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Messages - Tanaka

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Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Game Over
« on: September 23, 2010, 02:00:21 PM »
Good game all.  Setup was a bit crazy, hard for both sides I think.  At 9-2, the numerical odds are highly against scum, they really cannot make a single mistake and must be actively in control of the game at all times, I feel.  Cop and jailer tilt the odds even more in favor of town - we got REALLY lucky randomly bagging the cop N1 and avoiding the jailer altogether.  And lucky in the first place that the scum team was me (Alex) + Rat.  And lucky that there was so much forum downtime exaggerating the inactivity strategy we went with, and that townies lurked for us.  I do feel we played somewhat well but the win kind of fell into our lap from luck here.  

The setup also worked against town in some ways, with only two scum you aren't likely to get a scum flip until you've nailed the team, which can cause a lot of frustration.  Just generally not a ratio I favor.  Cid's setup worked better because he ran semi-open, the extra knowledge makes a big difference.  I still don't like 9-2 though.  >_>

We also both played pretty lazily, Soppy was right about Mai and Tron about me (read her posts on the last day or two, I think she knew I was scum deep down but couldn't/wouldn't act on it).  But like the old adage says, sometimes you don't have to outrun the lion, just be faster than the guy behind you.  Especially apparent with Leia, where we just sowed a bit of discredit on her and town/Leia herself let it snowball.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 4
« on: September 22, 2010, 05:20:34 PM »
Okay, so... that sucks, where we at here.  I'll say flat out that yes, this game has frustrated me, I apologize, and on top of that I'm unfortunately pretty busy prepping for a new job this weekend.  But I'll try to stay positive nonetheless.

Helga is definitely my first choice for scum here, everything she's saying is self-serving and carries preemptive "I know I'm scum but don't lynch me!" defensive tones.  In addition to what everyone else has pointed out, her cases and railing against LAL contain a very obvious key fallacy: scum!Mai advocating LAL all game would have no guarantee townies would lurk like Rin and Leia did!  It's a retroactive case that assigns a motive to Mai (preying on poor lurky townies) that would be impossible for scum!Mai to actually have had at the time.  

Not... to say Mai isn't scum though.  Figuring out the partnership is the hard part here.  While I do support Mai's LAL policies I've grown more and more wary of her for not really doing anything but that, and in fact actively being dismissive of other cases and dare I say smug.  This does worry me.  I could definitely see some sort of strategy where they're both scum, Helga lurks, Mai LALs everyone but Helga and now in LYLO they just take opposing sides for a crossfire deal.  

Then there's Li, who's confused me all game.  At first I thought his jumping everywhere was scummy, then I thought it might just be how he rolls, now I'm second guessing that too.  Since the game's relatively low quotas of heat have gone towards lurkers, people lynching lurkers, and people who talk a lot, the middle ground has been the best place to hide - that's where he's sat and he's gotten a mostly free pass on his tendency to change opinions at the drop of a hat.  He's a wildcard and I could see scum!Li partnered with anyone left.  It's hard to say anything concrete on him because he himself hasn't been very concrete - if the game hadn't been infested by lurkers I'd have been trying to ride him hard, but as it is, my efforts towards him got zero attention and then lurkers took priority.  

Tron is the towniest person left, consistently posting and scumhunting.  The things I really had pinging on her were connections to Rin when I assumed Rin was scum.  Since Rin's flipped town, it would make negative sense for scum!Tron to have made those associations.  I don't see any way I'd vote her in front of anyone else now.  So.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 20, 2010, 10:12:50 PM »
what precisely is the standard amount of talking two players can do about each other during this vaguely specified point in the game before it looks odd?

When one of the players makes all of two contentful posts all game, and doesn't vote or take any stance with their post on day 2?  Any amount. 

I'm being waffly because I honestly don't know because this game is so dang silent and there doesn't seem to be anything else I *can* do except wait for Rin to flip scum or spin more random theories.  Very frustrating, feels like I should just shut up and wait for the day to end again and then maybe people will start playing with a scum flip (or god forbid LYLO) but that's just... argh. 

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 20, 2010, 09:24:36 PM »
Less busy, more tired, and honestly forgot what else I was going to post this afternoon, except a paranoia Li analysis on Marge's accusation but apparently that was flavor after all.

... and there's been no other posts since then?  This is not the way to succeed in the world of business.

