical transition from joke to serious bickering.

Unfortunately the ending of day 1 coincides with a particularly bad time for me, since I have work all day and only get off an hour prior to it ending, though I'll try and be around for the last half hour or so should people start making their voices heard and stuff actually happens.

##Unvote: Asuka

Not comfortable with leaving a stray jokevote for no reason, not going to place it on anyone different though since my day 1 reading ability sucks and there is next to nothing to go off of so far.

Remember, the only way a conductor can be of use to the Ensemble is if they actually play enough to let him detect their flaws.  Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go cook dinner for that Baka Nodame so she doesn't starve to death.  What? No...It's not like I ENJOY cooking for that Hentai, jeez.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 12, 2010, 08:46:39 PM »

What kind of Ensemble is this, where the members begin before the conductor raises his baton?

I will not tolerate troublemakers in my orchestra!

##Vote: Asuka Langley

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia
« on: September 11, 2010, 11:29:57 PM »
Alright, let's see what this ensemble can do.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - The Final Confrontation
« on: May 12, 2010, 03:02:03 PM »
"Code....code, code--a code!" Andrews gasped, scrambling for the stack of papers he had kept in the shop's back room. "Those damned articles, there would be something. Let's see, maybe -- there! N...A...THAN ISSCUM -- that son of a bitch, he was making fun of us! It's got to be there somewhere, maybe not that one, but one of them....of course! A being from beyond time, someone -- something -- that doesn't belong here and now, and one of these pages....yes! That's it! His true name..."

"Tom Lehrer!"


"No, no, that can't be right. Something else, something...there...that's...." Greaves' second article dropped to the floor as Andrews' eyes unfocused, staring into space. "That, that....that's him it can't be that's him no we're going to die...." His voice pitched higher as he began to babble, with a terrible rhythm in his words.

"I name you, servant of Azathoth, the will of the Outer Gods, the Three-Lobed Burning Eye--the Black Man, the Crawling Chaos...Nyarlathotep!"

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:52:45 AM »
Also around, not much else to add. Will vote for whoever Jack/Nikolai want me to, as promised. That includes...well, anybody in the game except for them.

Greaves has played scummy and his revival of Bike is a null tell for reasons already mentioned, summing up to "if he'd used it on scum we'd have murdered him to death as soon as Nikolai rolecopped him." Occam's Razor has him and Hargreaves as by far the most likely scumteam.

Hargreaves has been awful today, is in a direct claim-war with somebody we know for a fact is not scum, and his being scum explains why they didn't go after Nikolai. Lynching either one of those two is my ideal outcome for the day. Hargreaves is slightly preferred because we know he can protect himself from a vig shot.

Today being worse LYLO than yesterday only works if Bard is not scum, never mind the other indications that scum did not control the fastkill. Granted, he is possibly also nontown, and if people decide to flip 180 and lynch him I won't protest horribly about it, though only because lynching the slowkill victim presumably means we still get a Day 7 at 3:2 (Unless there's a fastkill aimed at town tonight even without Bard, which would shock me) and then we'd be able to get down to the business of lynching scum. I would rather just lynch scum.

Jack is nonscum, as evidenced by the mod declaration that a scum miller would be illegal. Could theoretically be ITP I guess but Hargreaves scanned him as vanilla and they can't be working together because of the aforementioned "not scum" thing.

Nikolai has flipped. No more need be said.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:49:48 PM »
Daniels: not "I'm going after 3P Dale because if he's proscum we've already lost". I'm ignoring the case of 3P Dale and assuming Scum Dale, because if he's 3P proscum we've already lost.

Yeah, but that's kinda like assuming that I have six legs. Assuming doesn't make it possible.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:32:28 PM »
Jeez, I can't stop overthinking this, but let's put the last nail in the coffin of the Bard!Scum idea.

If Bard is scum, then scum did not slowkill last night. The only person who's claimed it is Bard himself, and while Nikolai hasn't posted yet, the way SnowFire wrote his role looks pretty clear to me - he was dead until the start of the day, so he wouldn't be a valid target for night actions. So in this theory either scum killed one of their own (hahahahahano) or they killed nobody.