Oh yeah, third party speculation.  Is... silly because if there is one I don't think they're findable with the level of activity this game's had. 

Rin is the only thing I'm pretty sure about now, I really don't like Mai's attitude here, +2-3 points on the Scum-o-Meter.  A little too cavalier perhaps?  Then again I can't blame her for being cavalier about Rin since other speculation at this point is "spin the bottle for Rin's buddy" which is getting ahead of ourselves, or "oh god what if it's not Rin" in which case... again I'm not sure what to say because Rin trumps any other sort of pairing I can think of.  Someone will probably say it's unhealthy that I'm thinking in terms of pairings already but you know, I don't really think it is, I think we need to be thinking that way at this point. 

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 20, 2010, 02:18:19 PM »
Tron/Margaret/etc: I was referring back to Tron's last post on day 2, which contained a lot of what I would call wheel spinning regarding "well we don't know if Rin is town" without really saying much.  I read back further, and in those posts I linked, both Rin and Tron talk about each other more than I think would be usual at that point in the game, without actually saying anything of substance about each other.  I think this is possibly scummy interaction.  As noted, speculation on interactions like that is premature and really doesn't mean much without a flip, in regards to Tron, BUT the point I was trying to make is that at the very least it doesn't help Rin in my eyes at all because it's one of the few significant interactions there have been with her *at all*, either way, and it's at the very least weird and not scumhunty.

Busy now, more later, Margaret just to be clear here is that Chinese part flavor or are you actually specifically accusing Li of roleblocking you?  If so can you elaborate on why?  (or is Li even Chinese?) 

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 3
« on: September 19, 2010, 09:55:02 PM »
Helga: There were, in fact, less than four hours remaining in the day, and I was going to sleep then.  I guess plurality lynch was still in effect but I seriously dislike that and prefer hammering, since I did in fact find Leia scummy.  My frustration stemmed more from Li unvoting Rin than voting on Mai - for all that I still think that the case on Mai is silly bordering on dangerous. 

Seriously, you're bringing up Maya's attempting to pull a metagame argument on Rat?  And a faulty one at that, since, well, Rat IS known as the Hitler of Lurkers for a reason?  And LAL IS a good strategy?  That was facepalm worthy when Maya did it, and I regret not jumping on her more at the time now but argh so much badness to flip out at.  Frankly Mai IS the towniest town to me at this point.  TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: 1/10

- Helga.  Lurked early, has gotten better since then, but hasn't done anything that stands out much.  I grow increasingly suspicious of the pushes on Mai though.  TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: 5/10

- Tron.  Has basically done nothing all game but defend herself from one of the Standard Day 1 Trains that Maya kept riding day 2.  (Voting Leia yesterday is a null for everyone in my books because argh ragequitting townies).  Is perhaps justified in this but I really don't like the wheelspinning in her latest post.  TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: 5/10 but waiting to see what she's got today.

- Margaret.  Was okay early but where'd she go?  TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: Impending Modkill/10??

- Li.  Ku-ray-ze train jumping all game which I can't make heads or tails of.  I thought it was scummy at first but... I just don't know now.  Is anti-Rin at last call which is something I can get behind but is also anti-Mai which is ???   TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: 4/10

- Rin.  One post.  No votes.  Post does nothing except prod a few cases (notably Tron.)  TV Tanaka's Scum-O-Meter: 8/10

Possibility: Rin/Tron?  Let's look back at day 1.  Uh.  And day 2.  Uh.  I think these interactions look bad, yes.

##Vote: Rin

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2010, 01:09:14 AM »
##Unvote: Rin
##Vote: Leia

Hammering scummy person who can't be arsed to make non gut cases, day over, going to sleep now.  Maya, since I know you're obsessive enough to actually do this: stop spinning in circles and metagaming and analyze Li's behavior and train shifts for tomorrow?

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:45:43 AM »
oh for crying out loud.  posted that despite the ninja for posterity.  Fine then.  Intent to hammer Leia in 15 minutes and drag us out of this morass of a day unless someone gives a good reason not to.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 19, 2010, 12:44:08 AM »
Oh hey forums are back up, drowsypost time so I don't get yelled at.

Soooo no one's biting on Li eh.  Unfortunately I'm not sure what to say outside of that, except vague intent towards hammering Leia when I get up again, for obvious reasons, if the forums are up then, which seems unlikely.  