SO. That means that at the end of Night 6, since there was no slowkill, NO TOWNIES WILL DIE UNLESS THE FASTKILLER KILLS THEM. You know, the killer that you now claim to be, complete with the choice to not kill at all if you don't want to. It's 4:2 now, and if we mislynch, it will be 3:2. With no nightkills, it stays 3:2 and the sun rises on Day 7. A successful vigkill makes it 3:1.

That doesn't sound very True LYLOy to me. In fact, it sounds just as LYLOy as yesterday was - the game ends if we mislynch and a townie gets fastkilled, otherwise play continues. But the mod has today as Really Most Sincerely LYLO, and yesterday as Town-Favored LYLO.

It doesn't work.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:20:25 PM »
None whatsoever. If the night ends with Jack, Nikolai and one of me or Nathan alive, then we win. Either I'm dead and they lynch the necromancer, or I'm alive and there are no scum standing. Either way works for me.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:15:46 PM »
Nope, we've already had a bunch of millers when there are no actual cops around, docs on both scum and town sides, and we've been explicitly told that most of the roles are traps

Not the same. Miller in a game with no cops (or none that you can survive being investigated by) is a trap, because claiming it makes you look scummy. Doctor in a game where the scumkill can't be stopped by doctors is a trap, because it leaves you open to scum watchers or the like, and can even end up hurting the people you try to "save" if you have a variant sanity. My role isn't so much a trap as a bottomless pit with hidden pillows at the bottom, but it still counts. Doctor in a game where you're in charge of the standard nightkill is just pointless. It's not a trap because there's no downside for the doc - not even paranoia, after a night or two when it becomes clear that there's only the one fastkill floating around, and, in your situation, the scum own it. No trap.

Also, here's one for you, Hargreaves. If he's 3P, then Greaves and I are scum, right?

Well, I'll vote for whoever the confirmed townies (that is, Jack Daniels and Nikolai Ihaveareallylonglastnameonov) do. Unless it's me...hell, even if it is me. If they both vote for me I'm screwed anyway, right? Might as well race scum for the final hammer. 

There, now there's a majority vote with or without Bard, assuming they can agree. Satisfied? Somehow I doubt it.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:03:00 PM »
Andrews: Eh, the game still could have ended had Bard killed a townie OTHER than Nikolai and we had mislynched someone else, unless I'm missing something.   Would have brought us to 2:2/1:1:2 and it would be over.  So, yes, it WAS potential LYLO, just one that was very very unlikely.

Yeah, but he's saying he could have ended the game but chose not to in practice, not just in theory. Once we actually got to the night phase, that wasn't possible anymore, so he gets no townie cred for not choosing to end the game when he couldn't actually choose to end the game. Not a huge point, but eh.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:52:42 PM »
Oh, and also, total litnerd point, but time travel by projecting one's consciousness into another body in the past or future is the defining feature of The Great Race in the Cthulhu Mythos, so The Dark Secret of RonBardFen's Time-Traveling Adventures In Bastard Moddery fits pretty well with the theme.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:51:18 PM »
Samuel: Okay, now you're resting this theory on the idea that scum used the fastkill and the slowkill against Bike The First on Night 1, and ascribing the entire Docfather role as a massive headfake by SnowFire against town (because the scum would know that the fastkill is on their side). Sorry, but I find that hard to believe. Plus as Peyton said in his roleclaim, "But the Mod was very clear that I was the target last night." I'm willing to trust that even without the circumstantial evidence.

Bard: After Nikolai's flip (speaking of, where the hell is the Russkie?), that math doesn't work anymore. Killing a townie last night would just make it 3:2 LYLO today, or 2:2:1 LYLO if you're an ITP. Either way the outcome of the game is not certain, because, as you said yourself, an ITP doesn't know who the scum are, and could still vote with town to lynch one. For that matter, in theory the scum don't know whether or not someone's an ITP, and could vote with town to lynch him. After we lynched Nikolai, there was no way (that I know of!) for the game to end without another day.

Still, at this point I'm willing to trust you over Hargreaves and Plain Greaves without a second thought.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 05:21:12 PM »
Regarding my role, I'd appreciate it if Nikolai would confirm my claim, seeing as he hasn't posted since calling me out on day 5.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:52:21 PM »
You're right, I completely forget that Peyton wasn't getting votes Day 1.