This game is dead in general, there's no activity and what activity there is is mainly people spinning off in wild directions and lots of OMGUS.  I suppose I'm as much to blame as anyone due to timing shenanigans, but I keep undergoing a lot of self doubt and paralysis.  No one else apparently thinks Li is completely nuts!  Leia is incredibly scummy!  But maybe also a stupid townie bombing themselves!  But if so she's even worse!  And also calling me scum for no reason!  (or, rather, for "being slimy" which is apparently different from "being too charismatic" which is also scummy what)  What do I do!  Helga is scummy too!  Maya is a thinking townie person but thinks Mai is scum and Mai's my second pick for most townie based on rationality + number of irrational accusations leveled against her!  Maya also still hates Tron and that gets into crazy hypocrisy loops!  argh  (the one thing I am pretty sure on is that loops like that never really go anywhere, I am not inclined to pursue Tron at this time, no)

Okay no.  Rin and Helga are still totally superlurky, Rin's megapost notwithstanding as it is still her ONLY real post and winds up with NO VOTE and no decisions.  
.... actually I just convinced myself there.

##Unvote: Li
##Vote: Rin

I am aware of the irony of Li being the other Rin voter but more seriously, this is mainly symbolic since I am mostly in favor of hammering Leia, who at this point is I think indistinguishable in terms of being bored lazy scum (come to think it is kind of odd people are pulling off her and not hammer-prone) or lazy cranky townie.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 17, 2010, 10:18:53 AM »
Oh!  Leia!  You know, if you were to kiss your brother again and film it, we could make a lot of credits together... doki doki!

No seriously though, the sliminess is intentional roleplaying, I'll tone it down I guess.  Sad face though. 

As for not coming up with cases uhhh I originated the Chiaki case day 1 and continued a serious case on Li today, I don't see what's bad about this and I'm not sure I like attacking people for "not saying anything new" when... there are good cases out there and not much to say that hasn't been said, at the time?

Though, gut call out of nowhere like that makes me gut Leia towards more townie.  Mm. 

Like Tohsaka, I really don't have anything to say about her other than based on her comments I guess her connection died for good? 

On the other hand Mairat's gutting a little worse on me now.  I really don't think I agree with once a lurker always a lurker, RL stuff does happen.  Game does just seem oddly dead though.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 2
« on: September 16, 2010, 09:13:17 AM »
Anata no
televy ni
Jika-net Tanaka!!!!!!
Kawu no wa
Imasi-ka nait!

Good morning, faithful viewers!!  We have some amazing, unsurpassable deals for you today!

Starting with 1x Explanation to Tron Bonne! 
The case on Tron was clearly a totally standard day 1 wording/behavior/looked at someone funny case!  I did not like it for bringing an actual lynch!  But, in early and mid day one, there is nothing else to make cases on, so I liked the activity and attempts presented to formulate such a case.  It is good for discussion and looking at how people behave, which is the true heart of sales.

Wow!  Order another explanation now and I'll include 1x Huge Fish!

Today, I am very much in agreement that Leia and Helga look scummy!  Not that that really says much, I would be honestly surprised if anyone did not find them at least marginally scummy for their relative lack of contributions.  I do however agree that Mai was not lurking day 1, she said a decent amount, Helga's post is rather nonsensical. 

But there's more!

What is up with Li?  Rode Asuka hard yesterday, then when she was put away wet, goes to Margaret claiming to see a far fetched strategy, then when confronted about that, withdraws and goes along with Helga on Mai.  That is hopping on three bad trains, and if there's anything I, Tanaka, hate more than a bad business strategy, it's a sycophant of a bad business strategy!

##Vote: Li Syaoran

Place your orders now, faithful viewers, in the form of voting Li, Helga or Leia, and receive Tanaka's seal of approval!

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 08:19:08 PM »
Well carp!  I have arrived a little late!  TARDINESS IS UNACCEPTABLE IN THE CORPORATE WORLD...
Unless you are the President, of course.

I still find Chiaki the currently scummiest target, for unvoting, and then coming back and OMGUSing me for attacking him for unvoting.  It's like he's aggressively not taking any stance on anyone, everyone is "typical" and "doesn't really leave any impressions" except oh yeah Rin and I are bad for voting him.  Uhh yeah okay.  Leia's accusation of me is kinda hypocritical too (unless you can show me some way of catching scum day 1 that isn't tenuous at best?  If so, please do, we can sell that on the show!) but in the interests of not bogging down...