Which makes Hargreaves look even worse, yeah. There's no way the killer was operating under those rules.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 04:07:42 PM »
Well. Okay then. Either Bard's lying or Hargreaves is. The two claims aren't even remotely compatible, plus the whole scum result on Hargreaves thing. Very tempted to call for Hargreaves' lynch. I admit I'm wondering if maybe he could be telling the truth about the limitations on the role, which would make it almost believable, in this Role Madness game, for the kill to have been in scum hands all along. Only being able to target that #2 votegetter would keep them from slaughtering town with impunity, because they'd have to keep their own scummy selves out of that spot first. But two things don't sit right with that idea: first, why not kill on night 3? Obviously it wouldn't have done the scum any good, because Nikolai would come right back to life - but the only way they would know that is with a rolecop, and that leads me right back to Scum Hargreaves. The other question is how Bard would have used the power on Samuel "I got no votes at all yesterday" Hargreaves in the first place.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 02:46:58 PM »
SK role-switching what is this I don't even madness is threatening to scramble what's left of my brain. But the process of elimination is pretty simple. Jack's town. Nikolai's town. I'm town. If Bard is scum SnowFire is getting punched. That leaves Hargreaves and Regular Greaves as the only possible options, which I must admit plays into my doctors-are-evil delusion nicely.

But then we have this latest development, and it potentially makes my head explode in a completely different way. Eagerly awaiting a full explanation from RonBardFen on what in the Sam Hill happened last night, and confirmation on whether his power really does work like that.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 04:08:45 PM »
One minor, very WIFOMy point against Andrews comes from O'Malley's:
Andrews quickly refutes this, of course; he hadn't actually made such a slip. The reason this is interesting is it makes more sense for O'Malley to be confused if he had reason to believe Andrews had slipped, because Andrews was scum, than if Andrews was town.

Uh. Excal lied about me, which makes us more likely to be scumbuddies? Huh? Maybe I'm missing something, but the only way that looks bad for me is if scum are more likely to post specious arguments against each other than against town. That's kinda back-asswards.

More seriously we have the end of day 3. Here he strongly implies Hayles will be top of his scumlist; then here, no mention of Hayles at all, he's on Handley, with the added irony that it's for dropping his case on his #1 suspect.

What I said before on Kyle before stands, but his contributions in Day 3 have been mostly solid; the only one I can find a hole to poke in is his most recent post, which is one very abbreviated case on Ethan's play over the entire game, followed by a list of "hey you, say something" lines. Reading townier than he was before, but there's only so much a day of good play can do to erase two days of bad.

Nathan: Gotta agree with the crowd here; the only substantive analysis he's done is on roles. Getting bogged down in flavor and roles is a problem the whole game has had, to one degree or another, but he's been the worst. I can't knock him for posting frequency or shallowness of content, just the focus of that content but it's something.

..and now I'm getting yelled at to get my ass out the door. More later tonight or early tomorrow morning (gotta be on the road by eightish), probably on Hayles from the way things are going.

I said I'd probably put together a post about Hayles, because he was gathering votes. Never said he was my top suspect. Kyle still looked worst to me; I said Day 2 that I'd vote for him over Pietro and Hellsnake both if it stood a chance of making any difference, and noted in that post that everything I said about him on Day 2 stood. Like I said in the subsequent wall-o-text about Kyle, when I read more, I still found him to look scummier than anyone else, and devoted what little time and sanity I had to putting together a case against him. Yes, I ended up as the only one voting him, but when I made that post, there were two votes on Ethan to my one on Kyle. That's not exactly an overwhelming majority.

End of day 4 also looks bad; Andrews umms and aahs about O'Malley right up to here, before finally voting him very late on.

Given the choice between somebody I'd suspected since Day 1 and somebody who had only gathered serious suspicion that day, it was a tough choice to give up on my long-standing desire to see Sopko swing and instead lynch somebody else. How does this not make sense? My "umms and aahs" about O'Malley were one post where I laid out what I saw as the evidence for his scumminess, another post where I said I'd probably vote for him but I wanted to be sure and make the decision while awake (again, didn't want to give up on Sopko just like that; can you blame me?), and a third post where, hey, I voted for him like I said I probably would. Also, if I'm scum, that was an opportunity to tie up Kyle and Excal and potentially send the game into 5:3 LYLO the next day, just by voting for somebody I'd been pushing to lynch since Day 2, and had been suspicious of since my first post.

On nightkills:

The reason not to fastkill anyone tonight if we mislynch is simple: from all evidence, today we have five townies alive and two scum. The only way to go from 5:2 to a loss is if three townies die and no scum do. That's one from the mislynch, one from the slowkill and one from the fastkill. If there's no fastkill tonight, we are mathematically certain to live to lynch another day.

...but now, working it out again, I see where my mistake was in that list of contingencies. If we mislynch today and tomorrow, we lose anyway, and the fastkill can't save us. With 3:2 alive, if we mislynch it becomes 2:2, and even if the nightkill hits scum, the slowkill (presumably) kicks in and makes it 1:1 the next day.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:19:34 PM »
Just to be clear, the only reason I don't have the same objection for a nightkill targeted at Samuel in that situation is because if Nikolai is town then I know Samuel is scum, by simple process of elimination. Looking it at it from the perspective of not knowing whether or not I'm town, I don't see the percentage in risking the game tonight.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:17:06 PM »
....wait, I read that wrong. Again.

You want to nightkill me if Nikolai flips town? Okay, now I'm not so much in favor of the plan. If we mislynch today it's 4:2 going into Night 5. The scumkill on you kicks in, it's 3:2. If I die on top of that, it's 2:2 and we lose. Instead of getting to Day 6 with 3:2, when we can lynch and have the nightkill in reserve in case we're wrong? What's the advantage there?

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 03:00:34 PM »
Yeah, the way I worked it out assumes no Bardkill tonight if we mislynch.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 02:47:53 PM »
Okay, awake. Conked out shortly after geting my homemaker shit done last night, because it was nearly 3AM when I finished everything and FUCK that was a tiring day.

Andrews:  And, how/why did you become aware of this on Night 4, if your power hasn't come into play at all?

That was when Excal flipped doctor too and I was inspired to reread the PM and noticed the exact wording, leading to a conversation with SnowFire where he confirmed that yes, that's how it worked. Before that I just took the power at face value as "immune to being doctored" and left it at that. I knew I was immune to Hayles as soon as he flipped, because SnowFire went out of his way to tell me that psychologists are doctors for purposes of my power, and I briefly thought that meant slowkill immunity and that maybe all doctors really were scum. That lasted until the opening of day 4, when Chad flipped town doctor for strike one on that theory, and then Peyton claimed his slowkill and dashed it completely to hell - if scum could slowkill without the psychiatrist, why would I be immune to it? So I didn't bother examining the possibility any further for the rest of the day. Once Excal flipped Docfather, reinvigorating the idea that the scum had a doctor theme, even if not all doctors are scum, I thought it over again.

Bike: I agree that the evidence is uniformly in favor of the vig being town - add to your list that SnowFire has declared this a LYLO that favors town, when from all indications in the event of a mislynch Bard can end the game at will. In theory he and Samuel could be scum and lying about some restriction on him, but if he couldn't kill tonight then it wouldn't be LYLO, so that doesn't work.

In turn, that means your strategy works out comfortably provided we lynch scum today. To wit: Scum!Nikolai dies and it's 4:1, Town!me dies at night (I'd rather not, but you seem fixed on the idea), it's 3:1, then you lynch Hargreaves the next morning and, if he flips town, pray that Nathan (who would therefore be the final scum) can't protect himself from Schizo!Bard's final kill, because otherwise we lose when Bard/Jack dies and leaves the other in 1:1 with Nathan. If Nikolai's town....well, if Nikolai is town I'm going to put him in the Pietro Giovanni Hall of Shame, but it also means that Nathan and Samuel are the scum with 100% certainty. Lynching one would put town right back at 3:1, and we can just lynch him when it's 2:1 the next day, or Bard can go crazy at him. Mislynch me instead (sigh) and Bard's last kill will hopefully keep the game going, allowing you to lynch the surviving member of the pair the next day. I think that covers all possibilities? Basically, at this point we win unless (a) Nathan is bulletproof/self-protecting doctor scum and we need a NK on him to win, or (b) one of the confirmed townies isn't (in which case, lynch the mod).

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 5
« on: May 09, 2010, 06:57:18 AM »
Also, just to be clear: My power has not come into play at all. I would get a PM if any doctor targeted me with a night action, and no such PMs have appeared.

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