I don't really like the case on Tron but I do like the fact that there is a case on Tron, although Maya's pretty wall of texty about it.  The Li/Asuka slapfight reads town/town to me but I'm somewhat less of a fan of Margaret just jumping on.  More gut than anything though and well Chiaki/Leia kinda look worse to me.

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 03:32:28 PM »
Aha!  You... spotted the trick!

##Unvote: Mai
##Vote: Chiaki

Yes!  That's it!  It was a clever ruse to test my apprentices!  Definitely not an error due to me scanning for goings-on and completely missing Mai-tan's vote because it came at the end of a paragraph and not on a new line.  I, President Tanaka, would never make such a silly mistake... unless I was paid to do so, of course.

(oh my god please make votes easy to spot if you put them in the middle of an otherwise skimmable blah blah I think X like other people have already posted paragraph, oh my god augh Rin you're doing it again right before me here even though I'm agreeing with you)

Chiaki DID empty unvote though and I don't like that!  Take some sort of stance, or you'll never make it in the world of finance!

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia - Day 1
« on: September 14, 2010, 08:00:22 AM »
Anata no
Televy ni
Jika-net Tanaka
Minna no
Yoku no tomo

OHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!  Finally I am able to resolve technical difficulties and come over the airwaves to you!!!  I have fired many technicians because I am a busy man and need my beauty sleep, and the hours I am around seem to be hours this website constantly goes down and is impossible to load!!!!

That's what you get for working with Americans!  They only care about your money!

I care about your money more.

But right now, I am here, you are here, I am Tanaka, you are a stable of lovely ladies trying to become my assistant.  Unless you aren't loyal, in which case you'll be fired.  But if you're cunning, I might keep you around, as a secretary or something... if I feel like it.

Business requires action!  I will sell my vote for ¥40,000 if someone wants it!!  One time offer!!!  zero time offer!  i will not sell my vote!  it is merely flavor, silly people!!!

Ah, but some people do not even value their votes enough to be sold?  A vote early is good, inspires early action, an empty unvote, haha, empty unvote more, ladies, so I can fire you.

##Vote: Chiaki
##Unvote: Chiaki
##Vote: Mai
  (The vote lands on you because your posture is bad.  Stop looking so wax and spread your legs a little more.  It's no good if the pose obviously doesn't show anything!  Use shadow to tease!)

Two empty unvotes!!  I like this much less than, for example, Tron Bonne-chan's leaving her vote out.  Maybe I'll have to have a two for one sale!!!

Forum Games / Re: Tsundere Mafia
« on: September 11, 2010, 09:26:13 AM »

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 09:03:46 AM »
Yeah, plenty of time.

If we win at this point, which I think we will given a Greaves/Hargreaves scumpair, well, go us.

If we've lost, good job scum.  You lost to a bunch of people who played scummy as hell, couldn't deduct worth shit (mostly myself here) and someone who lurked ad absurdum.   You earned the win and I'm more annoyed at Alice than I am at Snowfire because the role madness was pretty fun, buy it or not. 

I feel like I've given Alice ample time to weigh in.  He hasn't yet, so fuck him.

##VOTE: Samuel Hargreaves

And god help us all.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 05:14:13 AM »
Well, there may well BE a fastkill aimed at town tonight without Bard, if Hargreaves is telling the truth about the roleswap.  So that's a pretty distinct possibility, if we lynch Bard.  Nobody has given me a really good reason to lynch Bard instead of Har/greaves, though, so........

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 03:26:07 AM »
3 hours later... right.  Totally shocked here guys.  So if Nikolai doesn't come back by the time I go to sleep tonight, I'm done with today and will put my vote down.  That's ample time for him to have weighed in.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:40:51 AM »
And exactly why can't Greaves be scum?  He's played the scummiest out of anybody here and the only thing we have saving him is the claim that he was a reviver.  Yeah, he probably revived Bike.  But that's also a pretty damn perfect cover for scum--if Greaves IS scum, we've basically thrown him aside as a suspect based on that revival alone, and it's gotten him to the endgame.  Going off the roleclaim here is too WIFOMy to me, and I especially don't like how Greaves (and Hargreaves) declared discussion over and ended yesterday on their own. 

H'okay, I've got a web conference to pay attention to at 6 for my Interac interview, and that will last til 8.  I'll be looking in on the topic every now and then until 6 but after that real life's got me.  I'll weigh in on whatever Kolmgorov brings up after that.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 11, 2010, 12:30:36 AM »
That also baffles me.  The nature of the slowkills has been so obvious that everyone who was hit with it has been able to call it.  If Hargreaves was going to claim a slowkill, he'd have done it, not done the whole role swapping malarky.

Hargreaves noted a while ago when he claimed that if he doc'd someone, some "curse" or whatever would happen.  Dale attacked Hargreaves last night, and Hargreaves doc'd himself.  So, I'm pretty that's why all that happened. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:50:46 PM »
Eh, I was miffed at Nik's play, but frankly Nikolai playin' so scummy-like may have just won the game fer us. Not that it excuses it at all.  But had Nik played that way all game then come around today and joined in the discussion by this point I would be more inclined to write it off as a strategy.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:21:43 PM »
Sounds like a plan to me.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 10:15:21 PM »
Andrews:  Oh, wait, you're saying Bard couldn't have ended it after the flip.  Well, then you'd be right.

Andrews read done.  Eh, nothing as scummy as Greaves has played, and if we're not lynching Hargreaves or Dale I'd be way more comfortable lynching Greaves than Andrews at this point.

Sam ninja, but . . . yeah, whatever.  "I'm going after 3P Dale because if he's proscum we've already lost" neverminding that in this scenario scum would have no reason to join in on a Dale lynch either.  Psyduck.  

I really want Nikolai to weigh in because there's one thing he could say that would screw up my take on things but if this goes on too much longer it just gives scum more time to confuse the issue.

Andrews ninja.  Addressed already. 

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:59:58 PM »
Andrews: Eh, the game still could have ended had Bard killed a townie OTHER than Nikolai and we had mislynched someone else, unless I'm missing something.   Would have brought us to 2:2/1:1:2 and it would be over.  So, yes, it WAS potential LYLO, just one that was very very unlikely.

Forum Games / Re: Cthulu Mafia - Day 6
« on: May 10, 2010, 09:48:13 PM »
Exam done, time to pay attention to this.

You know nobody on the town side has any reason to but more weight into one possible lie over another.  "Hargreaves is scum!"? "He's lying I'm town he was never a cop!"?  Both of those, and all the claims being made on both sides about Dale's roleflavor mean the same amount of nothing to me.

What we do have is some pretty simple logic.  SEAMUS O'EXCAL ALREADY FLIPPED DOCFATHER, A ROLE THAT EXPLICITLY STATES THAT HE PROTECTS AGAINST NORMAL NIGHTKILLS.  Ergo, if not town, the normal killer MUST BE NOT SCUM, or else I am PUNCHING SNOWFIRE IN THE DICK VERY HARD.  And you're throwing this out completely, and "assuming - hoping, even that Dale is scum."

That argument's stupid as hell.  So, even assume 3P!Dale aligning himself with scum... you're going to lynch him in LYLO. Instead of lynching scum.  After he's claimed a slowkill.  A person trying to win the game for town and using their dang head would go after SCUM, even on the chance that Dale gets another night kill, since we'd still be in the game. (Nobody else has claimed the slow kill, so Dale's definitely out tomorrow--hell, only one thing would make me think otherwise at this point, and if that happened, refer back to my point about punching Snow's penis.  Even allowing for 1 more fastkill against town, that leaves 1 scum and 2 townies left if we hit scum today.)

Note that this is also the second time you've blatantly ignored what's clearly laid out in the flips in order to build a shoddy case against an otherwise-confirmed not-scum player (revisit how Chad only comes back as "Doctor" to rolecops, so there's no way Scum!Daniels could have known about the miller-removal stuff).

Yeah, I'm pretty sure we're done here.  I want Nik to weigh in before I drop a vote because unlike some people I'm not going to declare "discussion done!" and then drop the hammer.  In the meantime I'll do a token re-read of Andrews but I'm don't think it will matter at this point.

Ninja'd by Dale or whatever he wants to be called, but I've got nothing to add to it.

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